The Condition of the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live

Watch Mathieu Goldstein Introduce The Newest Teaching Released Live From August 3rd, 2024.

Okay, hello everyone, and welcome. My name is Mathieu Goldstein. I am from France. So today we will listen to a teaching which is released for the first time. It is entitled The Condition of the World. This is a teaching that has been received by Marshal Vian Summers in 2009 during a journey through Asia, and this specific teaching has been received in Bangkok, Thailand. 

So when we say the teaching has been received, it is because it didn’t actually, didn’t come from a process of writing by Marshall, but from a much more mysterious process. It is, in fact, the fruit of Marshall’s very unique relationship with a group of wise and invisible Teachers. We call them the Unseen Ones, among other names; you could say Angels. And under certain circumstances, these Teachers gather around Marshall. And Marshall has this ability and training to receive them. And so they are then able to speak through him a message or teaching.

So this 35-minute teaching you’re about to hear is actually a recording of this very process, an audio recording. And the Voice you’re going to hear is the Voice of the Teachers speaking to Marshall. So this teaching, The Condition of the World, is focused on the relationship between humanity and its environment, the planet Earth, and how this relationship has become dysfunctional over time and requires attention if humanity is to survive and thrive in the future.

So it speaks of the threshold we have reached as a world civilization from which either we can develop a more mature relationship with our environment, take care of it, be aware of its limits in terms of resources and pollution, for example, learning how to maintain its complex balance. So either we can do that or humanity will face the consequences of driving this environment beyond its functioning parameters—at least for us as humans—and at a point where it cannot sustain the human family anymore.

So this is a very clear teaching. We need to be warned. It’s sobering in many ways. We have crossed many invisible lines in our relationship with this environment and our course needs to be corrected, if we will; or otherwise, we will not be there in the future. That’s in a few words the essence of it. Yet it is sobering, but beyond that, it is also empowering and encouraging because it also speaks of the importance of the spiritual foundation in humanity to face such a turning point. And it explains that everything starts with the individual, the response of individuals being aware of, first, the greater picture we are in now and willing and capable of undertaking a preparation to be in a position to contribute to such a threshold. 

So he speaks to the responsibility and the power of the individual and of the importance of the preparation as a central piece of this; preparation is like almost everywhere in the New Message, the importance of reconnecting with deeper spiritual Intelligence that is called Knowledge in these teachings, and which holds basically our purpose and destiny in the world at this time.

So we will now listen to the teaching. At the end of the teaching, you can follow by a discussion that will be held on Discord, on our server New Message on Discord. I think, I believe the link will be embedded in the description of the video. So once the teaching is over, you can join us if you wish on Discord to discuss your reaction [unclear]. Okay, now we will listen to the teaching, The Condition of the World. Thank you

[The revelation plays.]

Thank you for listening. You can find this revelation now on online. You can also if you wish to follow this broadcast by a discussion on this revelation on our server, New Message server on Discord. I believe the link is in the description of the video. See you there. Thank you.

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