The Keys to Spiritual Advancement

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the 2015 Steps Vigil, Jun 2, 2015

Marshall: When you become more advanced, from a personal standpoint it can seem like the world has nothing to offer you because the attraction of things that perhaps intrigued you before no longer do so. It is kind of a natural shift in your values because something more valuable has arisen within you. But from a higher standpoint, the world does have things to offer you, but it is in a very different way. It’s your opportunity to give your gifts and to work your way out of the jungle of Separation, to rebuild relationship.

So the words can be really baffling at the beginning but begin to make sense, as do so many other things, as you proceed. It has to do with what you seek and why you seek it and the nature of your own motivation and what you serve. So the same words mean very different things depending on those…where you stand with those.

Knowledge is great and the world is small. If all you know is the world, or some part of it, and you do not know what Knowledge is or have not experienced it sufficiently, then that’s a completely baffling statement. 

So Steps to Knowledge is here to create a shift. And sometimes you see this shift and it makes sense and you appreciate it, and sometimes you don’t understand it or it seems very baffling, such as the Step [67] that says, “I do not know what I want for the world.” Well, that undercuts your whole personal reason for being here.

So you’re either a person trying to have a spiritual experience or you’re a divine being sent to the world to serve in a specific way. So you see how much distance there is? And the journey gets very confusing because you’re no longer who you used to be and you’re no longer who you’re meant to be, so you’re…the corridors get very dark sometimes.

Well whatever it is, it got you here. And you’re still here. That is what Knowledge is. It’s like standing over the side of a boat and looking at the waves and trying to figure out which direction the water’s going. And it makes not sense at all because it is being driven by the winds. But underneath, this water is circulating in a very determined way all over the world. 

If the world cannot dominate Knowledge, see, this is the part of you that cannot be dominated. And if you were to lose everything, even your life, Knowledge just keeps moving. Knowledge is what’s permanent; the world is temporary. But that’s how big a shift it really is, this is what Steps is talking about. 

And it’s also talking about re-establishing your fundamental relationships both here and abroad, which gives you tremendous power and coherence and gains you a certain degree of immunity from the outside—a certain degree, not totally—but a certain degree of immunity. 

The rigor is important because each of you is going to need rigor to deal with the new world. I mean, it’s not like you’re being set up to live in comfort and consolation for the rest of your life. I mean, you have to survive the Great Waves before you can be a contributor within them. So rigor is important. You have to find your strength to do Steps. And you have to trust in things that are not just your ideas, but something deeper that can move you and does move you.

The source of your certainty is within you. And you just need to carry out what it gives you to do, which requires rigor and diligence and determination and all those strength building things that every person really needs to be functional and to become someone. Otherwise, you’re lost in the fog of confusion, which is the fog of Separation.

You know, the last teaching to be received was received in the middle of the night in London. It’s called, The Crisis. It gives you a feeling for how Heaven views our situation—not just our physical situation because some people are doing okay on the physical plane—but our real situation living in Separation, which they call the Crisis. The Crisis is the Separation. A beautiful place where you can never be happy is a crisis. But what covers up that crisis are layers and layers of a belief and compromise and accommodation and habits of thinking and fantasy because nobody wants to feel how they really feel, down deep. Because that takes you to crisis. 

But it’s the crisis, however much you can feel that, is what brings to the turning point of you know you are not living the life you must live. Something greater is awaiting you. You must find out what it is. It is not a path of ecstasy and bliss. It’s not an intoxication. It’s not dropping out of the world permanently. So this is when you really communicate to Heaven that you need whatever it is that you need, that is a signal. 

So this is the river of intention. This is the power of this calling in this pathway. It is very strong. And the further you go, the stronger you get because you have to be powerful to do it and overcome your weakness and your habits. God needs your power to do what must be done here. It’s your power and God’s power together. It’s not just God’s power working through you. That’s not how it works.

The people in the world who are making a difference have this kind of power. And they are not beset by the innumerable problems and pathologies that seem to overtake everyone else to certain degrees. And they are working against tremendous odds and they are doing amazing things and they take risks around that.

At the beginning you know, it’s very gentle and soft and comforting, but as you go higher up this mountain, you get closer to the Source. And as you get closer to the Source that light gets pretty intense. It’s not shining through the fog of your mind now; that fog is beginning to clear and that light is really something. The rays of Initiation are really powerful. So Steps is getting you ready for that.

The Power of Knowledge will extend itself from me. 

This is [from] Step 269:

The Power of Knowledge will extend itself from you who are receiving Knowledge. At first this will be very subtle, but as you continue to develop and apply yourself, the power of Knowledge will become stronger and stronger. It will be a force of attraction for some. It will be a force of rejection for others who are unable to respond to it. It will influence all. That is why you must learn to be very discerning in relationships, for as you prepare as a student of Knowledge, your influence over others will be greater.

So the [Angelic] Assembly has dropped down another ladder into the world. This is the new ladder. The other ones are already fixed and are viable, if you can find someone wise enough to lead you up them. It is the way out of the dilemma that seems to have no answer. Even our spiritual ideas have to be transcended because at a certain point they become a hindrance and may not be true.

So if you don’t take the Steps, you don’t get up the mountain. If you don’t get up the mountain, you can’t see. You will not understand the journey. 

What is Knowledge? Knowledge is what has brought you here. Knowledge is what will carry you on. That part of you that is not you will fall away as you continue. And the light will shine in you and through you when you can be a clear lens. 

Nasi Novare Coram.

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  1. This teaching from Marshall shines a very bright light on the power of Knowledge, and the power of this world, the Crisis of living in Separation in this world, and my favorite quote: “God needs your power to do what must be done here. It’s your power and God’s power together. It’s not just God’s power working through you. That’s not how it works.”

    1. Wow, thank you for sharing that quote Darlene! “God needs your power … it’s your power and God’s power together …”‘ That really provides a different perspective that I didn’t fully recognize before.