The Messenger’s Closing Prayer

Watch the Messenger on the closing night of the Steps Vigil, Jun 14, 2021.

Full Broadcast

This is my prayer for this Vigil. I pray that the power of Knowledge will guide you even when you don’t know you’re being guided, hold you back when you need to be held back, push you forward where you need to move forward, reveal itself from time to time but not too often. For Knowledge wants you in the driver’s seat with Knowledge in the backseat whispering in your ear.

The blessing is with us. We have been called to this place of rendezvous. We’ve been called to this well of nourishment, deep nourishment. Our journey itself is mysterious, yet fraught with many different things. But we arrived. We made our journey here. Let us then give ourselves to this opportunity, this great opportunity in our lives. The Power that has brought you here, let us honor that and serve that as we go forward together. 

The presence of the Teachers be with us. Nasi Novare Coram.

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