The Free School of the New Message
The New God Experience
November - December 2022
Welcome to the two-month session on The New God Experience. This School Session is focused on exploring the major corridor of the New Message on God, Cosmology and Religion.
Through your discovery of the New Message from God, you are now standing at the threshold of a new experience of the Divine Power and Presence in your life, free of associations of the past.
Whether you consider yourself to be religious, spiritual, atheist or simply undecided about the nature and reality of God, there is nonetheless a Divine Presence in your life.
This Divine Presence is the living reality behind all the ideas and beliefs about God. A New Revelation about God is now being given to illuminate the true and greater dimension of the Creator—as the God of a billion, billion worlds in a universe that extends far beyond the reaches of human understanding.
In this Session of The Free School, you will have an opportunity to explore the greater reality of God and to have a deeper experience of the Divine Presence in your life. This is only a beginning. The New Message from God contains a deeper journey of return and reunion with the Divine, a Message to sustain you as you traverse this journey in your life here on Earth.
During this two-month Free School Session, we will be focusing on two revelations from the New Message: The Great Faith and Achieving Peace. Both these revelations can be found at
If you do not already have one, the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers recommends you create a Study Journal to capture your experiences, practices and insights from your study of the New Message in all of its vast array of teachings.
Regarding the difference between normal faith and the Great Faith, we have faith in many things so that we can function in the world: for example, faith in people, faith in circumstances, places and things we rely on.
The Great Faith is about what we ultimately put our faith in, the core reality that gives us stability and purpose in the world, beyond all appearances. The importance of the Great Faith arises especially when you are facing great change within your life or within the world, where the things you normally have faith in can be threatened or undone beyond your control. This is what we are facing now. Here it is not enough for you to say that you have faith in God. You must have faith in what God has put within you, to have faith in—Knowledge. This is what will guide and protect you in times of great uncertainty.
Without the Great Faith you will be anguished, saddened or angry facing a New World Reality, where many things will change or come to an end.”
November | Month One: The Great Faith, Vol.1, CH 2 from The Pure Religion, received April 25, 2007 | DISCUSS
December | Month Two: Achieving Peace, Vol. 6, CH 35 from Wisdom from the Greater Community Book 1, received February 24, 1989 | DISCUSS
Read and study the Core Revelation for the Month.
Keep a Study Journal as you go, and consider doing a Deep Study of the Core Revelation for the month, highlighting the most important passages and noting any specific perspectives, directives or questions that you would like to focus on further during the month.
Consider spending time with the Core Revelation for the month while out in the world in order to see the oncoming realities that this revelation speaks of.
Bring your experience of reading this revelation to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
November | Month One:
Consider reviewing The Pure Religion to see if there are any other revelations that you feel drawn to read and spend time with.
Chapter 1: The Pure Religion
Chapter 3: The Sacred
Chapter 4: God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity
Chapter 5: The Purpose of Religion
Chapter 6: God’s New Message for the World’s Religions
Chapter 7: Religious Fundamentalism
Chapter 8: Religious Violence
Chapter 9: Heaven and Hell
Chapter 10: Sin, Error and Redemption
Chapter 11: The Miracle
Chapter 12: The Spiritual Families and the Plan of God
Chapter 13: The Redeemer
This is an opportunity to have a deeper engagement with the New Message according to the unique needs of your learning and development at this time. Together with your Steps to Knowledge Practice, engaging in your studenthood in this dynamic way is what constitutes part of the core work of preparing to live in a New World Reality.
Contemplation Practice from the Messenger:
Read and take some time to contemplate the words of the Messenger as he provides insight into the Great Faith:
Regarding the difference between normal faith and the Great Faith, we have faith in many things so that we can function in the world: for example, faith in people, faith in circumstances, places and things we rely on.
The Great Faith is about what we ultimately put our faith in, the core reality that gives us stability and purpose in the world, beyond all appearances. The importance of the Great Faith arises especially when you are facing great change within your life or within the world, where the things you normally have faith in can be threatened or undone beyond your control. This is what we are facing now. Here it is not enough for you to say that you have faith in God. You must have faith in what God has put within you, to have faith in—Knowledge. This is what will guide and protect you in times of great uncertainty.
Without the Great Faith you will be anguished, saddened or angry facing a New World Reality, where many things will change or come to an end.”
December | Month Two:
Explore the New God Experience through a Special Stillness Practice:
One of the great attributes of God is stillness. One of the ways we can know and be in relationship with God is through experiencing this stillness and becoming still ourselves.
All the seeming powers of your world —the forces of nature, the inevitability of your death, the ever present threat of illness, loss and destruction and all appearances of conflict—are all temporary movements in the great stillness of God. It is this great stillness that calls you to return to the peace and full enjoyment of God, but you must prepare.”
Take opportunities to rest in this ‘great stillness of God’ throughout this month. Go to this stillness practice each day, if you can. Enter it and rest there and allow yourself to be with the still and abiding presence of God. This can take the form of gazing, lying down or engaging in a meditation practice. Simply sitting quietly and doing nothing is enough.
Engage in this simple activity as often as you can, for the duration of this month, using it to build your practice in stillness and, with it, your connection to God. Over time, you can develop this simple practice, something you know you can find and return to.
Share the revelation The Great Faith with others, whether in person or online, during this month of study and contemplation of the reality of the New God Experience and Presence in the world.
Visit the Advocates for the New Message Group on the Worldwide Community site to learn what other students are doing with advocacy to support the movement of the New Message in the world.
Visit the Advocacy Chat to participate in an ongoing conversation about wisdom, creative ideas and approaches to sharing the New Message out in the world.
Join the Worldwide Community of students as we gather at the Free School Campfire Chat most every Saturday, at 9am MT, to discuss a selected topic from the current session of The Free School of the New Message.
Find your local time here.
MONTH ONE | November:
Saturday, November 5, 2022:
- What comes up for you in reading The Great Faith in light of the Great Waves of change that are beginning to manifest now?
- Looking back over the course of your lifetime, where have you placed your faith? Where do you place your faith now?
Saturday, November 12, 2022:
It is necessary now to consider what real faith is in the light of great change in the world. With the coming waves of change that will sweep across the face of the world, with the Greater Darkness that is in the world, your understanding of faith must change…This faith then must be based upon what is unseen, not upon what is seen. It must be based upon what is known and most deeply felt.”
- How would you begin to ground your sense of faith in what is unseen, known and deeply felt?
You are entering very turbulent times in the world. The world is in decline. Its resources are diminishing. Yet human populations continue to grow. There has been great damage to the life-sustaining resources of this world. The environment has been compromised to a very serious degree. And there are forces from beyond the world who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.
Where will your faith stand in the face of all these great travails and challenges? How will you maintain your focus on the great promise for humanity?”
2. From your experience in life thus far, how would you answer the two questions posed in this last quote?
Saturday, November 19, 2022:
This is the great faith. This is the faith that requires reinforcement. This is the faith that will ask of you to place your confidence in a greater unseen power—a power that you may only experience intermittently, or even rarely.”
- What could you do in your life to ensure you have at least an ‘intermittent’ personal experience of this greater, unseen power?
- Have you had experiences in life of this great faith in action? If so, what were these experiences?
Saturday, November 26. 2022:
For so much will change, and you must allow this change to happen. You may speak out against it and you may try to offset its more damaging consequences, but you must allow this change to occur.”
- How do you feel about taking a position of ‘allowing’ great change to happen in the world?
- Looking at your life, how could you take this position of ‘allowing change’ to happen in the world, while still taking initiative to make purposeful change happen in your life?
MONTH TWO | December:
Saturday, December 3, 2022:
What came up for you in reading Achieving Peace?
Saturday, December 10, 2022:
You must realize that the personal mind is not who you are. It has simply been constructed and developed since childhood—even since birth—as a vehicle to enable you to function in the world as an individual human being.”
- In what ways do you feel your ‘personal mind’ requires management, direction or further development?
So there must be a way to regain the natural Mind of Knowledge while you are here.”
2. What are some of the ways you have found to restore contact with the natural Mind of Knowledge within you?
Saturday, December 17, 2022:
The more you experience Knowledge, the less you will be concerned about loss and survival because you will have confidence that you will be guided by what you need to do. This will not lead to passivity at all but to a very heightened engagement and a very great sense of responsibility, a responsibility that is not motivated by fear.”
Can you recall experiences of having a direct sense of knowing and what you needed to do? If so, what happened?
Saturday, December 24, 2022:
The steps involve giving up what is non-essential and realizing what is essential. When you are doing what is essential, you feel essential. When you are doing what is non-essential, you feel non-essential because you always identify with what you are doing.”
What are you doing in your life now that feels essential or non-essential to you? What is the link between this and how you tend to feel within yourself?
Saturday, December 31, 2022:
People often equate freedom with the ability to have choice, yes? They say, ‘I am free to go this way or that way and that represents my freedom. Actually, I can go in a hundred different ways. That represents my freedom.’
However, the person who is really free can only go to one place. They cannot go to the other ninety-nine. They are free to go to the one place they really need to go to, so the burden of constant decisions without certainty is not weighing upon them.”
- How have you experienced this ‘burden of choice’ regarding constant decisions?
- Have you experienced this reality of singular choice? If so, what was this like for you?
Donate to support The Free School of the New Message. In this way, you can help The Society extend this unique learning environment to as many people around the world as possible.
Table of Contents

The Messenger Speaks | Go Beyond Belief to Experience the Presence of God

Carol posted an update in the group
4 days agoLearning News and Updates 4 days ago
Four-Pillars Practice | The Way of Knowledge | March & April 2025
As part of learning The Way of Knowledge for this session, you are invited to engage in a Four-Pillars Review Practice.
— From Great Waves of Change Practices in the book The Great Waves of Change:
Take some quiet time each week to review the Four Pillars of your life, remembering…
Carol posted an update in the group
a week agoLearning News and Updates a week ago
REMINDER: Studenthood Chat
Saturday, March 8, 2025
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Mountain Time USA
Hello everyone,
You are invited to join a discussion of the New Message teaching Building Strength and Resilience with Marshall Vian Summers, Patricia Summers, and students worldwide on Discord’s Studenthood Chat channel: Saturday, March 8th, at 9:00 AM US…
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Calendar of Events
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Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain
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A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: Grace
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: Grace
On the first Saturday of the month, at 9:00 AM Mountain Time, a teaching from the New Message will be shared live: Grace. We invite
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain
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1 event,
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Participate in the Studenthood Chat at 9:00 AM on Discord every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. Join the chat on the Discord server: Follow this tutorial to
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain
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1 event,
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 14, 2025, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 14, 2025, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The world is shifting in profound ways. Humanity stands at a critical threshold—one of immense challenge and transformation. As global upheaval accelerates, we are also
1 event,
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 15, 2025, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The Convergence Summit | Respond to the Calling to Find Your Purpose in a Changing World | ONLINE March 15, 2025, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The world is shifting in profound ways. Humanity stands at a critical threshold—one of immense challenge and transformation. As global upheaval accelerates, we are also
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain
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0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Studenthood Chat in The Way of Knowledge
Participate in the Studenthood Chat at 9:00 AM on Discord every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. Join the chat on the Discord server: Follow this tutorial to
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0 events,
1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain
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1 event,
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Tuesday World Meditation | Weekly at 7:00 PM Mountain Time (Med)
Join the weekly stillness meditation practice on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Mountain on the New Message Events YouTube channel. Times are listed for Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mountain
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1 event,
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: The Mystery
A teaching from the New Message will be shared live: The Mystery
On the first Saturday of the month, at 9:00 AM Mountain Time, a teaching from the New Message will be shared live: The Mystery. We
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- There are no events on this day.
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