Reed Summers’ Beyond Reality Radio Interview

Reed Summers is interviewed Jason Hawes & JV Johnson about a New Message from God and the impending ascension of human evolution on February 13, 2018.

Jason Hawes: Alright, so tonight we’re going to be talking with Reed Summers. He is a teacher and representative of the New Message. Let’s bring Reed into the program. Hey Reed, welcome to Beyond Reality Radio, good to have you on the show tonight.

Reed Summers: Hey there Jason and JV, great to be here.

JV: Thanks for coming on.

JH: So we need you to start at the very, very beginning because, um, I guess we just need to figure out exactly what we’re going to be talking about tonight. We’ve got a whole bunch of notes in front of us here but they’re kinda of confusing, so start us at the very beginning. What is this about?

RS: Well, absolutely. Well, what I’d like to talk about tonight is the reality of contact with extr-, extraterrestrial life in the universe and the truth that contact is indeed underway. This is the greatest event in human history and we are largely unprepared and unaware. And I’d like to present a perspective on what contact really is that you’re likely not to hear anywhere else. It’s quite unique and it encompasses a large, vast array of topics. And ah, it’s built upon the work of Marshall Vian Summers, my father, who, for over 30 years, has been engaged in receiving a pretty remarkable set of communications from an off-planet source regarding the extraterrestrial presence in our world: Who is were, Why they’re here, What they want, and What we need to do individually and collectively about that.

JH: So, a little bit of the confusion, um, as we were doing our preparation for the discussion tonight is the discussion of God in the New Message here. Are we safe in assuming that there is a relationship between this alien contact and those other two topics: the New Message and God as you speak of?

RS: Oh, most definitely. I mean if, if contact is indeed happening and we are eclipsing our age-old isolation in the universe then this has everything to do with our experience of the Divine Presence in our lives, because now we’re stepping out into a larger panorama of life where the Divine has been active for beyond millennia, for millions of years. And so this, this represents not only a huge leap for us at every level of society, economy, politics and so forth; it represents a huge leap in our sense of faith in religion, spirituality. So we can most certainly go into those topics.

JH: Good. So let’s start at the beginning of this con-, the discussion of the alien contact now. You said, this is happening; it’s already happening. Um, walk us down that path. How do we know this is happening?

RS: Well, we know it’s happening based on the lifelong research of numerous people, researchers in this field who have documented, meticulously, the reality of sightings, military flyovers, the disabling of military systems, ah, human abductions, the mutilation of animals, um the taking of not only people and animals, but resources off this planet, um and that’s documented as well. So, there’s a large array of phenomena together which indicate that, yes some portion of the, those craft that people see flying in our skies are not human in origin, are off-planet in origin and that all told, this does not represent a friendly visitation but rather an Intervention. And that conclusion is borne out by the observable phenomena that we know about, you know, taking of people, ah, the manipulation of rel-, religious and political leaders. All of these things are happening and indicate that our world has been discovered, uh, not by friendly scientists and explorers and enlightened beings from across the galaxy, but probably by more prosaic forces in our local universe who are here because of the earth, it’s rare biological resources and perhaps other reasons which we can get into.

And again, these are not my personal views. I didn’t come about this by my own research. I am not a researcher. I came to these views primarily by what I feel is one of the most important documents circulating in the world today, which is the Allies of Humanity Briefings; three sets of Briefings published over a multi-decade period of time by my father, Marshall Vian Summers, which present in the clearest terms possible the reality of: Who is in our world, What they’re doing, and What we need to about it. It’s the clearest distillation of the phenomena of UFOs and abductions and so forth that I’ve ever seen. And I, I’m here with you today simply because in my many years with Marshall, having seen this process unfold, I’ve come to the conclusion that this document, this set of documents, is one of the most important things that needs to get to the ears and eyes of people around the globe, ah because it…

JH: No, go ahead, finish

RS:…well, yeah, it opens up the truth behind this phenomenon which has interested us for many decades, which calls to us at a deep level, I feel. Because at, at this deeper level we know something is going on, under the skin, beneath the radar, it’s not being reported accurately. There’s a lot of misinformation about it and yet we know at a deep level that this has everything to do with our next great evolutionary step as a world. And it has everything to do with us and why we’re in the world at this time…

JH: Well and do you (RS: …and so…) think (RS: yeah) it’s being kept, well it’s not getting told to us properly for for certain agendas, for certain reasons?

RS: Well, absolutely. I, there is a human agenda, certainly, to control the public awareness about contact. But more importantly there is an alien agenda. And it is the disclosure of that agenda that we need most desperately, more than the disclosure of the government agenda, government activities. We need to know who these forces are, and why they are unwilling to disclose their presence publicly, and why they’re engaging in such dangerous activities in the world.

JH: When we…we’re gonna to break here in just a minute so ah I don’t want to open this question yet, but I do wanna talk about ah your father because obviously it’s his work and his writings and the messages he’s passing on that are really the foundation of everything of everything we’re speaking about so let’s get into that in for just a second but just…

RS: Yeah

JH: But before we get that, to that after the break, tell us when did you start working with your father on this on this particular mission?

RS: Oh certainly. Well, it’s it’s been a long, long journey for Marshall and our family. And I know for me, growing up, I was in the midst of this mysterious process in which my father was receiving this set of communications from the Allies of Humanity, an off-planet group of observers, and in addition, a Divine communication that connects to those Briefings and expands into that realm of God and spirituality in a very beautiful way; and in total, really reveal that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of worlds in the universe, and that we must prepare now for this, this is the next great step for us as a race.

That was happening in, you know, in the living room, in the kit-, at the kitchen table of our home, and I got to glimpse that process firsthand. And I think it was somewhere after my first year in college when I realized, amidst my own plans and goals for my life and all that I thought I was going to do with my life, that my father was receiving something of tremendous importance, that really did need to be made available to people in very clear terms. And that what else could I do of greater consequence than help him tell the world that contact is under way, that it is an Intervention into our world. And that we must now respond to this intervention, rally as a people, as the native peoples of the human, of the human species, and step out into this larger panorama of life as a free and sovereign world. (JH: Alright…) That to me spoke spoke down to the very core of my being and I chose to, you know, cancel other plans and come back to help my father present this message…

JH: Alright…

RS: …to as many people as possible.

JH: …we’re going to take, we’re gonna take a break, Reed. When we come back we wanna get into who your father is and really start covering this topic. So, alright, ah, you’re listening to Jason and JV on Beyond Reality Radio, we’ll be back after this. [Music]

And welcome back to the show. Tonight we’re talking with Reed Summers. Reed is a teacher and a representative of the New Message. Check out the website, it’s New Message dot org. You can also go to Reed Summers on Facebook and find him there.

And Reed, again thanks for joining with us. Before we went to break we were talking about your father, Marshall, who is the man that has been receiving these messages known as the New Message for I think about 35 years or so. Tell us about him, tell us who he is and how this began for him.

RS: Oh well, it’s quite a story. It’s, I’ve always thought it’s one of the greatest stories not yet really told, the life of my father and what he went through, and, and secondarily our family. But I can give something of a glimpse of it, something of a snapshot of his life and what, how this all happened for him, quite, quite fascinating.

Marshall was a teacher for the blind, um, back in the early 80’s, I’m sorry, late 70’s it would have been. And in his work with the blind, he began to experience an intuitive sense of how to work with his students, how to discern their needs and how to, um, really pick up deeper and more subtle communication from them. Some of them were unable to speak, to see, both, and so some of them had considerable difficulties. And yet, they demonstrated considerable heightened sensitivities beyond what anyone else around him possessed. And so, I think this, this struck Marshall at that time. And I mean he was, he was not a religious person. He was raised in an Espiscopalian family. His parents were not very religious. He went to Berkeley and studied music and English. And, um, he had an interesting early life, but, you know, somewhat unexceptional. And here he found himself a teacher for the blind.

And he began to explore this reality of inner guidance, of being instructed how to engage with another human being in a way that you would never think to do: at the level of the mind. And this inner knowing, this gut sense that, remarkably, has moved us all and I’m sure many of your listeners can resonate, you know, that they felt compelled to do something inexplicable or to go somewhere or to meet someone or they had a gut feeling something would happen a certain way and it does, right?

And so there is this sense, this other sensitivity. And Marshall began to explore this. And this really was the the beginnings of the New Message, The New Message from God, which is a Divine communication from the Creator of all life, given to prepare our world into its emergence into a larger universe and also to bring our awareness, whether we be religious or not, back to the reality of what it calls Knowledge, the spiritual mind which we all possess. And, which Marshall discovered in his early teaching days with the blind. And he developed ah his own experience of Knowledge and moved with it and this brought him into contact with um a set of Unseen Teachers, Unseen Angelic Presences, you might call them, who began to work with him and instruct him even further how to work with his students in pretty remarkable ways. And only he can really tell those remarkable stories of his early years. And, um I’ve, I’ve definitely heard them around the kitchen table for many years.

But, Marshall began to work with these Angelic intermediaries. And what began as kinda of them contributing insight and guidance to him, culminated in this encounter he had in the deserts of the American southwest in 1982. He had been compelled to leave his work and his place in the city and his family at that time and wander for a period of some months in the desert. And this was, he was compelled to do this by this Angelic Presence that slowly had been guiding him in his early teaching work. And it was there in the desert that he had this sudden, inexplicable and yet tremendously powerful encounter with this Angelic Presence. And at the culmination of this encounter, which really rocked him to his core, it rocked him down to the foundations of what he thought he knew about himself and the world and everything. It was a very powerful earth-shaking experience for him. At the end of this experience, this Angelic Presence instructed him to record a series of messages for the world. And in the months that followed, these messages began to flow through him, in a state of Revelation, through his own voice and using his body as a vehicle, this voice of the Angelic Presence began to communicate. Marshall recorded these communications and transcribed them and they were later published through a series of books.

And that was just the beginning though. I mean, where this would take him and our family later on is something very special. And it’s brought into the world a body of revealed text, many thousands of pages in length that covers nearly every aspect of human life from family, money, health, the environment, the political landscape of the world, all the way to this most important threshold facing the human family, which is our emergence out into a larger universe of life and contact with that life that’s now happening in the world.

So, that process of revelation, which began back in 1982, continues to this day. And Marshall has received a growing body of communication from an Angelic Presence that really is here to help guide us in our modern time, to help bring the religious traditions of the world back to the spiritual heart that gave, that gave birth to them in the beginning, back to the heart of Knowledge, this reality of the spiritual mind that we all possess; and to teach humanity about the power of intuition at the level of Knowledge. Because this Knowledge has the power to guide each and everyone of us to a unique contribution, to a life of service. And yet, it’s by and large obstructed in the world. You know, Knowledge is not moving in enough people. And that really is the crisis of this time. And it’s also the answer of this time, which is that this spiritual power move in more and more people. Now that’s a snapshot of Marshall’s life and and there’s a whole lot more though.

JH: Now initially when you you were saying that he felt this, this need to, to ah, pretty much go on for awhile and and leave you all, that well, that must have been extremely hard for the family at that point, correct?

RS: Well, I should correct my, my usage of the word family, ‘cause he had not met my mother Patricia yet, at that time…

JH: Oh, okay, well that changes (RS: so he…) everything…

RS: …yeah, doesn’t it? Yeah, it changes totally everything. So he had, you know, he had students and, you know, had many people he was very close to at that time. And, he felt mysteriously compelled to depart, in ways that are for, for a reason he could not explain to those around him. And this happens in the world. We feel this need to step out of line, to step out off the highway of life and to go into the wilderness of life. And Marshall felt that need at that time. And he, he made the decision to turn right, to take the off ramp off that highway and to go where no paths led, you know, that, that in terms of the lives of those around him or the consensus around him and really go into the mystery. And what happens when a person goes into the mystery of life, compelled authentically by this deeper power within them? And I think Marshall’s life is, is a remarkable and special demonstration of that.

JH: Now, how could these direct encounters actually happen to him? How would these experiences occur?

RS: Well it, it grew slowly. So again, there were many years that led up to this where this was kind of a subtle voice experience, an inexplicable impulse to do something, or to say something that really had a profound impact on another person. It grew from that into a powerful voice experience and ultimately a Voice that overtook him and spoke through him and delivered a full length 45, 60 minute or beyond length message on a certain topic, largely centered around this reality of Knowledge, this intuitive power we all possess, and the larger evolutionary track our world is on and how the two converge; how our spirituality and the great evolutionary thresholds facing our world converge and interact and how both are meant to connect within the life of a person. So that was really the content of the Message in the early, early years of the Revelation.

And in the years since, the Revelation has expanded tremendously to provide a huge wealth of wisdom on a wide range of topics; that as I read these books, which are, again these were not written by Marshall, these are books of directly Revealed Word recorded and transcribed and published over a 35 year period. As I read these words, I say to myself: no human being could ever render text like this in speech, in live speech. And the audio of him doing so is available free to everyone, it’s on the website New Message dot o-r-g []. You can hear the original Voice of Revelation speaking through Marshall.

JH: Reed, why was Marshall selected for this?

RS: Well, that’s something of a mystery and it remained a mystery for many, many years. Marshall did not have a clear picture as to why him, why why his family. And only later, much later, like 20 years after the original encounter in the desert, did the Angelic Presence really reveal why he was chosen. And that is, that he was prepared before this life to come into the world to receive this Message, a clear, pure Message for all of humanity, for people of every religion or no religion. And that that was his destiny and his purpose in this life to be a Messenger, to bring a Message from the Divine source to a world that desperately needs new wisdom: a clear understanding of its larger place in a larger panorama of life in the universe, and where this Earth is going and what we need to be doing as a result of where it’s going.

So he was chosen and prepared to be a Messenger for this Message. And he never set out to do this. He didn’t study religion and try to piece things together. This is really a story of, of a man being chosen beyond his own will and his own awareness and relenting to that process, to be the vehicle for something to be given into the world. And, really, his life is a demonstration of courage and humility and dedication more than anything else; more than, you know, one man setting out to accomplish something or to create something. Really Marshall, he relented to a Higher Power that wished to create something. And that’s the remarkable New Message from God that we have in the world now.

JH: Now when you talk about God, are we talking about the same God as most of us, me being a Christian, understands as God? Or is this a different entity or different concept?

RS: No, this is, this is God the Creator of the manifest universe, the Source of all life and the Source of the spiritual mind within all sentient life, which is a very important truth as we get further into the reality of contact. But no, the New Message from God is a Message from the same God that delivered Messages in former times, that sent Messengers in former times at great thresholds and turning points in human history. And God has more to say to the world, especially now as we face an environmental crisis on planet Earth at a scale never, never before seen, and as we race the reality with contact with other forms of intelligent life. Again we are now encountering the other 99.9999% of creation of the universe that God created, stepping out of our isolation into the larger universe. And what –? I mean I couldn’t think of something that would be bigger and more powerful to expand our experience and understanding of God and how God works in the world.

JH: And when you talk about Marshall and wandering in the desert, I mean you can’t help but draw parallels with Jesus’ time of wandering in the desert. Was it the same type of experience? I don’t want to jump to anything too, too, you know, drastic here, but it sounds very similar.

RS: Well, you know it, it does strike this theme that you see throughout human history of someone being chosen—they’re as amazed as anyone that it’s happening, right? They’re not in control of the process. They relent to the process. They’re called out of society for a time, called out into the desert or into the wilderness of experience, into the clearing in the forest where they can be reached and something happens: a Higher Power, a Divine Presence, an Angelic Source reaches them and something sparks and ignites in the world. And something new enters the human landscape and begins to move and to reach people and to spread through the hearts and minds of people naturally. And I do feel that that has tremendous parallels with the life of Jesus and Mohammed and other Messengers, perhaps. It’s the same process. It’s the process of revelation.

And I know for me, something very powerful, and we can certainly speak on, is the experience of living at a time of Revelation. What is it like to be around this person chosen to receive this Message, and to see him receive it and to then to have it in your hands and read it? I mean, it’s very special. And I, I’ve been tremendously grateful for, I don’t know how I ended up where I am, which is Marshall’s son, which is, you know, the kid running around the house just observing this process take place over decades, entire books of Revelation given in the space of three or four days, you know? I’m talking about 3-400 page books which you go read now verbatim as they were dictated. And you are seeing something new, a new reality of understanding and awareness entering the human realm. It’s, I am tremendously grateful for the experience.

JH: We have a whole lot more to talk about after the break. We’re talking with Reed Summers. He’s a teacher and representative of the New Message. You can find out more information about The New Message at New Message dot o-r-g or New Message dot org. There’s a whole bunch of information there and we’ll continue the conversation after the break.

JV: Absolutely, so we’ll take a quick break, more to come, you’re listening to Jason and JV on Beyond Reality Radio. [Advertisements/promos]



Interview resumes

JH: Tonight we’re talking with Reed Summers. Reed, we only have a short segment here actually, just about a minute, a little bit more than a minute. As Marshall was receiving these words and writing them down and you were, you said you were witnessing some of this first hand, you actually saw this in progress?

RS: Yes, yes. Not early on, you know, I was running around upstairs with my toys making noise (laughter) which you’ll hear on the recording perhaps. But later on, yes. I have been in the room with Marshall a number of times while this was happening and it’s, it’s very moving to see.

JH: And that obviously affected you rather deeply as well.

RS: Well, I mean when you see that happen and I was with him the moment before, the day before, and listen to what comes through him this, this is the process of Revelation. This is, this is a  a Message from the otherside coming to our side, trying to reach us, trying to teach and instruct us as to how to regard our life in the world at this time and where our world is going. And what else could it be? So yes, it was deeply convincing and and inspiring.

JH: When we come back from our break here, we’re gonna get into the details of, of what some of this New Message actually is. And I also wanna get into the alien connection a little bit deeper as well.

JV and JH: And if you have a question for us or our guest the phone number is…[promos about upcoming shows…]

JV: We have a really interesting discussion going on with Reed Summers. He is a teacher and representative of the New Message. And you can visit the website at New Message dot org and find out more information about it. But before we bring him back in [… promos…]


JH: Let’s bring our guest back in. Reed Summers is, again, a teacher and representative of the New Message. Again, Reed thanks for being with us.

Before we went to break, we were talking about Marshall, your father, and the process by which he went through to present these writings. And one of the things that I’ve always been concerned with and confused by when we have a situation where I’ve, where a message of great importance is being offered to humanity from a higher power, whatever that higher power is purported to be, why it’s done so cryptically and not done in a, in a more, maybe dramatic is the word, or at least obvious fashion. Why is it done in such a cryptic manner?

RS: Well, I think if it was done in a very overt manner or given to multiple people or to a very powerful person, that would be divisive. If you give it to a person in a existing religion, those of another religion would feel disenfranchised. If you give it to multiple people, there would be competing versions. And so it’s given to someone who doesn’t have, really, a position in society, who doesn’t have a big investment in a name or an identity that might be challenged by the Revelation itself. And this is how revelation takes place. It’s given to the humble, the unassuming, the non-, unambitious because they are trustworthy enough to bring forth the pure message, uncorrupted, unaltered. And Marshall is most certainly that person. In fact, if you ever get a chance to meet him or see him speak, you know, just his humility and his humanity shines forth. And he’s a very grounded person. He’s not someone who has been, you know, floating around in metaphysics and high end cosmology all his life. He’s a grounded man. He is a very wise person, made very wise by his contact with the Angelic Presence over so long a time period.

And he earnestly is working to get this Message to people who are looking for it, people who sense and feel that, at an intuitive level, that the direction humanity is going in has changed at a very fun-, in a fundamental way. And they’re looking for the answer, the truth as to what that change is and what it means for them personally. And that is precisely what the New Message provides.

JH: But in, in the same, wouldn’t it, wouldn’t it have been smarter on the the people who have contacted your father mainly to get, to make contact with somebody who had a much further reach, was able to get the word out to a larger mass at once?

RS: Well, you know, it’s interesting. I don’t know if we understand this process very well. You know if, if a 10,000 page communication, that would take 37 years to reveal, were to be given to someone, what would it take for that one person to, in humility, undergo that process as it would dictate the terms, not he or she, would faithfully render that message and not alter it or not rewrite it or confabulate it? Would wait for the time and the moment when it needed to be revealed to the world? Because Marshall was was really in a state of semi-seclusion and deep focus receiving this for years. Who amongst us could, could walk that journey of obscurity for a long period of time, you know, not a whole lot of support, not a whole lot of acceptance? And I think we can all sense and feel that it’s, it’s a bit harder than it sounds. So if this were given to a celebrity or to someone with a huge reach, would that person be able to faithfully bring that forward over such a long period? That’s a question.

JH: Reed, is there any divinity in Marshall?

RS: Ah, what would you mean by that, “divinity”?

JH: Well, um, he’s a Messenger of a Message from God. Is there something divine in him or is he just simply passing on a Message from God?

RS: Well I would first off say that I think we all possess divinity. In fact, I think there our deeper nature is, is divine. And this is what the New Message says, is that the power of Knowledge, the spiritual mind within us is God. This is the reality of God as it exists within us and we are part of that and cannot separate for it—very important. And you know God is not the Father in the sky, a Lord, a single entity. God is a Presence that infuses all life. That life exists in me and you. It exists in Marshall, most definitely. And, you know, Marshall does have deeper connections in an Angelic sense that have prepared him for this role in this lifetime. But, just like you and me, he is a man in the world and yet, he is also a person who possesses a divine reality within him.

JH: Let’s talk about the Message itself. Can, is there a way to sum it up? I know it’s, it’s pretty, it’s pretty extensive. There’s a lot. That’s why you, people should go to the website, New Message dot org. But give some us, at least start it for us: What is the Message?

RS: Okay. Well, um, and again, as you said, this extends over numerous books, many of which are free online for people to go read. And I do encourage them to go read this for themselves. Don’t listen to me recap it for you or don’t be satisfied with just that. Do go see this text. Hear the original Voice. Hear Marshall. If anything, go search his name on Youtube and see him speak. He’ll do better justice than I would as to what the New Message is.

But, I think you could, you could sum it up—he has summed it, Marshall himself—in the following sentence: The New Message is about reconnecting with God and with what God wants you to do. Okay. Now that’s maybe, that’s the shortest summary ever of such an enormous message. But, in essence, it really is about coming back into original living connection with the Divine Presence within you, not within a church, with a leader, an authority or an intermediary, or a scripture even, or a book!, anything sacred outside of ourselves. It’s coming back to what is sacred within ourselves, which is the living, beating heart of who we really are beyond this one life, who we were before this life and who we will be after this life. It is our soul journeying through the separate manifest universe over many lifetimes.

And here we find ourselves on Earth at this challenging time in this challenging world. The New Message is about coming back into contact, walking back home to yourself, really, and reconnecting with this power of Knowledge, the spiritual mind we possess; and allowing Knowledge to move through you in a unique way that aligns with your nature and your design in this life, to serve the world in some unique fashion with certain people in a certain place. People, purpose and place.

The New Message is really about getting to those people, getting to that place and getting to that purpose because the world desperately needs more people engaged at that level—not just living for themselves personally or in a state of, I don’t know, ambition or anxiety or fear or self service—but really service to the human family. And the New Message teaches that that’s why we came. We cam-, we chose to come into this world at this time to serve the evolutionary needs of this world. And the New Message, as you can imagine, reveals what those evolutionary needs are in the clearest terms possible. It tells us that humanity is a young, adolescent, emerging world, stepping out into a vast cosmos of a billion billion billion races or more, all of which are equal creations in God’s eye. And so right off the bat you can get the sense that we’re not talking about a Father, or Lord in the sky, or an old understanding or representation of God.

This is a vast new experience of God, un–, unhitched from all the parables and stories and ancient tribal anecdotes that have been clothed and draped over this Divine Presence. These are now, God is now being revealed as how God has always truly been in a vast universe of life. And if God is the God of our world and their world too, that changes everything about what we think religion is for, whose religion is the best, etc. So it, it represents a huge shift in our awareness about God and opens up really the experience of God beyond religion. It’s the experience of God living in, moving in the world right now. It seeks to move through each of us in a very unique way. And Marshall is a demonstration of that. There are many demonstrations of what happens when someone, a mind and a body, begins to open up to the memory and to the experience of who they really are, who they were before this life, and allow that to move through them. And it moves them in a way or in a direction that they would never personally choose for themselves. And remarkable things happen as a result. And the New Message from God is certainly an example and a testament to that process.

JH: Alright, we’ll just jump in here and take a listener question. This is Matt calling from Montana. Hi Matt, welcome to Beyond Reality Radio, great to have you on the show.

Matt: Hey, thanks for having me. I’d like to say I’m a long time listener but I’m not (laughter). A friend of mine sent me a link and they said, you should listen to this, and, and that’s what I’m doing. And I really appreciate you taking my call.

JH: Thanks for calling, listening…

Matt: So I’m listening to this and so my question for Reed would be, you know, I look back through my life and what you’re talking about is resonating with me. I have been obsessed with the UFO phenomenon from a very, very young age you know, to the point where I’m buying Project Blue book at age 10 and John Mack and ah Dr. David Jacobs, I mean I’ve got 50 books on my shelf. I just can’t give up trying to figure out what in the heck is going on. So my question is: I can’t be the only one like this. What what in your opinion, what does the New Message say to somebody like me who just can’t let this go?

People know me as UFO Matt ‘cause, you know, I just talk about it all the time. And I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with it, but I made up 40 years of my life researching it. And I’m just curious, Reed, what would you say to guys like me, people like that have this, this calling that they just can’t figure out, why we’re so drawn to it? And I’ll take my answer off the air. Thanks guys

JH: Thank you, Matt. Reed…

RS: Well, thank you, Matt. And I would say The New Message is precisely for people like you. I would say that there is obviously a sense of deep inner knowing that this issue is big. It’s real. It has… It’s not just information. It’s not just an interest. It’s a need to know. There’s an abiding need to know. It’s beyond the mind only. It’s not just, “Oh, gosh darn it – What’s the answer? Why are they here? Who are they?” It’s something deeper than that. And I have felt that myself. And the New Message reveals at length the reality of contact, the reality of life in the universe beyond us, stuff we could never otherwise know that can be revealed through Revelation, and is. And that Revelation, what it –, finally places our world in its true context, we know where we are, finally; and the reality of, you know, contact, UFO sightings etc., is a phenomenon, or a set of phenomena that sits on top of a larger, more pervasive reality that really encompasses the future direction of our world.

And I know I am in the world, I’m connected to this, I would say for myself. I am connected to this larger landscape of life beyond our world and contact is cracking that door open. Contact is forcing our world out into a larger arena. And people of conscience around the world who are connected to that issue, who feel that that problem has their name on it at some deep level and they cannot let it go, they are the ones that the New Message was given to. It was given to confirm that they have a Greater Community nature, that their presence in the world is connected to this larger step being taken, it’s not connected only to the past and to Earth based religions and Earth based issues and problems, and Earth based conspiracies and all of this. It’s connected to this great step forward, they are.

And I’ve met many of these people. And, you know, Marshall has spent over 30 years trying to reach these people, trying to give them this Message which has such an activating power, not only to answer the question about who is here and why, but to tell them or to give them the key to knowing what they personally need to do in light of it; how they are connected to it. And I think that’s the, that’s the difference maker, when this goes beyond an interest. It goes beyond information and more books on the shelf. And it goes to finally understanding essentially: Who is here; what this means for our world; and that we are connected to this; and that there is a way to prepare and to contribute to this great step being taken now by humanity at large.

JV: And so if you got a question for us, or guest Reed Summers, give us a call at  844-687-7669. We’re gonna take a quick break, more to come. You’re listening to Jason and JV on Beyond Reality Radio, we’ll be back after this [Music]…. Coming up on the other side of the break we’ll continue our discussion with Reed Summers. We’re talking about the New Message. He’s a teacher and representative of that message. You can check out more information about it at New Message dot org. And the phone number is…[Assorted promos for upcoming shows…]


JH: And tonight we’re talking with Reed Summers. He’s a teacher and representative of the New Message. You can find out more about the New Message at New Message dot org. And Reed, our time is starting to run short here. And we’ve got probably a lot still to cover, so I wanted to get into this alien connection a bit more because when we started the discussion you made a very succinct point about that. What is the relationship with the alien presence and the contact that’s underway in regards to, to the New Message?

RS: Sure, sure. Well, alongside the New Message from God, Marshall received a set of communications from an off-planet group of observers who call themselves the Allies of Humanity. And the Allies say that they have come into the vicinity of our world to observe the very dangerous form of contact underway now, which they call the alien Intervention—which, in brief, is a surreptitious plan underway by multiple economic collectives in our vicinity who are here to take advantage of the earth and its resources and us, its people. And this is perhaps the greatest challenge our world will face as it steps out into the Greater Community, as it encounters not the beneficial forms of life, but rather economic interests.

Just like you would step out into the city of life, you’re not going to encounter, you know, the wise and the friendly necessarily. You may encounter those who would seek to take advantage of you, and indeed that that is the prosaic truth of what we’re facing. And the Allies of Humanity delivered three sets of Briefings, which really come into the world alongside the New Message in order to present the larger new reality of life out there in the universe at large that we are stepping into and will step into over the next 100 years and beyond.

This is a huge transition. This is not just, you know, information for this week or this year or a little bit of disclosure to kind of keep us interested and excited. This is a set of communications and preparatory documents to enable people to begin to make that huge shift in awareness, self identity, focus in their life, to realizing that they are part of one human family now in a larger universe of life and that we have a lot we need to do. We need to restore the environment of the world. We need to address runaway climate change that we have created, that is threatening the habitability of planet Earth. And we need to see contact for what it is, which is an alien Intervention into our world engaged in very dark activities, including the reality of human alien abduction and a hybridization program, even beyond that.

There’s a lot to say here, there’s a deep dive to take. And the Allies of Humanity Briefings present the essential information that I feel every person needs to know about contact. It is an amazing starting point, a distillation of decades and decades of research and study and conjecture now distilled into a clear picture which we can either see or choose to not see. And the clear picture is: This is an Intervention by aggressive forces who are here to take advantage of us and our world and what our world possesses.

And when you step back and look at all the phenomena surrounding contact, this is the picture that becomes clear. There’s nothing they are doing in our world that suggests beneficial contact, other than promulgating and spreading, at large, messages, channelled teachings saying that those visiting our world are enlightened space travelers, that they can heal the ills of our world, that they can uplift humanity and do what we could never do ourselves. These very beautiful, ah love and light, and yet disempowering messages that are spreading like wildfire all across the internet. That’s one thing they’re doing. But the bulk of what they are actually physically doing that has been observed clearly indicates that these are forces acting surreptitiously without human awareness and consent, taking people, influencing officials in government and religion, manipulating our religious and spiritual belief systems, promising that the return of a cherished saviour or teacher is imminent. All of these things… I, we could go on and on and on. And the Allies Briefing, again, in the three series of books that have been released, present an amazing exposé of: Who is here. What they’re doing. And what we need to do about it.

It is the disclosure that we have not been asking for enough. We have not been asking for disclosure from the ET presence, instead demanding it from our own governments. And this indeed, is exactly what the Intervention would like, is for us to focus on each other, produce conflict with each other and not focus upon who is visiting our world and what their real intent is.

And here I mean it’s, it’s as simple as this: we have an intruder in the house. Someone has come to our door in the in the darkness of night, unannounced, uninvited and has stepped through that door into our house and is prowling on the ground floor and we are coming down the staircase to see who’s there. Now to assume that this visitor has a beneficial intent or that their statements of, “Don’t worry. I’m here to help. I’m here to do this, that or the other,” is trustworthy, that is not an intelligent position to take regarding contact. (JH: Right.) So, this is, this is a natural event. This is a force of nature coming into our world. And we need to be reality based and not fantasy based in how we regard it.

JH: Let’s jump to the phone lines here. We have Barry from North Carolina with a comment and question. Hey Barry, welcome to the show.

Barry: Hello there fellows and how are you going tonight? I hope everybody is alright.

JV: Good Barry, welcome to the show.

Barry: I’m a frequent listener and frequent caller (laughter). But listen, I got a theory that I want to run by you. One of the reasons that we don’t know more about the overall universe and [garbled]…God or Mohammed or whichever religion you practice, is communication. We can’t communicate with snakes or birds or alligators or whales, just like none of them can communicate with us. What do you think about that?

JH: Any thoughts, Reed?

RS: Well, I actually think that’s quite perceptive. Thank you, Barry. I think communication is kind of the essence of what goes on in the universe or doesn’t. And the inability to communicate and connect with another life form and perceive the intent of another life form is a disability. And I would say that humanity is becoming more and more dissociated from the natural world it lives in. Our natural, innate knowing and intuition and sense of groundedness on this Earth is being undermined. And now we’re stepping out into a whole new playing field of life with new forms of life that have their own intent, uninfluenced by the reality that we would create, you know, in our minds, and are we able to perceive that? And are we able to communicate, not only speak with, but understand and engage with appropriately? And I, as I look out into the, you know, the larger community of people interested in contact, I see these wild beliefs about that they’re here to save us, that you know they; re-, we need to trust them, that our souls made a contract with them that empowers them to us as abductees. Wild things are being thrown about out there which demonstrate a complete inability to engage in authentic communication.

Okay? These these are, this is not engaging with the situation as it is and this again comes back to the importance of reality which is in the name of your show. And I would urge you before you step beyond reality to step into reality. I would urge everyone, I urge myself to do that, which is to perceive the event of contact, even the other events, the paranormal events that you guys research, as events of nature and of reality itself. And that lest we become driven by our own hopes and wishes projecting those onto that natural event, we need to become perceptive of that natural event and learn more about nature, more than we know now, especially as we face contact with new forms of life.

JH:  Alright, let’s see if we can fit in one more listener call here. This is Justin calling from Missouri. Hey Justin, welcome to the show.

Justin: Hi guys, um I was wondering if you were to maybe be abducted by an alien and you were abducted by them, what do you think some of the tests they would do on you? And where would they maybe take you?

JH: That’s a really interesting question, Justin. Reed, you’ve talked about abductions, you’ve talked about um some of the tests or maube, you said some of the hybridization some of these things are going on, what do you think is happening during abductions? What what is happening to the people that are being taken away?

RS: Well great question and the Allies of Humanity book three, I’m sorry book two, goes into this and it’s multi-faceted. Stepping back and looking at the larger reality of abduction, it is at the center of a hybridization program, which is an effort to create a human being who looks, talks, walks just like you and I, but is fundamentally altered at a deep level and is aligned to the agenda of those visiting our world; and that this person could then take a position of leadership in government, commerce and even religion in time. All because those visiting our world cannot remain here for long durations, they cannot breath our atmosphere for long periods, so they need us and this is important to realize.

And this is what the Allies say, is that we are part of the resource—humanity—both as workers, as those who will help the Intervention extract the resources that they want from planet Earth, but also as participants in the larger collective. And in addition to that, as resources at the most elemental level. And the Allies reveal that people are taken, never returned, elements of their body are taken: blood, skin, other substrates are taken and used to foster life elsewhere.

I mean, again, the universe is a universe of largely barren worlds. And here we are living on a biological gem that basically offers every form of naturally evolved biology you could ever imagine. And those from beyond our world, who live in sterile environments and, you know, go long distances to obtain biology like this, look at us as resources. And so some of the experiments… well, certainly they are to foster young who are hybridized. And David Jacobs has—and others researching that phenomenon—have done an amazing amazing job doing so and documenting it, and I’m very grateful to them for that. And yet, the Allies do say that other procedures are done to extract certain elements from the human physiology and from the physiology of other animals. And this is well documented.  

JH: Alright

RS: Thanks for the question.

JH: And let’s take one more call, we do have time for this, this is ah Kristina calling from Florida. Hey Kristina, welcome to the show.

Christina:  Hi, how are you? Thank you for taking my call. And hi, Reed. I have a question. And ah um before I jump in, I just like to express something that um you know, those people who are being abducted and visited in their bedroom in the middle of the night, you know, it’s happening to my family. And I just wanted to um voice it a little bit, express it that I’m really not happy about it…it’s, it’s not okay that these ah alien intervention is happening and um we have like a stranger in our home and ah I just really worry about it that were is this going? What does it mean for for humanity’s freedom? And what are those people who are being abducted can do about it, how can they protect themselves?

JH: Great questions Kristina, great questions. Reed?

RS: Yeah, great questions. Well, I agree this is the time to stop and really look. This is the time to go beyond the interest or even the entertainment we garner from these paranormal, ufological phenomena. Stop and really ask: Is this real? Because it if is, this is the biggest thing ever and very few people are aware of it at all and even fewer people see it correctly and even fewer people are doing anything about it.

So, this at the fundamentals is a call, it’s a call to people of conscience, to people who always felt connected to these phenomena to go beyond acquiring more books and information, to realize that there is a simple and clear truth about this that we can discern and we have the tools now to respond to it. And that’s, that’s absolutely essential. And there needs to be a movement to speak out, to generate a public outcry and, and public education about the Intervention itself.

I mean this, this is huge, this is first contact with humanity. And humanity is now the native people, not of one country or one continent being visited by colonial powers of their own kind. We are now natives of the whole world being visited by those of another kind who have vastly advanced technology, well beyond ours, and a very destructive set of activities that signal negative intent very clearly. And there is a great effort to keep public awareness of this under wraps. That’s pretty much, that’s pretty clear—both on the side of government and the Intervention. But most importantly on the side of the Intervention.

And you know Marshall has taught for many years, and the Allies Briefings make clear, we have the tools to make this issue known by enough people, a small fraction—that’s all it takes—to put an end to the Intervention because it is a very weak and brittle force. Their plan is well thought out, but is basically incapable of being adapted, of adapting itself to resistance of any kind.

JH: Reed, we are just out of time. I wish we could keep talking about this. We’re gonna have to have you back on the program. We are just completely out of time.

RS: No problem

JH: So again, the website is New Message dot org. Check it out. There’s complete information in there. Reed, that’s um and I’m sure folks can get a hold of you through the website, we have about 10 seconds.

RS: Great, Jason and JV. And there’s a Community of people preparing for this. And you can learn about that Community and meet those people on our website, so thank you for having me.

JV: Well, thanks so much for coming on. You have yourself a great night. We’ll talk again soon.

JH: Alright, thank you to Reed Summers for joining us. Like I said, we just scratched the surface on that conversation, his website is New Message dot org. You may wanna check it out as there’s a whole bunch of detail there….[announcements/promos about upcoming shows]


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