Afterglow: Receiving “Suffering”

Read Patricia Summers’ account of the Messenger receiving Suffering, Jul 5, 2017.
On July 5, 2017, Marshall Vian Summers was called again to receive Revelation. He has been undergoing this experience of Divine communication for over 30 years, which has resulted in the largest body of Revelation ever to be received. This experience of being “called” has occurred hundreds and hundreds of times no matter where Marshall was in day-to-day life—physically, mentally or emotionally.
And so on that day, a powerful communication from the Angelic Assembly beyond this world enveloped Marshall, resulting in an expansive, groundbreaking teaching meant to guide people everywhere, and humanity as a whole, into threshold times now and to come.
Therefore, I would like to share with you an account of how the revelation Suffering was received so that you may be the first to know that Marshall was called again, that he received this revelation, and that you can experience for yourself what this may have been like for him and for the members of The Society, who were standing in waiting while this communication between the Angelic Assembly and their Messenger took place.
Below are the thoughts and feelings the Messenger was experiencing that morning, both just before and just after his experience of Revelation.
Also, in this accounting, you will be able to read the live communications going back and forth with the members of The Society, in the moments before and just after the revelation was received.
And most importantly are some of the passages from the revelation received that day, entitled Suffering.
Therefore, sit back and allow yourself to witness the events that took place that summer morning of July 5th …
Marshall came to me mid-morning with the simple request:
“I am being called. Will you help me prepare?”
I stopped what I was doing. We began our preparations and just before he was beginning to receive, I asked Marshall if he wanted to say how he was feeling. He said the following:
Preglow from Marshall Vian Summers:
“I awoke this morning after a good sleep. I went out in the field and did Tai Chi, but everything around me had a kind of glassy appearance that indicated that there is a strong Presence with me, the Presence of the Assembly.
I came back in, had breakfast and continued to be with my experience. At first, I didn’t really understand it, and then it began to make sense to me that I was being called and that the Great Rays were shining upon me, calling my mind out of all other activities, concerns and preoccupations.
I asked and prayed, ‘What would you have of me?’ and I heard, ‘Receive Our communication.’
The last revelation, which was the first one given in five months, was nine days ago, and I said to myself out loud that there must be a teaching on “suffering.” And I have a sense that this is the teaching that is about to occur because as I sat, being with my experience this morning prior to recording, thoughts began streaming into my mind about suffering, thoughts that will probably be part of this revelation. But they’re only individual thoughts, a little bit of insight here, a little bit of insight there, as if to orient me, as if to give me a sense of certainty as to what this revelation would be addressing—a prelude before the storm of revelation.
So now I’m here with Patricia, preparing to receive.”
I sent the following brief message to the members of The Society for the New Message, those who have taken up a position of direct support to Marshall, helping him with his mission day in and day out, some of them for decades.
“To all,
Marshall is engulfed in a huge Presence … seated … about to begin…
He asked, ‘What would you have of me?’ The response, ‘Receive Our communication.’
Thoughts about ‘suffering’ streaming into his mind …
He says, looking down, ‘This is the prelude before the storm of revelation.’
He knows you are with him …”
Their heartfelt expressions of support for Marshall began to come in by silent text messages as he was enveloped by the Angelic Presence.
“Oh Marshall, it continues … We are with you.”
“Great love to you Dear Marshall!”
“Yes, yes, Marshall I am with you driving up 28th [street] headed home …”
“Oh yes with you forever and ever … NNC.”
“Thank you for letting us know of this, Patricia. We are with him. ‘Suffering.’ Oh my … Being with him in this moment.”
“Yes, Marshall, we are with you.”
“Thank you Patricia. Yes, we stand with you Marshall.”
“Oh my goodness … My love to Marshall and you Patricia as this Great Threshold continues …”
The Voice of Revelation began to speak. Below are some of the passages from the revelation, Suffering:
… everyone in the world, even the youngest child, is acquainted with suffering—physical pain, emotional pain, psychological pain, the pain of Separation, the pain of living in a difficult environment in the physical reality. This pain has many dimensions.
… you must begin your assessment of suffering in as objective a manner as possible.
God wants you to face your suffering and to see the wisdom it can give you and the aid it can give you in pointing your life in its true direction.
… you must lead yourself. And as you lead yourself, there are greater forces that will lead you. Amazingly, as you begin to yield to this greater power, you yourself are able to finally gain control of your mind and your emotions in a healthy way, in a way with certainty and compassion. Finally, you can determine what you think and where your mind will go and what you will choose with greater clarity now, which was not really possible before.
Instead of having a life of a little tiny bit of inspiration and a lot of confusion and suffering, you end up having a life of a great deal of inspiration and a little bit of confusion and suffering.
You must reach a level of self-honesty beyond what most people think of here today. You must wait for great truth. You must look without coming to conclusions in most cases. You must learn to quiet your mind, learn to be still, learn to listen, learn to become able to respond, able to become responsible in this way.
Here your life comes back into its true alignment, its true purpose, its true meaning. This is how God restores you so that you may give something beautiful to the world, to others and to life around you.”
Forty-five minutes later the Voice of Revelation was receding. After Marshall began to re-engage with me, I asked him if he would record his first impressions of his experience. He was still in a deep state. The following is what he said to me:
Afterglow from Marshall Vian Summers
“I just received the New Message teaching on suffering, which we have not yet named.
The teaching rolled through me like a train, a perfect stream of clarity and ideas and revelation. And then it passed through me with a [sense of] completion, and as has happened so many times before, the Assembly then begins to ascend. Where they enveloped me during the revelation, they now begin to ascend slowly, upward, upward, upward … and to reach beyond what I can see or hear or know.
Like the embers rising from a great bonfire, rising up into the sky, they rise. But unlike the fire, what they leave behind is a great stillness, an open empty place, and my mind is quiet, nothing really to think about other than remembering to turn off the recorder; nothing to choose, decide or compare; nothing to speculate on; no future, no memory, no past—just quiet.
So I am gifted with this time of stillness where I don’t have to think about anything, where my mind is naturally quiet, having been engaged with its greater set of relationships. Why want anything when such a need has been fulfilled? Nothing else matters. But this really matters.
So I am left with the gift but also the demonstration of what a greater Engagement can really be like, and how it calms aggravations of the mind, for when such an answer is given, all questions seem to diminish and become unnecessary.
The New Message says at first there is emptiness. And then there is great Presence which fills that emptiness, the Presence that is always there, waiting for us to respond. In this way, welcome emptiness. Encourage emptiness. Set aside things for emptiness. This is why we practice in Steps to Knowledge, in part to create this emptiness so that the Presence can fill us.
I pray that your experience of this may occur, receiving this revelation from God, given through the Angelic Presence. This opens up your life, ringing down through the Ancient Corridors of your mind to a deeper reality that lives within you, even at this moment.
May it be so.”
An hour or so later, I sent this message to The Society, attempting to tell them what had happened and how Marshall was doing:
“To all,
Marshall is finished, and recovering, sitting in the front yard, having some pineapple and melon for a fresh, sensory experience to help bring him back …
Oh, he wandered off … and just returned from the garden with a handful of fresh picked red and golden raspberries.
Now he’s sweetly watering the garden plants …”
I went on to text The Society:
“This is a revelation that has high relevance because it addresses the current experience all people have had, and are having, of inadvertent and haphazard suffering and injury.
This revelation provides an entirely new breath of perspective regarding what this core and unrelenting experience is, a part of our collective human condition. Now may this revelation help to orient us to a greater focal point or platform beyond our suffering.
Can we migrate to and re-set to this new focal point—a new fulcrum that can accommodate both our common experiences of suffering and of Knowledge, for us to know there is a greater spectrum of experience?
And can we genuinely experience our suffering, episodically emerge from it, or perhaps just carry it with us–without relapse, lost time, undue injury or attribution, outrage, fixation, and/or collapse?
Because Knowledge needs us to …
Bless the Messenger, he just keeps walking on and on, bearing an ever larger New Message for humanity … and we and others are here to help.”
The Society’s replies are below:
“Wow. Thank you, Patricia. Blessings to Marshall on re-entry.”
“Thank you Patricia for providing us a glimpse of this latest revelation. Blessings and strength to Marshall.”
“Bless the Messenger for bringing us this understanding. Bless his entire life of giving to this needy world.”
“Agreed and your description Patricia brings it further home along with the photos … Thank you for navigating this experience to us. May you both restore now.”
“Oh Marshall, you have not been exempted from this suffering, and can and do teach us so much.”
“Blessings to you both on this holy day … thank you both for leading the way for this suffering world.”
“Dear, dear Patricia, thanks again so much for bringing us in close to Marshall and to this new revelation from God … Love, strength and rest to Marshall, and to you as well.”
“Thank you, Patricia. Knowing where we’ve been, what we’ve gone through, having this new set point, a point from which to really look at what goes on here, in us and around us, and what the New Message brings to relieve that suffering, which is giving humanity access to a greater reality to nourish and replenish the weary and worn. Thank you, Marshall. May you be nourished and refreshed as you bring this into the world. Love.”
And from our son Reed, who was at work, unable to be with Marshall:
“Thank you, Mom. Perhaps another precious teaching to help us understand the world around us, and the world within us. Just like the revelations, The Separation and The Crisis, perhaps another here that can help people everywhere put to rest the confusion regarding this place where we now live, for a time, why things happen here, how to hold events and experiences, what really matters from it, and how to regard our time according to our greater life beyond the stretch of years we have here in this world, in this body, in this mind.”
As Marshall rested in bed, I shared The Society’s replies with him and texted back his response to them:
“You are the Guardians.
To know that you stand watch and are in direct support of what I am receiving has given me the space, the road and the time to get down that road so that I and the New Revelation are ever closer to reaching the world.
We must reach this suffering world with this Revelation from God.”
We at The Society want you to be the first to know of Marshall’s most recent experience of being called to receive revelation, and for you to be able to experience some of the words and communication contained in this message for the world on Suffering.
It’s true that suffering is something we are all very well acquainted with in life. It is such a gift now for us and for the world to receive a new and higher perspective on an experience that is common to us all, and is having such an enormous and ongoing impact upon the human family.
Gratitude to Marshall for the dedication of his life and for receiving this gift for the world, a New Message from God. May it be received.
The Presence of Knowledge stands with you,
Patricia Summers
…the great Messengers of life have had to face suffering within themselves and all around them in order to give the greatest gifts from Heaven here. And all who seek to serve humanity authentically, in humility and with purpose, will experience suffering in doing so and most certainly will experience the suffering of those they are sent to serve.
Your suffering then becomes something that must be faced, and faced compassionately, for how could you not suffer if you did not know of the power of Knowledge that God has put within you?”
– Suffering, July 5, 2017
Also just posted by Reed Summers in the New Message Journal~The Mind, Religion and Belief.
Patricia Summers’ Afterglow Notes on the Process of Revelation