Reed Summers

reed summers

about reed summers

Reed Summers is the son of Marshall Vian Summers and Patricia Summers and is now a teacher and representative for the New Message from God. Reed Summers is a member of The Society and works with Marshall and Patricia in directing its overall outreach and educational mission. In addition, he provides teaching and direction for the Worldwide Community of students and speaks publicly on the reality of the New Message, The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the life and teachings of Marshall Vian Summers.

Reed Summers joined Marshall and The Society in 2004, at the age of 20 and in the years since, he has worked to bring forth the New Message to the world, designing websites, book covers and outreach materials of the New Message; writing, speaking and teaching on radio and on YouTube; coordinating the Messenger’s many journeys in the world; and, alongside Patricia Summers, presenting the many events of the Free School, as well as New Message broadcastsVigils, and Encampments.


Weekly Chat

Archive of Reed’s posts during the
weekly Campfire Chat of the Worldwide Community

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Activity Updates

  • Here is an image showing the distinct eras of the revelation of the New Message in its long 40 year history. Quite a journey for Marshall and all involved.

    Levy, JinHwa and 35 others
    • Tim

      Thank you Reed for providing the treetop view. As a visual learner, the image helps me begin to process both the immensity as well as the tapestry of the New Message.

      For some reason, I am drawn to the midway gap, centered between the foundational Way and its self-commentary, or perhaps it denotes the discretionary pause after the…

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  • Important to hold in our awareness and to uphold in our world, especially now as the battles to resist this natural movement are only beginning.

    “The human race is at a terminal point, the terminal end of the cycle of the development of international societies. This is where tribes and groups have grown so great, have overlapped so much and…

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    Levy, Wilson Roberto and 30 others
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    • Interestingly…

      Ubiquity – Humanity Rising – is offering this week:
      The focus of this week is the “Future of God” – does theism have a place in addressing the meaning crisis? Can it be part of a post-postmodern future that integrates the insights and critiques of modernism and postmodernism in a credible way? We will explore emerging…

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    • Thank you Reed.

      Maybe a step to consider…

      Step 325
      The world is emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds. Therefore, I must be attentive.

      THE WORLD IS EMERGING into the Greater Community of Worlds. How can you recognize this if you are preoccupied with your own concerns, your own hopes and your own ambitions? How can you recognize what… Read more

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