The Mission of the Messenger: Relationships of Destiny

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Closing Broadcast of the 2018 Messenger’s Vigil, January 28, 2018

Full Broadcast

For years I couldn’t say I’m the Messenger, even though the Revelation was saying, “You’re the Messenger.” A huge burden and responsibility, a huge risk, a huge demand. But there it was unrelentingly telling me, “This is who you are and this is what you must say about yourself.” This process requires wearing away enough of your personal self—not all of it, certainly—but enough of it that what looks like a part of you becomes the foundation of you. And at that point you can begin to acknowledge where life has delivered you to after a long preparation.

There’s a wandering in the desert phase. There’s a slow-building phase. The bigger the role the longer the building phase. That is why the ambitious are never chosen because they would never be able to go through this. Heaven knows it, so they don’t even make the attempt. You wait for 25 years for the Message to be complete, meanwhile being ever available, ever-present, ever receptive.

Now there are other reasons for this long delay. Because this is part of a Greater Coordination, there were others who came but could not stay, and there were others who could not come. It’s not like everything lines up perfectly and happens synchronistically. This is not how life works. Some things happen and some things don’t happen. Things change; your course has to be altered. Situation changes; the path has to be altered.

I’m not surrounded by a monastery. My life isn’t mandated by a long tradition of guidelines. I am so fortunate to have my wife Patricia with me—a very deep, solid person—who just seemed to know more about me than I did and would tell me when it seemed like I was falling back into my personal state of mind. My son Reed, others who are here in this room that became my deep companions in the formative years where there were no books, really. There was a book, but we had no way to present it to the world and this looked like a very doubtful enterprise. But, then, of course, Jesus only had maybe 15 or 20 people with him at the end of his mission. That’s a very doubtful looking enterprise.

And my burden is that I have, indeed, also responsibility to strike certain people in the world with the power of the Revelation and to be a witness to that. So I’m booked.

What has to grow here is the power of Knowledge because I’m not merely one who is being moved around like a pawn on a chessboard. I’m not in a passive position. I have to make the decisions in most cases. I have to face the consequences. The power that is built is within to receive a greater power from without. If that power is not built and established, then the Greater Power will hold itself back.

In 2001 I became sick from the great strain of this and I couldn’t receive the Voice for five and a half years. But I kept going during that time, presenting the Allies of Humanity Briefings, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge through whatever vehicle I could find. So I knew enough within me that I could remind myself and not have to be reminded. And I was not alone in this world, which is so important to realize.

The New Message says there’s no great individuals; there’s only great relationships. Doesn’t that just strike at the heart of Separation, where everyone is trying to be great in some way—not everyone, but many people? It’s all about being great in some way, to stand out, to be unique, to be special, to be…And here we understand there are no great individuals; there are only great relationships. And there are great situations, such as we are facing in the world today.

That’s why you’re here. You didn’t just wash up on the shore. You got sent here. Perhaps this is very foreign to your experience or the way you regard yourself or other people regard you, certainly. You’ve established a whole other identity living here to the point where your Ancient Memory has faded away into the background. But it can be ignited. And this Memory is not a memory of places, lives, personalities. It’s the Memory of being in relationship—deeply, permanently.

Knowledge is the part of you that never left God. It never really entered Separation. So that’s what confirms and will assure your redemption over time. It’s not believing in a tradition or a religious teaching. God doesn’t care what religious teaching you belong to or adhere to. It only matters to what extent can it bring you back to this deeper part of you that is still connected, through which your real purpose and meaning in life—identity—will be held for you until you reach enough maturity and stability in life to be able to receive this and adapt to this: a great shift in how you see yourself and others in the world. This is the living reality.

That is why there’s no Hell and damnation. There’s only delay. God is not going to condemn any part of Creation, not if you feel that God is a loving entity or is compassionate. God knows that almost everyone will fail the test of righteousness in this world—and in every other world, by the way. That is not the test. The test is returning to relationship within yourself and within others in a very deep and profound way. And it’s built into you.

And you have come into the world at perhaps the greatest turning point in the history of humanity in this world, where the habitability of this planet is being threatened and Intervention is occurring from beyond by other races who seek to take this opportunity to gain advantage here—just the kind of thing that no one really wants to have happen.

But life isn’t about what people want to have happen. Life is about opportunity and engagement. And this, in fact—though it is immensely powerful and even very troubling—is the one thing that can unite the human family: a great problem, by which everyone is affected. No winners here without rising to this occasion. A problem so great that it begins to overlap centuries-old conflicts between nations and religions, history, culture, overshadowing the whole world, as a matter of fact.

It is the inevitability of our evolution rather than being an act of God. At some point, we would have to face the universe full of intelligent life. At some point, given our habit of being, our way of life, we would despoil the world to a point where it would begin to work against us. This is not an act of God. This is what life delivers us to, facing a kind of poverty now that is beyond anything we have ever seen before on the scale of the whole world, and a great opportunity and a great gift and a great calling.

For God is not going to speak again unless there is an urgent need in the world—an urgent need, a great opportunity, a great upgrade for the human family, who seems unwilling or unable to do the obvious things that are necessary to unite the cultures and the peoples of this world, to take care of the world we live in—our only habitable place in this universe.

So what is big within you is connected to what is big beyond you. Your mind may be engaged in very small, insignificant things. But the bigger part of you, the deeper part of you, is part of a Greater Coordination, connected to greater events and other powerful and beneficial forces in life. That’s the part of you that is there for you to discover. The great Revelation for the world now is giving you the pathway to find that without the burden of religious ideology, without the burden of culture, without the burden of human prejudice, without the burden of the corruption of religion over time—pure Revelation from the Source to you, through the Angelic Presence, for you.

You only have three choices: You go away from it. You go against it. Or you go towards it. It’s a test, you see. Who is ready? Who is willing? Who is able? Who can see that spirituality is beyond religion? The God of the universe oversees countless religions more or less connected to the reality of the Divine. So religious affiliation can’t really be the thing that matters, ultimately, because what God is doing in our world, God is doing throughout the universe. There’s not a plan for this little world, this little world that is like a grain of sand on a beach as far as the eye can see—but still important. In fact, in our case, especially important, because religion and spirituality have not died out here, though it is facing the risk of doing so.

There is still the glimmer of Knowledge in enough people—spiritual fire—in this world where it has died out in so many large technological societies in the universe around us. Yes, we’re foolish. Yes, we’re conflicted. Yes, we’re degraded. But what really matters is still alive in this world within us, but is facing great peril. That is why the New Message has been given, you see.

If you just seek to live a comfortable, happy life, the Great Waves will come and you will not see them coming, and you will be at their mercy. But God is warning you and preparing you through the Revelation. The great Revelations of the past cannot do this, for they were not given for this purpose, for the time for such things had not arrived in the world, you see. That was the beginning of human civilization. That was the building blocks of civilization—essentially all from the same source, and they have all been changed by man and time.

Now we are at a different threshold. Now we must be prepared for life in the universe. And we must rescue the planet before it becomes uninhabitable for us. What else could unite a fractured humanity that seems to be ever more fractured all the time? What could call you out of an unhappy or haphazard life but something so big, so overarching? For these are great times we live in. And great times call great things out of people who can respond. So can you respond? That’s what it means to be responsible: to be able to respond. Can you respond?

So I’m not here to comfort you or console you, but to challenge you, to call you, to honor you, to represent what is truest and greatest within you, to call you out of yourself and your isolation into the world, but guided by a very great power within you—not the power of your intellect, not the power of your belief, no, something much more essential to who you are. This is a gift of Revelation. It has the power of Heaven within it. But God works through people from the inside out. We were given keys to this kingdom on Earth. Will we despoil it? Or will we protect it?

Freedom is rare in the universe around us. Will we protect what freedom we have or would we give it over for promises and seduction from beyond? Perfect challenge, but a very great challenge. This is not what other people do. This is not what governments do. This is what you do. The New Message is for the people. It is for you. If people can’t see and know what is coming over the horizon, the governments will not take action because they probably don’t see what is coming over the horizon either. It takes a Revelation from God to tell us what we are really facing in our future and what is really out there beyond the borders of space, a God who knows our soul, our nature, our dilemmas, our suffering, our strengths, our weaknesses—everything. That has the power to reach us at the deepest level possible.

So I call to you to respond to the Revelation, to see how it speaks to you. But you can only know that if you come with an open mind to listen and to look. For the first time in history, you’ll hear the Voice of Revelation. You can listen: the Word, pure. You can read. It’s being translated all over the world right now by very, very dedicated people, to reach out to a struggling humanity that is facing problems that become seemingly insurmountable with every passing day. It’s going to take a great strength and determination of people, not all people—for that is not realistic—but enough people in the world to turn the tide.

There are two great challenges facing us: collapse from within and Intervention from without. They’re both related to each other. And only the New Message can tell you how this so, why it is so. And when you read it with clear eyes and an open mind, it will make perfect sense to you because it’s the truth. Beyond my understanding, my capabilities, it exceeds me. It will exceed you. It cannot be exhausted.

So I invite you and call you to experience this Revelation and the Voice of Revelation. Think of your needs being in the world. And think of the world’s needs and how they might affect you in the future, and you realize that a great Revelation must be given. The Revelations from antiquity cannot address this. And the conflicts between the religious traditions are too deep, too great, arguing over who has the final religion or the only religion or the best religion or the greatest prophet who can speak to God directly. That’s hopeless. That’s part of the dilemma of humanity.

I ask you to open your eyes compassionately to the world without condemnation, for this is the world you have come to serve. And you can’t serve something that you resent. You can’t serve something you don’t love. You have to love people in this world if your true service is to emerge. And coming to terms with can be very challenging in and of itself. We need this challenge now, individually, everyone. It’s what calls us out of our misery, our endless debates, our endless issues with ourselves and other people, our weaknesses, our indulgences—all the things that keep us small, frightened and obsessed. This is the remedy. This is a gift. With both love and adversity, it comes to us—a great love through the Revelation and a great challenge and difficulty in the world, which calls us to arise to it.

This is my gift to you. This is my gift from beyond me to you. This will be your gift to others once you can receive it. This may be your port in the storm. This may be the one thing that is your destiny. Or it may prepare you and lead you where else you may need to go. It’s fine as long as what is within you can be ignited and supported and recognized. That is what matters.

May the blessing be with you.

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