The Free School of the New Message
Preparing for Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
September - October, 2018
Welcome to the two-month session of the Free School where we are being given a fundamental education on the stark reality of life in the Greater Community – we learn that humanity is vastly unprepared to enter this new threshold, that we have no idea how to prepare and that we cannot prepare ourselves, given as of yet we do not even know what we are preparing for.
We are shown that our essential education is necessary for humanity to successfully offset the Intervention and to face the great challenges of this time. And that this education could only come from the Creator of all life through the vast New Revelation that has been sent into the world at this time, along with the wisdom and recommendations from our Allies in the universe.
We are taken deep into one powerful Core Revelation for the two-month session, so we can really plumb its depths and wisdom. This revelation paints a picture of the reality of what we are facing, along with a warning and preparation for this great threshold.
The session also points out the relevant connection between the Great Waves of change and humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community of intelligent life, and how countless other worlds have faced this same threshold throughout the universe over time.
We are shown how influence is used in the Greater Community, which is different than what we are accustomed to and how the awareness of this difference is critical for us. The session shows us who is making first contact, what they are seeking, which of humanity is the most vulnerable and what humanity’s greatest weaknesses are.
The session material also encourages us by speaking of humanity’s strengths and promise (which we have little idea of) and letting us know that we do have the inner strength and potential to succeed and overcome the obstacles that we are facing. We are reminded of our own history and how we can learn from that – that our past experience is not that much different than the competition and survival in the Greater Community.
And lastly, the session material highlights the beneficial aspects that this time of emergence into the Greater Community is for us, showing us what a true gift of love and blessing this challenging time really is.
Humanity's Emergence into the Greater Community
It is to educate humanity about the reality and the spirituality of the Greater Community that represents one of the primary purposes for the New Message that has been sent into the world from the Creator of all life. For only God knows what is really happening in the Greater Community and how humanity must prepare itself even for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and that are upon you now."
Purpose & Intention
The Messenger is attempting to build an environment of insight, wisdom and determination. All who participate together with him in the processes and practices found in this two-month Study Plan are helping to build an environment of concentration with the Messenger, The Society and the Worldwide Community of the New Message. It is up to you to determine how deeply you want to engage with the Study Plan. The deeper you go, the greater the benefit derived, along with all those who practice with you in the Worldwide Community. In order to stay connected to this session on the Greater Community, we recommend that you study and review the Study Plan once a week if possible. As you more deeply engage with the revelation of the New Message, you begin to realize that your study is not only about you and your life. It is directing your awareness to the greater needs of others and of the whole world. Allow your study to go beyond the confines of your own life and interests, and turn your attention to the needs of the larger world and the reality of the Greater Community, and to the overarching intention of the New Message from God. Interact real time with the Worldwide Community of students each Saturday in The Free School Campfire Chat. Please come prepared by reading the Campfire Chat questions in the Campfire Chat Discussion QuestionsSESSION AT A GLANCE: Study & Practices
September & October 2018
Basic Study:
Read: the Core Revelation | Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community | CH. 1 | The Greater Community
Additional Resources:
- Read: The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact | CH. 10 | The Great Waves of Change
- Consider: Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community | Other Revelations
- Listen to / Read: Being a Greater Community Person | Marshall Vian Summers
- Read: The Allies of Humanity Book Three: A Message to Earth
- Read / Share: Declaration of Human Sovereignty
- Create: a Mapping Methodology for a Deep Study Practice
- Review: Past Session Video Playlist | Preparing for the Greater Community
- Participate: The Saturday Free School Campfire Chat
- Review: Campfire Chat Transcripts Archive
You are not here by accident. What has really brought you into the world is connected to humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community and to the great difficulties that humanity will face here on Earth as the result of its misuse and overuse of the world.”
Study the Core Revelation:
Read the Core Revelation for September and October, Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community, Chapter 1 from the book The Greater Community. Consider reading this revelation out in the world in a state of visioning where you can take in the words of the revelation and see their greater meaning and implications not only now but in the future times to come.
Engage with the Core Revelation:
In reading Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with, begin to practice or apply directly in your life at this time? If so, begin to engage with this on a daily basis. See where this takes you. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Campfire Chat.
Alternatively, in the revelation Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community are outlined a number of actions and steps for you to consider applying. See if any of these practices speak to you and can be applied in your life at this time.
In addition, consider engaging with the revelation by mapping it in a way that works for you and your studenthood. This is an important approach to gaining access to the richness and depth of each revelation.
Even your great scientists would think that anyone who would come to visit would be fascinated with humanity, would want to share science with humanity, would want to share technology with humanity and would want to help humanity. And yet, in reality, the first races that you will encounter directly will be resource explorers and economic collectives, those who are here to take advantage of an immense opportunity and who will take advantage of your place in history, your circumstances, your tendencies and your ignorance.”
Create a Deep Study Methodology to study the revelations:
Methodology for a Deep Study Practice – Listen to Patricia Summers as she shares tips on how to engage in an advanced Deep Reading and Deep Listening Practice given to us by the Messenger.
Read and share the Declaration of Human Sovereignty:
English Declaration of Human Sovereignty | printable pdf
Declaration of Human Sovereignty in other languages
Read the Declaration of Human Sovereignty aloud to yourself or to others. Hear yourself making this declaration and see what this feels like to you.
Post the Declaration of Human Sovereignty in a public place if you can, and observe the results of sharing it with the public. If online, what are the comments or discussion, and how do people respond to this document initially?
Discuss with others the reality of contact with intelligent life:
Consider any opportunity you may have during The Free School Session, whether in spontaneous conversation or by seeking out interactive environments online, to engage with others regarding the Greater Community. Keep a brief record of these encounters and consider sharing what happened, what you experienced or what you realized from these interactions during one of our weekly Saturday School Chats.
Begin a Life Map regarding your experience of the Greater Community:
As the Messenger has often said:
To really know where you are, you have to know where you’ve been.”
Consider and recall where, when and how your interest in contact with intelligent life began and how it developed. Recall those experiences in your life that gave rise to this interest and the need to understand the reality of contact, and map this out chronologically in writing, as a timeline or in whatever fashion you would like.
These visitors to the world are not multidimensional beings. They are not from the spirit world. They are not angels or demons. They are physical beings like you, driven by the same needs that drive humanity—the need for resources, the need for control, the need for wealth and the need for stability.”
- The revelation Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community says: “Humanity has reached a great threshold in its evolution. It has reached a point of no return regarding its position within this Greater Community of intelligent life. Your isolation in the universe is over. From this point on, you will have to contend with various forces coming to the world…” This passage foretells that we will be dealing with Intervention of one kind or another on an ongoing basis into the future. How do you see that humanity can successfully contend with these oncoming forces in the future?
- How do you see that the current Intervention we are facing can be resisted and thwarted?
- In facing the Intervention, what wisdom from our human history of intervention upon the native peoples can we apply to this dilemma?
- The Core Revelation says we need to approach the reality of Contact “without projecting [our] own fears, preferences and denial upon it.” How do you see this now and going forward in your own approach to the Intervention and Greater Community realities?
- The Core Revelation asks: “Humanity at this moment can barely even face its own difficulties here on Earth with any degree of clarity and vision. How will it face a Greater Community of life?” How will humanity come to actually face this? Given the challenges, needs and distractions of life facing all people, how will this recognition come to pass?
- The revelation Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community says: “Like everyone in the Greater Community, you must face the boundaries that life and nature create. Technology cannot surmount most of these. Thus, everyone is facing the problems of survival and security, competition and so forth.” This speaks of the reality of planetary limits. Given this, what are our planetary limits and what is the road to self-sufficiency within those limits?
- The revelation Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community says: “It is to educate humanity about the reality and the spirituality of the Greater Community that represents one of the primary purposes for the New Message that has been sent into the world from the Creator of all life. For only God knows what is really happening in the Greater Community and how humanity must prepare itself even for the Great Waves of change…” How will people come to accept and receive this revelation and its education about Contact given the clear challenge that it comes from God, rather than from science, society or government?
- The revelation Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community says: “The connection between the Great Waves of change and humanity’s emergence into this Greater Community of intelligent life is very significant. As is the case in the evolution of so many societies in the universe, humanity is now outstripping its world’s natural resources. This brings you to a great threshold.” How are the Great Waves of Change connected to the Intervention now underway in our world?
- The revelation Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community says: “Humanity will have to choose—even consciously choose—whether it will fight and struggle over these remaining resources in the world or whether it will unite to preserve them and to secure them and to attain a stable environment for the future.” How will people have the awareness to recognize this choice and the will to ultimately make it? How do you see people dealing with this choice around you? How do you see yourself dealing with this choice?
- The revelation Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community says: “You must be united, you must be self-sufficient and you must be extremely discreet.” Regarding this last point, what does this discretion mean and how can we actually become discreet as a world given our use of technology and global communications?
- Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community teaches about the need for human unity in entering the Greater Community. What does it really mean for humanity to become united at this time and how could this level of unity be achieved?
- Most people do not yet realize the Greater Community even exists. In your interactions with others, how would you bring up this reality or introduce it to them? What would you tell them?
- The New Message says certain people were born into the world because of the Greater Community reality, calling these people “Greater Community People.” How can these people be reached? What steps can be taken to reach these people with the revelation on the Greater Community?
- What other steps can we take as a Worldwide Community to bring the awareness and education about Contact and humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community to new people?
Listen to Patricia Summers as she shares tips on how to engage in an advanced Deep Reading and Deep Listening Practice given to us by the Messenger:
The revelations that comprise the New Message from God are a multi-level communication.
You can gain access to the many layers of this communication by developing a personal Mapping Methodology for deeper study.
Use the criteria below or create your own criteria to explore or “map” the contents of a specific revelation. Or find your own way of deeply engaging with the revelation—through writing, through art, through song or another means of deeply engaging with the New Message. A methodology or tool like this may help you recognize, remember and learn more from the experience of reading the revelations and listening to the Voice of the New Message.
Capture anything that comes up for you in reading or listening to the revelation as it pertains to the criteria you want to use. Preserve these entries in some way for future reference, for example, in a journal or log dedicated to the revelations to which you have applied this methodology. This practice could help bring greater clarity and order to your studenthood.
Sample criteria for Deep Study of the revelations:
- How the revelation speaks to what I must do / not do.
- What the revelation is asking of me.
- Specific teachings presented in this revelation.
- The promises or possibilities spoken of in this particular revelation.
- Human tendencies—what people tend to do.
- Human condition— the physical, mental or emotional challenges that characterize our state and internal/external existence.
- What problems does this revelation reveal — needs, demands, requirements, necessities, crises, difficulties?
- Questions asked of me in this revelation.
- Questions this revelation answers.
- Next steps I see I need to take.
- Practices this revelation calls for me to engage in.
- Terms: specific words or phrases used in this revelation that I want to understand more fully (example: ‘The Great Coordination’).
- What really matters and what does not matter (priorities, timing, imperatives, the ‘must’).
- Does this revelation have special personal meaning for me?
- What may it mean for the Messenger to present this revelation to the world?
- What is the one thing I must do in light of what this revelation is saying to me?
Table of Contents
Calendar of Events
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F Fri
S Sat
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Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain…
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0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: Grace
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: Grace
On the first Saturday of the month, at 9:00 AM Mountain Time, a teaching from the New Message will be shared live: Grace. We invite…
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain…
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0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Participate in the Studenthood Chat at 9:00 AM on Discord every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. Join the chat on the Discord server: Follow this tutorial to…
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0 events,
1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain…
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1 event,
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 14, 2025, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 14, 2025, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The world is shifting in profound ways. Humanity stands at a critical threshold—one of immense challenge and transformation. As global upheaval accelerates, we are also…
1 event,
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 15, 2025, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 15, 2025, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The world is shifting in profound ways. Humanity stands at a critical threshold—one of immense challenge and transformation. As global upheaval accelerates, we are also…
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain…
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0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Participate in the Studenthood Chat at 9:00 AM on Discord every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. Join the chat on the Discord server: Follow this tutorial to…
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0 events,
1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain…
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain…
0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: The Mystery
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: The Mystery
On the first Saturday of the month, at 9:00 AM Mountain Time, a teaching from the New Message will be shared live: The Mystery. We…
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- There are no events on this day.
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[LocateAnything map_id=99453]“You are not here by accident. What has really brought you into the world is connected to humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community and to the great difficulties that humanity will face here on Earth as the result of its misuse and overuse of the world.
- Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community Tweet