Practical Wisdom and Undefined Mystery

Watch Marshall Summers speak on Night 2 of the Messenger’s Vigil, Feb 19, 2022.

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The New Message is bringing us Wisdom from the universe itself, practical Wisdom. How does a race that was tribal in the beginning, went through a period of incredible combustion, conflict, but also technological development, become a free and united race in the universe?—a path that has been traveled countless times with many failures and a few successes. So it is bringing us Wisdom from the universe. 

In fact, originally this was called The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, which means Knowledge in the universe, not just humanity’s way of Knowledge. And that still holds true to define what this is.

So, we’re dealing with a paradigm of Wisdom now that really is above what humanity has achieved—except for certain individuals, certainly—that’s needed now for real and practical reasons for the welfare of humanity, for the freedom of humanity, for the future of humanity. I mean, the universe around us is no paradise and the forces there are powerful and determined. And we’re going to have to contend with that. 

So the pieces come together sometimes slowly and sometimes in groups. But your journey now is to build a connection to Knowledge within yourself, because without Knowledge, you will not fulfill your destiny here in the world. And I think we’re given the notion of destiny to show us that we really are here for a purpose, that we really have come with a directive that Knowledge holds for us. We’re not just aimlessly wandering around the world seeking pleasures and trying to escape pain. We actually have a greater reason for being here. 

So the word destiny is used. But what destiny means is something we have to leave open and not try to define for ourselves. And in time, you learn how to live with the Mystery and the Mystery then becomes open to you. And that takes time. 

We’re so insecure living physical lives in the world that we think our answers are our security. But usually our answers betray us or hold us back. So in this matter some doors have to be open. And it’s important to allow the Mystery to exist where you’re in a process not of your own making and therefore, you cannot guide yourself in it or determine how it is going to play out. So when I say Welcome to the big time, that’s really what I mean. So…things to think about. 

So greater purpose is a direction to follow. We can only follow it in the stage that we’re in, actually. People who claim to be advanced are not advanced. People who have lofty metaphysical understandings are probably not advanced. So it’s a redefinition of so many things now.

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  1. I am aligned with what you are sharing. I have to say since becomming a student of The Greater Community Spirituality, I have discovered a Huge platform on the internet and has een educating and motivating people world wide to come together nd Unite to Save our world from climate destruction as well as from the Wrong treatment of the peoples tortured by bwing refugees. The channel also talks of Earths history in a stellar context and gives more motivating information that sounds very helpful for the Earth and humanity….yet the revelations say to use disernment
    …. The you tube channels are the creative. Society and Alatra tv. I think these may be….resource explorers?