The Messenger Speaks | Seeing Reality: A Prayer from the Messenger

Hear Marshall Vian Summers speak, Sep17, 2018.
We each have been given the eyes to see and the ears to hear. To find this vision and this hearing, we must see reality and not merely a picturing of our own thoughts and beliefs, our own preferences, our own judgments and condemnation. The eyes to see are the eyes that see reality clearly; the ears that hear, hear reality clearly, and the heart that can respond, responds to these things.
I pray that each of us will take the time and the consideration to look at reality wherever it seems to be speaking to us most powerfully. We have this opportunity to see beyond ourselves, our wishes and our preferences, to engage with the condition of life both around us and afar in a way that can open our hearts, strengthen us and remind us that we’re all here to serve a greater purpose in service to the world.
Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall. While this prayer is simple, it is of the greatest challenge and calling. In fact it seems to me most fundamental. How many times are we asked by these great practices from our Teachers, to look beyond fear, preference, denial, and to see without placing old experience frameworks onto people and new experiences. We have this opportunity with the tools given and the vehicle to just do it. May we see it.
Thank you MVS. It reminds me of what Reed said during last chat: “how do you see anything clearly in life? Your relationships? Your health? How is clarity achieved? And then inversely, if you can’t see your relationships clearly, your health clearly—the more personal aspects of life—will you be able to see the world clearly, the Greater Community clearly? ” Seeing Reality and cultivating the eyes to see and the ears to hear really start with individual life, and how much clarity and honesty I can bring into my own life and 4 pillars. To speak about what is taught in the New Message is one thing, to learn to apply it and demonstrate it in own life is what really matters.
Thank you teacher for this prayer. I’ve been struggling the last couple days to remain in the moment and to see reality objectively. I feel the mental environment very heavy and active. Many forces interacting. Very grateful for this prayer and reminder. NNC
Thank you Marshall. A practice that can take a lifetime to achieve. We are all here in this world to work and this is part of that work to find Knowledge within us and in each other. NNC
Thank you Marshall, I feel that these are times when forces in the mental environment are trying to make us see through our preferences, and your reminder is concise and empowering.
Thank you, Marshall, for your prayer. I will take the time and the consideration to see reality. Nasi Novare Coram
I was on steps 30 and 31 last week. I’ve been realizing how many judgments I make about reality. Like, just a quick glance at someone walking by. My mind throws that person into all of these categories, age, attractiveness, social status, personality type, beliefs, level of spiritual development… It happens in a split second. They’re all assumptions, and while some might be accurate from a lower point of view I can see how it prevents me from seeing who they really are.
Ram Dass says that he sees people as trees. Some get lots of light, some don’t. Some are leaning to the side, some are straight, etc. I guess that’s probably a good way to practice so that I don’t assign a value to what I’m seeing.
Hi Andy, it’s a milestone when you realize how your mind perceive others or life. Another milestone is when you see people really as they are. And another milestone is when you see what really shines through them.