Reed Summers’ Talk Radio UK Interview

Reed Summers is interviewed by Ian Lee of Talk on God, UFOs and Alien Contact on October 31, 2017.

Iain Lee: [Talk show in progress….] I saw this, I can’t  remember how I came aware of this gentleman… We’re going to speak to Reed Summers, who is the son of Marshall Summers. And I can’t remember how I kinda stumbled across um this gentleman Marshall Summers. I was googling away and you know falling down a rabbit hole as we do, on ah from time to time, I was just typing in stuff and seeing where it took me and I ended up find-, kinda reading a bit about this Marshall Summers guy and I thought well this guy sounds ahm very interesting and I thought well let’s see if we can get him on the show.  We couldn’t get Marshall [on the show] but we’ve got his son, Reed and I’m just going to call Reed now, on Skype, and hopefully, fingers crossed, touch wood, it’s going to work, there we go…REED!, can you hear me?

Reed: I can hear you, Iain, loud and clear.

IL.:  Hey, man, nice to talk to you; we’re on the air now. Thank you so much, um…

RS:  You’re very welcome.

IL:  …for coming on, I really appreciate you…I know we’ve kinda been chatting back and forth, y’know, tryin’ to sort this out so I’m glad we did. Um, now I can’t remember what chain of events led me to, um, stumbling across your website and stumbling across um your father’s name Marshall Summers, I was you know, you know how it is you sat at the computer and typing stuff and you follow a link and then there’s another link and…anyway, I ended up your dad’s name kinda popped up and his whole thing about God’s New Message and things. Um and it just struck me as very interesting Reed and I just wondered if you could tell me um wh-, what….  First of all tell me about your dad, about Marshall and and, and what, how you see his role in the world.

RS: Absolutely. Well, I’ve had the privilege of seeing my father ah in, living a remarkable life for over 35 years now, and immersed in a process of revelation that’s brought into the world hundreds and thousands of pages of revealed text regarding our destined contact with intelligent life in the universe and the great environmental crises of our time that only now are really beginning to become paramount, [IL: Mmm] globally. And so, to see over 35 years this Revelation come through my father, and to see a prophetic message about what could be the greatest event in human history—contact with extraterrestrial life—and the greatest challenge to human survival—the great environmental calamities that humanity has created for itself over hundreds and hundreds of years—to see that prophecy given over a 35 year period, and now to see it emerge into the world, and at the right time—the perfect time—the time when these things, you know, are the predominating factors [IL: Uhm] facing humanity and, you know, throwing in question the survivability of the human race at this time. It’s been a remarkable experience for me.

IL: I’m sure it must have been to see your dad go through something so profound. Um, so are you saying that it was, it was 35 years ago that Marshall first had these Revelations?

RS: That’s correct, over (crosstalk) 35 years ago  (IL: Yeah) my father was called into the deserts of the American Southwest by a mysterious voice (IL: Wow) that commanded him to take retreat. And after a period of some months wandering, that voice came upon him again and instructed him to begin to record, to record a series of messages for the world (IL: Yeah), a series of messages that were, you know, far beyond what he (chuckles) could personally deliver or even have any information about.

IL: Can I ask, what was, just to set the scene a bit, what was he doing 36 years ago, before he had these, this voice that that…commanded him to go into the desert? What kind of life was he leading, assuming he was [RS: Absolutely] leading a normal, everyday life?

RS: Well, he’s had a pretty remarkable life, and remarkable in a mysterious sense. (IL: Oh) You know, he’s a very grounded man. He’s lived, by some accounts, a somewhat normal life. (IL: Yeah) And yet, at the center of his life has been a remarkable Voice of Revelation, a remarkable Angelic Presence, and a vast new teaching and prophecy about humanity’s future (IL: Yeah) that has been kind of driving him forward year after year.

To answer your question, 36 years ago, ah or thereabouts, Marshall was a teacher for blind children. (IL: Okay) And it was during his work ah teaching and helping blind young adults and children live healthy and productive lives that this inner voice experience emerged for him, a Voice instructing him how to reach someone without sight, without the ability to even speak, in some cases, (IL: Yeah) who are both deaf and blind, (IL: Umm) um and instructing him how to work with these individuals in a very intuitive way. And Marshall moved with that you know. He responded to that, and he used that inner guidance. And that inner guidance then grew over the years for him and culminated in this initiation event in the desert, and culminated in the delivery of the New Message from God.

IL: And how does it does it manifest itself? Is it, is it…and we’ll get on to the message, we’ve got as much time as as as we need. (RS: Okay) How does it manifest itself? Is it, I mean, is he hearing a voice in his head? Is he seeing somebody? What wha-, how does the Message get communicated?

RS: Great question. Well, no, not quite that way. A presence and a weight comes over Marshall at key points in his life (IL: Yeah) when Revelation is coming down upon him. And he then realizes that something is happening (lightly chuckles) beyond his own personal plans for the day. (IL: Right, okay) And this could be happening at four in the morning. This could be happening at any time of the day, really. And he seats himself, turns on his recorder, and this Angelic presence literally overtakes his voice and speaks through him. And Marshall in some ways is as much a listener as we are. (IL: Yeah) And then this voice is recorded and has been now archived and is now available for everyone to hear on our website, New Message dot o-r-g [] (IL: Hmm) The whole archive of this Voice of Revelation speaking to a Messenger, a humble man chosen and selected to receive a Message for the world, about the future of humanity and the future of every person alive today—that Voice, every person can go and hear for themselves, and I highly recommend that your listeners (IL: Yeah) do so.

IL: We’ll mention the website again, Reed. And I’ll Tweet it as well, so if people want…I’ve been kind of looking at the website today. There’s some fascinating stuff on there. Did he think he was going nuts the first time this Voice was kind of making suggestions? Did he think, “Hang on a minute, there’s something not quite right. I need to go and see a doctor”?

RS: Yeah, well, I mean for Marshall, this was way outside the box (IL: I bet) of what, of what he was expecting for his life. (IL: Yeah) um It wasn’t what he was planning on. He wasn’t driving towards this. He wasn’t enamored with channelled teachings and all of this kind of thing. I mean he was a very grounded man. He majored in English. He was a musician. Um and, and yet, there was another part of him that began to be revealed over time and that he had to relent to. He had to allow this to occur through his life. And then over the many decades come to understand what it meant, about him, ah about why he’s here, and about the times in which we live, what (IL: What I lo-) this message [unclear] to…

IL: What I love about you, Reed, and I’ve watched a few interviews with you and, and I’ve read your website, is you are obviously very much in love with your dad, which is wonderful. You know, as a father myself, I hope that my boys are as supportive and as proud of a a as proud of me one day as as you are of your dad. Um were you always that way around this? (Reed laughs.)  I mean, I just imagine an awkward conversation at the dinner table with Marshall coming home saying, “Guys, I’ve got something to tell you. Um God’s been talking to me and He wants me to go, go and do this, this and this.” Was was there that sort of conversation where he broke the news to the family?

RS: Ah, I don’t have a memory of any news being broken but I have many memories of being a kid, trying to be a kid and have a normal life (IL: Yeah) and here’s this remarkable thing happening at the center of our family, and we’re all as much stunned as anyone else might be. (IL: Hmm) I remember, I have distant memories of living on the edge of a golf course in a small, simple home in Albany, New York with my parents and I was maybe, I don’t know, four years old. And it was during that time when we lived there that one of the seminal books of the New Message from God, called STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE, (IL: Right) was given over a twenty day period. And over that period Marshall would be downstairs with his recording device, recording literally hours and hours of what is now one of the most remarkable spiritual texts in the world. If you go look at STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE and read these 365 daily Steps (IL: Yeah) towards discovering the spiritual power within you, you will be amazed at the clarity and the profound nature of them and that this man dictated them (IL: Hm) with no preparation, in sequence, without stopping (IL: Wow) you know, on those days that he did record, is remarkable. And I remember being a bouncing kid, you know, upstairs, you know, storming through the kitchen and my mom telling me, “You know you gotta be quiet, quiet. You know Marshall is-, he’s speaking with someone.” (IL: Wow) In my child’s mind I was like, “Well who would that be? Who’s here with us? Who came to visit?” And my mother, you know, looked at me and smiled and said, “Well, your father’s speaking with a very important teacher.” Which is a very appropriate statement because who he was speaking with and who was speaking through him was an Angelic Presence, a Teacher from beyond, you might say, but not an individual from beyond, but the whole Angelic Assembly, (IL: And your mom) who oversees life in this world, speaking this remarkable spiritual text through my father.

IL: And your mom was cool with that, was she, Reed?

RS: Well, my mother and father have a remarkable story. And I grew up around the dinner table hearing the stories of what it was like before they came together and the mysterious force and pull and draw that literally dragged them across the country (IL: Wow) to find each other, through the most unbelievable and trying circumstances, and how remarkable that they each had a piece of the puzzle. You know, they each had this component to offer each other that merged and became, like, the grounds upon which this remarkable Message and a community of students has now, is now flourishing, (IL: Yeah, yeah) upon this remarkable couple.

And my mother was a nurse for over 30 years, supporting my father, you know, who was immersed in this experience. She’s a remarkable woman. My father’s a remarkable man. (IL: Yeah) They’re down to earth people. And to see them enveloped, caught up in this larger, more mysterious process that was bigger than them, that was bigger than all of us. And I became caught up in it you know simply by watching it. (IL: Yeah) But make no mistake, I had my own moments of rebelling and doubt for certain. And there was you know no pressure upon me really to take this up, or to agree with what was happening. And my parents made all effort to give me a normal childhood as best they could, you know, which I deeply appreciate…

IL: But with Angels popping in from time to time to pass on the word of God.

RS:  Well, that’s right (IL: Yeah) and I didn’t understand really what was happening until maybe my later my teenage years when I opened these books of the New Message and really read this text for myself and took it in, personally, and realized amidst my other plans and goals and, you know, agendas from own personal life, that I am the son of a remarkable individual who has been gifted a remarkable, inspiring, activating message that the world desperately needs to receive. And for me that was the turning point. That’s when I knew I had to come home, you know, cancel my plans in college back East and come back and help Marshall Vian Summers bring this Message to the world.

IL: I love, I love the way you speak about your parents, Reed. Genuinely, I think it’s so…inspiring to hear, you know a ah ah a bloke speaking about his parents in in such a loving way.

Let’s get to the desert. So, Marshall gets called out to the desert a ah a at one point. What year was that? And what happened when he was out there?

RS: I believe that was 1981.

IL: Okay.

RS: So Marshall was offered really a sizeable career in special education for the blind (IL: Yeah) really take what you know was a budding career to a lifelong career level. And this inner voice prompted him to say, “No.”

Here’s where I want to say, reach out to your listeners because we have all had these experiences of an urge to say no, a gut feeling, you know. An inexplicable sense about something that was, that would end up being very important for us, you know: a place we needed to get to, someone we needed to meet. And you know, Marshall’s life, if anything, really demonstrates what can happen when we follow that voice. You know, when we allow what the New Message calls Knowledge, or the deeper spiritual mind within us, to communicate to us, and to receive that and to move with it. And what ends up happening is your life takes turns you would personally never be able to discern and take yourself (IL: Yeah) if you’re not, you know, following that voice within. And you end up with a lot of mystery, but a lot of manifestation, too.

And Marshall’s life is a demonstration of that. I mean he’s got remarkable relationships in is life, you know. Something very real, very real, is coming into being out of something that began in the depths of mystery, you know, a voice commanding him to record, over 35 years ago.

And what has ensued out of that, if anything, is confirmation that thank God he followed that Voice. And I hope your viewers can cue in to when that voice is moving in them, speaking in them—pulling on their strings—to respond to that as well.

IL:  So let’s, let’s let’s have a look at the Message. You mentioned two things. And this is what I think grabbed me when I went on, stumbled on your website. The climate changes that are happening, it’s really interesting to hear an American talk about the climate change, because we know your president, he thinks that’s all a myth, and all a nonsense, despite the science and stuff. And also alien life. Let’s have a look at the alien life side of things first. What…are we in communication with aliens? Or, or will we be soon?

RS: Okay, well contact has begun. And that is verified by a variety of phenomenon that are observable in the world: UFO sightings to the reality of abductions. Um and yet, it’s contact of a kind that it is not beneficial for our world. It’s not what we think it to be. It’s not what we might want it to be.  (IL: Um)

In truth, the New Message reveals that we are facing the hidden threat of intervention and competition from (IL: From aliens from other planets?) from physical extraterrestrial forces who are here in our world. (IL: Wow) And they are here really to position themselves to assume the reins of power in this world, to present themselves as the saviors of humanity, and to gain access to the remarkable biological resources of this planet. And um that in a nutshell is the reality of contact (IL: that, that) as revealed in the New Message.

IL: That, that’s a big thing, man. And, listen, I’m fascinated by your story and I’m not particularly a religious person. But, I do believe, genuinely, that statistically there has to be other life forms out there. There has to be because the universes are just so so huge, it’s arrogant to think it’s just us. And, but if what you’re saying is true that that aliens have made contact already and that they want, they want to exploit us and exploit our planet, that’s a huge thing.

RS: It’s it’s enormous. (IL: Yeah) And, you know, it’s enormous. And it’s very difficult for a listener to just hear that and agree and think that that’s real. I mean that (IL: Of course) that statement, if true, trump-, sorry to use the word, trumps any other issue facing the human family today. (IL: Yes) It’s bigger than anything else we are facing (IL: Of course) as a world. It is the greatest event in human history. (IL: Yeah) And that’s why I am here with you today. You know, that’s, that is the message that I feel most compelled to bring to people’s awareness—that contact has begun; it is an intervention into our world. And yet it signals that the next great step in human evolution is underway. We are coming into contact with the other 99.99999 percent of life out there in the universe. And what could be bigger? You know, what could challenge our human beliefs and faiths and institutions more than that?

And so a fundamental education is greatly needed if contact, if this reality of contact is real.

IL:  Now where’s, you’ve mentioned that there’s evidence of this contact. Where is this evidence? Because I’m unaware of it and I’d love it if you could point it out.

RS: Oh sure, well, you know, the reported UFO sightings (IL: Yeah) goes up year and year, year after year after year—thousands of UFO sightings reported around the world by, you know, people just like us, people hav-, who were not expecting to see anything in the sky and did. Now some of that, you know, could certainly be aircraft or other phenomenon. But when you look into this, this larger phenomenon, you realize some of this is unexplainable (IL: Yeah) through conventional argument and reason. And there is something going on here that is not being reported, that is not being revealed by those forces in the world: government and commerce, who are probably aware of it. And we desperately need to know who is visiting our world, what their intentions are and what specifically they are doing here.

Because, you know, think about it, you know, if if somebody walked through your front door at eleven o’clock at night (IL: Uh) and started fishing around in your kitchen and then started asking you for things, and then maybe said, “Well, you know, I’m not, I’m here to save you. I’m here to help you, protect you. Don’t worry, nothing to be worried about. I, you know, I’ve transcended conflict and I’m a trustworthy individual.” You know, would you trust that? Like, would that be your first impulse? To trust a visitor: unwelcome, unannounced? For me, definitely not. And so contact is happening.

This is the time to pay attention, to get the fundamental education and to investigate the prolific amount of research that is available out there, and come to a very clear understanding about who these forces are and why they are here. And, you know, that information is a huge component of the New Message from God, and also of the Allies of Humanity Briefings, which are a set of very ah clear and compelling documents received by Marshall regarding the ET Intervention itself.

IL: Are you suggesting that there’s gonna be some kind of inter-galactic war?

RS:  No. No, no, not at all. (IL: Okay) I mean this: Humanity is an emerging world. You know, we’re a world struggling to transcend our tribal identities to realize a global identity as com-, brothers and sisters of humankind, (IL: Yeah) and to steward our Earth, to protect the remarkable biological diversity of this planet and all that it provides for us, and to begin to speak as one people in a larger community of life. That’s our position.

IL: But that’s never gonna happen, Reed, is it? Because I mean we hear this, this horrific thing that’s just happened in New York that I don’t know if you’ve heard about and it’s looking like it was terrorist thing. And we’ve got terrorist things over here. Every-, everybody’s fighting with everybody else, you know. (RS: Uh) Whether it’s because of religion, or it’s because of race, or it’s because of money or class or food (RS: Yes) or whatever, everyone’s fighting everyone else. So it would be lovely if, you know if we were one world and we all loved each other, man, but that, that can’t ever happen, can it? Unfortunately.

RS: Well, you know, that’s why there’s a New Message from God in the world. (IL: Yeah) Because the situation is that dire. When you take into account the political, environmental, social and economic crises of our time (IL: Yeah) and the level of distraction and conflict and division that this is fostering; and then you take into account that we are experiencing a surreptitious, clandestine integration into our world by forces who are vastly more technologically advanced than us—this is a situation that calls for assistance, this calls for a Divine intervention. (IL: Yeah)

And that’s precisely what the New Message is. It wouldn’t be here if we weren’t facing contact with intelligent life in the universe. It wouldn’t be here if we weren’t facing catastrophic sea level rise that threatens nearly every coastal city in the world, you know. It wouldn’t be here if that, if those things weren’t here as well. And so to understand how on earth can a man claim to have a New message from God (IL: Yeah) how, who gives him the right to claim such a thing, you know?

Well, to understand that you have to step back and understand and to see the context in which we are living right now, every day of our lives, you know. You, me and everyone listening is immersed in a world of growing tension, (IL: Yeah) conflict and discord, rage, hate. Ah, it’s, It’s amplifying. The mental environment of the world is becoming more disturbed and distorted. And this is precisely why a New Message from God is needed, something that calls us back to the great spiritual grounding that we all carry, that can ground our emotions, ground our thinking, you know, compel us to act out of compassion towards one another. This is what the world needs.

IL: This isn’t, um, this isn’t a Christian message, is it? Have I got this right? By looking, by looking at your website and some of the places that it links to, this is, this is kind of um multi-denominational. This is, this is God in, in the tru-, truest sense of the word, God. It’s not the Christian God. It’s not the Mus-, it’s it’s the multi-, you know, it doesn’t follow one faith. Have I got that right?

RS: It is a new Revelation for people of all faiths. (IL: Wow) You know (IL: I love it! I love it!) It is a pure Message. It is not an institution. Huh um, it is not a center of religion or religious control. It is a Message for the world to be received or to be ignored. And it’s a Message that, you know, if you go and read and hear, you’ll find has a great degree of Grace and regard for humanity, encouragement, calling forward our strengths and our native abilities to deal with the planetary challenges that are really overwhelming us. I mean, this is a Message that we need to hear. And it has an activating power.

And it activated me, you know, not because I’m Marshall’s son, but because I went and read the Message. And I realized, wow!, this is the world I’m going to inherit, this is my future. I’m going to be living every day of my life facing, you know, the compounding crises of a future world,

IL: Oh well, mate, tell me about it. I’ve got two boys who are seven and five, and it terrifies, I think it does for any parent, it terrifies me what state we’re gonna hand this world over to them in. You know, it’s it’s it’s not looking good.

RS: You know, we’re all living with this. I’m swimming upstream with you all in this way, you know. We’re all feeling that level of dismay and maybe discouragement and even depression, you know. And how are we gonna make it? You know when you look out on the rhetoric and the discourse that dominates the media out there, dominates the minds of, you know, most of us, what is going to call us to a higher good (IL: Uh) and to be a part of that force for good, beyond religion, be us of any religion or no religion. I’m talking about a greater force for good moving in a world facing the darkest times in its history (IL: Uh) recorded or prior.

And so something needs to activate that in in in me and you and us. And otherwise, you know, we will sink into a swamp of distraction and compensation as, we, uh, you know, just basically try to avoid and tune out the growing, you know, harshness of the airwaves that we’re being bombarded with every day.

IL:  Man, ah Reed, can I keep you for a bit longer? I’ve got to “pay the rent.”

RS:  Absolutely.

IL:  Are you OK to stay for a bit longer?

RS: Oh yeah, certainly.

IL: Brilliant. I’m enjoying this. I’m enjoying this a lot, speaking to Reed Summers.

28:05   (commercial break … automatically goes to 00:30 – 01:00. The interview picks up there at:)


IL:  ….We’re doing things a little bit different for the last hour of the show this evening and you know we like to you know we normally get, we like to get pop stars and actors and authors, but we also like to get people who challenge the way we think and who have got interesting stories to tell, and interesting messages um to give and I ah was strolling through the internet as I do sometimes,  just typing in stuff and seeing where it took me and following links and I, I stumbled across this guy Marshall Summers and um I mean, the headline that jumped out at me was ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Contact with um Aliens’ and I thought well this has got to be worth a look and slowly over a period of time I got in touch with people that work with Marshall and got in touch with Marshall’s son Reed and Reed Summers um is joining me now, Reed, you still there, mate?

RS: I’m definitely still here.

IL: Brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for this. And before the end of the show tonight we’ll give another plug for the website if people wanna have a look. Um

RS:  I’m just pleased to be with you and to have this opportunity to reach out to people with this really unique and different message.

IL: And I’m, I’m enjoying it, and we’re getting some really nice feedback on Twitter as well from people saying this is fascinating. Uh, tell me about the climate change stuff, because, I mean, it, it is, climate change is one of the biggest things that this world has ever gone through and it looked like we were getting somewhere and then, of course, President Trump comes in, who is a climate change denier and doesn’t, you know, doesn’t believe, I don’t know what the figure, something like 95 percent of the scientists of this world say. And that does terrify me, as a dad it terrifies me that if we don’t do something soon, we’re not going to be able to slow down the destruction of our natural resources. Wha, wha-,The Message that Marshall has got, what does that say about climate change and where we’re potentially heading up?

RS: Oh gosh, is has a lot to say. (IL: Uh-oh) In fact…

IL: Uh-oh, here we go…

RS:  Be prepared, (IL: Yeah) for it paints a very sober picture of the future, regardless of whether or not we can take action now to mitigate future emissions. (IL: Yeah) Past emissions have baked into our future certain ramifications and certain eventualities that we will face, you know. And we are going to have to have the wisdom and the compassion to navigate that difficult future. Um, it makes some very startling declarations.

It says that 30 percent of the world’s agricultural land will be lost. It says that the ports and cities of the world may be flooded in 30 years time; that there will be an enormous amount of sea level rise in a far shorter period of time than we all currently think and what scientific consensus currently states.

And again, this is a prophetic message here to really alert us to the environmental calamity that we have created through, you know, misuse and overuse of our world’s natural environment and this is the future we will have to face. And in fact, the New Message makes clear that there are two great threats to humanity at this time. (IL: Yeah) And there are two great threats that can unite humanity at this time. And these are the only two that can do it. And these two are the environmental crisis we are facing, primarily in regards to climate change and sea level rise. And, second, Intervention from beyond our world. And the two are connected; they’re not disconnected. These two forces are interacting and there are certainly, other you know dangerous forces at work in the world. But the reality of climate change is is stark, you know.

(IL: uh) We all know it at a sens-, at a gut level we know that this is happening. We know you can’t pour God knows how many gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere and not have an effect. (IL: Yeah) Not-

IL: We can see, we can see it happening, this is the thing. We can see it happening, you know.

We can see by looking at weather records, the weather is changing. You say it’s gonna happen sooner than we’re expecting, go on, give us, give us how long have we got?

RS: Well, the New Message says the world will be unrecognizable in 20 years time. (IL: Aye yi yi.) That, and it said that seven years ago.

IL: Uh oh, we’ve got 13 years to go..oh, dear.

RS:  Well, yeah. And I feel that fire under my feet. And, you know, the state of the world’s environment is one of the most important issues on my mind. (IL: Yeah) It’s one of the most important things for Marshall. He speaks on it very regularly. And he is, he is calling people to awaken to the env-, that environmental threat. And whether or not they you know feel drawn to the New Message from God and and can, can receive that Teaching, we need everyone. We need, we need people activated and alive with this reality and responding no matter what government says or does. No matter who is elected. This is a matter for humankind now. This is a matter for every man and woman in the world. And, you know, we all need to be involved in th-, in generating the solution.

IL: Okay, listen, we’ve talked about the problems that, of alien intervention and climate change. Wha-, what is the solution, then? What do we have to do?

RS: Yeah. Well, a number of things. We need to steward the Earth’s resources more wisely than we are. We need to encourage human unity and cooperation around these major, you know, historic challenges—scientific, technical, communicative, spiritual. I mean this is a challenge at every level (IL: Yeah) for us human beings. And we also need to become aware and informed about life beyond our world. We live in a univ-,  local universe where there are forces of interaction, you know, underway at this moment. And we have almost no understanding of what that is and how that might be affecting us.

And unfortunately, you know, even as we go through our own major trials here in the world, the Intervention in the world is using those to its benefit. It’s encouraging, maybe you can, you and your listeners can see if you feel any of this out there in the world, out there on the streets. The Intervention is encouraging distrust in one another.

IL: Oh, totally!

RS: Well, let me let me, let me continue. There’s a whole lot more than that…

IL: Go on, go on…

RS: It’s encouraging, ah, us to believe that no human leadership is capable of guiding humanity into the future and that we need foreign intervention, or foreign leadership. (IL: Yeah) It’s radicalizing marginalized peoples and pitting them against larger nations to embroil the world in regionalized conflicts that are massively costly, massively distracting. We’ve seen quite a lot of that. It’s encouraging humanity to continue to overuse the world’s resources—resources they don’t need, you know. They’re not here for oil and natural gas. (IL: Right) I mean, these are resources that we need. And, to basically drive us into a position of dependency, loss of self-sufficiency and powerlessness in our, in our local universe.

So I know this is big. This is, you are not hearing this out there typically. This is a different kind of message. But if, you, you know, you sit back and look out over the horizon beyond this week’s news and this year’s news, you’ll start to sense that the world is careening in a direction, and no one quite knows and is in control of that direction. And, you know, it’s gonna be something way different than our ancestors had to face you know. The future world will be nothing like, you know, my parents had to face. And my children’s future will be unlike anything I’ve had to face. And the New Message is here to bring us some sense of vision and clarity about what that future is.

IL:  Here’s the thing, Reed. Let me, let me be completely honest with you. When I thought you, when I knew you were coming on, I went to your website to look for the “con.” I was looking for the “con.” I was looking for the thing where it goes, “And to find out more, send us five hundred dollars.” And there’s nothing like that; there’s nothing on your website. There’s nothing there. (RS: No) There’s nothing there that says, “If you want the answer, then send us the check now.”

There’s none of that. That isn’t there. And then I was thinking, “Okay, but when he comes on he’ll put forward these ridiculous points and I’ll be able to dismantle them.” And I can’t. Everything you’re saying, I mean, it makes, it makes absolute perfect sense.

Okay, one could argue whether Marshall was actually, you know, hearing Angels, and whether the Message came from them or not. But everything else you’re saying makes (RS: Yeah) perfect sense. There are distractions. It’s certainly happening in American politics. It’s happening over here in the UK where um different groups are being pitted against each other. And you can see society fracturing. Now whether it’s around religious lines or it’s around class lines or it’s around, uh, earnings, or it’s around gender, or it’s around any-, you can see it actually fracturing.

And, everything you have said in the last 35, 40 minutes, I can’t, I can’t pick a hole in it. I can’t fault it. And that’s, that’s, um that’s refreshing. It’s also terrifying, man! It’s terrifying.

RS: Yeah. I mean, this is the world we’re facing. (IL: Yeah!) When you look out on the horizon, you feel that division and that fracturing. And yet I need your listeners to know that there is a force in the world beyond a hum-, beyond what humans are doing with one another that is encouraging that, that is fueling that fracturing, that is finding new fissures that can be, you know, jimmied open and widened. And, you know, this is dismaying. I mean this is the last thing we need as a world, you know, the last thing we need is to get embroiled in political you know, chip shots and all this kind of stuff when we have the greatest event of our time happening in our midst, you know. When you take climate change into account, this could literally render the Earth semi-uninhabitable to human beings, (IL: Yeah) at an atmospheric level, at an agricultural level, at the level of fresh water and arable land. I mean, this is the challenge of our times. And you know this is what we need to be uniting around. And you know, but I share your, you know, you asked a question earlier, are you serious? Are we really going to get united, you know? And I, I understand that doubt. And um, and I know what you’re saying there. And, to me, you can’t give up on the fact of what, the only real way forward is for us as a race. You can’t really, I can’t, I can’t let myself give in to a belief that, you know, this is it, you know, we’re defunct, we’re deficient, and we’re powerlessness, we’re powerless and we, we ah really can’t resolve these issues. Because we can resolve it. And I don’t believe it’s really a matter solely of a lack of technology or a lack of political will. It’s something in the individual. It’s a cl-, it’s a switch that has to get clicked in us, where we wake up, we you know, we pick up our head and we look beyond our own personal preoccupations and needs and we realize we are in the world at one of the greatest, most consequential times in human history and we have a gift to give. You know, we all possess something (IL: But Reed) to offer..

IL: But wait. People, people don’t, people don’t want to know that because people want to know what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast. People want to know when the new Batman movies coming out. People, people don’t want to know, you know, that  (RS: I know) the planet is doomed unless we all pull together and start looking at maybe we’re using a bit too much oil and a bit too much plastic. People (RS: Yeah) they, they want to know when the next series of of um, I don’t know, Big Brother comes on. How (RS: Yeah well) can you break through that?

RS: Yeah, you know, and and also people also know what’s happening too, though, at a deeper level. (IL: Yeah) And, they don’t know how to deal with it.  They don’t know where the hope is. And they’re falling into hopelessness. And tha-, you know, why do we, why do we plunge ourselves into these distractions with all the more fervor as the world is being plunged into a growing degree of chaos. It, this, they’re not unrelated. I mean we don’t know how to face this kind of world. That’s why we need a communication from beyond the world from sour-, a Divine source to tell us what’s coming, to awaken us to the power that we all possess and to give us the steps to bring that power forward to serve the world. That’s the answer, in essence. It’s that each of us is capable of great good and great harm. (IL: Uhm) You know, we are human beings. We are complex, um we are complex creatures. And yet it only takes a quarter of the world to change the world, maybe less. I don’t know, maybe five percent of people really waking up to these issues and taking the Steps to the reality of Knowledge, this this spiritual mind within us, this inner voice, this compass, this gut sense. This is the thing that’s gonna walk us hand in hand into a new future. And it’s going to be a hard future. It’s not going to be an easy walk. (IL: Yeah) You know I don’t want to sugar-coat this in any way, (IL: Oh) this is going to be one of the most challenging periods in human history. (IL: Uh oh) And yet great times call for great things out of us. That’s been my experience. I mean if I wasn’t aware of these things what would I be doing with my life?

IL: Ah Reed, I’ve got two more things I want to ask you. And I’ve I’ve found this fascinating, mate. And I really appreciate your time. First thing is right, okay, you need to get this message out and Marshall’s been, been working on this Message for 35 years. Neither of you has got more than 250 followers on Twitter. And that says…you know Twitter isn’t everything, but Twitter is an important way of communicating, particularly with younger people. And I just wondered, uhm, how you plan to get this Message out to more people.

RS: Well, I’m spending my evening with you (IL: Yeah, I know, that’s right) And I’m reaching someone right now. (IL: Yeah) And you know it’s not going to be a mass movement, you know. Some people are going to have to be forerunners. They’re going to have to get out ahead and really lead for the world in certain ways. And you know some of your listeners are people of conscience. They’re people who have known all their lives that their life was destined for a certain specific purpose in concert, working in concert with certain people in a certain place, perhaps. And people, place, purpose—that is what matters for those people um to get where they need to go. And you know, yeah, there’s a huge communication task ahead to reach people. And yet the New Message from God is reaching people. And it’s refreshing. It’s a Message that says there is no hell. It’s a Message that says these are not the end of times. It’s a Message that says there is no single way to God. There is no single Messenger, Messenger or prophet. There are many ways to serve the many different peoples of the world. This is a new God experience. This is not the old God experience. (IL: Uh) This is not the father in the sky. This is not the judgmental God with a strict dogma that if you fail, and you probably will, you’re going to, you know, to permanent hell. (IL: laughs) And threats of fear and you know pain you and all of this. (IL: Yeah) This is old world. (IL: Yeah) This is old world thinking and we are in new world times. And we need a much more refreshed, compassionate, dynamic experience of the Divine moving us. Because, as I say, you know, we live in a religious world: Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, people of other faiths. We are people who respond to the power of Spirit, not to say there aren’t flaws and major issues with religion, you know and institutions in religion. (IL: Uh) But still we are people who can be moved. And that is precisely what I’m doing with my life. And that is precisely what Marshall Vian Summers has done for the last 35 years is to speak to people, to call them up and out so that who they are can serve the world in these future times.

IL: Okay, my final thing and then we’ll let you go and we’ll mention the website again and send people there. Um, how come it’s you talking to me tonight? How come Marshall couldn’t come on tonight? What, that, that initially struck me as odd. And I’m so glad that we have spoken, Reed, because I found (RS: Sure) this fascinating. But how come it’s you and it’s not Marshall?

RS: Good question. Well, you know Marshall is extremely busy with a number of critical projects. And uh he does do interviews. And you know I wasn’t quite sure the nature of your show. (IL: No) You have a, you have a wide range of topics that you cover (IL: laughs) with with great levity and great energy. And you know Marshall, Marshall has a very serious message for serious people, people (IL: Yeah.) who are serious about their lives. And if you’d like to have him on the show, we can have him on the show. (IL: Mate, I’m) You know Marshall—

IL: I would love to. I would love to get…and I appreciate your caution, because you get an invitation from a bloke in England saying, “Hey, do you, why don’t you come on and talk?” You’ve got no idea if this is a set up. You’ve got no idea if I’m going to take the mick out of you and have a laugh, or gonna be mean to you. So, of course I completely get, um completely understand your caution and your protection. But hopefully now that you’ve seen that, you know, I am interested and this is, this is a genuine… um you know, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this, Reed. And I’ve thoroughly enjoyed going, looking at your websites. If Marshall feels up to it at some point, we’d love to get him on.

RS: Well let’s make it happen. I, you know I’ve been, you know, I’ve totally enjoyed this conversation.

IL: Thank you, man.

RS: You are a man of conscience, you know. You know what’s happening out there in the world and you have a voice and a way to reach people. And you know, now that I know the nature of the, the, uh, (chuckles) the platform and how things are here, yeah, absolutely.

IL:  And we do listen…this is a show where we do kind of stupid stuff and we do dumb stuff. And then you know we we we will do, hey, there’s going to be an alien invasion and the world’s dying. We’ll do that as well. Reed, listen, if people want to follow you on Twitter it’s @ReedSummers7, Reed: R double E D. What’s the, what’s the best website to go so they can have a look around?

RS: Well, there’s two websites I’d recommend. The first is New Message dot o-r-g [] (IL: Yep) and there you can read and hear the original Voice of Revelation speaking through Marshall. And the other is Allies of Humanity dot o-r-g [], which is the website where we have free online the Allies of Humanity Briefings which detail the extraterrestrial presence in the world today and what we each need to do personally and collectively to respond to that.

IL: Give me that last one again, because I, what was that?

RS: Sure thing. Allies of Humanity dot o-r-g [] You know, Allies of Humanity dot o-r-g [IL: repeats information) and I’ll give you a third one and here’s an interesting one. (IL: Yeah, go on) Marshall was involved in writing a document called the Declaration of Human Sovereignty, (IL: Uhum) modelled on the United States of Independence which states our universal rights as human beings in this new universe into which we are emerging, you know. And this document is available free for anyone to print, share, um and to spread around. And, it is spreading around and being translated and so forth and that website is Human Sovereignty dot o-r-g []

IL: (muffled) —Human Sovereignty dot o r g. I’m there. I’m doing this because I’ll have a look at all this later on.

RS: And what I would really recommend, you know, for your viewers is go listen to Marshall. You know, go on to Youtube, put Marshall’s name into the search bar, and see what this man is saying to the world. Y’know, see the quality, ah you know, what is his quality? Is he authentic? You know, go find out for yourself um who this man is and what he’s saying and see if it moves you.

IL: Um Reed, honestly I’ve been spellbound the last 50 minutes. We’ll speak again, hopefully I’ll get to speak to Marshall. Thank Will for sorting out the interview ‘cause he emailed me a couple of times and you know how life is and I kinda missed the email, but we spoke when we needed to speak and that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? So thank you so much for your time man.

RS: Wonderful to spend this evening with you.

IL: We’ll speak to you again soon. Take care Reed.

RS: Good Iain. All right you too.  Thanks. Bye

IL: Wow. Katherine come and join me. What a lovely lovely man. Honestly I went to the website, I went to the website thinking I’m gonna I’m gonna find the con. I’m gonna find the bit where they say send us your dollar, there’s nothing.

Katherine: Or buy a book

IL: Yeah nothing it’s nothing there’s nothing, there there’s nothing. I’ve looked (K:Yeah) and I clicked and I followed it all around and there’s nothing. And then I thought well he’ll come on and he’ll obviously be a crackpot so very slowly I will dismantle his argument and I can’t. Again, I get the thing that one could possibly argue is that a man is getting hearing voices and getting a message that you could you could possibly argue with but I didn’t want to be particularly disrespectful to his dad but also in many ways that’s kind of a triviality the message itself I can’t argue with that.

Katherine: Yeah, what’s the difference (IL: I can’t argue with that) between physically hearing a voice and being inspired to write something down.

IL: And you know and there will be some people got all the alien stuff is nonsense well you know I totally buy into aliens (K: yeah) you know I do I’ve seen I’ve seen the Flying Saucer. I’ve seen the UFO, I’ve seen it um and I totally believe are they with us now?  I don’t know. I totally believe there are other life-forms out there of course there are, it’s a mathematical certainty (K: Uh hm) because the universe is just so vast we’re not the only things living in this you know….

Katherine: That would be an arrogance wouldn’t it?

IL: Wouldn’t it just be? What a nice man, well really I couldn’t take it, I could not, you know even with a screwdriver, I could not dismantle the argument

Katherine: My journalistic training was basically be cynical very cynical (IL: Yeah) couldn’t find it.

IL: The basic message is, we’re screwing up the planet

Katherine: Stop being dicks to each other

IL: Stop being dicks and we all need to get together and and be one planet, yeah I dig that, I dig that, of course we do and we say we’ll see what’s happening in New York tonight or this afternoon over there we’ve seen what’s happened you know what happened at Manchester but the but we see all these things are all these divisions all these wouldn’t it be great if we could put all of these kind of religions sort of to one side and we all you know it sounds like a an old hippie head thing we all just got on as a planet instead of the Muslims and the Jews and the Iranians and the and the Koreans and let’s just say one people.

Katherine: Let’s just say the old sorting mechanisms aren’t working anymore.

IL: They don’t work. I really enjoyed that and and he’s (laughs) obviously done his homework when he said “your show covers many topics in in you know in many different forms.” He’s right yeah we do, I enjoyed that…. [Cuts to advertisement]

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