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- Content posted or linked on this site should be directly related to the New Message, the Allies of Humanity, or the Way of Knowledge.
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- We encourage the sharing of the New Message, and invite you to contact us at contact@newmessage.org should you have questions, or new ideas to promote or republish this material beyond our websites.
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Immediate freezing of one’s account will take place for these violations:
- Private messaging users to engage off-platform, to use other sites, and to support causes not affiliated with or promoted by the Society for the New Message.
- Sending out bulk or copied messages to existing students to engage off-platform on other sites or for other causes not affiliated with or promoted by the Society for the New Message.
- Recruiting students off-platform, to other sites and/or causes not affiliated with or promoted by the Society for the New Message.
Violation of these terms and conditions may result in the editing of posts, removal of posts, or suspension and/or deletion of your account and content.
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If any of the above are objectionable to the user, please discontinue using this site.
The Society for the New Message retains the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Updated September 16, 2024. (Contact Tyyne Andrews at tyyne@nmfg.co for concerns or suggestions.)
If you have a concern about a post on this site please submit your concern here and we will address the issue.
Thank you for observing the privacy policy and terms of use. We welcome you to use this site and benefit from the wealth of content and interaction available here