Reflections on Steps

Marshall speaks after Broadcast on Night 13 of the 2018 Steps Vigil, June 7, 2018 | Reflections on Steps
If your preparation is true, other practices will be given to you. And Steps will be so much a part of you that you’ll be living it.
But I do love the Steps. It’s my favorite of all the books. It’s the hub of the wheel. I see so much in it.
It was given early in case anything happened to me, that the practice, the preparation would be there; rather than being invented by other people later on—people who did not know the Messenger—as has been the case before; or altered—changed—as has been the case before.
You know, it’s amazing how it’s given to be so easily translated. Maybe that’s not easy for all you translators out there, but its wording and everything is very, very simple.
The real question is: Why do we keep choosing Separation every day, in response to so many things?
That’s a good question to be with.
Thank you for this teaching, Marshall. How blessed we are to have this book with us now on Earth, translateable into any language, almost simply word for word.
That was exactly my question today…. “why do I keep choosing for seperation, each day again”. Its a mystery that every time it happens again what is given is exactly needed to hear…. Thank you so much for sharing these reflections of Marshall today by email. Its is a great support for my studenthood.