The Experience of Self-Realization

Watch Patricia Summers speak during the Opening Broadcast of the Messenger’s Vigil, Jan 24, 2018.
Full Broadcast
You know, the New Message from God, which is the Revelation that Marshall has been receiving, is calling us to come to terms with this deeper experience we’ve been having, you know. And what form does this deeper experience have? And I would say, commonly and prolifically, it presents as realizations. Realizations. Realizations we may not acknowledge we’re having is the problem, could be the problem. Realizations.
So I think it’s important for us to consider—to stop and consider—how it is we have come to realize things, so that the next time we’re realizing something, we, we might have a better chance of stopping and acknowledging that. This is called honoring our experience. Honoring our experience.
So how does this happen for us? How does this, how does Knowledge move in our experience? In part, how does it get our attention? And so for us, it’s worth considering some of our realizations are slow-growing. Then there are other times when we’re completely struck; we’re completely struck.
The thing about realizations—this is important: I think we do take note of them. Now to what extent remains uncertain. I mean it varies person-to-person. I’ve actually eventually gotten myself to keep a log; to stop, to acknowledge that I was just struck by something. I saw, something. I felt something. What was that? It goes somewhere. It goes somewhere. And my charge is, at some point along the line, every now and then, to stop and go back and look at those realizations to see if there’s anything else I can discern from them. What was that? What was that?— to become familiar with my own experience and to acknowledge that it’s happening; that I actually do see things and feel things. They’re beyond just the apparent. I always have. So have you. So have you.
You know, it can be an oncoming, slow, slow approaching realization: the need to change careers, something about our health, where we live, the condition of people closest to us, our parents—things of this nature. But the being struck…But the important thing I think to consider is that realizations bring with them power—compelling power. It may have to mount for a time. But each of them brings with it the power to compel us at some point to move—to move. And to that end, you know, there’s a, there’s a strange dichotomy in the New Message where it talks about time; that we don’t have much time, that we don’t have much time. But we need time. We need time to come to terms with our experience and to negotiate what must be done.
But we don’t have much time. So it’s difficult. And we spent some time today considering this: the pressure between these two things, these two realities, is not much time. It’s true. It’s true.
So, there’s the experience of seeing, being struck, having some kind of realization. And then there’s the time to be with, to be with; to either know or not know as a result of it; to have to wait for more or not. And then there’s seeing. There’s the process of knowing. And then there’s what must I do? What must I do? This is time. It takes time. There’s time there. But then, there’s the upward movement of What must I do?, which is the pushing off, the pushing out. The moving away from, the moving towards; the laying down of responsibilities, the assuming of responsibilities; training, learning, acquiring skills. And often the reason for doing this is so far out. I can’t even think, even in my situation when I look back, oh my God! Could I ever have known—no—where this was leading me and what it ultimately would require of me? This process of seeing, knowing and taking action—where would it lead?
So for now we just have to negotiate what’s in front of us. We have to negotiate what’s in front of us. So there’s the call the world. There’s the overall trend line of our lives. It’s emerging. This isn’t like we’re plotting a course necessarily.
We’re hoping to discern.
I had read the New Message, that with Knowledge you cannot negotiate, that if you are guided by it there is no doubt. I had also read that we do not use Knowledge for self-realization. And now I see the title of the video and it says The Experience of Self-realization. I still don’t understand.
all my life i used to think there was something wrong with me for seeing, knowing, and taking action about what i saw, often in opposition the the rules around me, and, especially as a child, i knew there would be big trouble because of my seeing knowing taking action. i had to do it anyway. people told me i was wrong for being this way. i was punished for it and they tried to break me and beat it out of me. i eventually learned to hide inside because i knew that i was right and they just did not know that too. i knew i had to be as invisible as possible until the days when i was big and strong enough and ready. i told knowledge that i was ready now and knowledge carried me here for quite a while, through turbulent waters and here i am. very sore and disorientated and reorientating and very glad to have come back home this far. it has been a long life’s journey and i am tired and resting and taking a step forwards every day. thank you all for being where you needed to be so our homecomings have a place. thank you especially Patricia, for your warmth, honesty, integrity, and reverence. i feel safe coming out of hiding with you here , i am glad you are here.
Thank you for this teaching about this process of “seeing, knowing and taking action.”Taking a look back in my journal and making notations of certain experiences I have encountered, shows this very process. A good part of the time when I felt something or seen something, it wasn’t recognized for what it was. Not till much later did I acknowledge what actually was going on and what needed to be done , what change needed to happen and did it occur.