Marshall Speaks on God’s Intention for the World and Your Life

Hear Marshall Vian Summers speak, Oct 4, 2016.
It is so important to know God’s intention for the world and for your life. But unfortunately traditional religion has cast a veil and a shroud over this most core question, thinking that God requires adulation and belief and submission alone.
The Lord of the universe, the Lord of a billion, billion, billion races and more, the Lord of countless religions, the Lord of all of Creation, cannot be consumed with this one world.
God has put a deeper intelligence within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life of service and fulfillment in the world. This is the most important thing. It is by recognizing this and learning to follow this, step by step, that you become united, reunited, with your Source, your power and your true direction in life.
The Lord of the universe does not care what your religious beliefs are. It is only whether they can bring you to this core experience and authority within yourself that really matters. Belief is weak. Adulation may not be true and authentic. Religious belief can be used to oppress or to deny others, as is so often the case here in this world. If you cannot find and follow what God has given you to find and follow, what matter does it make what you believe in or how strict your observance is to a religious philosophy or tradition?
God redeems you through Knowledge, for Knowledge holds the key to your greater purpose and meaning in the world. God is not managing every aspect of your life. God is not running the weather of the world or the circumstances of every person, for the weather of the world and the circumstances of living in this world were set in motion at the beginning of time. It is whether you can respond to the power that God has given you that makes all the difference in the quality of your life and in the fulfillment of your true purpose here.
God’s New Revelation for the world has given this as a central focus to bring correction and clarification to people’s understanding of religion and of their own spirituality.
Your relationship with Knowledge is where you connect with God and where God restrains you or pushes you forward. Here God protects you from giving your life away to hopeless relationships and meaningless pursuits. Here God protects you from all of the persuasions and seductions of the world, which would rob you of your great opportunity and your greater purpose for being in the world at this time.
Though the Lord of the universe is great beyond comprehension, your intimate connection with God happens at a deeper level within you, deep beneath the surface of the mind, beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect, in a mysterious but profound place within you that is the source of your purpose and meaning in this world.
Knowledge was with you before you came into the world, and it will be with you when you leave this place. It holds your greater purpose. It holds for you the recognition of those key individuals whom you must find and meet in life who will play an important role in the discovery and the expression of the greater purpose that has brought you here in this world under these circumstances.
Believing in God is not enough. You must find and follow what God has sent you here to do, and that is something your intellect cannot discern. It is not the product of intellectual inquiry. It is not a product of speculation or debate. It is something that is intrinsic within you that is waiting to be discovered.
And you need this more than anything else to find your strength, your courage, your protection in the world and your true direction in life, facing now a world of political and economic upheaval; facing now a world of environmental change and violent weather; facing now the greatest change that has ever come to the human family as a whole, the Great Waves of change, for which you must now prepare. You do not know how to prepare for this, but Knowledge within you can lead you forward and enable you to navigate the uncertain times ahead.
This is God’s greatest endowment. This is the meaning of your spirituality. This is at the core of all religious belief and spiritual practice. But this has been lost to the human family. It has been hidden. It has been denied. It has been withheld. But now it must come forth.
For it is only the power of Knowledge that will save your life and will rescue humanity from a dire situation beginning to emerge now in the world. God has spoken again to give you the Steps to Knowledge, to give you the true endowment, to give you the most important journey you will ever take and the assurance that your greater purpose in the world may at last be discovered and fulfilled in the time that God has given you to be here.