The Future of the New Revelation

Marshall speaks after Broadcast on Night 15 of the 2018 Steps Vigil, June 9, 2018 | The Future of the New Revelation

I have several tasks I have to complete and it will take me time to do it. And my concern is for the future of the Revelation after I’m gone: Who will be its caretakers? Who will hold fast to it? Particularly amongst the young people here: Who amongst you will be here to help sustain this in its pure form?

History has taught us what happens after the Messengers are gone. So everything is being done now to assure the continuity of the pure Revelation. So I have to be concerned about this.

People’s relationship with me, although I do not emphasize it a great deal, it is still very important. For many people, for better or worse, in the future the Messenger will be more important than the Message. This is just what happens. So who knew the Messenger? Who is in relationship with the Messenger? Who understood the Messenger, or had a chance to do so?

Our charge here is to maintain the pure Revelation even after it’s adulterated and misused and changed and altered and wed with other things. That’s why there’s a Society to assure that the Revelation will be sustained in its pure form—teachings of the Messenger, things I shared with you this evening. So these are a big concern for me now.

So I’m weak right now, but I’m limited in what I can do. But I am getting stronger. And this will be my focus, to complete these tasks, so that what was completed was completed by the Messenger with the help of those who are committed to being with him. And that is, that has rarely ever happened before in the history of this world. That’s why we have the Voice of Revelation.

So this preparation you’re involved in is bigger than you realize. It’s more consequential, not only for you, but for others. If you practice only for yourself, you won’t go very far. This is to take you further than that.

Part of you is already committed to your role and your journey, and that’s the part of you you’re getting to know now in taking the Steps to Knowledge.
So my burden is significant and what I have yet to do is important. And the gathering of the first responders is really important. I hope you feel that.

It’s pressure, but it’s the pressure that makes you strong. It’s good pressure.

So share this burden with me and it will free you from other things.

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  1. Thank you Marshall for this! I can feel the pressure and the burden you have carried for so long and still to this day. I can feel this yet what I do with it has been a struggle to keep up…to keep going to stay with my practice consistently, honestly speaking. I have not found balance yet with this for there is so much. It is taking time and time is of the essence and is precious. I pray in time I find those or just one who I can share this practice with and learn from them as I have always learned from you, Patricia, Reed and a few others whom I am in relationship with. Blessings to you and to all those 1st responder’s . Nasi Novare Coram