The Messenger Speaks | A Great Turning Point for the Human Family

Hear Marshall Vian Summers speak, Apr 15, 2013.
I call you out of the shadows and the disappointments of life into a greater circle of wisdom and power, a greater circle of grace, a circle that is blessed by Heaven and guided by Heaven.
It is my burden and my joy to share this with you, and through you perhaps to share with others, for there are so many waiting to receive the New Revelation.
It has come at just the right time, but time is important because there’s not a lot of time for humanity to prepare for the great change that is coming. There’s not a lot of time that can be wasted or misspent. So time is precious now in the light of great change. And your life is precious because you’re here. You have a destiny. You have a purpose.
Heaven knows what we need, and Heaven knows how to call out of us our greater strength and our greater purpose and to bring us together in our relationships in a way that is just remarkable. That people from different countries, different temperaments, different understandings can have such resonance with one another is something that’s rarely seen in this world.
So I call you to receive this gift of Grace and strength and be amongst the first to respond, for God has spoken again. The world has called for this. The powerful Presence is with us. And the strength and the harmony and the peace that we can find with this can be found nowhere else.
May the power of this strength and this Presence be with you now. May it guide your actions. May it free you from fear, anger and regret. May it give you that which only God can bestow to a willing heart. And may these times of difficulty and tribulation call you and others like you into a greater service in the world, for that is why you have come.