Recommendations for Preparing for a New World Reality

Marshall Vian Summers speaks on Day 2 of the Encampment, October 15, 2018
I do have some recommendations. Don’t get caught up in the love/fear dichotomy. The focus is on seeing. The love/fear dichotomy is usually promoted by people who are entirely fear based, but they’re not honest enough to realize that they’re fear based because they think they’re love based. But their love is based upon the fear of facing reality. They’re not reality-based people. The life they want is failing them. They’re angry. They’re frustrated. They’re jaded. But they insist on being loving. Well, something’s not right there. So that’s a problem.
That’s just hiding out. And then of course people are hiding behind their scriptures, you know, can’t come out and show themselves and be real people. You see a lot of that.
But this is going to be a tremendous confrontation for humanity—just tremendous. And it’s a truth confrontation. It’s not like it’s God’s punishing us. We’re just facing the world we’ve created and changed.
So it’s a huge confrontation. And it has to happen and is happening. And it’s going to show all of our weaknesses, all of our corruption, all of our inabilities.
And people who have the best chance of surviving this will be people who can see what they see now or develop the ability to see and respond appropriately in time.
So I don’t want to cast a grim picture. I think there is a reality here that can be very redeeming for us if we can approach it with as much objectivity as we can.
This is the planetary emergency. That’s what it [the New Revelation] calls it. And any efforts we can do to educate people is a good thing. The more that that’s done, the better the consequences. But there still will be big consequences.
So if you’re going to know bigger things, you have to get bigger within yourself to do it, or it’ll just crush you. Or you’ll just…you can’t fall apart in the face of these things. If you’re going to have the eyes to see—which is… God wants you to use the eyes to see that you were given—then you’ve got to be stronger internally.
This is the Knowledge foundation I’m talking about. It’s not just faith. Faith is important. But this is…you’re standing on solid ground within yourself.
So this is a tough love that’s being given to us so we have a chance to survive the Great Waves of change and be of service here. I think to sum it up, I will say that. And like any kind of triage, tragic situation, you save the people who can be saved.
Everyone knows what a triage…when you have a tragedy, you find the people who are most likely to be saved or can recover? Patricia can speak of that; it’s a medical term.
Responsibility is the ability to respond. That’s all I can say about it.
We didn’t come to serve the world we want to exist. We came to serve the world that is. And if you can love that, wow! You’ve really got something going for yourself because that’s God’s love moving through you. That’s not your being affectionate towards something that’s pleasing to look at.
And boy, does this make you sober. By sober, I mean good sober. I mean really good sober, like, “I’m awake, a Presence.”
We apparently need to be really shocked out of our miasmic state, you know, our preoccupations, distractions, weakness.
This is the one thing that can unite humanity. Nothing else is going to unite humanity—a really big problem that everyone faces equally and no one survives without the other. And the Greater Community provides this kind of challenge. A new world reality provides this kind of challenge.
So within the calamity is the gift for all those who can respond. No one ever became wise by accident.
This is a real upgrade for the human family. That’s the power that’s inherent within the situation.
Wow. Thank you for this, I’m quite struck by your words.
* Focus on Seeing – a reality-based Truth confrontation;
* Respond appropriately – get bigger within and stronger internally;
* Educate people – be of service, and save the people who can be saved;
* ‘A really big problem that everyone faces equally and no one survives without the other’ – the world that Is, the calamity that contains a gift, a new world Reality that challenges us, upgrades us and can unite humanity. Love this world.
Thank you Marshall – I was there at Encampment, and I also heard you say that Reality can be redeeming if approached with objectivity. I hear you again.
I am so grateful for this fundamental and essential guidance Marshall. The work we are doing for ourselves and for the world is down to earth and practical. The need for a strong internal and external foundation is of such critical importance. I thank you and I thank God for bringing this vital Preparation to humanity in its hour of greatest need.