The Messenger Shares a Prayer About Freedom and Contribution

Watch Marshall speak during the Closing Broadcast of the Steps Vigil, Jun 14, 2015.
This makes me very happy. There’s enough power and devotion in this room and with those watching to effect great change in the world, even now.
So my prayer tonight is a prayer about freedom, for the journey is about freedom and about contribution—outer freedom, inner freedom. Outer freedom is so rare in this world and in the universe, and inner freedom is even more rare and lacking.
I pray that Heaven’s gift to you will be deeply received and recognized, for it is here for your freedom, not just for your happiness, not just to give you resolution, but to free you to live the life you were destined and meant to live, you who are fortunate enough to have enough outer freedom to consider such things and to take a greater journey in life that is unavailable to so many people in the world.
It is our duty then, those of us who have been given a degree of outer freedom, to claim that freedom in service to those who do not have it and may never have it, to preserve freedom in this world, Knowledge in this world—the freedom to know, the freedom to express and the freedom to give.
This is where happiness resides and a deep satisfaction. Without this, happiness is an empty promise and a phantom that can betray you.
I pray this freedom will be honored here, for those of you who are so fortunate to be amongst the first to receive God’s teaching on freedom and all that it can bestow upon your life and upon others through you.
We’ve been given the map, the plan, the vision, the purpose, the clarification, the coordination and the means to restore ourselves.
Let us then hold this sacred, amidst all of the chaos in the world, amidst the fear and uncertainty within yourselves. It’s a sacred flame, for God has given you a light, a lamp. And with this lamp, you can begin to see where you are in the darkness. You can begin to see your own condition in the darkness. You can take stock of what’s around you, that you could not see before. You see your circumstances, which could not be seen before because the lamp is being brought forth.
You cannot extinguish this lamp. It can only be neglected or denied or hidden. But once you begin to find it, you know it’s there. And you will want it and need it ever so much as we go forward into the difficult times to come.
This is your freedom. Claim it. Do not let any person, place or thing compete with it. Do not sacrifice it for love or money. Do not deny it for any rationality, for it is Heaven’s gift to you.
May the Presence of those who have sent us and who watch over us be with us now.
Nasi Novare Coram
And with that we conclude the 2015 Steps to Knowledge Vigil.
May the Blessing be with you.