The New Way Forward for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Patricia Summers and Reed Summers speak during the Broadcast, July 1, 2023.
The New Way Forward for Humanity
Revelation Broadcast Events
Full Session Transcript
Okay. Well, welcome everyone joining at afar. My name is Reed Summers, and I’m here in Amsterdam in the Netherlands with a room full of wonderful people who are gathered for a weekend to learn about the New Message and explore its calling for them and what it means to take action on that in their lives.
So thank you for stepping into the room briefly here where I’m going to be sharing with you the newest revelation of the New Message, being brought forward from the library of the New Message by Marshall Vian Summers, my father, who has spent the last 40 years of his life receiving a communication from a Higher Power, which is in the world to speak to the deeper spiritual Intelligence within each of us, which it calls Knowledge; and to warn and prepare us regarding the presence of non-human intelligence in the world, what this will mean for our societies, and what we might need to do individually to take action regarding this. So, over these last 40 years Marshall has had over 800 encounters with this Voice of Revelation, this Higher Power that has spoken through him, and that now constitutes the over 9,000 pages of the New Message, which are being made available online at So what we’re going to be hearing is a revelation from the New Message being released for the first time, and it is titled The New Way Forward for Humanity. And this revelation was given in the year 2006 at a very important period in the history of the New Message, which I don’t have time to go into now. But it was a period that really began the current communication that represents the bulk of what’s available online from the New Message now. So this was one of the first revelations given, and it was given after a very long silence when Marshall could not receive the Voice of Revelation. And so this revelation kind of was one of several that broke that silence. And we wanted to bring it forward to you today because it speaks so directly and powerfully to the immense challenges facing humanity; the environmental, social and political change that is reshaping the human landscape at every level and which is, I’m sure, affecting you and how you feel in the world. So our environment is changing dramatically and something new is needed, a new way which contains a new perspective and a new practice, a new way of being in the world. And so you’ll be learning about that today. So in this live stream we’re going to play this revelation for you, both in audio and in text, and then my mother, Patricia, is going to join me afterwards, and we’re going to share with you 17 key messages from the revelation that we felt it was really important to bring forward and to sit with for a little while. And then after that we’ll hear from Marshall, who is the man who has received this revelation, as well as all of the 9000 pages of the New Message from God. So thank you so much for being here and being a part of that. I’d like to share with you a passage from this revelation: “There is a very great fire in the world today. It is slowly burning, but it is gaining strength. And every day human ignorance, human denial, human superstition, human conflict, human competition add fuel to this fire, giving it strength, making it hotter and more difficult to extinguish.” So as you look out on the world around you when you are in the world, I would wager that you can see this fire burning. And maybe it burns in secret or in private or in the private lives of people. Or maybe it burns way out in the open for everyone to see and to participate in. And I’m sure you can see that this fire, year after year, is growing and that humanity, up until this moment, has not been able to provide sufficient motivation to unite and cooperate and find pathways to solve the dilemma of how this fire can be put out. And so there is this need in the world and the answer is lacking. There are answers but it’s not enough. There is water available, but not enough to put out a fire this big. And so where will that extinguishing force come from? That’s a question. And I would actually ask you that question. And if you’d like to share in the chat on whatever platform you’re watching, and for those in the room we can talk about it afterwards. One major message of this revelation is that until you see the danger, you will not perceive the solution. Until you’ve really stopped and take in the scope of the problem, the solution you’ll never, a, see it; or even, b, choose it; and c, follow through with it. And so I think the moment calls for stopping and stepping back from opinions and possibly maybe jaded viewpoints, and really just perceive what it is that is happening. What is it? When you look out on the world, what is it that you see? And the New Message can help you see. It can actually reveal some things that we may not even be seeing. And with that in hand, we can then turn to talk about what is the actual answer to meet that kind of a need, and how would you ever participate in that in your own life. But it all cascades down from this simple recognition of what it is that is happening that is so wrong or so desperately in need in the world. And as I look back in history actually, because I’m a little bit of a history buff, at so many different moments in history the problem itself was not perceived early on, and the opportunity was certainly there to do so. And therefore, everything that followed on behalf of either those in the colonial period or those subjugated by an imperial presence or an empire, or those in business, commerce, technology, all the decisions that followed were off. Everything went awry because the nature of the problem wasn’t seen. And we’re seeing that even play out in our economies and in our governments today. They are not seeing the problem. So the New Message is here to reach the people—us—and to empower us to see the problem and to receive the solution at a deeper spiritual level because that informs the thinking level, which informs the acting level; and everything flows largely from that place, but not only from that place. And the New Message actually absolutely empowers us to engage in the kind of science and discovery and innovation that we need at all levels to add to that solution. But the solution has to be impelled by what the New Message calls Knowledge, the spiritual Mind within each person. And that is what the New Message is all about, is helping people find that. So with that, let’s listen to this new revelation from the New Message titled The New Way Forward for Humanity. And then we’ll have time to share some other thoughts and ideas and also hear from Marshall. So thank you all for being a part of that. [The revelation plays.] This was the revelation, The New Way Forward for Humanity. And if there are any audiophiles in the room—good, long time listeners of the New Message—you might discern the Voice is a little bit different than the Voice you would hear in a revelation received maybe a year or two ago. And that just reflects the changing nature of Marshall’s connection with them, and it just also speaks to how much and how long he has received their communication. So yeah, it’s a step back in history for me to hear this, but it’s also super timely and needs to be acted upon, I feel. So with me is my mother, Patricia, up at the front here. Patricia: So earlier, you know, I spoke of… Reed: Is your mic on? Patricia: I believe it is. One second. God, yeah. You know, earlier I spoke of what it was like to try to get, to realize the intention [ ] of the…hear it here, [ ] hear this message. [ ] with the flood of revelation that was coming from all aspects—as Reed has said and Marshall has said, I’m sure you realize, you’re realizing how big the revelation is and it has striking points throughout it [ ] in all different conditions and situations [ ] be struck, right? It’s a canvas of a million strokes, you know, colors and hues and… But this revelation just [ ] together. And I’m personally very grateful to you to be here because you’re putting yourself—and I can’t speak for you—into a position of receiving the conferral of responsibility, you know? To be in the position to know what others can’t or won’t know, that was the initial question I posed to Marshall in that talk he was giving that I finally found myself sitting in the front row at. I was so disquieted sitting there listening to him, listening to him, and see, he could see it in me. And finally he said, “You! You have a question. You have a question.” And I looked at him like umm, you know, “Who is this man? Who are you?” In my mind I’m saying this to him—“Who are you?” And he’s like, “No wait, who are you?” So, he said, “You have a question.” And I said, “All right, I do have a question.” He said, “Great. I want you to stand up, turn around and face the audience and pose your question.” And that was my question: “Why do I know things that others cannot or will not know?” And then I live with that—I live with the—in a way, not to magnify it beyond reality, but the truth is I can’t share a lot of what I see and know with anybody, right? Well, I think the landscape of the world is changing to a degree. So, but thank you for being here to receive this revelation and to feel the force of its intent. I mean, the intention is strong because how reachable are we? I mean, you can even ask yourself that throughout the course of your lifetime, “How reachable have I been?” Well—not to get too self-judgmental—there’s a lot of reasons why we were in those states of mind, right? And more people are waking up. Knowledge is stirring. So the New Message was sent to tap into this enormous well of intelligence within humanity, okay? But it’s—I don’t even know the word—subjugated—subverted—buried, right? No! Wait! Stop! Come forth now. It’s time now. How often have you heard yourself think that or feel that—it’s time now? You know? And I know it’s from the edges of our experience, but there’s a part of us that’s seeing and we’re uncomfortable and we know it’s time. Thank you. Thank you all. Reed: You know, for some listening and for some out there they might feel, okay wow, so this is the greatest challenge ever faced by the human race, [ ] has the power to destroy human civilization. This is about Intervention and subjugation from the universe. It’s like, whoa!, about the biggest level stuff [ ] in life [ ] and you know maybe [ ] and you could think of erratic [ ] and where does it lead to next, [ ] with new ways forward? They just didn’t think ten years down the road to realize that they’re just going to become the next dictatorship, you know, the next oppressor. So is Knowledge the new way forward? And you can even ask that for your own life. And I think it is a process of reckoning. And someone actually stood up here earlier and offered that key message from their life experience that Knowledge is the way, but only experience can bring you there. And now we’re experiencing it at the world level—this unbelievable force called climate change, for example. [ ]… unbelievable that the land war is having certainly on this continent, but all around the world. I mean, this is what it is. So, but it is a bridge to build to come to the fact, to the realization of Knowledge is actually the way forward, or maybe the beginning of a way forward. Because Knowledge is meant to serve many people [ ] their lives of service all around the world in every endeavor, so… Patricia and I would like to share with you a few of the key messages of this revelation. We can just be with this further. Each of these is worth just stopping to do a deep read, to read them more deeply and not just to pass them. “Humanity stands at the precipice of great danger and also great opportunity. But the opportunity cannot be recognized unless the danger is seen clearly.” Patricia: “There is a Greater Darkness facing humanity and humanity is unprepared for what is coming. Humanity must cease its endless conflicts and prepare to unite to survive in a declining world, and to face the realities and the challenges of contact with a Greater Community of intelligent life.” Reed: “These two great challenges facing humanity have the power to send humanity into a permanent decline or to generate a human unity and cooperation that have never been established in the world before.” “The commitment to protect the world, the commitment to protect civilization, the commitment to safeguard this world from intervention from beyond can and must be established.” “This requires a new way, a new understanding, a new approach, a new awareness. A radical shift in human awareness is needed, individually and collectively. The New Message from God is here to create this shift.” “The New Way Forward is to prepare the individual, to ignite and illuminate the individual, and to give a new direction to all of humanity, all at the same time. Only a small percentage of humanity needs to respond.” Patricia: “The Creator of all life wills that humanity emerge into this Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe as a free and independent race. For this, wisdom from the Greater Community is urgently needed. …Humanity must have this wisdom and this Greater Community awareness.” Reed: “The New Message from God is here to warn you of the future, to bless you, to give you the strength to face the future and to prepare you for the future. This preparation has to do primarily with human awareness and commitment. But there is the problem of human denial, the tendency to deny things that are beyond your grasp or that emotionally you cannot deal with.” “That is why there is a New Message from God in the world. Knowledge within knows what you need to do to play your part.” And with that, we’re going to say goodbye to those at a distance and continue our gathering here. What actually could extinguish the fires that you see around you or that you feel within you in your own life? It’s a standing question.
Reed: So this is the new way, and we’re gathered here in Amsterdam to talk about responding to that and taking that into our lives and into action so it’s not just talking about it. So we’ll be exploring that in our time here