My Father

Read Reed Summers words as he speaks about his father, Sep 22, 2011.

For 29 years, my father has undergone a process of revelation. This started with a mysterious voice and a mandate to “record,” an encounter that changed his life permanently and forever.

That was in 1982. In the years since, my father Marshall Vian Summers has received 9160 pages of revelation through 800 visitations from this same voice, a voice that calls itself the “Angelic Presence that oversees the world.

I am now 27 years old. I have witnessed nearly the entire span of this Revelation and have read perhaps half of those 9160 pages. I have been in the room as the Voice of Revelation has spoken through my father. I have been with him at every turn in the road; through difficult stretches of months and years that we endured and that were perhaps necessary to bring something truly new and unknown into the world.

From this experience, I can first distill two things: 1) My father can be nothing less than a Messenger; and his sincerity, humility and integrity would humble saints. 2) The Message he has received is something no human could be the author of.

And yet there’s much more. The experience of growing up in the midst of a New Message from God is something that needs to be told.

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  1. Everyone who stays longer with the NM can see this deep bond between father and son. It’s beautiful to witness something like this in our world at this challenging times, and i drew a lot of inspiration, dedication, courage, sincerity, sobrity, love, honesty and joy from this.When I found the NM first I wanted to experience how the students behave. And there were a lot of videos about the Vigils and I looked them and was amazed to find such kind and people. That was a very great attraction for me and is it still. I am very thankful to be called to such a great mission with this people. Thank you, thank you. May I am be able to become strong with Knowledge and to do my little but necessary part for the Greater Goodness in this world and for a free humanity in the Greater Community.

  2. This precious testimony of a son, born to one of the greatest Living Mysteries of our time!
    To be alive during this time, of the world receiving these messages- is of itself a lot to fathom!
    To have the incredible good fortune of meeting the Messenger, while he walks this earth is another wonder beyond comprehension.
    But to be born to this man, as his only son…and to reckon with who your father is, and comprehend what he has been tasked with and then to take your place by his side, to help carry forward this great gift (and burden) for humanity, will open wide the heart of any parent…or son, or daughter! In a world overfilled with distraction, stimulation, temptation, technology and materialism…to discern as a young man- the truth of what has been received, and then to have the courage to take a stand for it- is the acceptance of a mantle of responsibility that inspires my respect and gratitude. May those of us who have somehow mysteriously found (or been found by) these teachings, also find our contribution and purpose in relation to it.
    The two points you distilled were also key to my own recognition of what this was, when I first found it, in 2006. Firstly, the fact that every word resonated so deeply and felt so perfectly articulated, that it couldn’t have been said any better, and then for that to be true for the entirety of this vastest revelation ever given to humanity – I concur- no human could be the author of such, and to furthermore articulate it so seamlessly and unscripted -as heard via the recordings!
    And then, when I finally had enough health to go meet Marshall Vian Summers, in Boulder, Colorado…I likewise saw a man who inspired my trust in his integrity, and inexpressible gratitude and respect for his willingness and ability to be the recipient of this vast revelation, and to offer his life to being its Messenger, to help guide humanity through this perilous time of great change.
    Thank you for sharing with us, that precious photo of father and son!

  3. The photo above hooked me Reed…your experience of son and witness is a rare combination, nobody else experienced this relationship and nobody else can express this like you. And what you say here:
    “From this experience, I can first distill two things: 1) My father can be nothing less than a Messenger; and his sincerity, humility and integrity would humble saints. 2) The Message he has received is something no human could be the author of. And yet there’s much more. The experience of growing up in the midst of a New Message from God is something that needs to be told.” Please add this to your list of to-dos…your voice needs to be heard. Thank you for being an echo and a unique reflection of your father’s love and message.