The Messenger in Great Churches

Recorded in Westminster Abby, London May 5, 2016

When I visit great churches, I always have a mixture of feeling. On the one hand, I honor the Messenger Jesus Christ and all who have honored him and have sought to do good works in the world, and to carry his blessing of forgiveness and compassion and service in their lives, in their times, throughout the centuries.

But as I look at the great church and its beautiful fixtures, its beautiful spaciousness, its presence, I’m also reminded that it may be in places such as this that I will likely be condemned, that God’s New Revelation will be disputed and denied. And so I come to these places in reverence, and yet I feel this mixture of feelings, this sense of appreciation and honor, along with the threat of persecution and denial.

I pray that in time people will come to see the New Revelation from God as part of God’s Greater Plan for the world, which included the Teachings of the great Messengers from before, and will honor this new passage into a new era with God’s Grace as a continuation of a Greater Plan beyond our understanding and recognition.

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  1. Its such a lonely feeling to be in church and to recognize the great truths if you have the eyes to see, but to then understand that most, if not all that are around you, are ensnared in the fear, dogma and indoctrination of the masses. Before coming to the new message, I firmly believed that God was for all peoples, and that the Creator of all life surely was capable of communicating to all of his creation, regardless of race religion and creed. Trying to explain this to those whom I loved, especially those of the christian faith was meant with great resistance. Even to the point of me being called a satanist, or being seduced by the devil. This hurt me alot and I can only imagine what the Messenger has gone through, is going through currently, and what he will face in the future. I pray for the Protection of the Messenger, for the protection of all those who are following Knowledge and lastly I pray for the strength and courage to stand with you all in this great challenge of bringing heaven onto earth.

  2. Marshall, you are loved by so many. The Message is again reaching the right people, and more are coming from all walks of life, to walk with the Messenger and to keep Knowledge alive in this world. Nasi Novare Coram.

  3. When I was small I went to Sunday School and loved listening to the stories of Jesus , especailly his parables. I loved the story of the Good Samaritan, Separating the Wheat from the Chaff , Building our house on rock , not sand. Then at 12yrs old I was so rudely awakened when I was promoted into the main church services and noticed the people with money and good clothing etc were seated in the front pews and others of lower status were placed in the back pews. Then when services were over the ‘well to do’ went straight to the public house and emerged drunk and disorderly and many fighting and arguing. From that time I only went to church if someone had died, were married or christened and eventually I would not enter a church at all. Then I found the NM. Everything changed for me. What I was believing and seeking as a child from God was miraculously wrapped up in the New Message From God. I see the connections in many of the New Message Teachings to the parables I have believed in as I have grown older. I see the New Message being built on rock. I see the wheat being sorted from the chaff and I see Marshall and the New Message embracing students of every walk in life, of every denomination , just like the story of the Good Samaritan. This gives me the strength and faith to keep walking toward entering the Greater Community being guided by the Steps to Knowledge. I wish many Blessings on Marshall, Patricia, Reed and Ayesha and every other student that I am privileged to know. NNC

  4. Lately it strikes me how in the early days of the formation of the great traditions of the world–a hunch–it was not anything set in stone that formed the foundation but the way of being in those who were there and shared the experience of living at time of Revelation and having direct contact with the behavior and attitudes of a great Messenger. They imitated what they experienced, each in their own reflection of that experience, and that is what really was perpetrated and perpetuated on Earth, the dynamic of being touched by true greatness, true originality and true giving. To think how those qualities of being do still endure, despite a lot of confusion, takes my breath away.

    1. Darlene Mitchell found this quote from Jesus and the New Message that conveys something like what I tried to say, applying it to who we are now as the first responders to a New Message from God:

      “Jesus spoke to an illiterate world. This was his contribution in that time and place, and it was very appropriate for that time and place. For the Mystery and the Power that he really represented would resonate with certain individuals in many cultures, and they more than the establishment of the great churches and institutions, would preserve the true teaching and meaning of Jesus’s presence and mission on Earth.”

  5. As a Boy I was subjected to Catholic Residential Schooling. Some of those days as I sang in the great cathedrals in the all boys choir I first discovered what adrenaline was like at the age of 8. I can remember how vulnerable and manipulated I was about my place in the world as a Catholic when I served as an Alter boy. I saw the double standards that my teachers emulated while they looked all pious on the outside but pure evil reigned down deep in their crust of a shell you would call a human body. These very same people would never answer some of the questions I asked because they were the deep mysteries of the church. I know now that they would never have been able to answer my questions as a child even to this day. They place a big emphasis on Faith for things they did not know about the scriptures. So now when I enter a church it feels like I just jumped into a pit of poisonous snake ankle deep! My common sense tells me to avoid dangerous places and events or conditions. There are far more interesting places to be. However if the goals is to get attention of a capture audience It’s best to pick the right mental environment to get the best outcome.

    1. Sounds like you had some cynical teachers! I had those nuns that would use the stick..

      But I was luckier than I knew! The small town I lived in served mostly farmers, loggers, and military personnel. If you didn’t have good work on a farm or in the woods, and your family didn’t own or run a business, you could always join the military. Many did. Many still do.

      So we didn’t have anything like cathedrals, we had priests that were more hippies than anything else, lol. Ohm I miss the 60s in some ways… These were not the guys who got the plum assignments in the European Capitals… They weren’t so bad, but even so, even when it was generally very low-key, it was not all good. There were these authoritarian, guilt-driven, dogma-spewing types. Luckily they were pretty easy to avoid. And they weren’t that bad unless they were in a downward spiral… in which case they didn’t last long. I think our town was like a therapy assignment for some of the priests we got, a last chance stage before the rest home, lol.

      Anyhow, I got lucky in that I got taught the true spirituality of the Catholic Church, rather than the dogma.

      Then, when my family moved to the city, with me in my early teens, it took me several years to understand the people I was meeting, almost none of them had the same religious instruction I had. I’m still a bit stunned that it seems most people in the western world got taught the guilt and the dogma. What I was told about this method was that it was there for the ignorant peasants who could not be expected to know any better. A very medieval outlook–in the modern, 20th century, post-industrial world!

      Obviously, the intervention was hard at work in helping coordinate policy!

      No wonder we in the West are so screwed up about religion now… Thank God for the New Message!

  6. Last month when I met with a committee to be released from my call as a Presbyterian pastor and shared a little about the New Message … there was some joking about having me burned at the stake 😉 but of the dozen people there, three were, at least, openly very sympathetic to the challenge to traditional Christology (one fellow pastor mentioned his own doubts and another felt he could speak for everyone in saying we all have our theology “in flux” these days).

    Although I am sure that, as with any segment of the population, only a rare few in the churches are ready to become students of the Greater Community Way of Knowledge, perhaps there are a lot more who could be friends and allies–who would support students, in the right circumstances–perhaps with as small a gesture as listening without judgment, for example. I was very grateful for the respectful dialogue with my colleagues on the committee.

    Well, I don’t know … But it seems like so many people both in the pews and in the pulpits have at least an awareness that the ancient texts are just not doing it anymore … Seems like some kind of an opportunity …

    1. Yes, Vergie, the old texts don’t do it anymore, people can feel this and also know this and they feel powerless and lost. When christian teacher would honestly dare to educate there people, they would have to teach the Book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament. But they don’t do it. And the Great Change, we are in now, can’ t be managed with the old prescriptions. Therefor the New Revelation ignites in eyerone, who is able to engage with it, the power of Knowledge, the power of the Holy Spirit. In some kind is this the meaning of the Second Coming of Christ ( not of Jesus! ). Some will come like Nikodemus to the NM ( secretly in the night ), some like Joseph from Arimathea. But there will surely be great resistance from the great established religions. We must expect this and accept this, otherwise there reaction will disappoint us to much. In all times the new one was not welcomed by the crowd, you can find this everywhere. But there were also always those, who have waited so long for this and who could recognice the new.

  7. These sacred places that were built to honor the one Messenger of God and no others may well be the halls that will denounce a New Messenger of God, Marshall Vian Summers. That may be why the first responders do not come from those sacred halls or they have left their early religious education in disillusionment or disappointment in search for something else. We who know you as a Messenger of God and the revelations you receive as truly coming from God honor you in the sacred space in our hearts and minds. May we stand upon what we say and do as a demonstration and testimony of the truth of the teachings from the Messenger and the New Message from God.

    1. Standing with Mary here: “We who know you as a Messenger of God and the revelations you receive as truly coming from God honor you in the sacred space in our hearts and minds. May we stand upon what we say and do as a demonstration and testimony of the truth of the teachings from the Messenger and the New Message from God.”
      Thank you Marshall, we are with you.

  8. If the New Message can finally take root here, the understanding on how God speaks to the world and of the progressive communication from the Creator to humanity will be clarified and mended. At least sufficiently to honour the Messengers from the past, who have given their contribution to the evolution and advancement of the human family, and also to honour and welcome the Messengers of the future, who will allow God to speak again to humanity according to its future needs. Perhaps then, will we be able to move away from this curse of the Messenger. What a important step that would be… May we work towards this, and surround, protect and support Marshall during his sacred time on Earth.

  9. Marshall, I hear and feel your words. How sad it is that such a gift to the world goes unrecognized by so many. In time it will find its rightful place in the minds and hearts of future generations because of your efforts, because of your personal sacrifices. For now take solace in the comfort of knowing so many love you, honor you and pray for your protection. Your efforts are supplemented by our growing numbers. We stand by your side. Our respect for you so deep. We are your church. No worldly church will ever personify or embody the gift you have given to the world.

  10. You are Blessed, our dear Messenger! You are so beautiful in your service to Truth! May we learn to abide with truth as you do! Mavran Mavran Conay Mavran

  11. Thank you for sharing your impressions Marshall,

    I’m grateful for the intentioned and deliberate conditions that are being set for the success of this Mission of Missions. May our efforts as First Responders be enough, be sufficient to tip the scales of humanity from ignorance to an awareness of this NM, and from an awareness to a change of heart.

    …Message on the wind

    When that storm comes a knocking, converging and stalking, it’s no time to cut and run.
    There’s no stunt double to face the coming trouble and things have only now just begun.
    There’s a Message on the wind, too late to rescind, and so much more than just a trace.
    Saddled up to ride, the Presence is our guide, I know you’re with me now in this place.

    When you break for pause to understand the cause, we have all had a part in the play.
    There’s an action plan to follow, no allowance for wallow, its work and effort with pray.
    There’s a Message on the wind, too late to rescind, and so much more than just a trace.
    Saddled up to ride, the Presence is our guide, I know you’re with me now in this place.

    When it’s beyond the crowned even the renowned, and the masses are mesmerized.
    It’s you and it’s me, yes the called like we, the Creator seems to use the unrecognized.
    There’s a Message on the wind, too late to rescind, and so much more than just a trace.
    Saddled up to ride, the Presence is our guide, I know you’re with me now in this place.

    After that first black eye and no reason to be shy, there’s a Revelation ripe to deliver.
    It’s roil and toil to clear that topsoil, and in the end perhaps just part of being a giver.
    There’s a Message on the wind, too late to rescind, and so much more than just a trace.
    Saddled up to ride, the Presence is our guide, I know you’re with me now in this place.

    So then what do you say, are you ready for the day, indeed it’s certainly ours to botch?
    For when we give an account, one day on that mount, we can say it “not on our watch!”
    There’s a Message on the wind, too late to rescind, and so much more than just a trace.
    Saddled up to ride, the Presence is our guide, I know you’re with me now in this place.

  12. I will do my best for you, Marshall. To continue the preparation, and to honour my Teachers, my Spiritual Family, the Society, the Allies and fellow students of Knowledge around the world. Churches have not always been the best places to find honesty or Truth, but in Nature, it is possible.

    1. I agree, Rosa, that churches (which are man-made institutions) have not and are still not the best places to find honesty and Truth. I have always felt that churches are too confining as places to show reverence to God. This calls for wide open spaces where the God-experience can be freely expressed. And the New Message opens the windows and doors to this experience. It will not be contained within four walls no matter how awe-inspiring and grandiose that space may be.

  13. What a wonder. I visited London though in July 2016 and felt called to visit Webminster Abbey. It is indeed a big place and I fully understand Marshalls thoughts on if The New Message from God would be recieved in places like this.

  14. Thank you Marshall for sharing these moments and important teaching. We’ve got a motto in the Willems family, we’re as tough as weeds, we keep coming back no matter what. Just look at the lovely dandelion, most gardner’s pest, but I like them because they are very resitant to their environment. Count on me, our environment is something we must face all, but we are not doing this for us, this is what keeps me going!

  15. As a Messenger of God for a New Revelation for earth, Marshall has a very difficult and rewarding task. Yet, as awareness of the New Message grows and more respondents come to support it, more will also come to contend against it and its messenger. This seems inevitable.

    But what feels so important for this challenging endeavor is for Marshall to feel and know he is not alone in this. That others, and perhaps many others stand with him and share in the burden of bringing this awareness to others and holding strong and compassionately when the contention increases and is directed at him and this community.

    Can we prepare well enough to respond in a manner that represents him and the New Message as they truly are? Can we prepare in the Way of Knowledge well enough to become strong and able people in representing the New Message and its Messenger? Can we allow Knowledge to shine through us into this world of Separation and bring its power and grace to others, even as they may seem to oppose this great mission?

    We, and other respondents to come, will make all the difference in how this will play out in time…

    1. Thank you, Robert. Such important questions you pose here… “Can we prepare well enough to respond in a manner that represents him and the New Message as they truly are? Can we prepare in the Way of Knowledge well enough to become strong and able people in representing the New Message and its Messenger? Can we allow Knowledge to shine through us into this world of Separation and bring its power and grace to others, even as they may seem to oppose this great mission?” Yes… it will test us… as they oppose this great mission and this man, this Messenger.