The Great Turning Point for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch the Summers during the Revelation Broadcast Event, January 2, 2021.
The Great Turning Point for Humanity
Revelation Release Broadcasts
Zoom Chat Transcript
Session Transcript
Slido Live Interaction
Zoom Chat Transcript
08:54:40 From _Levy Carneiro : 13 now 08:55:37 From Roberto Chavarria : Carol, can you add a _before your name please? 08:55:53 From Roberto Chavarria : I can’t do it for you now that you’re cohost unfortunately 08:56:44 From Roberto Chavarria : ALL: When the Waiting Room is opened, messages to Everyone will be shown to all attendees. Once that happens, RocketChat or Direct Messages through this chat is our best coordination channel 08:57:49 From _mellany travers : OK, thanks Roberto! 08:58:30 From _Virginia Sender : Thanks Roberto. 08:58:47 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Hi everyone 08:58:56 From Paula John-Jules : blessings All. 08:58:56 From hyeonam Lee : Hello all. NNC 08:59:03 From _mellany travers : Hi everyone! 08:59:09 From Loes : Hello everyone! 08:59:12 From Irene Weber : Hello everyone. 08:59:30 From Damian Ferrario : Good morning from Argentina 08:59:33 From Jill Land : hello everyone 08:59:37 From Jim B. : Hello everyone! Good to see all of you again. 08:59:38 From Heather's iPad : Greetings everyone NNC 08:59:47 From Enea L. : Hi everyone! 08:59:47 From Ben de la Fontaine ZA : Hi all 08:59:47 From _Mathieu Goldstein : Hello Damian and everyone 08:59:50 From Diane Scobee : Hello Everyone… 08:59:52 From mariamazhary : Good Morning to all 08:59:54 From jeannebrown : good day 08:59:55 From Fame : Hello, hello :) 08:59:58 From Elina Kapanen : Hello everyone! NNC 09:00:01 From Antonella in Montana : Hello all !! 09:00:01 From Tom Christoffel - Virginia, : Hello WWC - NNC 09:00:03 From bryant cote : happy new year everyone 09:00:03 From Darlene Mitchell : Welcome, welcome to you all! 09:00:06 From justinkohn : hello, all- NNC 09:00:09 From Juan : hello everybody and happy new year!! 09:00:09 From Dariel Blackburn : Good Morning Everyone 09:00:17 From George Sutiono : Hello everyone 09:00:24 From Diane Scobee : NNC 09:00:28 From Mariska Brakenhoff : hello! Happy new year 09:00:29 From cray : Good day everyone, every where! Nasi Novare Coram. 09:00:32 From _Levy Carneiro (Brazil) : Hello, everyone! 09:00:33 From Joni Daniels : no audio 09:00:37 From hyeonam Lee : Happy New Year 09:00:40 From Bruce (in cape cod) : Greetings wonderful people of the New Message! 🙂❤️🌏 09:00:42 From JOSE A LATORRE : Hello everyone from Spain NNC 09:00:48 From christopher sassano : hello 09:00:51 From Shawn Mathieson : Hello everyone, Nasi Novare Coram. 09:00:54 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Hello All. Nasi Novare Coram 09:00:55 From eileennelson : Good Morning Everyone! 09:01:00 From John D Brown : Good morning to you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR! John Brown from Helena MT. 09:01:12 From hyeonam Lee : 한국학생 여러분 반갑습니다. 09:01:12 From Uvencio Blanco : Hi, everybody from Buenos Aires. Happy new year. 09:01:30 From GODWIN UZU : Good evening all 09:01:44 From Nasim Bacar : Hello. NNC. 09:02:05 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : there is a echo.. 09:02:24 From Dominic Bloomfield : Hi everyone. 09:02:47 From Ed : NNC all, and Happy New Year. 09:02:50 From sybella Loram : hello , happy new year 09:03:02 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : sorry. its clear. 09:03:11 From Joni Daniels : Good Morning everyone. Thank You Reed 09:04:08 From _Mathieu Goldstein : link to automatic live transcription of the spoken words: 09:05:01 From Mike Slack : Greetings everyone! 09:05:15 From Jim B. : Good to see you both Reed and Patricia! 09:05:35 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : This is so great feeling to see all of your faces in the world..! 09:06:22 From Tonia : Hello all NNC 09:06:41 From Mike Slack : I FEEL IT IS TOO! 09:08:29 From _Rudy Diaz To The Sanctuary of God's New Message(privately) : Kelvin, how do we know what students can use the translation tool? 09:09:16 From Jim B. : The world needs this Message so much. I pray as the GWaves increase people come to see what they are a part of and what they must respond to to fulfill their deepest need....the need of the soul. 09:09:26 From Roberto Chavarria : The Otter link being tried out today provides an automated transcript that may contain some errors. Please keep the link shared only with those gathered here on Zoom. Thank you! 09:10:04 From Erick Vale : This proved that reality is so much greater than Separation that it directs the direction Separation is going; relating to our ” ” being in communion with the movement of life and how we have a real role in Gods plan. 09:10:12 From Diane Scobee : Speaking to my heart… 09:14:13 From cray To The Sanctuary of God's New Message(privately) : marshall’s audio is more quiet than patricia’s, as is reed’s. ah, but revelation sounds louder like patricia’s. just so you know. 09:14:15 From Jim B. : Thank you Marshall, Patricia and Reed! 09:14:33 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : 한국학생들에게 : 인류의 큰 전환점 계시 링크입니다. 09:15:16 From cray To The Sanctuary of God's New Message(privately) : its possible its just my set up on my end…thanks 09:17:17 From Manuel Alarcon N. CHILE : Saludos a todos 09:17:39 From _Rudy Diaz : Buen dia Manuel 09:19:18 From Roberto Chavarria : Just a gentle reminder to please not share the Otter link outside of this chat due to its potential inaccuracy. Thank you all! 09:19:53 From Mike Slack : Copy that @Roberto. 09:20:15 From Jim B. : Will do Roberto. THX 09:20:42 From _Rudy Diaz : Aqui esta la Revelación en Espanol que estamos escuchando. 09:20:45 From _Rudy Diaz : 09:23:39 From Erick Vale : ”Far” exceed. They say. 09:25:52 From Jim B. : "for better or worse...permanently." 09:28:25 From Erick Vale : All Millionaires thinking they know how to prepare; buying underground bunkers, military and police arming up and rationing; their errors born if fear, their illusion of security. You need a new revelation from God. Who has the humility and honestly to face this. 09:33:08 From Erick Vale : *Elitist and *Billionaires, not mil 09:34:18 From _Maureen Murphy : “A planetary emergency that does not stop.” 09:35:08 From Shirley Brown : I has your name on it. 09:37:32 From Cole Porto : “This will take all the wealth in the world to prepare for.” - one of the most radical statements in the NM 09:38:57 From Erick Vale : Radical to Humans. No one cares, quiet so, small neusence among large problems. 09:40:17 From Erick Vale : That says it; I must come back. so I will 09:42:00 From _Rudy Diaz : Does that mea that the earth will have evolutionary changes like land mass movement? 09:42:17 From _Maureen Murphy : Convulsive change 09:43:25 From _Will Burrows : Yes Cole, a radical statement from a radical New Message from God 09:43:32 From Erick Vale : Yes, it has been said, ” does earth spin because it is told to? or is there a greater force moving it.” Earth has consciousness, not onebi fully understand. 09:43:57 From Cole Porto : @Rudy - “..humanity is living in a world of declining resources and environmental instability, unlike anything that has been seen for thousands of years. Even your history cannot account for what this might mean, except the history of the Earth itself.” - The Mission of the Messenger 09:44:30 From Gretchen Chuang : Rudy - I imagine evolutionary changes within and without, at many levels, personal, societal, environmental. There will be more earth quakes for sure, lol. 09:45:02 From _Rudy Diaz : Thank you, Cole. 09:45:38 From Jim B. : Indeed Gretchen Evolutionary change means for me change everywhere within and without in ways we cannot see yet or ever. 09:45:38 From Mike Slack : "You stand at the next decade—a decade of tumultuous change, a decade of evolution, evolutionary change, not just personal change, not just political change—evolutionary change." A DECADE OF EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE!! 09:45:49 From _Lin Zhu : World Evolution in W1 09:45:52 From Erick Vale : I do not speak for competition or because I am claiming, ”insert your judgments here.” I don't have the energy to read into that energy which is not of my values. 09:46:32 From Rebecca Peek : "This is the evolution of humanity. Evolution has painful thresholds within it. The world did not become the paradise it is today through graceful change alone, but through convulsive change—great extinctions, great alteration of the climate, convulsion, combustion. This is evolution. It is not some simple path that you follow, that delights you at every turn. You have come into the world at a time of great evolution. Fail and you will become governed and oppressed by foreign powers, beyond what you can imagine today." 09:46:54 From Erick Vale : ;I speak to share an open minded view and of course I'm opening my mouth, an action in itself voluntary. 09:48:00 From _Maureen Murphy : No judgments. Only compassion and understanding. 09:49:09 From Erick Vale : Yes, Maureen. I understand you. Not all will judge explicitly. I speak of all else. 09:51:31 From Ken Ruhnke : “Nothing else will you unite you with others.” 09:52:32 From Erick Vale : ”what else would you do...” 09:53:28 From Jim B. : What else would we be doing today if we were not here today? What else would we be doing with our lives if not a part of the Mission at hand? What else... 09:53:39 From Erick Vale : ”means nothing... nothing to stand upon...” 09:55:30 From Erick Vale : ”enough to respond...” look at the room. who is in it? 💡 09:55:45 From Enea L. : Thanks! 09:56:03 From Uvencio Blanco : Thanks Marshall... 09:56:23 From Tonia : wow thank you for that revelation Marshall 09:56:57 From Rodulfo Garcia : Thank you!!! 10:00:13 From Mohammed Hossain: Bangladesh : NNC 10:00:21 From Elina Kapanen : NNC 10:00:27 From Mike Slack : NNC 10:00:58 From Jim B. : Nasi Novare Coram Thank you Marshall!! Blessings to you dear Messenger! 10:01:01 From Antonella in Montana : NNC 10:01:02 From Mike Slack : Thank you Marshall! 10:01:09 From _mellany travers : NNC 10:01:09 From Fame : Thank you Marshall 10:01:11 From _Will Burrows : “God has simply put the Redeemer in everyone, waiting to be discovered.” - The Redeemer 10:01:12 From _Mathieu Goldstein : Nasi Novare Coram 10:01:16 From Erick Vale : Nasi Novare Coram 10:01:22 From Diane Scobee : NNC 10:01:24 From Gretchen Chuang : Thank you Marshall. Thank you Will for the quote. 10:01:29 From Ilhun Chung : Thank you, Marshall. Nasi Novare Coram. 10:01:36 From Ken Ruhnke : This is why we have come…. 10:01:41 From Jill Land : Thank you Marshall 10:01:54 From Diane Scobee : Thank you Marshall 10:02:05 From Brigitte : Nasi Novare Coram 10:02:13 From Deirdre Mc Tiernan : Thank you. 10:02:37 From Donald USA : Thank You Marshall for everything you have given to the World. Nasi Novare Coram 10:02:40 From melissa : Thank you, Marshall. That revelation moved me to tears. Nasi Novare Coram 10:02:45 From Ken Ruhnke : This is be biggest problem for humanity. 10:03:46 From _Carol Coffey : “You must snap out of your dreams. You must snap out of your weakness and your pathetic attitudes and hostility towards others.” What do I need to snap out of? 10:03:58 From Alexander Floberg Swe : I did a deep reading on this yesterday. Reflected over certain meanings, visualised.. It was really powerful and impacting. 10:04:22 From Gretchen Chuang : Thank you Carol. 10:05:41 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Great point Patricia, thank you. 10:06:57 From Joni Daniels : Wisdom training Reed? 10:07:03 From Isabelle : those aliens are doing a lot of genetic experiments. Refuse the OMG covid vaccine ! 10:07:11 From Jim B. : Thank you Patricia! Finding my strength is claiming my authority when getting back on the horse. 10:07:38 From _Maureen Murphy : Fall down six times, get up seven. 10:07:55 From Jim B. : That's it Maureen! 10:08:05 From Joni Daniels : Patricia, you are so wise. Thank you 10:08:15 From Jim B. : Over and over again... 10:08:30 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Thank you Patricia and Reed. 10:09:38 From _Will Burrows : Isabelle, I must disagree with your advice. Perhaps it’s for each of us to discern. 10:09:39 From Erick Vale : Seriously, it is exhausting to carry Knowledge. 10:10:34 From Gretchen Chuang : "Fail and you will become governed and oppressed by foreign powers, beyond what you can imagine today." 10:11:06 From Erick Vale : It brings everything together. It is so complete. I'm a beginning Student of Knowledge. 10:11:31 From Jim B. : Isabelle we are participating today with the Revelation at hand NOT Covid 19. There is a time and place for things and it takes discernment and discretion to know. 10:11:38 From Tonia : Thank you Patrick thank you Reed participating and steps 10:11:47 From Kari H : There is no way to face this with our intellect. Thank God for this Revelation which goes beyond our intellect. 10:12:41 From Dariel Blackburn : The New World if Free online. 10:12:55 From _Levy Carneiro (Brazil) : Indeed, Kari! 10:13:02 From Erick Vale : Carry Knowledge; talking about ”feel” over thinking everything-surfsve mind. 10:13:14 From Dariel Blackburn : Great Waves also free online. 10:13:15 From _Rudy Diaz : You can find these books here: new 10:13:22 From _Maureen Murphy : 10:13:54 From _Maureen Murphy : 10:14:12 From _Carol Coffey : 10:14:16 From Scot Kyle : If 10:14:17 From _Maureen Murphy : 10:15:17 From Tonia : Through meditation I release pain. 10:15:43 From Joni Daniels : cant live right without meditation. 10:15:46 From Erick Vale : Meditation practice; they say, ”people spend time doing there hair in front of the mirror. ”they could be using that time to sit in stillness. this is needed.” 10:16:34 From _Levy Carneiro (Brazil) : 10:16:35 From Joni Daniels : Going through Steps second time around. 10:16:41 From _Maureen Murphy : 10:16:56 From _mellany travers : That’s great, Joni! 10:16:56 From Alexander Floberg Swe : If anyone has not begun Taking the Steps, this is a great way to start the New Year.. 10:17:17 From Joni Daniels : will study Steps for as long as I remain in this world 10:17:24 From Dariel Blackburn : You have to value yourself and our future to stay with Steps to Knowledge. 10:17:35 From Jim B. : Good for you Joni! 10:17:51 From Alexander Floberg Swe : True Dariel.. And the Message truly supports us.. 10:18:18 From Mike Slack : Same here @Joni... 10:18:21 From Erick Vale : Thanks for checking 10:18:46 From Antonella in Montana : Very true Reed 10:19:20 From Alison Chavarría : The correct link is 10:19:36 From Erick Vale : Wow! haha 10:19:53 From Diane Scobee : So true Dariel! 10:20:01 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Thank you Reed, so much, and Patrica 10:20:14 From Mike Slack : The waiting room link... 10:20:15 From Jim B. : That is something else Reed! All over the world we are connected to each other and to the Great Coordination. 10:20:16 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Thank you Marshall for you Powerful loving speech. 10:20:17 From Diane Scobee : Thank you Reed and Patricia 10:20:23 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Thank you Marshall. Patricia. Reed. 10:20:29 From Peter Staal - NL : Thank all of you for being here at this moment. 10:20:31 From Ed : Nasi Novare Coram all! 10:20:40 From Jim B. : Thank you Reed Patricia and Marshall!! Blessings to you all and to the Society! 10:20:41 From Rosa Muratore : Thank you Marshall, Patricia and Reed and all! 10:20:42 From Joni Daniels : Thank you Reed, Marshall and Paricia!!! 10:20:42 From Marc M : Thank you Marshall Patricia and Reed 10:20:45 From Marc M : NNC 10:20:46 From Patricia Summers : So good to be present together and with Marshall to hear this revelation. Thank you all as we go forward into this decade and this future. You’re being here is creating a platform for others who are coming….. 10:20:48 From Mohammed Hossain: Bangladesh : Thank you Marshall, Patritia, Reed. 10:20:49 From Chloé : Thank you Marshall, Reed and Patricia 10:20:52 From Tonia : Great being with you !!! 10:20:55 From shrimayi : Thank you Marshall, Patricia and Reed. 10:20:58 From Ed : Always thankful to Marshall, Patricia, and Reed. 10:20:59 From mariamazhary : Thank you 10:21:03 From Dominic Bloomfield : Thank you. NNC 10:21:11 From Darlene Mitchell : Take heart. There is a Higher Power at work in the world. Bless you Marshall, Patricia and Reed. We are with you and with each other 10:21:14 From Ilhun Chung : Thank you, Reed and Patricia. NNC 10:21:16 From hyeonam Lee : Thank you Marshall, Reed, Patricia and all. NNC 10:21:27 From Sherry Rueger Banaka : Thani you! 10:21:37 From _Rudy Diaz : Vamos a tener un recreo de 5 minutos y después los grupos, que uno va ser en Espanol. 10:21:38 From Tonia : thank you Alison 10:21:56 From bryant cote : megweech 10:21:56 From Shawn Mathieson : Thank you Marshall, Patricia and Reed. 10:22:20 From Damian Ferrario : thank you Rudy 10:22:46 From eileennelson : Serious on the outside, serious on the inside. 10:22:58 From Tonia : is there a link to zoom? 10:23:16 From Tonia : sorry break out groups 10:23:30 From Roberto Chavarria : Tonia, they will be opened shortly 10:23:37 From Roberto Chavarria : After this next part begins 10:23:54 From Erick Vale : The only way I can explain how I feel right now, is through Stillness and Silence. 10:24:18 From Tonia : thank you Roberto 10:25:06 From Rose & Ron : Thanks for sharing these important points again Marshall 10:26:37 From Rose Lynn Europe : Hello wonderful femily, thank you for being here, Rose Lynn 10:28:48 From RNS : This revelation speaks of the importance of the coming decade as a decisive time for preparation. What do you see you need to accomplish in this decade ahead and what would be some of your next steps this coming year? 10:28:54 From RNS : What was it like for you to hear this revelation today? 11:04:30 From Roberto Chavarría : 11:12:35 From Alison Chavarría : Slido link: 11:12:55 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : 작별인사를 못했네요. 다시 뵈어요. 고맙습니다. 11:13:28 From Jim B. : Blessings to each of you in the group I was in! Follow what you know and do what you know you need to. 11:13:29 From Alison Chavarría : Slido link 11:15:12 From hyeonam Lee : 고맙습니다. 11:16:07 From Presentation : 11:17:06 From Mike Slack : Sorry, everyone I have to run. Thank you everyone! Nasi Novare Coram. 11:17:23 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Thank you Mike 11:17:26 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Have good one Mike! See you NNC 11:17:28 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : take care 11:18:02 From melissa : 11:18:07 From _mellany travers : Thank you, Melissa. 11:18:10 From David Drimmel : Thanks for sharing Melissa! 11:18:13 From _Ayesha Summers : Thank you Melissa! 11:18:19 From _Tyyne Andrews : Thank you, Melissa. 11:18:45 From Jim B. : Thank you Melissa! 11:19:01 From Diane Scobee : Thank you for sharing Melissa. 11:19:53 From justinkohn : I have T-shirts (Our turf- get lost!) Buttons, Iron-on patches, bumper stickers, buttons and NM literature. I give out: 10 point flyers, The hidden realty of contact (Great waves of change chapter) Declaration of Human sovereignty document, Preparing your outer life. Let me know what you may need (T-shirt size) and mail address, and I will send it off! we need to get the word out there! 11:20:56 From _mellany travers : Thank you, Justin! 11:21:04 From Jim B. : That is great work you are doing Hubert!! Much needed if you have other responders in your region. 11:21:14 From nancy Pagaduan : THANK YOU Hubert! ! ! 11:21:23 From hyeonam Lee : Thank you Justin... 11:21:51 From anaburrows : “Make little lists and gradually you will be guided on where you need to go.” NM practice in a nutshell. Thank you, Hubert. 11:22:41 From Cole Porto : Thanks Kelvin 11:23:45 From Barbara Mueser - US - WA : Thank you Kelvin! I feel so much is either biased or censored, so finding sources is challenging. 11:24:03 From Kathie Polaski : thank you all for your insights and experiences in this my first time here. I must leave now. 11:24:50 From Darlene Mitchell : So glad you could listen to the Revelation and meet others, Kathie. 11:25:07 From _Carol Coffey : Thank you for joining us Kathie! Till next tim. 11:26:57 From melissa : Happy birthday, Paula! Thank you for sharing those great points. It’s interesting to think about the different paths that have brought us all here. 11:27:22 From _mellany travers : Thank you, Paula. Happy Birthday! 11:27:29 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Thank you Paula for sharing and Happy Birthday! 11:27:57 From _Carol Coffey : Thank you, Paula. Knowing where we came from to the NM and/or the Allies is also important in finding those who are coming from a similar place. 11:28:03 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Thanks Paula for sharing, I don't own a TV either.. 11:28:16 From Tonia : Thank you Paula, your sharing is very valuable and resonating. 11:28:21 From Ed : I dropped TV seven years ago. 11:28:32 From _Carol Coffey : Who are coming from a similar place and are waiting to find the NM. 11:28:41 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Good to hear your not alone.. 11:28:54 From Diane Scobee : Thank you Paula…your perspective resonates… 11:29:00 From _Ayesha Summers : Important consideration Kristina. 11:30:05 From Barbara Mueser - US - WA : Thank you for that insight Kristina. 11:30:25 From Cole Porto : Thank you Kristina… that is helpful. I often find difficulty in balancing the tension between following the mystery and practically navigating life direction 11:31:15 From Paul/US : "We will not tell you what this will look like because you U do not yet have the strength to hear it".... 11:32:01 From eric’s iPhone : Thank all of you. We now need the Group Mind from Knowledge to thwart and have the strength against the intervention. 11:32:39 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Cole I resonate with you. 11:33:59 From David Drimmel : @Cole, Ditto! 11:36:35 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Will be interessting to See next year what has happened from here.. 11:37:25 From Erick Vale : i need to get out of here. i want to be here. 11:37:28 From Tonia : important last words thank you Reed 11:37:32 From _mellany travers : Yes, Alex … it will. 11:37:41 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Wow, Thank you Reed! 11:37:47 From Darlene Mitchell : @Cole, Alex and David…just a thought, following the Mystery is not being in a continuous, blissful, stillness state. (Read Following the Presence, which speaks of the two agendas). Following the Mystery is merely being connected to Knowledge, God, and knowing the Plan for your life through listening, not a mystical road, but a guided life. 11:37:50 From Godfrey : We need live as if we are on the run and also help as many people as possible to apply steps to knowledge. 11:37:51 From Ed : Thank you Reed. 11:37:55 From besime : i am grateful for this New Year and decade ahead together. besime 11:38:34 From nestor To The Sanctuary of God's New Message(privately) : Will there be a replay? I came in late to hear today’s Revelation! Thanks! 11:38:56 From The Sanctuary of God's New Message To nestor(privately) : Yes, it will be posted in the Community Website. 11:39:04 From Jim B. : You have helped many with what you have just said Darlene!! Thank you! 11:39:40 From _mellany travers : Thank you Marshall 11:39:46 From Antonella in Montana : Thank you Marshall !!! 11:39:49 From Rebecca Peek : Thank you so much everyone! NNC 11:39:51 From hyeonam Lee : we are not alone. 11:39:52 From hyeonam Lee : NNC 11:39:55 From Samantha West : Thank you Marshall... 11:39:55 From Barbara Mueser - US - WA : We are with you Marshall 11:39:56 From Diane Scobee : Thank you Marshall 11:39:57 From _Virginia Sender : Thank you Marshall. 11:39:57 From Rosa Muratore : Thank you Marshall Nasi Novare Coram 11:39:58 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Thank you dear Marshall.!! 11:39:59 From Antonella in Montana : Thank you all !!! 11:40:01 From Marc M : Nasi Novare Coram 11:40:02 From Donald USA : Thank you Marshall! 11:40:04 From nancy Pagaduan : Thank you Marshall so much. NNC 11:40:04 From Jim B. : Thank you Marshall! NNC we afre not alone!! 11:40:08 From Mohammed Hossain: Bangladesh : Thank you, Marshall. 11:40:10 From _Mathieu Goldstein : Thank you 11:40:10 From hyoyoung kim-South korea : Thank you Everyone. you are not alone. 11:40:12 From hyeonam Lee : We are together. 11:40:12 From Mariska - Netherlands : thank you very much NNC 11:40:12 From Ilhun Chung : Thank you, Marshall. Nasi Novare Coram 11:40:13 From Elina Kapanen : Thank you Marshall, Patricia and Reed! NNC 11:40:13 From Bruce (in cape cod) : thank you Marshall!! 11:40:14 From Alexander Floberg Swe : We are not Alone! 11:40:14 From Alen Joshy : Thank you Marshall 11:40:15 From Ed : Thank you Marshall. Nasi Novare Coram. 11:40:15 From The Sanctuary of God's New Message To nestor(privately) : Thank you all. 11:40:16 From _mellany travers : Thank you, everyone. Take care. NNC. 11:40:18 From Godfrey : Thank you everyone 11:40:18 From Kahala : Thank you 11:40:18 From shrimayi : Thank you Marshall, we are not alone. 11:40:20 From Kurijn : Nasi Novare Coram 11:40:21 From Tonia : thank you Marshall awesome you are not alone we are not alone 11:40:23 From Nasim Bacar_ Argentina : Thank you all. Nasi Novare Coram. 11:40:25 From Ed : Mavran Mavran Conay Mavran. 11:40:27 From Alen Joshy : Nasi Novare Coram 11:40:27 From Alexander Floberg Swe : Wonderful, bye bye..! 11:40:28 From melissa : Thank you everyone! It was great to hear so many of your perspectives today. Nasi Novare Coram :) 11:40:29 From Chloé : Thank you Marshall, and thank you all 11:40:29 From Sherry, Hillsboro Oregon USA : Thank you, Marshall, Patricia and Reed and Everyone. 11:40:30 From Martin Tivander : Thank you Marshall, Reed and Patricia. NNC 11:40:30 From _Maureen Murphy : Thank you everyone for sharing! 11:40:31 From Damian Ferrario : thank you Marshall 11:40:32 From Rafael González : Thank you all. Thank you Marshall! 11:40:32 From Serena Benson : Thank you for sharing together!!!!! 11:40:33 From _Will Burrows : Nasi Novare Coram 11:40:34 From Dominic Bloomfield : Nasi Novare Coram. Thank you Marshall. 11:40:39 From Mirjana Pavlovic : Thank you Marshall 11:40:42 From Cole Porto : Thank you all 11:40:42 From _mellany travers : Thank you Patricia and Reed! 11:40:45 From Irene Weber : Thank you Marshall andeveryone 11:41:00 From The Sanctuary of God's New Message : Thank you everyone. 11:41:08 From Shawn Mathieson : Thank you Marshall , Patricia and Reed and all Nasi Novare Coram
Session Transcript
Reed: Hello. Good morning. Hello from the Greater Community Sanctuary here in Boulder, Colorado. I’m here with my mother Patricia Summers, my father Marshall Vian Summers. And we’re here with you today to share with you the newest revelation of the New Message from God. This is a Message from the Creator of all life that has been coming into the world for over 35 years through my father, Marshall Vian Summers.
And today we’d like to share with you the newest revelation given in this New Message from God. This was given just over a year ago. And it’s titled The Great Turning Point for Humanity. And it is a very powerful and revealing Message from a Higher Power regarding these times in the world, the greater movement of life in the world, and what we are all seeing and feeling deeply but may not understand consciously regarding planet Earth, our lives and the unique contribution that we are meant to each give to this world in need.
So it’s our joy to be with you here today to mark the New Year with a revelation. And this revelation is about 40 minutes long. And it’s our hope that you will stay with us for the duration of this broadcast to hear this complete message.
And I understand we’re all living very busy lives, and this is your weekend and you probably had a big week. So why would you be here with us for over an hour to listen to this? Well, I feel that this message could really help you. I think we all have a real need to understand what’s happening in the world because we’re already feeling it. It’s already impacting us both on the inside and on the outside. We’re in the middle of an unprecedented health and economic crisis in the world. It’s touching us in many ways. And we may be going through great difficulty in our lives right now—financially, in our work, relationships, our health, our mental health.
So we have real needs and they’re authentic because we’re facing one of the greatest events in modern history. And this message that we’re going to share with you today could really help you. It could help you to understand what’s happening in the world to step back and view 2020, that year in which Covid19 went around the world and upended our economies and our way of life. It could help you step back to see that in the context of the larger movement of life on Earth, even the evolution of humanity—both in the past and going forward into the future.
So I think this Message can help you understand. I think it’s also going to give you a sense of direction for your own life, what you could be doing in your life going forward in what we call the four Pillars—the Pillars of health, relationships, work and spiritual development—and how this is connected to the movement of the world. Because one of the most important things we want to share with you today is that your spiritual nature is connected to the movement of life on Earth, and always has been and always will be. But if you don’t understand the movement of life, where it’s going, you may not understand your spiritual nature. There will be a dividing line on the inside between our thinking mind, up here; and our knowing Mind, our spiritual Mind, down here.
So this revelation can help bring you into contact with that knowing Mind and this is called integration. This is integrating ourselves, which is also integrating us in the world as it exists—the real world around us.
I think also that, you know, many of us are looking for an authority that we can trust. Who can we really trust to tell us what’s happening in the world? To reveal it to us honestly, truthfully? Because there’s a lot of disinformation in the world right now, a lot of forces vying for our attention, for our adherence or our involvement in a group for a political cause. So who can you trust?
What we’re going to share with you today is a message from the Divine. So I would ask you to consider if the Divine is something you can trust. And of course as you listen to this message, you have to discern for yourself is this Divine? Is this a communication from beyond? I feel it is, but that’s me.
And I invite you to be discerning, but also to be open to this message because as you’ll hear, all it’s trying to do is reconnect you with your own spiritual nature and power, and help you find where you need to be in life, who you need to be with and what you need to be doing—the people, the place and the purpose of your life. That’s the intention of this message.
And you may find that this is something you really can trust. And if so, that’s a very precious thing in the world because it’s not clear how much and how and who you can trust.
And I want you to also know that this message we’re going to share with you today is part of the larger communication which is called the New Message from God—hundreds and hundreds of revelations on every aspect of life from money to raising children to the environment to contact with intelligent life in the universe. All of these major and minor areas of our lives are being revealed by these profound Teachings from a Higher Power. So there’s a lot more for you that this message could give to you. So hopefully today is a gift to you and you can receive it as such, and know that there is a whole lot more that this Message can give you. So it’s very special we’re here together to share this.
Patricia: Oh, yes. In the next few moments we’ll be transitioning to hearing this Voice of Revelation. And honestly, I’ve been looking forward to this, to our hearing this Voice. This in my mind is potentially the wisest Voice in the world. So as Reed was just saying behind this revelation, The Great Turning Point for Humanity, is an enormous body of Revelation that’s there for us.
In this particular revelation, you’re going to hear this Voice say something like, “You were sent into the world to be here at this time. You were sent here into the world to be here at this time. It has your name on it. It is what you are really here to do and to respond to.” That’s what this Voice does. It’s speaking to you. It’s speaking deeply into you. It’s calling for a greater strength. It’s time for a greater strength to emerge.
So many of us, perhaps all of us, have been watching this evolution to this point in time that the world has undergone. And it’s become very uncomfortable at times for us because we’ve been seeing and we’ve been knowing. We haven’t been knowing all things, but we’ve been knowing. We’ve been…something that is calling to us both within the world and deeply within ourselves. So you will hear this Voice of Revelation calling to the deeper intelligence within you. This is not foreign to you. This deeper Voice has walked the entire way with you, speaking to you from the edges of your mind, speaking to you from below the surface of your mind, walking with you, asking you questions, important questions: Where do you need to be? Where do you need to be? It’s time now. It’s time now.
So we’ll take a moment to prepare ourselves. And with us here is Marshall Vian Summers, who spent 40 years, both in preparation and in the act of receiving what is the largest body of Revelation ever in human history. It is huge. But at the same time, it’s intimate; it’s intimate to each of us. So you’ll have the opportunity to explore this larger body of Revelation if you take those steps. It’s up to you. It’s up to you. Marshall.
Marshall: It’s a great pleasure for me to share this revelation with you, particularly at this time. This teaching was given on New Year’s Eve 2019 to prepare us for this decade, a decade that we’re now one year into, a decade of momentous change and upheaval, a decade of great opportunity for unity, but also a great risk of human separation and diffraction.
Not long after this revelation was received, of course, it became known that a pandemic was growing in the world and now has grown into the world at a phenomenal level and is surging out of control even at this moment, which will lead to great financial breakdown and difficulty for years to come.
So we’ve entered this period of great and tumultuous change—a great risk and challenge for humanity, but also a great opportunity. And it will be a great calling for those who can respond to a deeper calling within themselves that lives within them naturally, was given to them before they even came into the world, a calling perhaps within you. I know it’s within you. But to find this within yourself requires a real honesty, a feeling of being at a turning point in your own life where instead of seeking escape and pleasure and distraction, you feel you need to be really engaged in life in the most meaningful and profound way possible.
So we’re about to hear this revelation given for the whole decade. And each New Years we will be presenting this teaching once again and be able to reflect back on what has happened in the years as they pass to see the important relevance of this great teaching. I’d also like to say this teaching provides many significant points. It’s not something you can hear only once and understand completely. It is really deep, speaking to…coming from the highest place possible and speaking to the part of us that is our true self—who we were before we came into the world, who we are now and who we will be after we leave this world.
So I welcome you to have this unique experience. I challenge you to hear it and to respond to it with an open mind, suspending your judgments for a time so you can experience this and receive it and consider all the things that it’s here to reveal. So the blessing is with us. So let’s listen.
[scrolling Voice audio with text]
MVS: This is the power of God’s New Revelation, the Voice of Revelation. It represents a real challenge. It represents love, a tough love, an enduring love, the love of the Creator for Creation, the love of the Creator for humanity, who unknowingly is now facing the greatest challenge it has ever faced in the history of human civilization—challenge from without and a challenge from within.
In your heart you can know these things that have been presented today. But it may conflict with your ideas, your plans, your hopes, your goals, your wishes, your preferences or your judgments against others. But this is a pure Message speaking into an impure world. And all of us in the world have been made impure to a certain degree by the world itself by the corruption of human societies, by conflict, war, degradation, oppression, poverty—everything that degrades us and makes us weak and sets us against one another.
So I encourage you to listen to this again. It will be made available. Much of the New Message, all of it that’s been produced, is now being made available free of charge which you can listen to. You can hear the Voice of Revelation. I want the world to hear this. I want it to travel far. There are no heroes to worship here. You cannot worship me.
I am the Messenger. But I’m not a god. But none of the Messengers have been gods; they’re Messengers. You will know who I am through the Revelation. And you will know who you are through this Revelation. For it speaks to a part of you that is eternal and constant. For who you are is not a product of culture or political indoctrination or political persuasion. You’re an eternal being in the world sent here for a purpose to be in the world at this time under these circumstances. This is the truth that endures. It is not just a truth for the moment. It is not a consolation. It is not here to tell you that you’re okay and that God loves you and all you have to do is believe. No. That is not how God speaks to the world.
What you have just heard is how God speaks to the world at a time of great crisis and need. Do not underestimate this challenge. But also do not think that it is too great for you, for you are meant for this; you are designed for this. This is where your strengths will arise. This is where your life will come into balance and order. This is where your relationships will become clear—who to be with, who not to be with, what not to do. This will show you how to use your time and your energy.
It will teach you that you have to love humanity to serve humanity. It is not merely another religion to compete with other religions. This is a new Revelation to give all the religions of the world a greater promise and a greater unity. And it’s for all people who do not have a religion, for it’s for all people in the world, be they of any nation, any group, any affiliation.
So I give this to you into the world with the promise and the love with which it was revealed through me for the world over one year ago. And if this strikes you and means something to you, I invite you to explore the New Message. It is there online free for you to read and hear the Voice of Revelation, a Voice that has never been made available before, for obvious reasons.
This Voice represents the entire Angelic Assembly speaking as one. It is not an individual with a name. It speaks with all the authority of the Angelic Presence that oversees our world.
I encourage you to hear this Voice. And in this you will understand me; you will understand yourself. And you will understand the world in a way that was never possible before. For the blessing is with you. And the power is with you, deep beneath the surface of your mind.
Reed: Thank you Marshall. This is what you’ve discovered, a New Message from God that was given to help prepare you for a future world and for the world that we’re in right now entering into this new year. Patricia and I wanted to highlight a few points of this revelation that you might want to take home with you and be with further because there’s a lot here. And I know hearing it just once, you may not have been able to capture much of it.
Really important in this revelation is taking time to look to the world, look to what is happening from a greater vantage point. And this is where the New Message can really help you because it has many, many revelations that reveal what’s happening in the world right now, including—and you may have picked this up if you were hearing this for the first time—what they call the Intervention: an extraterrestrial Intervention in our world by real physical forces from beyond the planet Earth who are here to take advantage of our division and our weakness as a race in order to gain control of the world and its resources.
It’s a huge new reality that may be an absolute shocker for you. And I understand. I’ve experienced that myself. But really important to stop and acknowledge that the Intervention is in the world and that this revelation is speaking of that as part of the great turning point for the human race. So I wanted to call that out.
I also want to call out that this revelation is the only revelation that has spoken of the importance of the decade that we are now in. It says multiple times that this is a decade that will be very consequential for us in terms of our ability to prepare for a much, much more turbulent world.
So imagine in 10 years what the world could be like as climate change becomes a prevailing reality that we are all facing, including sea level rise, depletion of our food growing abilities, contamination of the Earth and its atmosphere and its waters, growing poverty, resource depletion. See the world 10 years from now with all of that being added onto what is already happening, the political division we see, the probably decade-long economic results of Covid19. Add the environmental burden that’s coming; add the reality of an extraterrestrial Intervention that is here and you start to see a world that is much, much more turbulent than it is today.
And so this revelation speaks of the importance of this decade. This is one year ago, so actually it’s less than a decade. It’s nine years for us to do big things in our lives to prepare to be in that difficult future—stable, grounded, healthy, able to contribute to those around us. And after our broadcast concludes we are going to have a Worldwide Community discussion on what it means to prepare in this next decade.
Patricia: Yeah. One thing I would really encourage you to do is, of course, to re-listen to this revelation. But as you do, cite for yourself, note for yourself every time the revelation uses the word you and speaks to you. When you look at the transcript of this revelation, which is available to you, pull those out, those statements out. This is a communication to the whole world. But this is a communication to you. To you.
So it’s calling a greater strength out of us. It’s speaking to us. And at the same time, it’s saying very mystical things such as—without using these words—We send grace to you, We send grace to you to meet these times; you were sent here for these times; you are needed now. So hear this Voice speaking to the deeper, deeper parts of you, but also to your mind, also to the part of you that you consider to just be you. But there’s more to you than what you’ve come to know of yourself. And these times will call this forth—call this forth, so.
Reed: So that’s so true. I think there’s a part of us that’s weak; there’s a part of us that’s strong. How do you come in contact with the part of you that’s strong? Does that happen when times are easy, everything’s going your way, you know? All your days are free and open and you can do whatever you want. Is that when you find your strength? No.
You find it in the boxing ring of life when you’re going up against situations, decisions, challenging forces in the world and in your own mind. And you have to overcome them to go somewhere new. And so this revelation says many times that you cannot side with your weakness. You have to side with your strength, live from that part of you and guide the part of you that is weak that will serve the part of you that is strong.
And this really is what the New Message is all about. It’s about siding with the part of you that is eternal, that comes from…that is bigger than this life, that is you beyond this life, you across many lifetimes—the permanent you, the strong part of you—siding with that and letting that guide your life in where you’re going and what you’re here to do. And the weaker parts of us, they go along. They go along because there’s purpose and direction and real relationship in this deeper part of us.
So going from confusion to certainty, going from living in weakness to living in strength: this is what’s being offered to you. This is not just a nice idea that we’re sharing with you today. This is exactly what the New Message from God teaches and prepares you to do across multiple books of preparation. We’re going to share some with you in a few minutes. So it’s not just a nice idea or a promise. This is being delivered upon through the New Message. And it’s there for you if you feel that this is what you need to do.
Patricia: Yeah, so hear the calling. Hear the calling in this message, in this revelation. But realize that what is occurring here is a conferral of responsibility to you, to us, to humanity. It’s time now to assume a level of responsibility that we can assume. You know, it’s time.
We’re so grateful to Marshall for everything that it has taken for him to receive this revelation, to have gotten to the point that he got to to receive this revelation, you know, that just thundered through him—thundered through him—just as this pandemic was beginning to emerge and spread, which is just one Great Wave of change, which is how the New Message refers to these successive waves that are hitting humanity now, and that have been coming for quite some time, building.
Reed: So a major call to you within this revelation is to respond. And we’d like to talk a little bit about what responding could mean, some first steps you could take. Before I do so, I want to thank you for being with us. We’re at the 70 minute mark. So some of you have stayed the duration. And I think that’s because you sense there’s something really important in this for your life; something could really happen in your life as a result of being here to witness this New Message or the words that Marshall shared with you. And I hope this has served you today. I hope maybe a little bit has gotten to you. And just know that there’s so much more that can only come by participating and by responding.
So I’m going to share a few next steps with you all. Steps that you can take. It’s always wonderful when there’s a concrete step to take.
So first off, I recommend taking some time to step back as the new year begins and get some fresh perspective on your life and on the world. Get out of the rat race. Whether that’s job, whether that’s substances or stimulation or distraction or preoccupation or hobbies or whatever, take some time to step back from all that to give yourself some perspective. Because if you are not seeing straight, you cannot go forward in a straight way. So it’s important to see clearly before setting out to do anything in life. And there are some big things to set out to do. So you need this time—I need this time—to step back and get some perspective.
Part of this is understanding what is happening in the world. And there’s two books that we want to point you to; both are free online. And these books could help you to understand and to see the world as it is. These are books from the New Message.
The first is called, The New World–the Future of Humanity. This book was released I believe last summer. It’s one of the newest books of the New Message. This book contains revelations similar to what you read and heard today that reveal different aspects of what is coming for the world and that will combine to create a new world reality into which we will be stepping and living in the years ahead. So this book could help you.
Next is The Great Waves of Change. This book talks more intimately about what it means to prepare your life—whether it’s your family, your health, your mental and emotional platform. So this is more about preparing for the Great Waves, which are environmental, social and political forces at work in the world converging to create an unprecedented set of waves of change as you see in the image there. And we’re obviously experiencing those ever more viscerally as the years go on.
So these two books could help you. They’re both free online.You can just search the title or maybe somebody could share a link in the comments or the chat. And pick these up in the next couple weeks. Start reading; see what these could give to you.
Next is simply to go over to the library of the New Message, which contains hundreds of revelations given over the last 35 years, and see what speaks to you. You can read, you can listen to the Voice you heard today. So tons and tons of inspiration and practical steps and tools and resources that you can apply in your life that could really help you, that could really help you to get into a better position personally, emotionally, physically. So the library of the New Message is there for you.
Patricia and I both feel really strongly about this: Build a meditation practice. It’s so important that we get off the surface of our mind and not be trapped there where we are, in truth, weak and vulnerable and susceptible to all the influences of life, those we bring into our lives through the media, for example, and those that are just coming at us all the time. So to begin to build an environment underneath the surface of the mind that is peaceful, that is calm, spacious in which you can think clearly, in which guidance can be given to you from what we call Knowledge, or the spiritual Mind within you: this can all begin to take shape in this environment, this inner life that we encourage you to take some time to build. And Patricia, I know you’ve talked about the importance of meditation for many, many years.
Patricia: Oh yeah. You need the rest; you need the rest. But you also need proximity to the deeper currents that are running through you, some of which actually may reside beyond the mind. And so, to traverse the field of the mind ultimately through practice, it takes time. You’ll go there; it’s natural. It’s natural for you to go there to go deep…deeper…deeper. Yeah.
Reed: Yeah. And there’s a book that can help you. Well actually, it’s a spiritual practice that builds upon meditation. And this book is called Steps to Knowledge [the Book of Inner Knowing], really the cornerstone of the New Message from God preparation, the spiritual preparation for the future. So Steps to Knowledge is also free online. It’s being practiced by thousands of people around the world. It’s a daily practice. So if nothing else—if nothing else—begin a meditation practice, however small, just a few minutes a day, even, and pick up Steps to Knowledge. Those two things could probably do more to improve your states of mind and body than just about anything.
Take some time; it’s not an immediate fix or a silver bullet. You have to stay with it. But anything you stay with and give to over time that is rich with wisdom and guidance like this is going to pan out and provide to you like other things won’t. So Steps to Knowledge—maybe this is the time to start Steps as the new year begins.
And then lastly is to get connected with others who are responding. There’s a Worldwide Community of people who are responding in their lives to what the New Message is revealing, this new reality that we are facing in the world and in our own personal experience. So don’t be alone. Don’t be an isolated individual out there, especially now as we all struggle with the limitations and restrictions put upon our lives amidst Covid19. Reach out and meet someone new.
I mentioned earlier on that the New Message is about people, place and purpose. Well, maybe some of those people are here right now—right now this moment. I just checked. There’s about 100 people on Facebook and 60 or 70 people on Youtube. And there’s also 181 people in the waiting room right now to be a part of the conversations that are going to follow this broadcast.
So people are coming; people are waking up. This spiritual mind of Knowledge is moving in our lives, and it is connected to the world as it is. And if we can get connected to that, I think a lot of things will line up in our lives; a lot of the confusion will dissipate; a lot of the petty distractions and addictions will just fall away because we’re going somewhere and it’s the right place to go for us. And we know it; we know this to be true. And there are others who know it to be true too. And we’re not alone. There’s something to participate in.
So you can learn more about the Worldwide Community at that link. And as we do more of these broadcasts, we invite you to join the Community Site, which you’ll find linked from that page there. And from there you can join these conversations that we have 150 to 200 people each time in small groups, and then a giant open floor all across the earth from Boulder, Colorado, to London to South Africa to Iran to South Korea to Australia to New Zealand to Guam. We’re literally all over the world. So we invite you to participate in that.
So with that, we’re going to invite these 180 people from the waiting room into this event we have. Thank you all for joining us out there on the open internet. If you just discovered this and us and heard this because you clicked the link, we invite you to take the next step and just begin reading and listening to the New Message. It could give you a lot; it can help you a lot. And so take heart. There is a Higher Power at work in the world and that Higher Power is speaking to us. And it’s speaking through us at the level of Knowledge within.
So thank you for joining us. And we will be with you again soon.
Patricia: Wonderful. Be well. It was wonderful being here with you all, and for even meeting some of you for the first time. It’s wonderful.
Reed: Great. And for all those on Zoom, please stay with us and we’re gonna start the next half of this event. So thank you all.
Reed: Okay. Welcome back everyone. So we’re just taking the last few minutes to prepare the breakout rooms. I’m going to share with you a couple logistical items about small groups. How many small groups do we have?
Moderator: Fourteen.
Reed: Fourteen. So we have 14 groups for 165 folks, so about 12 people per group. We’re going to have 30 minutes, so not a ton of time. So please be mindful of the time. Our hope is that everyone who wants to speak has time to speak. Let’s avoid crosstalk or advising, counseling, challenging one another. Just give each person their chance to respond to the question; actually, there’s two questions. And then if there’s extra time at the end, you’re free to just have an open discussion with those in your group.
There will be a facilitator in your group who will be steering the conversation. They will have the question. I’m going to put the question up on screen and I’m also going to share it in the chat. Actually, let me see here…I think I need to go here to get the question. Okay.
So we have two questions, and again it’s respond to one or the other or both; it’s up to you. First question:
What was it like for you to hear this revelation today?
What was it like for you? Challenging? Scary? Inspiring? Overwhelming? It’s all okay. Take time to share that. And then:
What do you see you need to accomplish in this decade? And what would be some of your next steps this coming year to move to that accomplishment?
So with that I’m going to share this in the chat. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to copy it out. See if you’re able to do that. If not, we’ll make sure that the groups have it. So with that, let’s open up the groups. Facilitators, I believe there’s a chat room for us outside of Zoom where you can grab these questions if you can’t copy them from Zoom. So with that, let’s go to our small groups.
— Breakout Session —
Reed: Welcome back everyone. Okay. Wel, I have a Slido up—similar question as to the question in the groups, more about focus and more about doing. I’d like to ask you all what do you feel are the most important things for you and other students to be focused on doing at this time in light of this revelation? And please be specific, you know. Saying that we need to get connected to Knowledge is not very useful; we already know that but we’re not doing it. So what I want to know is what do you need to do to get connected to Knowledge? So share a little bit of how you’re on fire and what’s up for you as an actionable step that others may be able to see and say, you know, I could do that, too; or I need to do that too.
So I’m going to leave that up. When you have a minute, go on over and add what you see and feel there. But for now the the floor is open. So if you’d like to share something from your group or from this revelation, please raise your hand in Zoom by hovering or clicking the Participant button at the bottom of Zoom and then there’s a Raise Hand button that comes up in the screen, the pop-up screen. So I’ll give you a minute to think about that, add to Slido, or raise your hand if you’d like to speak.
Okay, we have Bruce. Bruce’s hand is raised. Bruce, we’re going to ask you to unmute so that you can…
Marshall: Keep it brief, so we can…
Bruce: Yes, indeed. Can you hear me?
Reed: Yes, we can.
Bruce: Oh great. The things that I’ve been focusing on besides re-acquiring Knowledge is, I want to try to make myself as strong as possible so that I’m not just another victim and I might have the ability to help others, because I think that’s going to be the real challenge. It’s not just keeping yourself alive and keeping yourself fed. It is to help the others around you that are helpless or elderly or young.
And the things that I have done so far is I have converted some of my currency into gold and silver outside the financial system, which is looking increasingly delicate and may collapse.
I’ve got an RV, a 40-foot diesel pusher, that’s big enough to live in and for the six or seven boxes of possessions that I feel like I really, really need. I’m able to travel light and evacuate, if necessary.
I’m down in Florida now, but my other place is up in Cape Cod and both of which are really just sand bars. And so, I want to be prepared to pack up and go if I need to. And I want to be prepared to take some people with me if they need help. And so those are the things I’m focusing on besides the Steps, is to try to be able to help others, and get myself out of harm’s way.
Reed: Good Bruce, thank you for sharing.
Patricia: [inaudible].
Reed: Thank you. Melissa, you have your hand raised.
Melissa: Hi everyone.
Reed: Hi.
Melissa: Can you hear me?
Reed: Yes, we can hear you.
Melissa: So I briefly brought this up in the breakout room I was in. But I have found it really important to just follow the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World at the appendix of The Great Waves of Change book. I just think it’s really nice to have everything laid out in one place and it really speaks to the urgency of trying to preserve the environment. I’ve been trying to reduce my energy consumption. I’ve done kind of a big evaluation on my future career direction and what’s sustainable moving forward, and just really seeing those places where I’m like, oh, I think I’m doing maybe okay there, I made progress, something places where I really need to make a lot of progress. I need to learn how to grow my own food, I think.
But also having this in the first place, I think. It prepared me for Covid. I had read it before, over a year, maybe a year and a half ago. And I remember, like talking about keeping up a supply of food. And I had all these canned dishes. So when we were in lockdown in Ontario, I didn’t have to deal with, like, the grocery rush. My family was set and I’m really grateful for that.
So it’s been amazing to see it already have impacts and I’m sure it will be even more important in the future. So I put the link in the Slido, but I can put the link here just in case anyone else wants to revisit that as well.
Reed: Sure, please do.
Patricia: Wonderful. Thank you Melissa.
Reed: Good to meet you. Good to see you. This is your first gathering. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for being here.
And it’s always wonderful when we can move some of our food storage into consumption and out of storage. I think we’ve all experienced storing food that just goes bad in storage. So, always a good thing. All right, Kurjin. Did I pronounce your name right, Kurjin?
Kurjin: Yes, hello—Kurjin, yes. Thank you. Yeah, I just wanted to mention as well on resources and energy for me how opening it was or how clarifying it was living on a boat, how much you get aware about resources and energy that way. And I felt that I just wanted to share that. And I think it’s probably for many people can be very important, not of course to necessarily move on to a boat, but just in different ways trying to get an awareness of this, like, having your own solar power, for example, and get off the grid. I mean, that’s also maybe a bit of an extreme case. I understand that not necessarily everyone needs to do that. But yeah, maybe just keeping track of what’s coming in and what’s going out I felt that’s really important for myself. I feel that’s preparing myself. Thank you.
Reed: Thank you for sharing, little dry runs to wake us up and tell us what it’s going to feel like to live in a more constrained world. Hubert and Louise. You should be able to unmute yourself.
Hubert: Yes we are very fortunate that we live with a few other students that are close by. So what we’re trying to do, we’re trying to create a system so that everybody can be in communication with each other, can help each other. Because everybody has certain talents, so if one is better at one thing, you can help the other and so on. So that’s what we’re basically trying to do, and giving information out to people—how they can prepare physically. Because we talk a lot about the spiritual and the mental, but I think the physical aspect is very important, especially with the coming times. And it’s something that I see a lot of people have difficulty with because they don’t know how to start about it. So I always tell everybody make little lists and gradually you will be guided towards where you have to go.
Reed: Thank you, thank you
Patricia: Great.
Reed: Great. We have a comment from Kelvin.
Kelvin: Hello. Thank you everyone. So my experience in all of this has been to develop a watchtower practice that I consistently go to on a weekly basis to listen to the world economic forum and what are the trends that are being basically foreseen for the next five, ten years—trends in food production, trends in jobs and so forth; and then within all of that, really seeing how those trends are going to affect me and what can I do to start adapting. If we only have nine years now, where do I see myself, you know, in two, three years, five years? What can I do now to basically adapt and develop some kind of stability in that environment? So, just being flexible, being very light, I found it to be very activating—Knowledge responding to basically the trends of the world, right? What is needed of me? Yeah, so in short that’s what I’ve been up to.
Patricia: Good, thank you, Kelvin.
Reed: Yeah, I’m sure we all have our watchtower dashboard where we look at the dials of the world in the ways that we do, whether that’s trusted news sources or podcasts or what have you. But yeah, I’ve been feeling that need Kelvin to get connected to the movement of things out there and not just be living in my own life concerned with what’s right in front of me. I have to be connected to that movement to inform what I do in my own life. That’s important, thank you. Anyone else? I’m interested in particular how you see the remainder of this decade for you. And I’ll say there that I think it’s a real gift that this has been highlighted for us, the importance of a decade as something to focus on, a time period that’s not too big nor too short in which we can actually enact considerable change. We can have a new mind in ten years. We could have a completely new financial foundation living in a completely new place, whatever it needs to be. Ten years is plenty of time to do that.
And it’s very reassuring to know that we even have that much time going into…Last year I don’t think I would have guessed that we had ten more years of stability in the world in order to build or rebuild. So I’m curious how you see that. So Paula, you have your hand raised. Hi.
Paula: Hi, hi Patricia, hi Reed.
Patricia: Hi there.
Paula: Yeah, I think the most important thing I think is to establish how all the other students, in a certain sense, have come and found the pathway to the New Message and the Allies of Humanity because there’s so many people coming from so many different paths and that have bought that have bought them there. So it’s kind of confusing when you see it from a larger majority a larger amount. So it’s the focus should be what brought you here, what pathway led you here? You know, was it the Great Waves of change? Was it the Allies of Humanity? Was it the spiritual side of your, of knowing self or wanting to know self, you know? Because that puts a perspective on how you can form relationships, you know, because God will take you to…God will take you where you need to be and put the people in your way the, people that you need to meet, you know? And if that’s the case, then we are coming here; and we all coming here from different sections that we’ve been brought together. But we don’t know everybody’s. You know, everyone’s coming from a different angle. So it’s very difficult to establish relationships, you know?
Paula: I mean, I myself, came into it from the Allies perspective and it wasn’t because I’ve gone through any Intervention situation. It was just something that I always…I was always aware of.
Patricia: Yeah.
Paula: I never had to be told this.
Patricia: Right.
Paula: You know, it was something that was always there, and, but you know, and I was saying in the breakout room that I don’t own a TV, I haven’t watched TV for four years, you know, and I’ve spent a lot of my time in stillness and inquire.
I’m here on my own, even my birthday two days ago was on my own, you know, and, but I took my time, to go on to preparing for the Greater Community, the Youtube.
Patricia: Oh yeah.
Paula: And basically listen to one after another. That was my birthday gift you know, and, you know, and but I feel the focus should be and should be for the students to kind of establish how we found the path, you know—how we found the path so we can look at it from a collective and start building those groups so that we can all become collective. Thank you.
Reed: Okay, thank you Paula.
Patricia: Yeah.
Reed: Interesting ideas.
Patricia: Yeah.
Reed: Some things to consider. Kristina.
Kristina: Hi everyone. I just want to be very brief. I found over the few experience that I’ve had with Knowledge is that trying to plan ahead with your mind can be sometimes very deceiving, although planning is really important, but I feel like, moreover, planning what skills should I, do I need to learn, to be able to sustain in the Great Waves of change?
Not moreover for me which, you know, the plans would be like, so far fetching like what’s my career going to look like? Or you know, am I going to be able to sustain myself financially? How is that going to look like? It’s more like it’s coming down to the essentials, like what do I have today? What do I need to build today, this month, this year?
Patricia: Yeah.
Kristina: So that I can sustain myself over the next years to come and over my lifetime and over the lifetime of others that are about to come that I’m meant to give to. So it can be really hard sometimes to put the long-term planning on to the side, especially when the time is so pressing.
Patricia: Yes.
Kristina: But Knowledge always wants to take us somewhere, and it’s usually not where we want to go or where we’re considering to go at the moment. And that’s where the, long-term planning can be more of a wall than a door to go through. That’s what it’s like for me. And I just wanted to give this message to those that need to hear that and thank you all for gathering today.
Patricia: That’s good, yeah. The near-term view and the long-term view, right? We’ll be receiving signals and intonations about both of these as we go and how to sort them, you know, how to sort them. I knew when I was younger, very young, I felt I needed some kind of a transportable skill and I didn’t know why. I didn’t know why, but that seemed to prevail as I looked at various options. And I also needed to be independent in a sense. I needed to establish some independence of my family functionally. It was just really important for me to do that.
So they were both going on at the same time. And as it turned out I did need a marketable, transportable skill because what was ahead of me was a journey, a long journey, to find Marshall. So that took me across the United States several times looking. So I hear what you’re saying, Kristina, very much.
Reed: There’s a saying in English: Touch and go. Touch and go means you’re in the middle of a fast-moving situation and you have to be responsive and just do the right next thing. I think, Darlene, you adapted that into something you would tell me when I was growing up, which was “Know as you go”. It’s a time to know as you go, versus a time to see a grand or a bigger move and then slowly work towards it in a very logical way.
It may just be what’s the next right thing, you know, a change in apartment, or just taking one person out of your life who’s too close or too much in your life just just that—no grand plan. And then at other times it is important to have a plan in my experience and not be in the miasma of what am I feeling? You know, what’s Knowledge giving me today about my diet or about this book I should read? I mean, it can get miasmic or kind of like an eddy. Marshall’s talked about the eddy in the river.
Marshall: Tell them what that is.
Reed: Well eddy, an eddy is a part of the river where the water or the twigs and leaves get out of the flow, the fast-moving flow of the water and get trapped in a circle. And they go around and around and around in this eddy. And something just needs to kind of step into the water and push them out, push them back out into the flow of life.
But anyway, I think you’re right, Kristina, there’s a time to say…to shelve the plan and just do the next, the next right thing. And then there’s a time to make a plan as long as it’s not too complex and stage things out. Because if you find yourself facing a thousand musts in the New Message and a thousand practices and a thousand good ideas and it’s like, where do I start?, that’s where, you know, carving away can be really important.
Patricia: I know recently I’ve constructed sort of like a treatment plan for myself, which are the accessible little good things that I need to do that will help me now—that will help me now. And so once I’ve assembled them; they’re there; I know what they are. It’s a question of whether I’m doing them or not, requires review, there’s some reinforcement. But then there’s moving on; there’s moving on, you know? So I think it’s important to have our present time goals in hand clarified—you know, what are they? Accessible. Doable. Daily, you know? And they’re good; they’re strengthening; they help. They do. But then there’s moving on. It’s like where am I going? Okay, what’s the next step, you know? And you can feel, you can feel those things sort of present themselves to you. They usually sort of come into your field of view for you to consider for a time and then you start to say, “Yes, I do need to do that. Yes, I do. I do.” So.
Reed: You know Kristina, what you said that Knowledge always has something for us. That’s so true. And how often is it that what it ended up being is not what we thought, because we weren’t oriented in the right direction in our lives? We were thinking health, and it was directing us that way, you know, work. Or it was we were focused on relationships with others and really it was doing past work—mentally, emotionally—for ourselves. I mean, it was…and the reason we didn’t see it or didn’t know it and then act on it sooner is because we weren’t facing the right direction.
I think that’s really important here. Knowledge does hold something for us every day; but are we oriented in the right direction? And that can be its own process. So yeah, I’d like to turn to the Slido here before we wrap up the gathering and just scroll through some of your contributions.
Building the pillar of health, relationships, work and spiritual development.
Don’t focus on conspiracies; study the Revelation instead.
Save money; pay off my mortgage as soon as I can.
Find my primary relationships.
Continue to work on my pillars and stillness.
Strengthen my stillness, yes.
Follow the recommendations for living in a Great Waves World.
Marshall: Yep, there you go.
The need to engage a little more directly with the global environmental movement.
Developing more patience. Journaling.
Start my day by reading, deeply reading, a Revelation.
Marshall: There you go.
Patricia: Good.
Reed: That’s going to change your day.
Patricia: Wow!
Reed: That’s going to set the day right, guarantee on that one.
Proper stillness practice to help me function better.
Patricia: Good.
Taking time to listen to the Revelation each day.
Preparing myself mentally and emotionally to manage the difficult times to come.
Mm, that’s important. How do you prepare yourself mentally and emotionally?
Pay very close attention to how my step connects with my daily experience.
Practical, stable, balanced, functional.
Definitely, I resonate with those descriptors.
Be aware of the Mental Environment.
Do advocacy online.
It’s good. So here we are, year number one in our 10-year journey, our 10-year sub-journey of the greater journey. So every year I think we’ll return to this Revelation and check in. Year eight, year seven, year six—I think it’s important to stop and just look ahead, envision where you want to be and where you need to be. I say both because wanting is important because if you feel you need to do something but you really don’t want to and you cannot reconcile your want, I doubt you’ll get there.
So as the New Message said long ago, in the end you have to want what you know. So cultivating the desire for an outcome, as well as honoring the need for an outcome, are both really important. So take time to envision where you want and where you feel you need to go, maybe in two years, where do you need to be, where do you want to be. And if you can see it, then you can start to work towards it. And maybe our thinking will be a little bit more in line with the movement of Knowledge so that we can know more readily. So I think we’ll be revisiting this. And we will be moving down this road, this 10-year road that the Teachers have given us.
Good So we’ve hit the two and a half hour mark. I want to honor everyone’s day, evening and middle of the night. So thank you all for being with us. I understand the challenge for some, for the time zone, so we appreciate that a lot, you taking this time to be with us.
Patricia: Good, let’s close with a prayer from Marshall.
Marshall: Let us be grateful for the blessing that we now have. And let us be careful with the blessing, that it may strengthen us and not simply make us passive or receptive. For there is much to do on the inside and there is much to do on the outside.
Knowledge is here to redirect our life and to take us where we really need to go, where we were always meant to go. And we need to follow its steps, for we do not know the way; we don’t even know the outcome. But we take the journey because our heart says to take the journey.
This is freedom for things and freedom from things. And the blessing is with us as we take this step. For Knowledge wants us to move. And as we move, we will feel more and know more as we proceed.
Let us bless this year. It will be a difficult year for the world. Let us accept that and not pretend or hope or expect that the world will resolve its current difficulties in a short period of time, for we’re only at the beginning of the Great Waves of change now, and greater waves are building on the horizon. We’re so blessed to know this, to be given this alarm, this wisdom and this journey.
Nasi Novare Coram. The presence of the Teachers is with us. And we are not alone; and you are not alone.
Reed: All right, everyone.
Marshall: [unclear] everyone.
Reed: We’re seeing your faces. Thank you for being here. You can open up your microphones and say goodbye. Let’s let’s uphold that beautiful…
Students: Thank you…thank you…thank you…
Patricia: Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you. Wonderful! Yeah, we think of you, yes.
Reed: Let’s make good on this year no matter what happens.
Patricia: Yeah, yeah. We’ll look for you on the hour.
Students: Thank you…thank you…thank you…
Reed: It may be a difficult year, but we can make it good. Yeah,
Marshall: Simple pleasures.
Reed: We can make good of it no matter what we’re given.
Student: Be well.
Marshall your strength is phenomenal. I know what you’re saying is the truth with every fibre of my being. You are all so beautiful, I wish there were many more like you. What an example of integrity you are. God Bless and bless and bless you.
“ I have been challenged to move almost continuously over the past 40 years, challenged to move both internally and externally. I am challenged even at this moment to continue to move to complete my task here on Earth. Sometimes I have moved slowly, sometimes quickly, but I always moved. Realization without movement is only a moment in time.” MVS