Reed Summers’ Parabnormal Radio Interview

Reed Summers is interviewed by Jeremy Scott on Parabnormal Radio about the New Message and the Allies of Humanity Briefings, on March 24, 2018 in Boulder, Colorado.
Jeremy Scott: Over 20 years ago a group of individuals from several different worlds gathered at a discrete location in our solar system near Earth for the purpose of observing the alien Intervention that is occurring in our world. From their hidden vantage point they were able to determine the identity, organization and intentions of those visiting our world and monitor the visitors’ activities. This group of observers calls themselves the Allies of Humanity. This is their report. Here to share it is Reed Summers who is the prophet and messenger for a Divine Revelation regarding humanity’s emergence into a universe of intelligent life and the hidden reality of contact taking place in the world today. They’ve been working as representative for this Divine Revelation and for the Allies of Humanity Briefings—a revolutionary set of texts which reveal the secret agenda of those ET forces present in our world and provide a clear picture of what these forces are, why they are here and what they are doing at this critical time on Earth. It’s a pleasure to welcome to Into the Parabnormal, Reed Summers. Good evening.
Reed Summers: Good evening Jeremy, thanks for having me.
JS: Ladies and gentleman I apologize about the hum. I’m hearing it on my end and I’m not sure what is the cause for that because nothing changed here. So, it’s just one of those weird anomalies that we talked about earlier in the program that is rearing its head now. So I’m afraid there’s nothing that I can really do about that, but I just hope you’ll just bear with us. Reed, start with telling us who your father is.
RS: Well, first off, I’ll start by correcting one thing in the bio, which is I’m actually not the Prophet or the Messenger, I am the son of Marshall Vian Summers who is the Prophet and Messenger for a New Message from the Creator of all life given to prepare humanity for its next great evolutionary step out into a larger universe of intelligent life, which is now underway because contact is underway, the greatest event in human history, which the New Message that my father Marshall has received details at great length and reveals regarding, you know why this contact is occurring, what exactly is occurring, and what the final end game really is for humanity.
JS: But you’ve been your father’s mentor? Or he’s been your mentor, you’ve been under his wing for some time so you’ve learned a lot from him.
RS: Well, yes I have. I have been his son for…over 33 years now. And I have witnessed the whole process of Revelation occur through him over many decades, bringing into the world a teaching for all people to prepare us for our new life out in what it calls the Greater Community, which is the universe of intelligent life in which we life. So, I’ve been witness to this quite mysterious and inexplicable process. It’s been a privilege to be a witness to it and to be there with my father as this Voice, this Angelic Voice continues to flow through him, speak through him, delivering these Teachings for the world. So, I’m now assisting my father in bringing that Message to people around the globe, providing it in as many ways as we can so that people have this preparation to live successfully at a very challenging, confusing time in the world as many different forces are converging all at once upon us.
JS: Well, this Message that we’re going to share tonight, this Message that has been received by your father—pretty deep message, is it not?
RS: It’s very deep. It touches really on the very heart of what it means to be in the world at this time, the Spiritual Presence and reality that lives within each of us and seeks to move through each of us to meet these enormous evolutionary challenges that we are all facing. So it’s deep, it’s pervasive, it’s expansive and it really presents a whole new reality of understanding where we are in the universe and how we got here and where we’re going next. And it presents with that a pathway of preparation for each person to take, which is called the Steps to Knowledge. The Steps are free online and there’s many thousands of people studying them around the world. And these Steps walk us back into contact with our deeper nature, they take us back into connection with the living Presence of spirituality within us that seeks to move us into our different and unique forms of service to this world. So it’s really a message that goes back deep, and yet it also speaks very clearly, perhaps more than anything else in the world, about the real nature of contact occurring right now: who is here in the world, why they’re here, what they’re doing and where this is all taking us; so very clear and practical, as well, at that level.
JS: Was your Father picked for this?
RS: Say that one more time, Jeremy?
JS: Was your Father picked or was he appointed the Messenger?
RS: Well, the New Message says, that yes, he was chosen beyond this life to come into the world to receive this Message, but for the longest time Marshall himself did not know that. Marshall has walked a rather inexplicable journey, a confounding one that has really challenged him and his ability to simply take the next step; you know, simply to walk forward and take that step that’s presenting itself, that he most deeply felt he needed to do, that felt right at the deepest level. And I’m sure many of your listener’s can resonate with that because we’re all trying to walk that path in light of our deeper sensitivities, our deeper inclinations, even as we’re bombarded by the world with all of its influences and all the distortions, you know, in the world today. We’re all trying to find that deeper thread of why we’re here, who we’re here to meet, what we’re here to do. And Marshall really demonstrates a life lived in the spirit of honoring that deeper path and inclination, living it out and seeing what might come through a person because what came through him is something very unique that he himself could nev have created, could have never have written, could never have spoken. This is really a Divine Revelation that found a man and his family down in the world and spoke through him, revealed itself through him. And Marshall and my mother, Patricia, and I are now all at the center of this amazing process of revelation that’s bigger than us, you know. We’re challenged everyday by it and yet it continues to move through Marshall. And it’s touching people around the world in ways that we personally never could. So it’s very special and I’m very grateful to be a part of it.
JS: Was this Message communicated to you as a child growing up?
RS: Well, we can back up a little bit and talk a little bit about the whole process of revelation and where it all began. I can talk about my experiences as a child in the midst of it all. Marshall was a teacher for the blind in the early, I’m sorry, in the late 70s and he in his teaching developed this sensitivity, this innate gut sense about how to work with his students, many of whom had grave impairments in their ability to see, to hear and even beyond, so had very significant special needs. And Marshall began to develop this sixth sense, really, about how to engage with these individuals, how to reach to them and how to listen to them and that produced some amazing moments and communications from them. And so, Marshall termed this “inner guidance,” that we have a deeper Spiritual mind dwelling within each of us that has the ability to guide us in life toward a life of contribution, relationship, purpose that we otherwise may never find. And so Marshall followed that sense of inner guidance. He even followed it even out of his teaching career as it guided him to even leave his teaching career and wander for some time, which he did.
And, this is a little snapshot of Marshall’s life which is kind of an extraordinary life and the whole story deserves the telling because it’s kind of, kind of a great story. But, Marshall departed his teaching, departed his life in the city and wandered for an extended period of time. And this voice experience began to grow for him. He began to teach others how to connect with this voice experience and the process of inner guidance and did that for some time. And yet then the voice compelled him to leave that, to leave those people and to wander again, pushing him out beyond the edge of the known into the unknown, into the wilderness of life. And again, I’m sure there are people listening who can resonate with that experience of living in the wilderness, being moved in ways you can’t explain to other people and yet knowing you must proceed.
And Marshall himself honored that sense and proceeded. And in this period of wandering, departing once again his work and all that he’d built, he came in contact with this Voice in a very complete way. It was really an initiation. And this Voice came over him in such a power and strength that he felt it would literally nearly destroy him, OK? This was an encounter of unparalleled power with an Angelic Presence that Marshall himself was not personally seeking out; this happened to him. And in this pro-, in this moment of initiation, this Voice commanded him to begin to record, to begin to record a series of Messages for the world.
And now at that time Marshall really didn’t know what message that would be, what the topic would be, who its recipient would be. It was a mystery to him, and yet the power and the clarity of that Voice telling him to do this was something he could not deny or run away from. And so he began to open himself more completely to it. And this Voice began to speak through him, literally this Angelic Presence began to kind of overcome him and place him in a state of revelation where his body and his voice was being used, but the Presence speaking through him was not him. It was a Greater Power speaking through him in a voice that was not his, and yet using his body and his mind as vehicle.
And so, a series of Messages were spoken and recorded and transcribed by Marshall. And those became the first books of the New Message. For example the book, Wisdom from the Greater Community Volumes I and II, which are seminal texts; I know for me, I, you read these books and they are like dialogues with those, those in the spirit realm. They are these powerful communications and conversations almost with us down here in the world of form with those who are not here in the world of form counseling, guiding us to begin to undertake a preparation for our destined emergence out into a larger universe of intelligent life, and presenting with that a Spiritual tradition, a universal form of Spirituality that is practiced in that universe of intelligent life which the Voice called The Greater Community Way of Knowledge—so, The Way of Knowledge, the Way of Inner Knowing as practiced in the Greater Community.
So these first messages which became the first books really constituted the beginning, the very first bricks in the platform of a new reality of human spiritual understanding, human theology and just down to earth, grounded spiritual application out in the real world. And that platform has grown and grown and grown and expanded over the years and now one book became two, has become 10, has become 30, (chuckle) the scope of this Message that has flown through him is astounding. And I invite, you know, your listeners to go-, much of this Message is being available up online for everybody to read and to download at newmessage dot o-r-g [], where we host the library of the text of the New Message and the original audio recordings of Marshall speaking in the state of Revelation, which is really something special to be able to hear the original audio of those encounters with the Angelic Presence.
So getting back to your first ques-, your original question, which was—what was this like for me growing up, or did this Voice speak to me in anyway? Well, the Voice was speaking in our home all the time. And Marshall could not choose the day, or the time of day, when this would happen. It simply overcame him. And in his mundane activities he felt this great weight, great pressure overcome him and this mandate to sit, to, you know, start up his audio recorder and to record what followed. And he honored that and did that at all hours of the day and night. And what would come through him would be a 60 minute or longer communication, which once transcribed, became a word-perfect chapter of a book to be, a book to be published down the road. And that is what you will now find in the books of the New Message.
So growing up in, you know, at home, with this Voice in the house was quite an experience for me. And I remember the Voice, you know, faintly sounding through the door, through the drywall above, you know, upstairs in my dad’s bedroom—the Voice of really an Angelic Presence, an Angelic Voice coming through my father, a voice I never, never ever would hear him speak normally. And I would creep up the stairs on all hands, hands and, hands and legs, and go up to the door and put my ear to the door and try to hear what was being said cause I wasn’t allowed to be in the room or, let alone to make noise if possible—although I was running around making a lot of noise those days. So, I would press my ear to the door and listen to this Angelic Voice speaking, just mesmerized and then ask my mother, you know, what was this Voice, who’s Marshall, who’s Dad speaking to? Is this a friend in the house? And Patricia, my mother, would say, “Oh no, Reedy, no. Your Dad is speaking to his Teachers.” Which is what they, he called the Angelic Presence at that time. The Teachers, the Teachers of this new universal spirituality as practiced out in the universe of life, which is called The Greater Community Way of Knowledge.
And so, my encounters with that Voice were really second hand and in the environment at large. And yet, you know, the words of it floated through my mind as a young boy, you know, hearing them being spoken around me. And these deep truths, these remarkable truths took, took ahold somewhere inside and I later chose to come back and help my father present them to the world.
JS: Yeah, at some point you’d be grown up enough to have received all of this information that maybe at a kid wasn’t right for you.
RS: No, well it was beyond me completely. And I, I struggled to explain what was so unique and different about our family to all my friends. I couldn’t make sense of it myself and I, it produced some conflict for me. You know, I couldn’t square this up with the aspirations of everybody else and of a young boy and then a young man. And yet looking at my parents involved in this process was very inspiring and I, I got it, you know. I really did get it, even as a 13 year old. I remember looking at them just talking about what do we need to do to bring this to the world. “Marshall, what now, what next?” You know. “Do we make a book? How do we bring this forth?” Just the earnestness of two people caught up in a larger process not of their making, just trying to serve it, trying to, to do their part to complete the transmission, which is to bring an amazing message received that day, out to people, before there was an internet. Not an easy task.
So I saw my parents, you know, burdened bringing a New Message from God to the world, a Message that directly clarified the great mysteries of life in the world at this time: contact with extraterrestrial life, a changing environment, political upheaval; you know the deeper spiritual need that so many are craving to find but can’t put their finger on and therefore struggle, you know, with depression, addiction and all the different symptoms which arise from really a fundamental crisis of being disconnected from our source. To see my parents burdened with bringing a message that could actually alleviate and answer those needs was something that touched me as a young boy. And yet, there was no pressure to help them. There was no pressure to sign on and be a part of this or study it. You know, I chose to do that on my own at a certain stage when I was ready. But, at a certain point, you know, I, I just, hearing Marshall speak in the world and attempt to bring this to the world called me back to help him.
JS: What kinds of things…I guess, well, let me ask just a couple of more detailed oriented questions, Reed. When was the first Message that your father received and is he still receiving messages to this day?
RS: The first message would have been, well back in, around 1983. And yes he is still receiving messages to this day.
JS: Have they escalated, have they slowed down a bit, have they evolved over time?
RS: Yeah, it’s interesting. I actually mapped out the arc of the revelation by year—how many revelations given per year over time. And they definitely peaked back in the 2008 to 2012 period. And they have definitely diminished in recent years. And that’s because the Angelic Presence has revealed that they are almost complete in the delivery of this Revelation.
JS: Yeah, I guess there’s only so much for them to reveal, huh?
RS: Well, there’s, yeah, I mean we need to know what we need to know. And we don’t need to know a whole lot beyond that that we couldn’t ever put into action or, you know, be constructive with. So it’s, it’s pretty big, you know. When you go and look into it and start reading it you really realize how big and new this really is. It’s not just a series of stream of consciousness, you know, recordings that we published. I mean these are, these are, there are whole books just on relationships, OK, whole books just on the reality of the new world, the environment and so forth. There are numerous chapters focusing on specific needs, you know, all as part of a large book on that overall reality. So, you know this is, this is quite something. It is, it is, you know, it is really a new testament to the world to meet the needs of living in the world now. And it’s for everyone. It’s not for any single tribe or nation or people of any one religion. It did not spring from any existing church or organization. You know, this is really a great story of a man finding himself called out into the wilderness of life, called off of the highway of life into the wilderness and a visitation occurring with an Angelic Presence and a man relenting to that, doing what it req-, requested him to do and a whole message flowing through him across his entire life and now being given to the world, to everyone for free, totally open to all.
JS: Is there any limits to this message?
RS: Oh certainly. I mean, you know this is not the last Message for all times. This is not the one Message that every single person absolutely must receive in order to be close to God. This is simply a communication from the Divine realm to meet the needs of being a human at this time. And there are unique needs now that won’t be there a 100 years from now. And, there are needs now that were not spoken to in the past Messages of 100 or 1000 years ago. So, yes there’s certainly limits. And really the focus of the Message, the reason it has come is because humanity has arrived at a major threshold line in its evolution, where it goes from being an isolated world of humans dealing with humans to a world now becoming to-, becoming integrated into life beyond the world, rejoining the other 99.999% of life out in the universe. And having to survive and navigate that challenging threshold at every level—at the level of religion, human psychology, resources, cooperation and unity, economics. You know, contact affects every level of human society and human awareness. And so, a Revelation is needed, a gift from the Creator of all life to prepare people to successfully navigate that because, you know, we have the historical record here on earth regarding what happens in first contact between the native peoples and a visiting power. And if the native peoples do not navigate the arrival of that foreign power on their shores correctly, they may come to lose everything in time. And this in fact is what is occurring now, slowly and quietly through an Intervention, and alien Intervention in our world. Which simply represents first contact, you know. But it’s not first contact with those we would like to contac-, make contact with, it’s those who have made the long journey to the earth for their own purposes. And we can talk more about who they are and what they’re doing because that’s a key part of the New Message in its Revelation to us.
JS: And we mentioned, and you said “yes,” your father was chosen to receive this Message, do we know why?
RS: You know that’s something of a mystery. I know for the longest time Marshall didn’t really know where this was coming from in totality. He did not know this was a New Message from God for many decades. That was revealed to him at a certain stage when the Angelic Presence felt that he was prepared to bear that burden of understanding. Do we know why Marshall was chosen? Well, you know, when you go listen to Marshall, go on to YouTube and put his name in the search field and go hear him speak, listen to him and feel for yourself the quality of this man’s state of mind, his intention and what he’s really doing in the world. And, and see for yourself. And I think through that, through a real experience of Marshall, you may come to see that this is a man of tremendous compassion and regard for humanity, a man who is very grounded and very real. He’s a very real person. He is not out there in higher realms of cosmology musing on the stars. He’s a very grounded individual. In fact, I think he’s one of the wisest people you may ever meet—wise about relationships, wise about the world. He’s very wise.
He’s an extremely skilled teacher and yet, there’s something else that moves through Marshall—a level of love and compassion and desire to help this world that’s, I think, beyond him personally. And I think it speaks to his lineage beyond the world, his connection to the Angelic Assembly beyond the world. And it may begin to reveal why, why him, you know, why he was chosen. After all these long years we might be able to come to understand that through a real experience of him. You know, now in his later years he’s gone through this, this inexplicable journey across so many years, a road he never could have walked alone without the support of those who were called to assist him—also called. This is really a calling, you know. It’s a calling around the world for people to become a part of a greater movement for good in the world, to help the world and Marshall is a part of that. And really, he is one of the initiators of this force for good, one of, not the only. And his presence in the world connects to the presence of many other people in the world. And I do feel that he’s not just an unwitting recipient of a Message. He was someone chosen, prepared beyond this life, deeply connected to those who oversee life in the world, the Angelic Presence, sent here to receive this pure message, and present it to everyone who can receive it.
JS: So as we, as we follow along here, this was a Message from God through an Angelic being about the extraterrestrial presence, correct?
RS: Well, about… yes. So it is a Message from the Creator of all life translated, we would say, into, you know, English and the human experience by the Angelic Presence. So not just one Angelic being, but a community really beyond the world that oversees life in the world, seeks to support the needs of people in the world. They call themselves the Angelic Assembly. That Presence has spoken through Marshall delivering the entirety of this Message, not only about contact with extraterrestrial life, but about how to achieve success in relationships, how to build the core Pillars of one’s life: work, health, spiritual development; and so many other topics. Again, it really is, it’s a gift of upgrade in the human experience and awareness of what it means to be in this world, where this world is going and why we even came into the world to begin with. You know, it really, it begins to give some sense of answer to that great pervasive mystery, you know, that we have all lived with.
JS: In the New Message, tell us what is known as the alien Intervention.
RS: Certainly. Well, the New Message reveals that contact is under way; that we are stepping out of our isolation into a universe of life, not by our journeys out into space or our own scientific detection of earth-like worlds, but because of contact being forced at this time by those who have come the long way to planet Earth for their own purposes. They come in many guises. They come saying many things, many of them beautiful and beneficial–saying that they’re here to redeem humanity, to save us from ourselves, to heal the environment, to unite the religions. You’ll see these messages all over the Internet, a proliferation of channeled messages purportedly from an alien source saying that those in our world today are here to do what humanity could never do, to bring us together, to heal all the ills of the world, and to really shepherd humanity into a galactic community of love and integration and so forth. All of these messages are coming from a core set of alien forces who are actually physically in this world and have been for some decades. And the New Message reveals who they are and why they’re here because humanity, on its own, has not been able to clearly understand that. In fact, it has been swamped in these false narratives and hopeful expectations about who the visitors are.
And as a result, the New Message really stepped forward to provide the clarity that we were not able to gain ourselves. And the clarity it provides is that those visiting our world at this time represent an alien Intervention. They are a set of economic forces present in this beautiful gem of a world, a rare biological planet in a universe of bar-, largely barren planets. They’re here because of the resources of this world. They’re here because of humanity itself and its assets and resources. And they’re here because of the position of the earth relative to other parts of this Greater Community, its strategic position, you could say. And the New Message presents this very clearly. It presents the reality of being the natives of a new world being discovered by forces that are technologically powerful, forces that are united in and of themselves within their own racial structure, who are here to gain access to the earth; and will gladly play into all of our spiritual aspirations, all of our expectations of the return of a prophet or a messenger, all of our religious beliefs that predispose us to assigning a beneficial intent to those visiting our world. Gladly they will play into those, and they are.
And I will say here that there’s another factor, there’s another piece to this puzzle—very important. And that piece is called the Allies of Humanity Briefings. And this is an important component that entered the world alongside the New Message. And I do hope we can talk about that because the Allies of Humanity Briefings present, go beyond what the New Message presents. They present really the origin of those visiting our world, the direct activities that they’re involved in and a whole new panorama of understanding this landscape of life out there between the stars that humanity is now moving into.
JS: Yeah, if you’d like to, to start, now, now would be a good time (RS: Okay) I want to make sure that we can get that in as well.
RS: Good, good, yeah. Well, in the mid 90s Marshall was forewarned by the Angelic Presence that had been speaking through him for many years at that point, that he would be called to receive a communication from an off-planet group of observers who call themselves the Allies of Humanity, and who represent a set of free worlds in our vicinity of space who were deeply concerned with the nature of contact and the reality of an alien Intervention taking advantage of humanity. These Allies of Humanity are physical beings. They are representative of their races who have maintained freedom from intrusion in the Greater Community, which, as we can talk about later, is not an easy achievement. These Allies came within the vicinity of the earth and sought to present into the world a clear assessment of the alien Intervention, as well as a picture about what life is like out there in the universe that we will be stepping into.
The Allies were actually called to the world by the Angelic Presence because the Angelic Presence knows no bounds. You know, they are not attending to this world only. They are attending to the needs of life in the universe. This is the manifest universe that really humanity is, is swimming within. We’re like the fish in the ocean but never knew it. We’ve always been swimming in this universe and there are Angelic forces that seek to support life in this universe. Go figure, right? It’s not a, not a surprise. And so, the Angelic Presence in this world is connected to the Angelic Presence in other worlds.
And these Allies of Humanity were called to the earth at this time by the Angelic Presence to make a gesture to humanity—a gesture in relationship, a gesture toward our own good and good fortune in the future, to present a picture about contact and assessment of what those intervening forces in the world are specifically doing so that we can have that clear picture. And the Allies of Humanity have presented to this, to this time a number of Briefings, three sets of which have been published and are available free online. Again it’s a message for all people and it’s been translated into 20 languages and it’s moving around the world. And as you read the Allies Briefings, you’re going to encounter one of the clearest assessments of contact, of the UF-, UFO phenomenon and all the other phenomena associated with contact that you may have ever encountered out there in the world. And the gift of this is that we can finally come to see who is visiting our world, our position as the native people of a world desired by others, and those clear and direct actions that we need to take as the natives to preserve our freedom and move into the next phase of human life—a human life engaged with life beyond the world.
JS: Great. We do have a question from Twitter and this comes in from our friend Joe who wants to know, “How you can be so sure the Message came from a Divine source?”
RS: Alright. I appreciate that message, Joe, and you know, for a long time I wasn’t so sure and I would never expect anyone to be so sure, especially not hearing me for an hour. I would hope that they would feel intrigued and, and go read the Message themself and assess it based on its own merits, to be discerning because being discerning is one of the key qualities that the New Message teaches that we need; and to use your own native intelligence, to use this this spiritual mind called Knowledge to discern truth from falsity. You know, it’s clear we all have this ability, though we may rarely use it. And I would urge you to feel that out as you read the New Message. Is this the truth? What is the source of this, you know? Where does this come from? Is this one man just, you know, creating something of his own or is this beyond what one man could create? Does this have the mark of a Higher Power? Does it have the quality of compassion and grace and good intent that a Message from the Divine would have?
And I would say do the same with the Allies of Humanity Briefings, because you have to look at any message out there in the world. What does that message call for? Where does it deliver the individual? And this is one tool I would offer your listeners in discerning the many purportedly ET messages out there on the Internet that are circulating widely claiming all manner of things. Where does this message deliver the person? Does it empower humanity or does it empower the visitors? Does it respect the boundaries of the native peoples or does it transgress them, saying that we deserve this or that this was destined to be, or that they own this planet and that we don’t, that they gave rise to humanity in the beginning, that we’re their children?
OK, if somebody knocked on my door and told me that they needed access to my house because they own this house actually; I don’t own this house. Or that I need to, I need, I’m responsible to them, you know, that they’re more advanced than me and that I should just relent and let them through and let them into my house to do whatever they want. And that I should not question the discernable activities of those activities of the visitors such as the taking of people, the mutilation of animals, the manipulation of government, you know, the flyovers of military installations. Do not question that, but rather accept what this individual at the door says that, “I am here to help you. You need to let me in.” No explanation. OK, if you see that, be forewarned and be cautious.
The Allies of Humanity Briefings are the exact opposite. They have maintained a discrete distance from this world. They are giving their assessment. They are empowering us to make the decision to be the native peoples. And this is what we need, we need this assessment. And we need our own discernment because there’s a lot of false information floating out there. And I respect the question. The question being, how can I know if this is real or not? And I would put that empowerment right back on each listener to go and consider this Message. Consider the Allies Briefings. Consider the New Message and feel out for yourself if this is the truth.
JS: Now you say that this, this Message could be put into several books. How many are we thinking in the Allies of Humanity series, Reed?
RS: That’s a good question. There are currently four books and Marshall does not know when they will communicate next. But the communication has not stopped, although it, again the first book came in 1997. I know the third book came in 2008. There’s huge spaces of time in between each book and so we’ll just have to see what happens there.
But, the really big need is for people to realize, to wake up to the reality that this form of contact in the world today is an Intervention. Though it’s clothed in all sorts of spiritual niceties and beautiful spiritual visions and so forth, it is fundamentally an Intervention. And you can come to that conclusion on your own. You don’t have to believe the Allies of Humanity, simply by looking at the discernable phenomena, by what is going on and the lack—complete lack of disclosure not from government but from the ET presence itself. You can discern that this is an incursion into our world, not with our interests in mind; and that it very much mirrors what has happened to native peoples throughout history in the world when a more powerful force made the long journey to the shores of a new land of possibility and resources and what that first contact ultimately led to.
JS: Thank you for that, Reed. Let’s get more into this alien Intervention. Why are they here?
RS: Well, they are for a few major reasons. And then I can answer the question of “Why now? Why did this not happen 1000 years ago?” The Intervention is here primarily because of the resources of this Earth, this rare biological gem in the universe. That would include primarily biological resources, things like blood plasma, chlorophyll, things like that, rare earth metals and other things that I couldn’t name and wouldn’t even know of that they value and that we do not necessarily value. They’re not here for petroleum and coal. They’re here because of the biological abundance of planet Earth, the numerous organisms and biological factors that have given-, that have emerged through evolution in this planet. And those are desired in a universe where biologically rich worlds are rare, where trade and travel must occur over vast distances requiring tremendous inputs of resources. This whole fixation on free energy that we have is not a reality out there, according to the Allies of Humanity. It is a competitive environment. Again, great technology has been achieved but technology requires resources as we’re finding in our world. And technological advancement does not in any way lead to spiritual advancement, something else we’re finding in our world. Those who are technologically advanced become unscrupulous, become hungry for the inputs needed to maintain their technology. So that’s one major reason the Intervention has made the journey to this planet Earth, is because of the resources of the world.
Second reason is because of the strategic position of this world. And again, this is something we can never know ourselves without either a Revelation from a Divine Presence or a set of Briefings from those observing our position in space who know what life out in space is like. And the Allies reveal that our Earth stands at a critical junction of trade and travel in a highly populated part of the universe and that the earth holds a, an important strategic position that would be desirable as a base of operations for others. That would be the second reason they’re here.
And then finally is us—humanity as a resource. Here you have 7, almost 7 billion intelligent life forms who offer a biological wealth of resources themselves, even a psychological wealth of resource. And that’s a pretty deep issue that we can get into later that verges into the reality of the mental environment, which the Allies of Humanity and the New Message present in length—the reality of a mental environment parallel to the physical but follows completely different rules; where thought forms can influence individuals of lesser mental strength; and the great risk of being a native humanity with very, you know, a rather weak set of mental powers, facing forces that do not rely on military strength and do not even rely on technology alone, but rely on strength in the mental environment—the ability to influence thought. This is a very dangerous capability that the Intervention has and the New Message is a prime preparation, really a prime, a primary source of understanding for us to prepare our minds to be free of manipulation and deception at the level of thought.
And so we have these three reasons that the Intervention is here: they’re here for the resources, biological and mineral; they’re here for the strategic position of the world; and they’re here because of us, because of what humanity could do and how humanity could become a part of their larger collective of races. So those are the three reasons.
And you know I’m asked a lot; I know Marshall is, too: “Why now? If they had wanted this world they would have taken it 10,000 years ago.” Or, “If they want it now, they would take it now.” Which are valid questions, except that last one which I think is an intellectual fallacy in and of itself and I’ll say why. But it’s really important to understand why they’re here now. They’re here now because humanity has created a functioning infrastructure that this alien presence can use. They themselves cannot dwell in this world. The biological hazard of this world is so great and they have absolutely no defenses at the level, you know, of fighting off bacteria, viruses and all the other microscopic forms of life that could infect them, that could infect their craft, that could infect their off-planet bases of operations. They do not have those resistances and we do. We are the natives. And so there attempt is to bond with us. And that is why there is a hybridization program underway in the world. People are being taken in order to bond with the visitors at a psychological level and create a hybrid being who is capable of providing leadership for humanity, who is fully capable of living in this complex biological environment, but who is fundamentally aligned to the Intervention and their values and their plan and agenda. They cannot live here.
JS: Taken where, Reed?
RS: Well people are being taken off-planet or to bases on planet and they are being altered, their genetics…
JS: Are they getting into a craft?
RS: Certainly. Oh yes, absolutely. People are being abducted around the world at, in great numbers and over a great period of time. And what that represents is the hybridization program. It is an attempt to create a human-alien being capable of living in this environment and providing leadership for humanity in the future.
So, getting back to the question of “Why now?” Humanity has created a communication infrastructure, a global economy, a globalized order that the Intervention can use because they cannot engage with 172 nations that don’t talk to one another and that have no functioning infrastructure between each other. They are also here because of the destruction of Earth and its environment, the very thing that they want to preserve for themselves is being destroyed at an unparalleled rate. That has brought them into the world at this time. And the advent of certain forms of weaponry, nuclear weapons and the advent of tremendous world war that threatens that habitability of the planet Earth. All of these things have brought the visitors here now; that have really turned what was perhaps a scientific exploration or an exploratory force in ancient times, tens of thousands of years ago, into an intervening force today. Because humanity is ready. The infrastructure is there.The earth is being destroyed. And now is the time that they can integrate. Because they don’t just want the planet or, as some people would think, “They would just take it,” right? They want us. They want the infrastructure intact. They want a participant in their collective—that’s why they’re here. And, so when people say, “Well, if they wanted the planet they would have taken it. They would have destroyed us and taken it.” They are taking it.
They don’t want to destroy us. They need us. And their agenda to take the planet will take place over many, many decades, imperceptible. It’s not going to be an invasion. And, you know, we think in terms of invasion, we think in terms of military—that’s us, that’s us not them. They’re much more intelligent than that. They know that they can influence the thought of human life on a vast scale over many years and can manipulate the genetics of human life and integrate with humanity and have a guaranteed result—a race of beings that is incapable of resistance; that has been mentally united with and is now mentally controlled to the point that it cannot resist. It’s, it’s brilliant. It’s it’s how intervention happens. It’s even how we’ve done intervention, you know, where we’ve outbreed the natives. We’ve undermined and displaced their native religions. All of this stuff is in our historical record but now is being perpetuated against us with a vastly greater level of skill.
JS: Reed, a question is, well, from Twitter. I want to make sure we get that in before we wrap up the message here and I don’t think we’re really going to be able to touch on the entire Message. And so folks should go to newmessage dot org [] where they can hear some of these audio recordings from Mr. Summers and also check out more of the, of the literature there. The listener asks, “Do you believe that all ET’s are malevolent in nature, and are there any species that are benevolent in your opinion?”
RS: Oh, absolutely. The universe is an expression of nature. And in nature there are those who act toward the good will of all and there are those who act selfishly and destructively. And the universe is a complete out picturing of that. So, the universe is in no way malevolent and the Allies of Humanity are direct evidence of that. I mean, these are…this is a small group of individuals who came the long distance at great hazard to extend themselves to us, a gesture of goodwill to help us to see the situation clearly and to empower us. And they are examples of what is out there.
And I do want to acknowledge that, you know, why are we even having this conversation? Why is there, why is this topic of contact and UFOs so interesting to you and me and to others? It’s because we are connected to life out there. We have not lived the entirety of our lives here in this world, OK? We have relationships in this larger universe. We have destiny in this universe. And we know it at a deep level. And we can’t put it down to just live a purely human life, you know, of human aspirations and goals. No. We are Greater Community people. We’re connected to the larger panorama of life. And we feel called to learn of it, to prepare for it. And contact holds that calling and I respect that and I’ve felt that. But it’s important to know that those with whom we make first contact with do not necessarily represent beneficial forces.
And many people think, they really do, that there have to be good ones if there’s bad ones, they can’t all be bad. And I think back again to the native record in this world. Imagining a young boy running to the beach and seeing three ships out in the harbor, well not the harbor, out off the coast and saying, “Well, one of the three must be good?” You know? And he talks to the crew of each ship and they have wonderful messages some of them. And he runs back to the village with all these messages and says to the other members of the village, “I think I know what’s going on here.” (chuckles) You know? We think we know what’s going on here. We think we know. We think we can piece together all of these disparate pieces of the puzzle and come out with this beneficial outlook that inspires us, that, you know, gives us what we haven’t found here in the human realm only.
And unfortunately that is not the way to approach an event of reality, an event of nature. We have to be careful. We have to think like the natives. We have to question those who come to our world making, you know, grandiose promises with little to back them. And we need to make no assumptions and not read into the situation all of our unexamined hopes and aspirations. So we have to be serious and sober because we’re dealing with reality now. This is not just a wonderful side journey of contact and alien races and it’s here to just give us what we’ve not found in the world and to inspire us; it’s like an adventure in consciousness. This is not an adventure in consciousness. This is the next step our world is taking in nature and we have got to be alert and aware, careful. So, in essence the universe contains the good, the bad, the neutral and everything in between. But we have to acknowledge this is intervention and it’s clear as day if you look. It really is.
JS: Reed, in the final time that we’ve got left, I’d like to give you the floor to, you know, if there’s some part of this Message that we haven’t covered that you think is critical to the Message, would you mind sharing that with us?
RS: Certainly. Well, as I said earlier what is really happening right now is there is an awakening here in the world, an awakening within the individual. People are waking up to the reality that the world is changing, that something really big is going on underneath the radar and that they are connected to it and that they have got to wake up from the consensus trance that has everyone put to sleep valuing, you know, a life for self-gain, a life of stimulation, a life of distraction. They have got to be a part of this great transition and serve it in some way. There are people, millions around the world who know this. And this is what the New Message is about, it is about this “knowing”, this inviable sense of certainty within us that the world is changing and that we are connected to that change, that we here in the world for this reason and that we have got to prepare for it.
And so this awakening is happening. People are waking up, not just to their spiritual nature, not to just a higher set of truths. They’re waking up to the true state of the world, to the reality of contact and to how this all connects at the level of spirituality within them. And the New Message from God is here to activate this awakening, to serve this awakening, and to put in the hands of those who are waking up a actual pathway of preparation that they can take that will literally bring them into contact with these great evolutionary forces reshaping our world; and reveal to them, directly, through the power of Knowledge within them, their unique form of service that they are meant to give to the world at this time.
So that’s what’s really going on right now, is that the world has crossed a line in the sand and people are feeling it. It’s manifesting in many ways. It’s driving us crazy, perhaps, and a need, a desperate need to know the truth, but not knowing what that truth would be; not knowing what part we have to play. It may be driving us crazy. There’s a reason for that because it’s that big and it’s that important; has everything to do with us. And that’s why the New Message is here and that’s why the Allies Briefings are here.
And so for those around the world who feel that stirring within, that sense of calling to journey now to a greater life of relationship and purpose and engagement in the world, you know, to step out of their isolation and become a part of the greater movement of life, I would say, please go look into the New Message. Read these texts. See how this strikes you. And go online and listen to the Message of Marshall Vian Summers, who has devoted the better part of his entire life to bring this into the world and to serve it faithfully, to bring a pure message from beyond the world from a Divine source into the world. That was his gift to you and continues to be his gift.
And so, if all of this calls to you and strikes you and if at some level you know that the reality of contact has to do with you and that you can’t just turn away from it; you have to know the truth about it, it’s critical to receive, I feel, this gift because it is simply a gift to empower us to see the truth right in front of us and to prepare ourselves in ways that we couldn’t personally. You know, it’s not just cobbling together information and having a beautiful vision of the universe. This is a major step forward and enough human beings have to step forward to undergo the preparation, to be forerunners for this race, to prepare ahead of time and then to help everyone else prepare who does not yet know about these greater realities and is not yet ready to prepare themselves.
So, it’s a calling and it’s a response and there’s people around the world—a whole community of people who are now studying this work and who are undertaking the preparation in Steps to Knowledge. And online at newmessage dot org [] you’ll find a whole community of people in over 70 countries around the world, gathering day by day, week by week studying this, undertaking this preparation and observing and experiencing the change within themselves as they become more aligned with these enormous tectonic shifts taking place evolutionarily: you know, contact with intelligent life, a declining a world, the reality of climate change, resurfacing the surface of the planet Earth. I mean, these are major events and we have to prepare ourselves and align with these events and come to learn slowly over time what it means to be a part of this and to be a part of the force for good that absolutely must arise at this time in the world for humanity to navigate this really challenging threshold.
JS: Interested in your thoughts before we let you go on the story that I have the beginning of the program tonight: Michael Varnem …excuse me,V-a-m. V-a-r-n-u-m. Michael Varnum, an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University has said that when it comes to extraterrestrial life, how we would react? He says, “Rather well.” Agree or not agree?
RS: Um, well, I think you can see how we’re reacting now. And you know, people are reading into contact all of their needs, spiritual desires, religious beliefs, um, and yet I do feel people can respond to this at the gut level of “knowing.” People can see the truth and see through deception at the level of Knowledge. But there’s currently a level of pollution in the, in the psychological environment around contact. There’s a level of disinformation that is leading people way out into belief systems and assumptions that have no basis in reality. And so, in truth, yes, people can respond to contact correctly. I do feel that. I do not believe we need government disclosure in order to see what is happening and respond. In fact, I think waiting for it is a mistake. And yet, we do need to be forewarned and forearmed and educated by some power beyond ourselves. I mean, any combination of the military and the scientific, and, and, you know, human research is not going to reveal the nature of what is out there sufficient that we will navigate it and succeed and survive that process I don’t feel. So I do feel we need a gift from beyond. And yet with that gift in hand, we are more than capable of responding to contact, to undergo that preparation and to becoming ultimately a free world in a universe of intelligent life, a world with gifts to give to others, other forms of life.
JS: Reed, thank you for sharing the message. Best to you and best to Marshall as well. We really appreciate you coming on the program tonight.
RS: Thank you, Jeremy, a pleasure to share this with you.
Hi Reed I echo what has already been said and wish to congratulate you on such a succinct and clear message for us all. A beautiful blending of the 2 key parts of the new message providing clarity of expression of the message with the reality of the dangers humanity faces at this time of evolution. I really enjoy your speaking voice….maybe a hint of other worldliness through you too with such focus. A superb interview…I hope many more to come to reach humanity as quickly as we can. Thank you with deep respect and gratitude for your role as the key voice in supporting the new message and the messenger.
Reed your ability to express what it is you have received for years is a demonstration to us all. You clearly know what it is you want to express and it flows from you like water from a fountain/”hose”. The most valuable thing for me is that you keep it simple and stay on point. A wonderful interview! Thank you! NNC
Reed, I really appreciate your ability to speak to the intellect of the listener and yet emphasize the individuals deeper sense and experience. Unscripted and fresh, you exemplify present and natural communication. Thank you for this demonstration.
I was talking with another student that this video and each new interview has been a immense resource for learning/study of the message itself and how to present/communicate the New Message and the Allies Briefings clearly. Also I see a great balance and skill in presenting both messages (NM and Allies) clarifying how the Great Coordination brought this communication to existence, how they complement each other. Also the mentioning of the key concepts in the NM/Allies, the key books (Steps, Allies, etc). It strikes to me these videos are as well such a powerful introduction to the NM/Allies message. Thank you, Reed!
What a brilliant interview ! I thought Reed’s answer to the last question was spot on. The assumption by the uni professor that we would handle an ET intervention “very well” was superbly addressed by Reed. Thank you .
Thank you Reed for this interview. It was powerful, clear and compelling. What a gift this journey is of coming to know the meaning and purpose of one’s life; of knowing its relevance is connected with the reality of what is happening now. The New Message from God provides the necessary education and tools.
Yesterday i saw some videos on NewMessageFromGod channel, where Reed Summers was speaking, but today they are gone… Its some technical issue?
Most likely you were viewing a new series of short “trailer” style interviews of Reed? If so, these were temporarily removed by us at the request of the film producer until they are ready to release the actual film. Later this year, the documentary is intended for release and we will be able to view the entire film.
Thanks for answering 🙂
This is another sober and balanced interview by Reed speaking to the greatest events in human history that are unfolding now. These interviews are an opportunity for all of us to listen to a very effective delivery of this information, and to amplify his words and concepts in our own advocacy and sharing of this with others. Thank you Reed.
Thank you Robert, yes we are all, myself and everyone, learning how to share this new and emerging reality with the world. Not an easy task, but one that just needs to begin and continue and never stop continuing.
Thank you Reed. NNC
Thanks for posting my most recent interview Jeanine, available only here on the Community Site and by subscription on the interviewer’s site.
One of my biggest takeaways from these interviews is how focused your mind is, Reed. I think that probably stands out to the average listener as well. I hope with practice I’ll be able to achieve a similar level of concentration some day.
Thank you Andy, yes I have been taking in the message for so many years and my, when opportunity to just talk about it is given to me, I guess it flows out with some concentration and intention. I have no plan to say much of what I end up saying. Just taking in the New Message, being close to the unfolding history of the Revelation and Marshall, gives this concentration and intention in time. Now the task is learning how to channel that correctly and extend this greater reality to new people.