The Deeper Knowledge Within You

Watch the Messenger speak during the 2021 Steps Vigil, May 26, 2021.

Full Broadcast

Great to see you all. I’m so happy to have this opportunity to be with you. As Reed and Patricia were speaking, I was thinking of what a Great Coordination it’s been to bring all of us together. I certainly could not see that, how that could be. It’s like there’s a network beyond our visual range that is not controlling us, but encouraging us to move in certain directions in life, to move into certain things and out of certain things. And sometimes we can adhere to that and sometimes we do not. But to have you all here is really a beautiful thing because the risk of failure is ever present. The risk of denial is ever present. The risk of being overwhelmed by others’ views or control of us is certainly present. So when we can gather like this from around the world with this technology that’s available to us now, I think it’s a marvelous thing. 

What I would like to do tonight is kind of set the stage for Steps to Knowledge and why Knowledge is so central to who we are and what we’re here to do, and how different it may be from other ideas, spiritual ideas, that are very prevalent in the world or traditional. I think the New Message is providing us something we’ve never seen before in such a large context. 

Certainly the teachings in Knowledge have been with us probably since the beginning, but usually conducted between teachers and individual students as a transmission or an initiation. But now a greater way of Knowledge is being given to the whole world for those who can find it and respond to it and practice it and participate within it—a long journey. 

So tonight I would like to speak about the nature of our presence here in the world and the deeper Knowledge that we carry, because we have a spiritual reality that is beyond our body and our minds. Spiritual reality. That’s why religion in some form will always be with us, however suppressed it may become or has been, because at some level we know this is not all that we are. Our life in this world is not all that there is. This life in this world is not everywhere we’ve been, or will be. 

You know, our minds are only capable of considering things of this world, at least in form. Our imagination is limited to what we have experienced here in this world in form. But your ability to sense that there’s something greater about your life or that you’re here to do something important or that you have a deeper nature, now that’s really the evidence of Knowledge. That’s the influence of Knowledge, however subtle, that’s exerted itself over your life over time. 

You don’t have answers; you don’t have conclusions; you don’t know what it means or where it will take you, but somehow you have this orientation, even if others around you do not seem to have it or be interested in it. 

So it’s important for us to understand that we’re eternal spiritual beings functioning in a temporary reality called the physical reality, or life on Earth. Even life on Earth is temporary, not really in our time span, but ultimately it’s quite temporary. 

The New Message is very mysterious in this. It says that we don’t know when we started, because we started outside of time. I’m talking about each one of us. How did I begin in the beginning? It can’t be answered because the beginning is something in time, and where we’ve come from is beyond time. 

So you see the difference between our mental understanding, or our whole framework of understanding ourselves in this world, is quite unique and different from the reality from which we have come and to which we will ultimately return. 

So we’re living in a temporary reality, but we’re carrying the essence of who we are in the timeless reality. Knowledge. It’s called Knowledge because it has to deal with our ability to experience profound insight, inner direction, inner restraint—a mysterious force that we cannot define, that we cannot control, that we cannot use for our own benefit as some kind of tool or power. It defies our logic and understanding, even defies our religious beliefs. 

However, Knowledge seems to have had a profound impact on your life because you’re here. Maybe you came here because you’re interested in something you saw in the New Message or heard about, or the recommendation of a friend; or perhaps you think this will help you in your life in some practical way or give more meaning and purpose to your life. And that’s fine. But there is a mysterious force that brought you here.

So you may say, “I’m not sure what this Knowledge is. I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced it.” That’s fine. But what I’m telling you here tonight and today is that Knowledge brought you here. Because most of how Knowledge works with you is not on your mental radar. It’s moving you like the currents of the ocean moving the waters around the planet. If you were at the side of a ship looking down at the ocean, you’re not going to see those greater movements because they’re being guided by celestial forces. You’re not going to see the conveyor belt of cold water and warm water navigating throughout the entire globe every day, continuously. 

So we have a kind of navigation within us that is not part of our mental construct or our idea of ourselves as people, as individuals. But it’s still having a powerful influence upon us if we can respond to it, if we will learn to trust it, if we will learn to test it out and see if what I’m feeling is really the thing I should follow or not. So this Knowledge—so many different ways to describe it. 

I’ve said before that the higher you go up the mountain or the further you go in the way of Knowledge, your idea of Knowledge will change. At the beginning it was one kind of thing that you can conceive of, but as you gain higher up the mountain, which is an analogy, you’re able to see more of the landscape, and so—of your life and everything else—so your experience of Knowledge begins to take on greater dimensions. 

So there’s no one definition of Knowledge that fits all because so much of it depends upon your current perception, but also where you are in the process of the reclamation of Knowledge in your life, which is really what spirituality means. When I talk about spirituality, I’m not talking about ascension; I’m not talking about restoring yourself in God’s eyes, God’s graces. I’m talking about you being sent into the world for a purpose at a time of critical importance for yourself and the world. And God has put the navigator within you. And the navigator happens to be who you really are, the part of you that is still connected to your Source, no matter what you believe. 

Even if you think you’re not religious. “I don’t believe in religion.” You could say that to yourself: “I don’t believe in religion”, or “I’m not spiritual”. It doesn’t matter. Well, it affects how you might proceed, but the reality doesn’t change. The world has made you into what you are today—you and the world together and the influence of others. But what you really are is not made in this world. 

So I want to create a real distinction here between our personal identity, reality, how we’ve been shaped by culture, how we’ve been affected by powerful mental forces, persuasions, domination—everything—and yet who we really are as timeless beings. So different. 

So the transition from having your center of authority being “me as an individual making my own decisions” to being a person who is “making my decisions but with the guidance of Knowledge when that is necessary.” A big transition, it’s like you’ve come full circle within yourself. And in that circle, you could be at any point at any time. It’s a long journey because there’s so many things to unlearn and change to make that whole circumference—your journey back to who you really are. 

So this is not also about self-realization because you could have a moment of self realization, but self-realization is really about fulfilling your mission here in the world. You could have a moment of timeless magnificence, a timeless self, a very high spiritual moment, but that is a moment. 

You didn’t come here to have a moment. You came here to find yourself in the world and to bring forth that which has brought you here.

Knowledge holds your gifts for you to give to the world. You can’t find them. You can’t invent them. You can’t control them. You can’t make them be what you want them to be because it’s happening on another level altogether. 

So you have two minds within you. You have your worldly mind, which we live in 99% of the time—have little moments of not living in that mind, but probably little moments, or maybe more than a few moments. And then we have the Greater Reality. You realize this Greater Reality by engaging with it, uniting with it and carrying forth its purpose, which is your purposeyour real purposein the world. 

That’s a lot, what I just said. So I’ll keep going. So when you and others finally realize the limits of this world, the limits as to how much it can give you or fulfill you or speak to this inner sense of inner destiny, when you reach those limits and you realize, wow, the world really can’t do this. I can search; I can achieve; I can own; I can possess; I can claim; I can become powerful, rich, famoushave everything I want, and it’s all a dead-end. And hopefully you didn’t spend your whole life doing all those things or trying to do those things. But somehow disappointment in the world has shifted your focus at some point in your life. And maybe it was a point you can recall or not, but something has changed your trajectory or you would not be here. You wouldn’t be here.

What’s the evidence of Knowledge? It brought you here. It’s taking you to Steps to Knowledge. It keeps you going. Even when you fall away, it brings you back. Even when you don’t want to deal with it, it stays with you. Even when you want to make it into something else that you like, it still is what it is.

If you want to have God in your life—not merely as some little errand boy for you—have God in your life? Wow, that’s a bigger power. However, God wants to keep you in the driver’s seat of your life. God is not going to drive your vehicle. You can’t give it all over to God, for God sits in the back seat waiting for you to drive, to become a wise and cautious driver, to take responsibility for your actions, to take care of all the little things of your life because Knowledge is here to deal with the bigger things of your life. It doesn’t care what you order from the menu. It doesn’t care where you go on vacation unless where you go could be either damaging or life changing in a bad way.

So to be in the driver’s seat, you need to use your intellect, your feelings, your perception; everything is on board. You don’t guide a ship at sea waiting for guidance. You have a map. You have a trajectory. You have to maintain the sails and the rigging and the crew, which are your thoughts in this kind of analogy. Everything about you is involved.

You wait for Knowledge and don’t take your part, Knowledge will be silent. You can’t give it over to God. God gives right back to you: Hey, this is your life. You’ve got to deal with it. So God has put Knowledge within you so God doesn’t have to manage your haphazard, reckless life and the lives of a billion, billion, billion different races of beings in the universe who are all living in the physical reality dealing with its difficulties.

So the journey back to Knowledge is a journey of your effort, your focus, your recognizing things that need to change, your ability to face them and change them, your ability to recognize where you are weak and where you’re strong, to use your strength and to manage your weakness. It’s really about pulling your whole life together. There’s no ascension; there’s no elevating yourself into the Angelic domain. They just spent all your life trying to bring you here. You have no business going back prematurely. You go back and They say, “What are you doing here?”

So the journey to Knowledge is to build your connection to Knowledge. That’s why we have Steps to Knowledge. You’re learning how to think in alignment with Knowledge, which is one of the ways that Steps to Knowledge works. It’s teaching you to think in a way that opens your mind to resonate with Knowledge within yourself. And it teaches you not to think things that would disassociate you from this inner power that you carry. The alignment is what matters. To have perfect thought, that’s not the point. The point is to create the alignment where you begin to resonate with the deeper strength within you. Deeper strength…

Steps to Knowledge is a gift of the Creator. The actual Steps to Knowledge has been taught in the Greater Community amongst very…mostly teachers and students in private at the very highest level. It’s actually older than human civilization by far. And now we have it in a human form—Steps to Knowledge. Because even other races have to follow a very similar pathway that we have to follow, learning how to re-engage with the deeper power within us, to disengage from those forces around us that are hindering us, limiting us or are oppressing us so that we can make this discovery and build this connection. 

It’s part of my mission, then, to bring The Way of Knowledge into the world and these ancient teachings in Steps to Knowledge to make it available to people everywhere, to make it as available as I can, to have it be translated in so many countries. And thank you so much for our translators. I know this is a really challenging piece of work to translate something like this into your language. Sometimes Steps to Knowledge has words that don’t even exist in your language, so you have to come up with something that can be as close approximation as possible. 

I cannot do this alone. I need the help of many people. I need the assistance to maintain these broadcasts, to continue to bring the New Message to people who are looking for it, people who’ve not found their spiritual home in the traditions of the world, but are somehow connected to something very different. It’s like they’re not people of the past, they’re people of the future. They’re people of something much different and greater that’s emerging on the horizon, even at this moment. 

So Steps to Knowledge is a mysterious thing. When you read the Steps, they seem very simple. I’ve had people tell me, “Oh!”—people who thought they were very spiritually advanced—“oh, this is just beginner stuff.” I’d laugh. You don’t know what you’re looking at. You cannot exhaust what’s in these Steps. You can’t even do Step 2: Knowledge is with me, where am I? Think about that. The whole dilemma of Knowledge is with me, where am I? is kind of what Steps to Knowledge is all about, and it’s presented in step 2 of Steps to Knowledge.

First of all, you’ve got to find out where you are. Where am I? What am I doing? How did I get here? Why am I the way I am? Do I want to continue to be the way I am? What is my true nature? What have I adopted that is not me? What do I believe that is false? What do I assume that is true? Where am I? What am I? And then—that’s the problem for the mind—then there is your building a connection to Knowledge within you. 

So we now have this rare opportunity to come back to our ancient roots and foundation. And oh, is it needed in the world today. For if you think the world is chaotic now, it’s going to become more so—more disrupted, more unstable, more difficult. 

So Knowledge now becomes your anchor, your power, your strength because it is fearless. It is not confused by the world. It is not influenced by the world. It is not governed by powerful mental forces here or extraterrestrial forces or any forces. That’s why it’s the center of your freedom and certainty, which you will not find in any other way. You can become a firm, strict believer, but it just means your mind has turned to stone and no longer functions correctly, becoming now unreceptive.

If these things that I say are important to you, then I invite you to participate with me through this Vigil. We will be exploring the reality of Knowledge, Steps to Knowledge: where it came from, why it’s here, how it could be practiced, wisdom on how to utilize it in your life, how to stay with it, how to become a real student of Knowledge, learning things you’ve never learned, recalling things you’ve always known—all at the same time. 

So I call you, then, to this opportunity to spend this time with me and to everyone gathered here for. There is a lot of wisdom in this room, and there’s a lot of wisdom in this gathering that we have here together from all over the world. So I invite you to explore this mystery, but this also profound reality that you probably have experienced before more than you even realize. 

So the blessing is with us. Let us learn to be with the blessing. 

Thank you.

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  1. This is most valuable dissertation from the Messenger that is applicable and useful for any student at any stage. Listen, listen carefully, listen again and let it sink in over time..

  2. My thanks to Marshall and the community. This truth He speaks is spot on. I am experiencing failing to keep with my practice. I am being brought back by ‘need’. Working through the changes in me since a stroke and such has been hard. I feel the Steps changing me. And the Unseen Ones move my life /Knowledge moves my life closer.