Prayer: Let Us Accept Our Humble But Significant Role

Watch Marshall Vian Summers offer a prayer during the 2020 Steps Vigil, Night 3, June 1, 2020.

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Let us accept that Heaven smiles upon those who can receive its gifts and its preparation, for we are the promise of greater things to come in the face of tremendous change and possible upheaval. We are people of the future, for our mission is for the future, not just for this time alone. Though the New Message will serve us in many ways, we serve it. 

Our gift really is greater than our own needs. We are people of the Revelation, therefore it is within us and around us. We are in relationship with it now, and it is serving us in many ways as we learn to serve it. For true relationship is based upon what you can do together. In this case, our relationship with the Revelation is based on what we can do together. 

The New Message knows what needs to be done and how humanity is to be prepared, but it requires those of us who can share it and become its first students and can carry it forth into a world of growing confusion and upheaval.

Let us accept our humble, but significant, role here. Let us honor our nature and how Knowledge can use our nature to give things to life that we alone could not give.

Let us remember those who sent us, for they remember us with each passing day.

Nasi Novare Coram

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