The Great Waves Prophecy

Listen to Marshall speak about the Great Waves, May 7, 2010.

The Great Waves Prophecy

There will be great travail in the world, a great calamity for many nations. People will be taken by surprise, unprepared for the changing weather and the changing wind and the changing fortunes of humanity— striking so fast, coming so soon, ahead of any prediction.

A great travail casting over the winds, as the crisis in food, the crisis in water and the crisis in energy begin to strike in many places. It is the beginning of a great transition to a world in decline.
The Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and that are striking the world even at this moment, striking imperceptibly at first, but then more powerfully with each passing day, as nature begins to set the terms of engagement, as nature itself sets the criteria for survival.

The wealthy feel comfortable and insulated, but they will not be immune from the gathering storm. The human family as a whole has never had to face what it will be facing now, and no one will be immune from the great change that is coming.

Hear these words then. People of the world, hear the New Message from God. This comes to you now because you have time to prepare, but not much time.

Time is limited. Look ahead. Look out beyond the immediate circumstances of your life, and you will begin to see the gathering storm coming your way. Only the New Message from God can reveal to you what this will mean and how you can prepare and where you will find the inner strength not to lose heart or hope in these times of travail and Revelation.

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