Restoring the World | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Revelation Broadcast Event, Feb 14, 2022.

Restoring the World
Revelation Broadcast Events

Session Transcript

Well hello, and welcome. My name is Reed Summers and it’s my privilege to be here with you today to share the newest revelation of the New Message from God, which is a series of messages from a Divine Source received by my father Marshall Vian Summers over a 35-year period. And today or tonight or this morning—wherever it is for you, whatever time of day—we’re going to be listening to and reading the newest revelation of the New Message from God, and this revelation is entitled Restoring the World

If we all look out on the world right now, at the environment of the world—the skies, the waters, the forests, the farmland—I think we can tell that humanity has done a tremendous amount of negative impact upon this natural environment in which we live. And what we’re hearing tonight is a revelation from a Divine Source telling us, in some sense commanding us, to correct this imbalance and to realize that we have a relationship with this natural environment, and that everything we do, everything we create in our societies, in our cultures, in our technology is founded upon nature—it’s built upon a foundation—and that we are out of relationship with this foundation. We are functioning independent of it, and we are negatively impacting it so considerably that the foundation itself is starting to crumble out from under us. The lands we rely upon to grow our food, the oceans that provide our fish, the air that we breathe, everything that comes in and out of our human selves is being negatively impacted and is changing dramatically.

So I’d like to share with you a revelation tonight, and a few quotes from this revelation here. This is from the revelation Restoring the World:

The world must be restored. It is not merely how you use the resources of the world. It is that the world itself must be supported to support you. […] To restore the world, you will have to restore its diversity and protect its diversity that is remaining. One third of all the lands will have to be kept in a wild state—at least one third. The waters will have to be cleansed. The air will have to be clean. You will have to turn your refuse into useful material. You will have to preserve your resources. You will have to rebuild your soils, or humanity’s future is predictable and catastrophic.”

And very much connected with this is our own lives—you, me, everyone. And the fact is that as the world changes, so do the possibilities for our lives change, and for our children and their children. 

And this message we’re going to hear today goes on to talk a lot about freedom. I’d like to share with you a passage on this.

Your freedom is being lost with each passing day as the world diminishes, and the possibility for freedom for those still oppressed in many parts of the world diminishes as well. Freedom is based upon the luxury of a stable and abundant world. That you have the freedom of choice is dependent upon a stable and abundant world.”

And so today we’re going to listen to this revelation together and really start to consider, again, what is under our feet, what is the foundation upon which we stand and what do our lives depend upon, which, this message is here to share with us, is the natural environment in which we live which we have so dramatically affected.

The Voice you’re going to be hearing is the Voice of an Angelic Assembly speaking through one man, Marshall Vian Summers. This revelation was given some years ago. And it feels very important that we release this now to the world, and hopefully that this stirs in us a sense of responsibility and connection to this world in which we live and our important work to restore what has been so dramatically altered.

After we listen to the revelation, I’m going to share with you some of my own thoughts and reflections on this revelation, and then I will also take a few questions or comments. So if you’d like to share something with me, please feel free to do so in the Youtube chat or the Facebook chat or whichever platform you’re watching this on, and I’ll be happy to engage with you for a few minutes as well. So with that, let’s turn to the revelation and listen to what it has to say to us.

[Restoring the World]

Wow, big message. Big message. First time this message has been heard in the world since it was received by Marshall Vian Summers in a state of Revelation over a decade ago. And so you might feel ringing from this. You might feel overwhelmed. I’d like to share a few of my thoughts and impressions from hearing this revelation. And then I’m welcome to hearing some of yours. So if you’d like to share a question or comment with me, please do so in the comments section of this live stream and the team will get it to me.

I feel like this revelation is really pointing us right down here to what’s under our feet—what we would not normally think of or consider as we engage in our daily lives in our work, family, out in the world. I was actually down in a large city, urban area, this morning looking out a 10 story window on downtown, and seeing the football stadium and the big buildings and the train tracks and the sidewalks and the restaurants. And I thought to myself, Wow, we are really creating something as a human society on this planet Earth. This is really quite big—all the cranes, the movement, the cars—life. And yet, who thinks about what is under that concrete? Or what is out beyond that line of buildings, the true horizon line that we can barely even see from within our cities? And that is the real foundation under our feet: the Earth itself.

And it’s fine for us to be building and creating and generating a human culture and society that is different than nature; it’s not what the natural world is. But if it becomes so dislocated from it or what I would call out of relationship, then that causes damage from one party to another. If you’re in a relationship with someone, but you treat and regard them different from how your relationship really is…Think about your child or your spouse or your boss and you disregard the relationship that you actually have with them, it’s very easy to do damage in that relationship, is it not?—especially if you’re out for yourself, if you’re trying to create something for yourself that is not something you share with them, with those you’re in relationship with. 

And I feel, and felt this morning, like we are creating something that is out of relationship with the other party, which is life, which is the natural world, and we are creating damage upon that natural world; and we are not—not just are we causing damage to it—we are not engaged sufficient in restoring that damage, because yes, there’s damage. In building a building, you have to dig three stories underneath it for a parking garage. But the restoration process that must occur alongside it is equally as important to not causing too much of that damage in the first place.

And so I feel this revelation is calling us to realize that we are in relationship with something and that we have entered a state of dislocation. We are now out of relationship with that, and so we need to get back into relationship with that. And this is part of this enormous revelation ethic in the New Message. 

The New Message teaches that at the foundation of our lives, our relationships with people, with places and even with things, and that in the end it is all about relationship. There are no great situations. There are only great relationships, or people engaged in a situation that can bring forth something greater than the situation.

And so we have this relationship ethic being presented by the New Message. And this revelation today points us right to the world itself. This is the relationship that you have with this world, and realize that this real world is supporting you. So it’s important that you support it so that it can support you. And it’s interesting how we have all these high notions and ideals regarding this. 

You know, look at the symbol—almost universal symbol—for recycling. It is the cycling of resources being used, converted back into something that life can use and then reuse or re-farmed or re-mined or what have you. We have notions like that. We have so many environmental ethics and laws and we value this, or we say we value this. And yet, what we do is different than that. It’s dissonant, right? It’s not…we’re not acting based on what we truly value. And I feel here it’s as if the world is in a state of disorder.

It’s like it has a disorder, which you may be familiar with in your personal life, to have a disorder. I feel a disorder is a disordering of values or the value structure that organizes and guides our life. And so that value structure is set up, hopefully, to result in the outcome that we’re seeking for ourselves personally. If you want to be successful, you value certain things above other things that prefer that outcome of success.

And so we have good values, seemingly good values, and all the things that come with it politically and socially; and we want good things, good outcomes for ourselves, for the world; and yet it’s what happens in between that’s out of order. It’s a disorder. And so I feel like the New Message is calling us to reorder our lives, which is really the values and relationships that form the infrastructure of our lives—the structure upon which everything else is built.

And so how do you get out of disorder when you have a disorder? This is a question. And I think it starts with you. It comes back to you, what do you value, what do you want for yourself and the world as an outcome, and see that the actions and behaviors and the relationships you engage in are going to lead to that outcome. And if change is needed, then change is needed. You just have to do it. 

And so I think there’s an element of personal empowerment and authority here in that you determine the outcome you’re seeking, and you determine the values and their order. There’s so many decisions to be made and we’re not making them in this middle part, this middle part. So the return to order and getting out of a disorder. So much here.

And gosh, I just want to go back to this passage from the revelation itself. This is something we’ve never heard before. 

One-third of all the lands will have to be kept in a wild state, at least one-third.”

Think about that. I feel like the only thing possibly that could allow that to happen…Of course, I should pause, bookmark that and say maybe the deserts are one-third, are in their wild state and the world’s going to carve out the least valuable lands and leave them in a wild state. So I don’t think you can fudge these numbers or twist this. You’ve got to really realize the intent of the statement. You can’t just leave the deserts and the steppes as they are and burn down all the forests and pollute the oceans. So I want to make a point there.

But to get with the intention and the scope of this statement of one-third of the Earth kept in a wild state, the only thing I can imagine enabling the level of action required by governments, by the corporate and economic forces in our world and by the individuals that consume what those forces create it’s a major change in our sense of self—who we are and what we are a part of. Huge change of a sense of self. And that’s why I feel like the New Message from God is critically part of the answer for this world because what can cause someone to experience themselves differently, that differently that you would actually make major life sacrifices and participate in society so, so very differently to yield one-third of the earth left in a natural state?

And so this is a change of paradigm, of personal paradigm, who we know ourselves to be and the world we know ourselves to be in. 

And as I was listening to this revelation, I caught sight of a statement from from one of you out there: What can I do? is the question that troubles us. We know this. We know this about the environment and the world and how much is needed. But what can I do? And I feel the overwhelm in that question, which is: What can I possibly do to make an impact or a change? And I feel in that question, as well, the hopelessness that many of us feel about how many people are aware enough to actually ask a question like that, or have the intention of the follow-through to do something different than what they do.

And so I come back to this I in this revelation, what the New Message is calling for you to do. And I think it’s important to not become too world-focused, too other-focused, focused on what everyone else needs to do. This really does come home to you. And there really is no list of actions that you are supposed to take as a result of this. There’s not 101 things that all of us have to do to restore the world. It’s a personal question, which I feel is best revealed by re-experiencing who we are and re-experiencing the environment that we’re a part of, which is the world.

And one of the first ways we can start to do this is to take note of the most active verb in this revelation, at least the one that I picked up, and that is the verb to see—to see yourself differently. This is about seeing the world and seeing oneself. Because if your eyes are closed or half open, or if your vision is very distorted and you’re not seeing reality, what would you then do of value. You could actually do a lot of harm to yourself or to others in a state like that.

And so this is really about first opening the eyes to see the world, to see yourself in the world and to see it as close to actual objective reality as possible. And with that, I think that would trigger a state of being, a different way of being in the world. And in that state of being, all the actions can follow. All the things we do, whether it’s growing food, using an electric car, using less electricity…there’s so many things, there’s thousands and thousands of things that would emanate naturally from a state of being triggered by a new state of seeing. And so I would encourage you to start seeing in light of what this revelation is revealing. Revealing is very connected to seeing, by the way—those two verbs. 

And so with that, thank you. I wanted to share a few of my thoughts on this and how I’m responding to it. And I will go and take a look and see if there are any questions from you all. The question from Owen: “I’m new here but have been increasingly interested, yet still struggle to believe at times. Is this God the same as the Christian God of the bible?”

Well, Owen, thank you for being here and welcome. I can take a stab at this question though there’s a lot there, and struggling to believe is not a problem and I think it’s a natural part of the process. And I’m not sure even believing is what’s needed at this stage. I think instead of a new belief, it’s a new experience of what is there, or what is real in you and around you, and God is most certainly a part of that. 

This God that the New Message from God comes from, it is the same God that the world’s religions focus upon. It’s by definition the same God, but I cannot comment upon what Christians are pointing themselves to in terms of a God. There are as many Christians as there are any different kind of person in the world, so…and the Bible, as well, as a book, I cannot comment upon the God that that is oriented to because God is. How you orient is very, can be very different and the beliefs that take shape around that orientation can be wildly different.

God is the same God. Our beliefs about it and our orientation might be different. I don’t think that’s a point of contention or necessarily a problem. You know, we’re having different experiences of the same core reality. 

But I think the need is not to believe something new; it’s to experience something new and to have that be the reality versus a fixed set of ideas about a dynamic universe in which you live, in which I live, in the Creator who is at work in that universe. And I think the New Message provides a very remarkable foundation for a new experience of this God.

It is not a God just of humanity and of this world. It is a God of the entire universe of which we are a part, a universe of intelligent life. And so when you start to expand at that level, all our beliefs and lines of demarcation about what Christians believe and Muslims believe and, you know, people of the New Age traditions believe, it starts to get less important. The experience starts to get more important, more unifying. And I think that’s where the New Message is calling us to. That’s where the unity will exist. 

But thank you for the question. And I recognize the struggle to receive something of this magnitude. And with a claim this big to be a New Message from God, I don’t think that’s any small claim, and I don’t think it should just be believed. I think it should be investigated and experienced. And I hope that the value of the New Message and all of its hundreds and hundreds of revelations, one of which you heard just now, can reach you and that you can take something from that that provides to you. So thank you for your question.

Comment from another viewer here: “It is not as though we do not know or should not know these things, and yet so few regard the situation as a global emergency.” And again for me, you can start banging the drum. You can share stats and data from the world of climate science. You can tell people how many storms there were this year versus last year and people will nod and they’ll hear it, and I don’t think they’ll disagree or even contest those facts as your facts, you know, or as your news instead of their real news. I think people hear that and within them they nod. But the problem is that it’s a paradigm problem. It’s a problem of a sense of self in a world that does not actually exist and a sense of self that does not actually exist, as well, with it.

And so there’s a major realigning here. It’s like a major adjustment that the New Message from God is trying to cause for us to realign our sense of being with the factual existence of the world and its very, very dire and fragile environmental state right now and political state and social state. The world we believe exists is not the world that’s there. And that’s the same for all of us. I live in a subjective world, right? And that’s okay. We’re subjective creatures with eyes and brains that interpret reality.

The need though, well, the problem is that we are so disaligned from reality that we’re starting to act in ways that do not prefer the outcome that we need and want, which you could say is survival. We are acting in ways that will cause us to not survive and that’s why there is a New Message from God. It’s to correct our subjective take on life, self and the world and bring it closer to reality so that what we do operates in train with what is and what will inevitably happen from what we do, you know? We pump things into the sky, our climate will change. We deteriorate the soils, they will erode and we will no longer have them for thousands of years. These are inevitabilities. They are not going to be made different by a Divine power, by a political persuasion, by a philosophy that we hold; it’s just inevitable cause and effect. And so the actions we’re having, we’re taking are the cause that’s having a very, very detrimental effect to the outcome that we need.

So, so few regard the situation as a global emergency, I agree. And I think seeing is where it starts, and feeling is where it starts, as well. And I hope that the New Message from God can give sight and sense to more people.

John asks what is meant in the revelation when it says by “a wild state”, this passage that I read earlier that 30 percent, I’m sorry, a third of the world must be kept in a wild state? I would interpret that, John, myself to be an original state, meaning a natural state, the way nature does things, not the way we do things. So you know, you can’t have 100 acres of human development and then 33.3 of those acres are technically a forest or a field without a house on it because that one acre field is not the natural state of the ecology, the ecological zone or, you know, larger environment of which it was a part. So I interpret that to mean its original state. And I think there’s a lot to be worked out there about which lands must be kept in their wild state.

And I mean these are enormous statements, right?, and to bring that down to policy would be a life’s work for someone who feels called to that. But it’s very significant that a Divine Source, the Creator of all life, is saying a statement like that. This is what the New Message from God is. I don’t know of other purportedly Divine messages that are saying things like that, and I think that’s very important to take in and at that level.

I’d like to share with you a couple passages from this revelation on what we can do.

What can you do, you say? You play your part. […] You become a force for good instead of one who is withdrawn and depressed, unable to communicate and to contribute to the world around you. You are brought out of the shadows into life, into the challenge of this time, for which you were sent and for which you were prepared by those who sent you into the world to serve the world under these conditions.”

In this moment, you do not yet realize what a great blessing this is for you—you who have this one great chance to restore your life, to regain your strength, to build your capabilities, and to prepare for a future that will be unlike the past.”

As I read these passages, I feel so strongly how this is our moment in history. This is the historical moment that our lives are taking place within. And we are in need of a cause. We are in need of something to call something greater out of us, and one that’s not just personal in nature. It’s not a grand personal self-expression or skill or something like that. This is not self-aggrandizement. It’s something that we would do in concert with others that would connect us to life itself. A great cause necessary in the world that would connect us to others and life itself—this is what we need. And for many, if not most, if not 99.9% of all of us, we don’t have a sense of this. We’re not involved at that level. We may be involved out in the surface of life, maybe doing a lot. But are we being, are we seeing any differently than we have been? Are we just acting out the same personas and archetypes that we have for thousands of years?

So our lives are evidence of where we truthfully are relative to where we need to be. And so if you’re suffering with anxiety or depression or a sense of a lack of meaning or meaningful relationship where your life is just rote and prosaic and there’s really nothing much in it that connects you to the world itself, then take those as signs of your starting point; but they’re in no way a sign of your destination or your destiny. 

And the New Message from God is here to connect you back to your destiny, to get you on that road that is made for you. It’s who you are. It’s your nature and design to perform a certain function in the world in a certain place at a certain time with certain people. And if you’re not there, it’s good to be honest about that, and it’s good to get connected to something that can take you there. And so this is the cause of our time.

We are an island community, the human family. We must not cut down the last tree. We must not wait until these seas rise and consume this island. We have to respond at this level of the survival of the human race. And this is our cause. The Great Waves of change—environmental, social and political change that will reshape the surface of our world at every level—this is the cause of our time.

And so when the New Message says you do not yet realize what a great blessing this is, don’t you think for a moment, What are you talking about, a great blessing? It’s terrible. What’s happening in the world is terrible. But the truth is, it’s going to take something out there to call something out of us different than what we are bringing out in this moment. Now if your life is going beautifully and you’re out there serving and you feel phenomenal and okay, maybe you need to sit in the bleachers, and we we’re coaching a different team here. But I think the majority of us are out on the stage of life, out on the playing floor and we don’t know how to dribble and yet we have a destiny to reach the highest levels of this game. And so the New Message is here to teach us not just how to dribble, but the whole game. And I think our heart yearns for it, lest we live a mediocre life, a small life, an isolated life, a life that is not connected to life itself.

And so I invite you to respond to the Revelation at that level if you are. If you’re feeling stirred at a deeper level, this Message is for you because something within you is trying to rise up and out of you to get you out into this world, and now you have a sense—more of a sense—of the world that you’re going to be rising into. It’s going to be a difficult future. I can’t even imagine what will be lost and the hardship that will occur and the suffering that will occur. But that doesn’t mean we bring something out of ourselves that is negative. I think all the more it will be something positive to meet the very situation. So let that be our calling to go forward in whatever way we do and are called to do. 

And I want to thank you for being with me today and receiving this newest revelation of the New Message. I want to share with you a few books and resources for you and also talk about some gatherings we’re going to be having up ahead. Today’s revelation comes from the forthcoming book of the New Message called The Reformation. Currently available are two books, one, The New World: the Future of Humanity, which really reveals this new reality of the future world in stark terms, but in very important ones; and then The Great Waves of Change, which are very much about the forces reshaping our world and how we can respond within our families, our work, our lives in very functional ways.

These books of the New Message are all free online along with some of the audio revelation, the audio that was recorded when they were first delivered. You can go to to read all of the revelations, including the one revealed today.

I invite you to join me for the next revelations to be given: What Really Matters, Raising Children and Marriage. And if you’re feeling like it’s time to learn more about the teachings and practices of the New Message or about Marshall Vian Summers, the man responsible for this New Message, we’re going to be having a gathering up ahead February 18th to 20th, and this is going to be a live streamed event as well as an interactive event—two components. And it’s free to participate. It’s open to anyone who earnestly is interested in the New Message and learning more about it. So to learn more about that, you can go to

And with that, just after the top of the hour, I’m going to say good night to you all. Thank you for being here. We’ll be here again in two weeks’ time with a new revelation from the New Message from God. Good night everyone. Thanks for being here. 

Open Session Transcript

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  1. I can see the truth of this revelation everywhere I look, in everything I read about the environment and the future of our beautiful home. We seem to be willing to just discard our home like the garbage we so casually throw away. Many people here in the southern USA act like the world was given to them by God to treat any way they wish, because they think they will go to a new home, when Jesus returns, with streets of gold and beautiful gardens and lions lying down with lambs. Science based people think we’ll go to the stars and colonize new worlds where we’ll start over and do better. But we will be the same people who depleted and trashed this garden. Thank you, Marshall and Reed, for sharing this revelation. I pray more and more people will open their hearts and be able to hear it.