The Messenger brings a “New Reality”

Watch Patricia Summers speak during the Closing Night Broadcast of the Steps Vigil, Jun 14, 2018.

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I know for myself I often benefit very much from knowing the larger context, relative to something more specific. And the New Message is huge, right? You know, it’s huge. And unto itself, it’s huge and so big that it’s sometimes difficult to hold its entire context and to identify that.

Well, this reference to a whole new reality that the Messenger brings refers to this greater context. And so for me, being able to recognize finally after all these many years, decades and decades and decades, right?, this, this Revelation was like flowing over our shoulders in front of us, you see; flowing, just flowing over and flooding what, what we thought we were doing, you know, rewriting the book, so to speak.

And so really it was difficult in a sense to, to be able to identify what was happening as we went. And so now, though, we’re reaching a time where the Revelation is speaking in terms of these large corridors, okay—these large corridors that go somewhere, that lead somewhere, you know, this larger reality comprised of realities; comprised of realities. Marshall said, today we were, we were discussing our opportunity to be together tonight and he said, “What is coming is big. What’s within you is big.” What is coming is big. What’s within you is big.

So, you know, so this whole new reality we’ve touched on this here and there in the Vigil—at least I’ve brought it up because I’ve been attempting to begin to really interact at the level of a larger reality with the New Message, you know.

And so along those lines the New Message says of Marshall [reads]:

“He brings a whole new reality with him, in him, around him and through him—a reality that humanity is not yet mature enough to face collectively. Only individuals will be ready for him, for they have been made ready through their life experience, through disillusionment and disappointment and other things.

There are many people waiting for the New Revelation. They must know of the Messenger, for he is the demonstration that the Power and the Presence has come back into the world.

To see this you must look with clear eyes. You must listen. You must listen with a deeper listening. You must allow the power of Knowledge, the deeper intelligence within you, to respond.

Marshall, yeah, Marshall, said today, “This Greater Reality is massive and expansive and at the same time deeply personal and intimate.” And he said, “While the New Message and the Messenger are opening up vast arenas that we were never aware of before, they are speaking to the deepest and most authentic part of ourselves that yearns to be revealed and to express itself in our lives.” He said this today at the kitchen table, just to me, so I had, I had to bring it back and give it to you, too.

I had to.

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