The Messenger Speaks | A Global Message from God’s Messenger

Hear Marshall Vian Summers speak, Dec 15, 2013.
These are the great times in which we live, momentous times, the great threshold where the future of humanity will be determined in the decades to come. And while these might be unsettling and people will seek to avoid such things, in truth everyone has been sent into the world to serve these times.
Here there is no mistake that you are here for a greater purpose. But this purpose is not what you think, not even what you hope for, necessarily. And so I have been sent into the world to live in this world as a man, to suffer its indignities, to recognize its follies, to enjoy its simple pleasures, but always with the greater mission awaiting me.
I cannot expect people to understand these things unless they themselves feel that they, too, have a calling that they cannot define and for which they must wait, perhaps even for a very long time, to understand. For the maturation process is long, as it must be.
Let us give Blessing now to the greater powers in the world who oversee the world. For God is too great to oversee the world. A God of a billion, billion, billion races and more is too great to oversee the world. A God of this galaxy and other galaxies and of creation beyond physical manifestation is too great to be preoccupied with one tiny world.
But God has set in train the great Angelic Assembly to watch over this world and all worlds where sentient life has evolved or has colonized in the universe. They watch over the world. And it is from them that the great Messengers have been sent.
Let us give thanks that this is so, for the light of spirituality, the light of a greater truth has been kept alive in this world, where it has died in so many others in the universe.
May this power and Presence be with you. And may you come to our meeting with an open mind and an open heart, not to condemn, to judge or to find fault, but to receive and to ask of yourself at the outset, “What can this mean for me?” This is an honest approach. It is the only honest approach.
Let this, then, be the spirit of our meeting in this moment and for all who may hear or watch this recording in the future.
I bring a great proclamation, but the proof of that proclamation must be recognized and witnessed to by those who can receive it. In this way, I do not have to persuade. In this way, I do not have to encourage anyone to accept. I’m grateful for that. But you must come to the Revelation to know that it is true. And you must spend enough time with it to begin to plumb its great depths, for its wisdom exceeds human understanding, and yet speaks to all the things that concern us today and will concern us tomorrow.
People may become preoccupied with me, but I tell you that the Message is always more important than the Messenger, a truth that unfortunately has been lost in this world, and likely in many other worlds as well. Become preoccupied with the Messenger and you lose sight of the Message, which is far greater and meant for all time.
This means there’s no one here to worship. There’s no one here to idolize. Though I come from a great heritage, I’m here with you now. But I will not always be with you. And the gift that I bring is for all people, for all time—a gift to be recognized, received, studied and shared.
For I am The Messenger and I claim no other title, neither more or less than this. And my responsibility is greater than yours. And my burden is greater than yours. And my joy is likely greater than yours.
The Revelation is being given now to a literate world, a world of global communication and growing global awareness. Unlike the great Revelations of antiquity, it is not being given to one tribe or one region. It is being given to the whole world at once because the world as a whole needs it, now.
There is not time for this to be slowly spread between cultures and nations over decades and centuries.
For humanity does not have decades and centuries to prepare for the great change that is coming to the world and for humanity’s encounter with a universe full of intelligent life.
It is important now to understand that when we speak of The New Message from God, we are speaking of a new understanding of God, not a different God, not some other God, but God unveiled—a God now not of the tribe or the group, the God of the ancient scriptures alone, but a God of the entire Creation. A God of a universe full of intelligent life, countless races of beings with countless religions, representing all aspects and manifestations, for better or worse, of the evolution of life.
God is now giving us a great challenge of comprehension, because the world is undergoing a great transition into this Greater Community of life. The world is undergoing a great change environmentally, change that can undermine human civilization. And every person on Earth will be affected.
This is not given for debate or speculation, but for recognition and preparation. It requires an honest approach from all who come to it. It is too great to summarize in a word or a sentence or a phrase, though many will try to do this, of course. I will not define it for you, for you must come to it and experience it yourself.
But because God now speaks to the whole world, the Revelation is given in the simplest terms, with great clarification and repetition, given so that it can be translated easily into other languages, given to minimize the ever-present danger and risk of misinterpretation, misunderstanding and so forth.
May God give you the eyes to see and the heart to know these things. For something pure is being given into the world now, uncorrupted by human adoption, uncorrupted by culture, governments, history, human perception—a pure Revelation given into a world of strife, contention, religious violence and growing environmental calamity.
Into this environment I come, to receive and to present this to you, in its entirety. May God give you the eyes to see and the heart to know. I am not here to overthrow governments or to change the political order or to attack institutions or to repudiate other religions, for indeed I bring that which will bring them a greater future, in a greater and different universe.
Here we must understand when I use the word, God, I’m bringing a new Revelation about God, how God works in the world, how God speaks to people and moves through people, what God does and what God does not do, and the immense importance of human responsibility and cooperation in light of this.
Without this many people will think of God in the old way—the vengeful God, the angry God, the God who will call you before judgment and either send you across the bridge to heaven or throw you into the pits of hell. This is not the God that I speak of, nor is it the reality of God.
This may have been presented to primitive peoples because they lived in a world of strife, violence and degradation, but now I’m bringing to you the God unveiled, the God that always was, the God of your life and of all life, the Source of all the world’s great traditions, which were initiated by God and changed by man.
For God of the universe will require all religious traditions to reassess their core beliefs. Here there is no judgment day. Here there is no heaven and hell in the ways that we have thought of it, or has been taught in this world. Here there is only the way to prepare and to recognize and to fulfill the purpose that has sent you.
Here all religions are honored, but their core meaning is revealed. Here humanity must cease its endless conflicts and prepare for a world in decline, to bring forth a greater cooperation, born of necessity, than has ever been known in this world before.
Here God does not condemn, because God knows that without recognizing the Knowledge that has been placed within us we will make mistakes. We will err. We will make terrible mistakes. We will do terrible things. We will neglect the truth. We will support the worst kinds of folly and indignity.
Therefore, the intention of all the world’s religions is to bring us to this Knowledge, for this is how God guides you and the world, working through people from the inside out—people of all faith traditions, people of no faith tradition. Here redemption is always there.
This will require many people to reassess, or reconsider at least, their core beliefs—the core beliefs that have influenced them, for indeed the old God of judgment and damnation has sent many people away from God altogether. And while there have been efforts to make God appear merciful and loving, beneath this is a theology of repudiation, harshness.
For I tell you that you can never love a God that you fear. You will never want to return to your Ancient Home if it is a place of judgment for which you must perform and please the Creator of all life. You can never love a God that you fear. And your relationship with God is based on this love. It is the return to shared identity. It is the return to union. It is the return to true relationship.
But God does not call you out of the world, but into the world, to establish this true relationship with yourself, with others and with the world itself, to end your ceaseless complaining in vindication and begin to recognize the world is the place you have come to serve. It is not a happy place, necessarily. It is not an easy place. Its hazards are great. Its tragedies are great, but this is it.
You please God by doing what you really came here to do. Without this deeper Knowledge to guide people, humanity will descend into endless war and conflict over the remaining resources of the world, degrading the planet so completely that it will not be able to sustain any kind of large human family. You will become vulnerable to other forces in the universe, who seek to have this world for themselves.
This is the great precipice. This is the great threshold and many people will shrink from this, unable to respond. But in truth this is what makes the Calling powerful—your Calling, your preparation. And only God’s new Revelation for the world can prepare humanity for these things, for it was designed to do this.
May Heaven give you the eyes to see and the heart to know these things.
For me, the process of Revelation has been very long, and has required tremendous restraint. It was not given as a New Message from God at the beginning, for I was not ready for that. Only its key components were being provided. And I had to wait for years and decades to receive them all, all the while becoming the first student of the Revelation, struggling with its importance, its power, its scope, its mystery—held back, waiting to receive what would have to come next.
But being held back is not a bad thing, within a greater context. You are being held back, if you can listen to your heart. For something of this magnitude required this of me over a long period of time, giving up all other avenues of focus— waiting, receiving, learning, preparing. Your journey will not be as difficult as mine, most certainly, but you have a journey, nonetheless, and you can learn from mine, if you can accept it and see it clearly.
For me now, having been withheld by people’s failure to respond, by illness, circumstance, I’ve had to rely upon my Ancient Heritage to give me the strength to do this. Human strength alone is not enough for what I must do.
So I ask of you, then, since you are here with me and you are hearing this, to come to the Revelation, not as a critic or a judge, not in a spirit of disputation, but as someone who has a great need for purpose, meaning and direction, for someone who comes with open hands, to receive and to explore. That is my request of you, to be honest in your approach, as I am being honest with you.
The Blessings of Creation and the eyes of Heaven watch us, to see if people can respond. And the Revelation is given in such a way now that it does not require great human commentary. It is not given in anecdotes or pastoral terms that must be interpreted for the people. It is not given in incalculable mysteries that must be interpreted for the people by intermediaries who they themselves may not understand.
It is being given now as a pure communication from the Source of your life to you, and to the world. Let us pray for this now:
I pray that you will have the strength, the courage, the humility to receive what is the most important Message being given to the world today, a Message that holds the promise of restoring humanity, ending ceaseless conflicts and creating the foundation to prepare for a new world and a greater future.
I pray that enough people in the world can hear this and respond, so that it may find its footing here and begin the great process of redemption that it will bring to every person who can receive.
I pray that those who are religious, who are committed to their faith traditions, may have the humility and openness to receive the fact that God has spoken again and to consider the Revelation, in terms of amplifying and growing humanity’s power and unity in the world.
For while people may never agree on ideas and beliefs, they must recognize they have a common Source and purpose. I pray that the power of Revelation, which exists beyond the realm of the intellect and human understanding alone, can be felt here and experienced by those who can receive, and who have the patience and determination to prepare.
I pray that the Revelation will teach you to forgive, to see and to Know, for God has given you the eyes to see and the ears to hear; and now you must learn to use these and find these. Step away from a life of denial and degradation into a greater promise that is yours.
I pray that humanity can meet this challenge of learning about life in the universe, which is being presented now for the first time in all of history, through God’s New Revelation for the world. And I pray that I, who have been sent here for this purpose, may have the strength, the courage, the patience to withstand human resistance and rejection. And that I may call to myself those who can respond, who can receive, and especially those who are destined to assist me in some way.
Though my time may be short on Earth, while I am in the world there is a greater promise for humanity.
Thank you and may the Presence be with you.