Preparing for the Greater Community – Jul – Aug 2021

The Free School of the New Message

Preparing for the Greater Community

~ Many Voices in the Universe - Your Relationship with the Greater Community ~

July - August 2021

Welcome to the two-month Preparing for the Greater Community session of the New Message Free School. This School Session is part of an ongoing preparation for our encounter and destiny within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. Races from the Greater Community are already present in our world, presenting a challenge and a new reality for which people are wholly unprepared.

Humanity is headed in the direction of a “New World Reality.” The pandemic that is sweeping across the world at this time is but one of the first of many Great Waves of change that we will all have to adapt to as we move further into this century. The future before us will be unlike the past in so many ways, and there is no going back. Our emergence into the Greater Community is a key aspect of the New World Reality that we are entering and will determine in large part our ability to remain a free and sovereign race in our local universe, where freedom is rare.

In this two-month session, we invite you to step into this larger arena of life and go further in experiencing the reality and spirituality of the Greater Community, the universe in which we have always lived. If you have a natural feeling for and orientation to life in the universe, then the teachings in this School Session could be a revelation and a confirmation for you.


JULY | Many Voices in The Universe

There are many voices in the universe. There are many messages being delivered to the Earth. You must evaluate them based upon their content and upon your connection to Knowledge. You must want the truth above and beyond any other advantage, or your desires will blind you and your beliefs will lead you astray."


Read Many Voices in the Universe, Fifth Briefing from The Allies of Humanity Briefings Book Three.

Keep a Study Journal as you go, and consider doing a Deep Study of this Briefing, highlighting the most important passages and noting any specific perspectives, directives or questions that you would like to focus on further during this month.

Bring your experience of this deep reading—whether done alone, out in the world or in nature—to the weekly Campfire Chat.

Supplemental reading: The Allies of Humanity Book Four, 12- Point Summary

For people new to The Free School or the Allies of humanity: Who Are the Allies of Humanity? Chapter 5 in The Greater Community – The New Message from God, Volume I, Book 4

Further Study: For those who would like to go deeper into the third set of Allies Briefings:

The Allies of Humanity Book Three


Share the Allies of Humanity Briefings and their perspective with others, whether in person or online, during this month of study and contemplation of the reality of the Greater Community presence in the world.

In facing the Greater Community, humanity must build unity, self-sufficiency and discretion. These are the three requirements that all free nations must establish to be free in the universe."


The July 2021 Free School Campfire Chats will be focused on Many Voices in the Universe. Please join all who are studying the New Message from God from all over the world, online, on Saturdays at 9:00 am MT. 

Find your local time here.

July 3, 2021

In reading Many Voices in the Universe from The Allies of Humanity Book Three, what has impacted you the most? What do you feel called to learn or investigate further?

July 10, 2021

How could you develop the discernment to understand the Greater Community presence in the world and take action regarding this?

July 17, 2021

    1. Do you feel you have a relationship with the Allies of humanity? If yes, how do you experience this relationship?
    2. The Allies are asking us to become allies of humanity ourselves. What might this mean to you?

July 24, 2021

    1. How do you feel about entering this larger arena of intelligent life in the Greater Community? Do you feel fearful, excited, overwhelmed or something else?
    2. What would help you move into this sense of a greater context for your life?

July 31, 2021

In reading the 12-Point Summary of the Allies of Humanity Briefings, what impacted you and how could you advocate the message and the spirit of this document?

AUGUST | Your Relationship with the Greater Community

You have a greater relationship with life beyond your world. You have this greater relationship because it represents both your future and your past. If you are drawn to life in the universe or have an inexplicable interest in the prospects for Contact, or if you are fascinated with the night sky and the recognition that you live in space, it is because you have had past experience in the Greater Community. Perhaps you have lived in many places, and you bring this with you. It is part of your inner nature."

In the second month of this session, we will be studying the revelation Your Relationship with the Greater Community, from the sacred text Life in the Universe and received on June 14, 2008. Explore this revelation and see what wisdom it has for you.

Your Relationship with the Greater Community | DISCUSS


Read this revelation, working with your Study Journal as you go to see what stands out to you as important for you at this time. Begin to stay with those passages, questions, directives or practices this revelation presents to you.

Consider a Deep Study of the revelation based upon what it says you “must do” or  “must not do,” and use this to build more clarity in how to proceed.


Finding the Golden Thread: Your Connection to the Greater Community

During this month, look back over your life and look for the evidence of your connection to the Greater Community reality, to whatever extent you have experienced this.

  • Where and how did you first become interested in the reality of Contact or life in the universe?
  • When did your connection to this reality begin to become evident to you?
  • How did this evolve for you over time?

Write the results of this enquiry as a timeline or make a “life map” in whatever way is most useful for you.

Acting on the Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community

Read the Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community and see if there is a guideline that stands out to you that you feel you must stay with, begin to practice or apply directly in your life at this time. Pick one or more guidelines and begin to practice these. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Campfire Chat.

Together with your Steps to Knowledge Practice, engaging in your studenthood in this dynamic way is what constitutes part of the core work of preparing to live in a New World Reality.

This is an opportunity to have a deeper engagement with the New Message according to the unique needs of your learning and development at this time.

You who have a Greater Community connection will have to function without agreement from others, without approval from others, even amongst your friends and family. It represents integrity to do this and strength of will and determination. Study what is being revealed in these pages, which are but a part of the Teaching in The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. Learn as much as you can from this revelation, and bring this understanding to bear upon the world you see and the decisions that you feel you must make within your own life."


The August 2021 Free School Campfire Chats will be focused on Your Relationship with the Greater Community. Please join all who are studying the New Message from God from all over the world, online, on Saturdays at 9:00 am MT.

Find your local time here.

August 7, 2021

After studying the New Message revelation Your Relationship with the Greater Community, what were the most important ideas, truths or passages for you? What will stay in your mind and be a part of your studenthood in the months ahead?

August 14, 2021

    1. Do you feel that you have a relationship with the Greater Community?
    2. When and how did you first become interested in the reality of space or Contact with life in the universe? How has your connection to this evolved over time?

August 21, 2021

    1. How has your awareness of life in the universe and the reality of the Greater Community affected your life and relationships?
    2. How has your study of Life in the Universe and the Allies Briefings affected and changed how you look at the world and humanity’s future?

August 28, 2021

In reading Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community, which guidelines stood out to you as important for you to begin implementing in your life? What actions would you begin to take here?

Extraterrestrial life will not be some distant fantasy, but a growing reality and a growing emphasis. This will break through the veil of secrecy and ridicule that has surrounded it in the past century to come back into people’s minds, conversations and awareness. It is a matter of great importance and great significance. You will have an opportunity to share what you are learning with others, but at the moment there is no real education in the world about the Greater Community. That is why this New Revelation is here. That is why it has called to you."

Table of Contents





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