The Messenger Speaks | Who the Messenger is Looking For

Hear Marshall Vian Summers speak, May 29, 2017.
Everyone will come to the New Message because they have needs, and the New Message will speak to these needs and will address them as nothing else can. Everyone will come to the New Message with confusion and weaknesses and aspects of their life that need to be corrected and developed. Everyone will need to come to the New Message to be a part of the restoration that it provides them, and this is immensely important because this is the gift of the New Message to whoever can receive it and to the whole world.
What I am looking for, however, is those who see the importance of the New Message as a gift to the world, as what is going to restore and even save humanity from calamity, the calamity of a growing population living in a world of declining resources; and the real risks of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in universe—a non-human universe of which we know nothing at all—and what is going to restore spirituality beyond all the excesses and errors of religious thinking and adoption.
I am looking for people who see the big picture with the New Message. They are not just here to embellish their lives or to restore themselves or to find happiness or reprieve. They are actually here because they realize this is the most important thing in the world today, and they feel that they are a part of that. And if they’re mature as individuals, they will have the humility to recognize that their service is not something that they establish for themselves, but is something that merely is shown to them through the needs of the Mission itself in support of its Messenger.
I’m looking for those people who are going to help me carry this Mission into the world and who are going to stand with me to recognize its rewards, its hazards and its risks. I am looking for these individuals. They have to be ready, however. They have to be stable. They have to be strong. They can’t bring a host of internal conflicts and disassociation into this sacred environment. They need to have made some peace with their past and recognize that their destiny is beyond that, and use their past to develop wisdom, perspective and objectivity regarding themselves and the world around them.
I’m looking for the people who are going to help me bring God’s New Revelation for humanity into the world. And they’re going to do this to assist me and not work apart from me, not take this upon themselves alone to do, for that is not their mission and their task.
I’m looking for those who have the strength and the humility to see they are part of something greater, and that that has always been your destiny. And however far they’ve strayed from that destiny in the past, it has in the end brought them back, and brought them here to where their calling truly exists.
So while people are studying and practicing and attempting to bring the New Message into their life and circumstances, there are those who will see they must be a part of its dissemination and that is their main priority. For them their self-development is related to their role in this regard primarily. They are not trying to perfect themselves. They are not trying to be enlightened. They are not trying to be at peace or ease in all situations. They are here to assume a greater mantle and to use all of the development that the New Message contains to support that development. Because in the end all of your growth and development is for this purpose.
I’m looking for those who will be part of the Mission of bringing God’s New Revelation into the world, working in concert with me and with those very unique and important individuals who have gathered around me, and who have assisted me through the long journey.
When I met Marshall in September 2016, Knowledge sparked a fire within me that told me in no uncertain terms, part of my mission here on earth was to serve God’s Message and Messenger. I was so new, and so green at the time.
It wasn’t long after that that I came across this invaluable guidance from Marshall of what he needed from those of us who are called to serve this mission. I have listened to this countless times, doing all I can to follow his guidance and adhere to the principles he outlines.
I recommend that anyone and everyone who feels called to serve our Messenger listen to and take this guidance into your heart. There is so much wisdom to absorb here in how to be effective in our service.
As always dearest Messenger, deep gratitude for stating so clearly what it is you need from those of us who are to serve you in your time on earth. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you so much for sharing this LaRae.
It is so clear, so powerful and so inspiring
I’m looking too, Marshall Vian. I’ve been looking since the beginning for those who are called to assist you in bringing this vast New Revelation to a world waiting for it but not free enough to claim it, not ready to end their confusion and admit their search is over. Such a major turning point that is…to say, “that’s it. this is it. I’ve found what I need and can move ahead now with the missing ingredient, steps to Knowledge. Relief.”
Many important teachings need to be revisited. It’s a great mission a climbing mountains of self dedication and re-evaluation.
It’s as though I have come into this peace of knowing. I’ve been saying we are living wrong for so long but I’ve known since childhood.
Who the Messenger is Looking For
This has been my goal. This why I am here. This goal and this journey has given my life value, a sense of belonging and purpose. It has filled the voids in my life and The Society and fellow students have become the family I have been seeking most of my life. I continue to strive toward meeting the requirements set before me and there have been many instances and moments of confirmation over the years that this is the life I am meant to live. With each passing day there is a greater appreciation and more gratitude for finding this work that I must do.
Rahn Ekan Novay Trenansa, Misu Veda Maya Toom, …. Rahn, … Nasi Novare Coram