Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 2 of 2

Reed Summers’ Studio Vista Interview, Part 2 of 2, June 19, 2018, in Boulder, Colorado, | The Reality of Alien Contact
Watch Part 1 of the Interview now.
Summary: Reed Summers on the revelation that humanity is experiencing: an alien intervention that is unlike anything from our ancient past – a 2-part interview conducted by Studio Vista for the forthcoming “Demons or Aliens” Documentary.
Reed: I’d like to give a perspective on the past and present reality of contact. And this has been presented in the Allies of Humanity Briefings and the New Message from God revelation on Life in the Universe, both received by Marshall Vian Summers.
So to begin with the history of contact, the earth has been visited for millennia for many different reasons and there are three primary reasons this contact occurred. The first was gaining access to the biological resources that this world possesses in order to support the development of life in other worlds. Biological elements, precious minerals, things of this sort have been taken off this planet for many tens of thousands of years to support activities beyond this world.
A second reason this world has been visited is the establishment of depositories where very precious items and technologies could be stored away from the purview of other forces in the universe at large. This world, being a biological world, has a special ability to hide things because of the inability to scan the surface of our world, and all the scatter caused by millions and millions of life forms around the globe. So items of great value have been stored in this world for a very long period of time.
The last was to establish bases of influence, bases from which to influence the native populations to examine them and see what their usefulness would be to forces beyond our world. This is ancient contact and it was not, by and large, extensive or maintained for very long periods and there are a few reasons why. The first is the biological hazard this world poses to beings who have lived most of their life in sterile environments, or simply environments that have a different biology. This world poses perhaps one of the great unknown threats—unknown to us at least—to forms of intelligent life visiting here because of all the many bacteria and viruses and, you know, organisms that could potentially infect other forms of life that do not have any immune response or immune ability to respond to these, to these foreign bodies.
The second reason that contact was limited and, by and large, not very successful is the limits of the indigenous peoples themselves. These peoples were not gathered into great nations that could really interact with a foreign and extraterrestrial entity. They were tribes. They were people in the woods. Maybe they didn’t even have language at that point, so they were quite primitive in their understanding and in their capabilities. And really, that last point: capabilities—there was no such, there was no technology on this world to speak of for many hundreds of thousands of years. And so, what could a foreign force coming here to interact with the locals and potentially gain their assistance use them in some way? What could they gain from tribes running around in the jungle who had absolutely no ability to harness any technological power whatsoever?
And so that is ancient contact. It went on intermittently in a limited fashion for many tens of thousands of years.
And now today we are experiencing contact again, but it is contact of a completely different kind, by completely different forces than those that were here in earlier times. And this is critical to understand because people have a tendency to want to look back into the historical record and read into our past evolution and say that those visiting now fathered us in some way or owned this world or they’re returning to take, you know, back stewardship of a planet that belonged to them or something like this; or that extraterrestrial entities were at the source of our religions or constructed great edifices in the world or all of this. And there could be some truth there. But I think there’s a lot of errant association in that actually.
Today we’re dealing with a completely different form of contact. And this contact began in the prior century for a few primary reasons. First was the technological development of our race. Our technology has leapt ahead at lightning speed. And we now have a global society able to be an economic and communication contact at a level never seen before. So the whole world can now be influenced. Messaging can happen at a global level. This has never before been the case. So technology is a major reason why contact is occurring today.
Second is the environmental destruction of our world. Here the earth—a biological gem in a universe of barren worlds, which has been used as a biological storehouse for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years—is being degraded at an unprecedented rate. We are literally threatening the habitability of the planet itself for human beings into the future. We are wiping off the map species every day, every hour, at an unbelievable pace. This has brought contact into the world at this time as well because this earth is valuable and is valued by others, which is a very important point I’ll touch on more later.
And the third reason why contact is happening in this past century and at a level never seen before is the great level of conflict between nations in the world. The great World Wars, the advent of nuclear weapons, the power to destroy the infrastructure, the technology, the global order that makes this world attractive to forces from beyond—that is another important element that has brought the extraterrestrial visitors into our world.
And so what I’ll present next is something called the Intervention. And this is presented in the Allies of Humanity Briefings at length, who describe in detail the activities of those alien forces visiting our world—why they’re here, what this means for us and what we as the native peoples will need to do. The Allies of Humanity call contact as it’s underway now, they call it the Intervention. And they make very clear that there is only one intent behind those ET forces in our world, even though they may be of different associations and organizations. The intent, the intent is to gain access to the world, its resources and its people.
And this intervention into human affairs is engaged in four fundamental activities. And I’ll present each. And it’s very important to understand each one individually and then, how they interact and affect the global political, social, economic movements underway in our world today.
So the first fundamental activity of the Intervention is influencing individuals in positions of power and authority—people who are powerful in terms of commerce, governance and religion—promising them wealth, supremacy and free technology—free technology to make them the preeminent power in the world. This is a very tempting set of offers by a technological power from beyond the world to those with much more basic technology: humanity. And unfortunately, being a divided world of well over a hundred different nations and numerous different factions and sects and religions in competition, who do not view each other well, who have long-standing disagreements and conflicts, this produces a plethora of opportunities to influence, to make promises, to empower one group over another, to divide and to conquer. So that is the first area of activity of the Intervention.
The second area of activity is establishing bases from which the Intervention can project their influence onto human population centers. The in the Allies of Humanity call this program of influence “the pacification program.” And this program’s intent is to broadcast—through the mental environment and using technologies that are far beyond us—certain thoughts and emotions, certain urges and tendencies that weaken and divide and make people more pliable and open and pacified to a foreign form of influence and governance. Ultimately. And so around the world people are being pacified to believe that no human leader can lead our nation successfully, that we are incompetent, we’re corrupt, that we need foreign presences to come and bring enlightenment to us or enlightened governance, that we are incapable of addressing the environmental issues that we have created in the world. All these beliefs are coming from somewhere: this discouragement, this sense of disempowerment and also this heightened conflict.
And this is an important element in the New Message and the Allies of Humanity Briefings that the Intervention is targeting certain groups over others and in different ways. And one example of this is targeting disenfranchised peoples—peoples who have been forgotten or undermined in the global order or who have been abused in ancient or in recent history—say the Middle East, for example, and radicalizing them, producing religious imagery, potentially in their own minds, producing the voice of a saint or a cherished teacher speaking to them, activating their religion and encouraging them to enter into conflict with others, and most specifically, conflict with the more powerful nations in the world who actually have the power to resist the Intervention.
And here on the topic of terrorism, the New Message does confirm that people have been radicalized and driven into conflict with Western powers, who actually heretofore have resisted the Intervention, by and large—a very different perspective on terrorism and the world itself then you will likely hear anywhere else.
The third area of the Intervention is manipulating our spiritual and religious beliefs. Here humanity is this spiritually rich species with so many different faiths and beautiful teachings and analogies and inspiration and deep history. And that is good, you know; that’s part of our diversity and our unique contribution to the universe, being a spiritual people. But it also presents a number of vulnerabilities that can be exploited and manipulated by forces from beyond.
We expect a cherished teacher or prophet or messenger to return to the world. We want our religion to be supreme over others. We want to believe certain things, want to believe that we should be loving and kind in all cases to all who come. And these will be used against us. And until we can rethink some of these beliefs in light of the universe in which we live, which is a natural rethinking about God and religion and human purpose and the soul. And until we can arrest some of our errant tendencies and hopeful desires that we project out onto the universe, we remain vulnerable. And our beliefs and even our inspiration can be used against us.
And the last area of the Intervention, and perhaps the darkest area of the Intervention, is the development of a human-alien hybridization program, an interbreeding program to create a leader and a leadership for the world that is human but has been altered and has been put in alignment with the Intervention itself; because it’s very important to understand, again, that there is a biological sphere of protection around our world. No being can just land here, get off the ship and walk around. They could be dead in an hour or in a minute or who knows how long. They could take those biological agents back to their off-planet stations or worlds and infect others. So we do have a protective sphere, a biological sphere, around our world that the Intervention has obviously found a way to circumvent in order to at least fly in our skies, land in our waters and so forth. But they cannot dwell here. They cannot take the world. They need humanity. Humanity is part of the resource, actually.
And yet humanity has a number of interesting qualities that I think are fabulous assets as we face life in the universe. We are unpredictable. We are emotional. We are devoted. We are somewhat tribal and factional, and a bit hard to control a world with those qualities especially one with a world population topping seven billion, which the New Message reveals is an extraordinarily high population for a world in the Greater Community—unsustainably high—but nonetheless, that makes humanity difficult to govern.
And so the Intervention is engaging in a hybridization program to produce a human being that is by all accounts human—acts, walks, talks just like you and me, but is aligned to an off-planet authority; all for the purpose of gaining access to this world’s resources, its strategic position and claiming it, claiming it as their prize in a universe of barren worlds and rare resources.
So those are the four activities of the Intervention that are underway in the world today. These are not the activities that have been underway for tens of thousands of years. This is this last century, the present and the times to come. And as we face this and encounter this reality of contact, this harsh reality of contact, it presents us with all sorts of challenges—challenges to our religions, challenges to our own personal sense of identity and reality in the world. And there’s a tremendous amount of benefit here. You know, this is where we transcend our lesser identity to claim the identity of being human and finding brotherhood and sister, sistership with all human beings in the world.
This is where we really heal the divides and step beyond all these painful episodes in our past history to walk down the road into a new future for this human race where we are human. That’s it. We’re human. And that’s what matters most. And we have to protect what we have as humans, which is our world, our solar system.
We have to walk with eyes wide open as we encounter other forms of intelligent life. We have to be careful not to want anything from this intelligent life. We can’t want everything we haven’t had in life heretofore from the visitors and expect, “Well, they’re going to give us enlightenment or, you know, peace and love,” or “They’re gonna heal the world”— all of these automatic assumptions people make, which is understandable, are quite dangerous. And if you commit to them and if you help communicate them, you are in essence helping establish the future enslavement of this human race by other forces from beyond.
And so this is where our commitment to each other has to come alive. We have to believe in human leadership. We have to believe we can heal the environment of this world. We have to recommit to ourselves. And it’s going to be challenging.
But these are the challenges that bring greatness out of us both as people and as a human species. And history’s proven time and time again that facing great difficulty together, people overlook their limitations and their grievances and their self-interest and do amazing and remarkable things in service to the future of the human race.
An informative overview Reed. I want to listen to that several times to absorb this pertinent information. Again my gratitude to your clarity here.
Thank you Reed! Wow, what an informative talk that is concise, to the point and full of valuable information for all of humanity. How you spoke was felt by my heart and I’m sure it will touch the hearts and minds of many into the future to help them awaken and recognize what is at our doorstep as a world. Truly an inspiring talk given with love from the Creator of all life, the Angelic Assembly, the Allies of Humanity, your father and now you. Beautiful!
Thank you Reed, it is very inspirational, that’s what stood out, inspirational, that’s what the world and people need to hear. Thank you for putting yourself forward for these interviews, highly needed. Thank you.
Thank you Reed, for another very clear and straight to the point talk on this important topic. Looking forward for more people to hearing it.
A very clear and concise synopsis.
This was a needed teaching, and so to the point!