Reed Summers

reed summers

about reed summers

Reed Summers is the son of Marshall Vian Summers and Patricia Summers and is now a teacher and representative for the New Message from God. Reed Summers is a member of The Society and works with Marshall and Patricia in directing its overall outreach and educational mission. In addition, he provides teaching and direction for the Worldwide Community of students and speaks publicly on the reality of the New Message, The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the life and teachings of Marshall Vian Summers.

Reed Summers joined Marshall and The Society in 2004, at the age of 20 and in the years since, he has worked to bring forth the New Message to the world, designing websites, book covers and outreach materials of the New Message; writing, speaking and teaching on radio and on YouTube; coordinating the Messenger’s many journeys in the world; and, alongside Patricia Summers, presenting the many events of the Free School, as well as New Message broadcastsVigils, and Encampments.


Weekly Chat

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weekly Campfire Chat of the Worldwide Community

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Activity Updates

  • Profile photo of Reed

    Reed posted an update 3 months ago

    3 months ago (edited)

    Seen in the context of one’s life decisions, this is a profound truth:
    “If you know how to prepare for the future, you will know what to do today. If you know what to do today, you will be freed from what you did yesterday.” Greater Community Spirituality

    Rob, Heather MacKenzie and 39 others
  • Who you are is not your mind, but your mind is also who you are.

    These statements can both be embraced as true, and the seeming contradiction is resolved by understanding that we can live life at two fundamental levels: the level of our permanent being expressing itself in the world, and the level of our human self expressing itself in the…

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    Antonella Di Roma, Ilhun and 30 others
    • This is so important and so awfully difficult for some of us, and the new model for our shared studenthood still so new and refreshing, I must remark upon something latent in me that came out during the presentation of June 15 on a healthy relationship with the mind.

      It has been a long and very…

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      • “Who you are is not your mind, but your mind is also who you are.”

        Interesting idea here. If I make a simple reduction here this is nothing more than the two minds. Personal mind, Spirit Mind.

        “Here it is necessary to realize that there are two minds within you. There is the mind with which you think and there is the Mind with which you… Read more

      • Looking forward to the teaching by Marshall this morning. I’ll be joining him to add a few insights and some wisdom gained along the journey regarding how to be in relationship with one’s mind and how to support its health and self-expression.

        Dominic, Levy and 21 others
        • Thank you Reed! Look forward to seeing and listening to you and your Father again! NNC

          • Mary (edited)

            One practice I follow–only due to the dedicated support around the Messenger–is to listen only and not take notes. We can count on a transcript later, so I practice listening skills at the broadcast, later to review (and always with the question, how do we internalize what Reed in particular is doing here–he is translating it out of the…

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