Seeding Humanity’s Freedom with the Great Coordination

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Night 6, Jan 27, 2017

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I have lived this Coordination, and I continue to live it, and I continue to grow within it. And it continues to enliven me and sustain me and give me courage and strength to do what I must do. My life is ever-new before me. It’s like an adventure, but one with great importance and consequence. I must bring the great gifts of this into the world. This is the time. I must call those who are destined to be a part of this to help me do this, for I cannot do it alone.

My life is a platform for this, but the platform has to be much bigger. That means others have to become a platform for this, as the Assembly itself is a platform. It’s not a bunch of free-willing individuals up there. They’re holding structure. They’re holding the Coordination, and overseeing much of it, perhaps all of it, for our world. That’s a lot of holding. Holding takes structure, what we call structure. I need your structure. Relationship is structure. Any relationship is structure to some degree.

This is the most important power, Knowledge and Wisdom that can be brought into the world at this time, for this time and the times to come. This is the seed of the future world, as the Teaching in The Vision describes for us. Our opportunity to be a free race in the universe is contained in that Vision, and what we are likely to have to go through to get there. But that’s where this is going. That’s where it wants to go. That’s where the Coordination is taking us. We are the seed people for that.

So, in Secret 133 it says:

You may ask, many of you will ask, What is my purpose? Your purpose is to discover your Knowledge and to serve God and God’s hierarchy.”

Therefore, I call you to this great Coordination, to prepare, to participate in it and the work it is giving you now to do in your life, to make a way within your life, within your mind, within your heart for this—this, which is what has brought you here and has freed you enough so far in your life to be able to be in this time in this moment with me, and with us. Think about where you were a year ago, or five years ago or ten years ago. Something has pulled you out of those circumstances. That is the Great Coordination. And may it pull you further because it is unrelenting, because it is purposeful and because it is true.

Let us pray that the Presence will be with us and that we will find the strength and the determination to be with it, for it seeks to move our life into position for a greater service in the world, a greater meaning and a greater purpose. And with it, it brings us relationships of a very high calibre, relationships that can amplify our strengths, our power and our contribution. I pray that this strength will grow from this Gathering and from those who gather with me from afar, for we are all part of this Great Coordination. May the Presence of the Teachers be with us.

Nasi Novare Coram

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