Take the Journey of the Power of Spirit

Hear Marshall speak, Sep 23, 2013.

The Creator of all life has given you a deeper mind, the mind that knows, the mind that is without fear, the mind that is clear and compassionate, the mind that is unwavering in its commitment to the truth and to the fulfillment of the mission that has brought you into the world. 

This mind is called Knowledge. It resides beyond the realm and the reach of your intellect, in a deeper, more sacred part of you. May the power of this Knowledge bless and guide you. May it correct you when it is necessary to do so. And may it reveal to you over time the true nature of your purpose for being in the world at this time and the greater strength that you carry and the gifts that you’ve brought into the world in service to the world, gifts that are meant to be given in certain places, in concert with certain people.

May you have the strength to take the Steps to Knowledge, to learn of the mystery and the power of your life and the greater meaning that has brought you here at this time, to face a world undergoing tremendous change.

May Knowledge be your guide and counsel and may it take you to a greater participation in life, participation beyond your goals and estimation, for that is its purpose and its destiny. And may you find the strength and the determination to take these Steps to Knowledge, may you have the strength to follow this—following this without answers, without explanations, following this because you know you must follow this. 

Here the intellect must follow, for it cannot lead, for it is entering territory that is beyond its realm and its reach. May you have the power and the strength to do this. 

May you have the courage to take this greater journey, the journey of the power of Spirit, the journey that you were destined to take, that you were sent into the world to take.    

May the Power and Presence of Knowledge bring clarity to your life and may it open doors before you that you did not even know existed. And may it give you the strength to proceed when you are unsure and full of doubt.

The Power and the Presence is with you and it is time for you to be with it.

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