The Messenger Receives “What Really Matters”

(Read the Afterglow Account from Patricia Summers…)

“This morning early, I went out in the field across from my house to do Tai Chi, and when I got out there, I was feeling a little strange, like I’m in the world but not of the world, and I began to do one of the Tai Chi forms, which I’ve been doing for years, and I stopped and I couldn’t think of the next thing to do, and then I tried to think of it, and I thought of it, and I did that. Then I couldn’t think of the next thing to do.

I recognized that I was being called and that something was pulling me off the surface. It felt like a weight, but not a physical weight, more like a feeling of gravity pulling me off the surface of my life.

I came back in, had a little bit of food and began to listen quietly because I often get messages about what this is going to be about. And I always ask, ‘Is this a message for me individually or is this a message for the world?’ And I kept hearing ‘world,’ so world it is. So that tells me it has to be recorded.

I contacted my wife Patricia and my son Reed, who were in a meeting at The Society, and asked if they could come home and record me, which they did.

And while I waited for them to come, the weight became very great. I just really couldn’t do anything except very simple tasks, being pulled off the surface into a deeper place where the Engagement would take place. This just does not happen at the surface. And as I waited for them to be able to come home, I could feel the strength of this Engagement, and other thoughts came into my mind that would actually be a part of the discourse. They kind of orient me. It helps me to relax knowing what this is going to be about.

When we are finally ready to begin, the Angelic Presence begins to descend, like a great cloud descending until it engulfs me. And then the Voice can be heard, clearly, not just as an idea in my mind but as the real Voice that speaks through the Angelic Assembly—a Voice unlike any voice I have ever heard, anywhere in the world, a voice whose nationality is hard to determine. Some people think it’s Chinese. Some people think it’s European. Some people think it’s from Latin America…because nobody can really tell for sure—this Voice, the same Voice that has delivered the entire New Message to me over the last 35 years.

I have not received a revelation in six months. The New Message is almost complete, except for certain teachings that may be needed as we begin to take the New Message out into the world. So I have not experienced this for some time.

And when it was over, there was great stillness inside of me, and they began to ascend. And as they ascend, I could just feel like I didn’t want them to go. ‘Don’t leave me here alone,’ I thought to myself.

They got further up, high, high, high, out of range of my awareness, but still accessible and available to me. They left me very quiet, in the world but not of the world, very quiet.

And this is a stage in which I speak with you here, having just received the New Message teaching, ‘What Really Matters.’

One of the things I can see is that this kind of Engagement can’t happen too often because it makes it harder for me to be in the world if it’s sustained. My life is becoming like a bridge that is anchored on two shores—one shore in the world, one shore in Heaven. And over this bridge, the New Message can pass through me. But both of those anchors have to be strong enough for this bridge to hold up. There has to be enough structure there.

That is why I’m very structured about how I connect in the world, how connected I am and how much I have to be connected in the world without having too much of the world, which is always a temptation and a problem.

Heaven does not allow me to engage on the other shore very often though I can feel their Presence, and I can receive counsel within days and sometimes moments if I really need it. But I’ve received so much guidance and counsel now that my challenge is just to employ it and practice it and utilize it.

Why keep seeking more counsel if you can’t use what you’ve already received and already know to do? People don’t realize that the more your life becomes truly oriented and directed, the less guidance you need, so the less guidance you’re going to have. It’s either that or you are so stuck or so lost or so obstinate that they just stop talking to you. Those are the two possibilities.

I don’t constantly need course correction, and the course correction I have needed over the years has been provided to me with a set of observances and practices that I need to utilize for myself. So the constant need for guidance is just not there. It becomes a matter of ‘am I getting the job done?’ ‘Am I staying on course?’ ‘Am I staying current with what needs to happen?’ ‘Am I staying balanced?” And I’ve been given the provisions for making those adjustments.

The only exception here is like a big turning point in your life, and that’s when Heaven’s intervention becomes pretty important, particularly if it’s a turning point in your life that is being directed by Heaven.

So once you know your role and your purpose, it’s about being in that role and carrying out that purpose. That’s what matters. And your own personal development is related to being in that role appropriately and wisely and carrying forth that purpose as best you can, given the limitations of people and circumstances and everything.

Heaven doesn’t talk to those who just want to improve themselves to look better to themselves because that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t really matter how good you look to yourself or to those whose approval you seek. Heaven doesn’t engage with that. So all of these spiritual niceties that people love to indulge in is not a product of Heaven. It’s just personal enhancement, looking good because you don’t feel good, looking good because your life isn’t really going anywhere or accomplishing anything, looking good to compensate for the fact that inside you feel empty and lost.

Whenever you find yourself envying good-looking people or people who look like they have good circumstances, think about this: what really matters?

I’m living in the reality of “what really matters” now, deeply enough into it that it gives me criteria for understanding how to value things around me, even temporary things, even casual things. I can enjoy the world without being trapped in it, dominated by it—[enjoying] life’s simple pleasures every day and yet aware, sometimes acutely, of the level of suffering and destruction that’s going on in the world.

But that’s the world. And I must reach those people and find those people who are ready to engage with the real meaning of their life and who are service-oriented and compassionate and feel they have a relationship with the bigger world around them, beyond themselves.”

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  1. Marshall, I am revisiting this now and taking in your afterglow words. You exist between these two shores and have to maintain a balance I cannot understand but I thank you with all of my heart for maintaining it, all while you go through your health journey now, too. Your words on guidance, here, give me great determination:
    “Why keep seeking more counsel if you can’t use what you’ve already received and already know to do? People don’t realize that the more your life becomes truly oriented and directed, the less guidance you need, so the less guidance you’re going to have. It’s either that or you are so stuck or so lost or so obstinate that they just stop talking to you. Those are the two possibilities.”

  2. Thank you for the fresh perspective. When I was first made aware and woken up the first thought I remeber having was “None of this matters! ” ay the moment with love filling my heart the world could have fallen out of the sky and I knew that in the end we would all he OK. Bit since that great day I’ve come to realize that so much still matters. As trivial as things can seem they are happening for a reason and it’s not my place to evaluate every occurrance but to recognize that these things good and bad have their reasons and I’m here to help not to hinder or overthink. Of course people have motives and people have aspirations like I used, to but now all I need to ask is “can I help? Can I make them feel better? How can I serve the world today? How can I help another human or animal today? Is it my place to intervene? Maybe they need pain to learn. It took a whole lot of pain for me to find my way and I’m mindful of that in others. I’m a different person now. I’ve felt true grace in my heart and now I have no fear of anything. The old me is still inside me. That becomes all to clear. Overcoming selfishness and addiction isn’t easy even after being touched by the love of the presence. The feeling you said of being pulled off of the surface that the was described above. How many of us have been lucky enough to feel that love? As an addict and alcoholic I’ve done the 3rd step more than a few times. Giving my will and my heart over to the care of God and living and letting God guide my life. Ive always taken the will and the control back until now. This time the angelic presence opened my heart in such a way that I can never go back. I cannot unknow what God had shown me through them. There is no giving back the Knowledge. My will is still my own but with knowledge and a defined calling I’ve always felt I know how to spend my life. I devote my life to the service of a world in need. From the smallest interactions to whatever miracles I’ll bare witness to it any souls who are touched by the Knowledge inside me. If I write something that makes someone think about a better life then

    1. Awesome. I love all of you. Lol. The love in My heart knows no bounds it seems. We’re all in my prayers. Thank you messenger. I pray to know how to help anohhet soul today awesome. Anyway. I’ll always point to the revelation as and theangelic presence and I’ll keep pay no.

  3. Thank you, Marshall. If I become interested in, or concerned about something, I sometimes ask “does this really matter?” Occasionally, I feel that it does … more often, it does not … it feels to be a personal preference, fear, or ‘want’ … than a true need or “must”.

  4. In a very practical sense, it is a real and new kind of freedom when what really matters has been trimmed down through “The Deep Evaluation”. The minimizing of the true and simple needs of health, uncomplicated work for providing a simpler life, the disappearance of meaningless relationships and a spiritual settling down, allows for that time and space, where paradoxically, what really matters is nothing, an empty space in the day where for a time, nothing really matters and a very peaceful quiet time can be enjoyed with no pressure to jump up and do ANYTHING other than wait in luxury until the next necessity or inspirational cue arrives! Finding time for peace while on Earth is a wonderful fringe benefit of trying to do the next right thing for a long time..

    1. To know the Way,
      We GO the Way;
      We DO the Way
      The way we do
      The things we do.
      It’s all there in front of you,
      But if you try too hard to see it,
      You’ll only become Confused.

      I am me,
      And you are you,
      But when you do
      The things that YOU can do,
      You will find the Way,
      And the Way will follow you.
      Winnie the Pooh

  5. What does really matter in my life in this world? What a question to ask ourselves in almost all interactions and circumstances. Asking that question really makes me stop and consider, what does really matter in this instance