Finding Determination and Courage

Marshall Vian Summers speaks on Courage at the weekly Monday Morning Meeting, in Boulder, CO on August 6, 2018.
The determination, the courage—it’s not something you think you’re going to have and it’s going to be there for you. You really have to build it authentically. What we’re setting out to do will require courage and is requiring courage, especially when our interface with the world grows and we begin to experience push back.
You have to realize we are communicating to a world that’s not that welcoming to what we offer. Certain individuals are an exception to this. I think the courage is something that we have the potential to build and not just assume it’s going to be there for us as some kind of innate ability. It’s like so many other things: we build strength, we build courage, we build determination, we build honesty, we build clarity. We build all these things as we go along, and that’s so much a part of our responsibility and focus as students of Knowledge and students of the New Message.
One more thing to say about courage is that courage is the product of doing difficult things, of facing difficult decisions and making difficult decisions, consequential decisions, decisions that really require some real sacrifice or uncertainty on your part. The more we seek comfort, pleasure and consolation—and that’s a normal thing to do up to a point—but that takes you into a different direction. So to build strength, to build determination, to build courage, all these things we know are important and that the New Message highlights, are largely the product of taking your life on. And when I say doing “hard” things, I don’t mean climbing mountain peaks or running marathons. I mean being really honest about what you have to do with your life, and for the people you care about, and for your health and your well-being and the well-being of others. This is the daily courage that I think is what really matters.
So thank you all for your demonstration. We’re seeing the results of the work that we do each day, and there are so many people who are involved in this great mission now. I think it is evidence of Knowledge at work through us.
Thank you Marshall…I am now aware of the real potential I have to build on this courage and that it is part of my responsibility as a student of a Knowledge to do this. I know from experience this is not an easy thing to do but an essential part of my growth. I understand now that honesty is the first real step towards increasing my capacity for courage. Only through experience can this happen. There is no textbook I can look this up and learn from. Actually making the decisions is the only way to go on this journey.
In sports, there are the terms, “Playing at home” or “Playing away from home”. When you are playing at home, the big crowd cheers with a roar. But when we are playing away from home, there is little cheering. Long time preparation, practice, the repetitions, health building, skill building with determination, results in confidence to play full out in far away places where few will applaud, but winning counts for more.
I suppose that courage (faith) is the necessary investment to make it to and through the preparations. Later, having been confirmed by repeated experience on the playing fields, courage is outgrown by the dawning of the real emerging demonstrations, the actual movement of strength and power, all being applied within the real recognitions of weaknesses and inherent limitation. Hope gets replaced with courage. Courage gets replaced with strength and certainty. Winning and losing over and over while developing certainty, so we are told, leads to wisdom.
May as well prepare together to play full out real soon (if not now) on this short trip away from home. Work and be lighthearted. Enjoy the mystery. Plant seeds. Soon enough, we’ll all be unseen again. They just discovered over 70 trillion other galaxies. Work work work LOL!
Thank you Marshall. I needed to read this and practice building the Courage to continue this journey to a New Life. NNC
Recently camping out on Dartmoor in Devon, South-West England, I got spooked going to the compost toilets alone without a torch at night having been thinking about the human mutilations found on Dartmoor (even though it’s a large place). As a child and into adulthood I used to enjoy walking at night, particularly during the winter in Oslo and the countryside when it was peaceful and I could see from the footprints in the snow that no one else had been there. In fact night-time was something I actively sought out in many places in the world, as a night-owl. But once I read the Allies’ Briefings and the GWC warning about isolation, I have now become more wary. I call in protection, and ask myself whether this is a genuine fear, or just my imagination. If I’m able to calm myself down, I’m able to start to discern between the two, and on Dartmoor it may well have been a combination of them both – me being spooked by the rustling leaves and dark shadows, as well as there actually being a danger and me needing to be cautious. In any case it was at the time a wake-up to the strength I need to build and courage that will have to be fostered in order to face head-on what’s coming in the future. I understood this as part of my training and that I needed to be there and feel these things – it was a test and learning opportunity. I had to acknowledge how much I fear the Intervention, and what inner tools, support and guidance I had at my disposal which needed to be called upon and fostered now.
Thank you Marshall for this! It feels right to build these things during life being in this world. Knowledge is working through many people now thanks to you and all the people who have stayed with the New Message and with you. NNC
“…all these things we know are important and that the New Message highlights, are largely the product of taking your life on.” Thank you Marshall.
Strength, courage, determination, honesty, clarity, doing difficult things, making difficult decisions.Thank you again Marshall for your encouragement and carring.
Marshall you once said that in the beginning you was not courages at all.
It is something that you build by doing difficult things because you must do them. Thank you for being such an example of courage.