The Messenger on Entering the New World

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Night 5, Jan 26, 2017.
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This revelation goes on to say that, do not feel that it’s a misfortune for you to have this be happening because you were sent into the world at this time to deal with this. But it is difficult and I spent a lot of time being with this, making sure I’m understanding what’s happening around the world. And I recommend that you do the same.
This is your Watchtower: to know what’s coming over the horizon, to see the signs of the world. Our minds have the ability and the tendency to block things that make us uncomfortable or make us feel insecure or make us want to run and hide, go back into our little safe place, whatever that might seem to be. And this is asking us to come forward.
This is what a higher purpose is really about and why it cannot be a pursuant of happiness, as I spoke of the other night because people who seek happiness don’t want to deal with anything that might threaten that happiness. They’re much more inclined to live in denial or superstition or believe that the higher powers are going to take care of everything for them as if they were on some kind of spiritual welfare. They just wait to be guided. They don’t have to do much.
Emerson, the 19th-century American philosopher and writer said, “Truth or repose—choose, for you can never have both”. So, if you’re going to be on truth’s edge, you have to step out of the shadows—step out of the shadows—where we only want the things that we want and everything else we just tune out.
To be a contributor in a new world, you have to survive the new world and not be a victim of the new world. And this again is one of the reasons why strength and resilience, building a solid foundation as you can, is so critically important. And you do that now before the greater waves arise because we’re in the foothills of the Great Waves of change. If you wait too long you cannot prepare. [It] wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark, and everyone around him thought he was mad. In this case, the ark is more internal than external because there’s only so much you could do externally to secure your position. But internally, oh, that’s where most of the work will be done. And you align yourself with Knowledge because Knowledge is not afraid. And you are afraid.
So this is a sobriety we have to bring to the world around us now. It is not our playground. It never was our playground. We enjoy it. We love it. We appreciate it. We’re gonna serve it as well.
We live on a very thin cusp of survivability in the world. Our atmosphere is so thin that if you were to take a basketball, the atmosphere is as thin as this piece of paper. If the basketball was the Earth, this is our atmosphere.
So someone has to become wise, and the Revelation is here to give us this promise, this pathway and this opportunity. There will be shock and fear as you learn the truth, but in time you’ll have to rise above that because Knowledge is above that. If you’re going to serve and be a positive force in the world instead of an adversary or a critic, then you must rise above shock and fear, which won’t happen all at once.
For me, it’s been a transition from wanting things from the world to needing to serve the world; or wanting things from life, needing to serve life…kind of a sea change that’s happened over time. And yet I still am shocked periodically by the specter of what’s happening and how far down that road we’ve already gone.
This is not about hope. Knowledge is not hope. Knowledge is power and Grace. And you cannot look to others. You have to take responsibility that the Calling is for you because you’re the one responding in this moment.
We’ve now been sent to serve the world that we originally used for Separation and that service undoes the forces of Separation within us. And I said the other evening that what is sacred is what cannot be destroyed; what is in the Earth that is sacred cannot be destroyed. What is in you and all of you and me is sacred. It cannot be destroyed.
Yeah, I do share your sadness. It’s unavoidable. But oh my, how this can change your priorities and snap you out of delusions and your dream and fantasy of fulfillment. It’s…it can really clear your mind, like jumping into that ice-cold lake at 10,000 feet. That’s important. Somebody has to have eyes to see and the ears to hear and to do that without condemning the world or people. For what we’re experiencing here has happened countless times in the Greater Community, where technologically advancing nations have outstripped their world’s resources and its environment, putting it then at the mercy of the Greater Community itself and all the forces that reside there.
So this is so much. We saw all the revelations regarding the new world, the Great Waves of change. It’s an immense teaching. And it’s part of our training because your training is not for your edification. That’s a different kind of training. This is to prepare you to survive and to serve in a radically changing world. How radical?
Yeah, pretty radical.