The Opportunity of the Greater Community

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Night 3, Jan 24, 2017.
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So many feelings run through me when I hear the presentation, and complex feelings because during my hiatus when I got well enough one of the few things I could do, I could work a couple of hours a day, was go on radio and speak about the Allies of Humanity. And it was really difficult because I had to really kind of paint a picture of the universe that was very different than what most people assumed to be true and what they’ve learned through movies and things like this, um, a very prosaic view of the universe, one without the kinds of things that our movies portray. And just to be able to understand who the Allies were and what their message was really addressing—it was very daunting to have paint a whole landscape in order to understand this.
So I was so grateful when Life In the Universe came because it sort of does the job for me. It took that burden off my shoulders. But during those years I really had to fathom that part of the Greater Community education that’s been given to us. And tonight I would like to reveal to you some important things about the Greater Community as regards to the Great Coordination itself and your connection to it.
So first of all, living in the world, living in isolation from the universe, we begin to think that we’re alone and that we really have no connection to what’s beyond our world. It’s just a vast, empty, mysterious, fathomless reality. And if there’s someone out there, they’re either wonderful, we hope, or terrible, we fear. So we don’t think about it very much as people.
So one of the first things that’s important to understand is that the world we live in is part of the Greater Community; it is not an isolated place. It was created within the Greater Community. Its destiny is in the Greater Community. This world, our home, is part of a greater reality of life. And that means that we are part of that reality and that our destiny is tied to this world. And this world’s destiny is tied to the Greater Community, for no matter what happens here in the world, in the end we will be in the Greater Community. That is our destiny.
And destiny is a wonderful thing to imagine, but at some point in the course of life, destiny begins to arrive and we have to be a part of that emergence. And within our world the Greater Community has come… in a certain way. But it heralds many other things to follow. And it brings with us great difficulty, but also great promise.
So while we can focus on the dark edge of the universe, difficulties that that creates for us, tonight I want to talk about the opportunity, because the opportunity is even greater than the difficulty. And those of you who have had a Greater Community heritage are in the world to be a part of this. And that is why you have not been able to find a real understanding or a context for yourself here in a human-only world with human-only focus and problems, because there’s something else about you and your heritage and your life that is unique, that seems different than what exists around you.
Our future and our destiny is tied to this. And that is why the New Message is so focused on the Greater Community and has been so focused all the way. It seems a remote reality as if it’s at the outer fringes of our existence, but it really lives within us. As we as individuals are being encouraged to emerge out of isolation and separation, our world is being encouraged to emerge out of isolation and separation. We are following that same trajectory, and we need that; we need that emergence.
And this also’s why Knowledge within us seems so mysterious because it’s tied to that; it’s part of the Greater Coordination. It’s not just a personal resource that’s going to help guide us, get us out of trouble and give us assurance. It’s actually part of that Greater Coordination. And without the Greater Community, there is no Greater Coordination. It’s the old paradigm between God and man. But the New message says, no, it’s your relationship with the universe that you’re going to have to contend with and which will mature you and bring you forth if you can prepare.
And Knowledge within us is trying to take us somewhere, not just to another place in the world, not just to another understanding, but to really a different sense of who we are and where we’ve come from because our destiny is really tied to something much bigger than what most people would even consider to be important.
Every race in the universe eventually will have to face the Greater Community, which is a process of coming out of isolation. And it is a tumultuous process because change is tumultuous. I mean, how many of you have changed gracefully in the face of real, substantial change? You struggle. You fight it. You fight to gain control. You want to determine what it is and its outcome. And you go through this period of struggle and then uncertainty and then you come into some other place where you begin to reestablish yourself.
So think of all of humanity going through a change of this magnitude. Right now we’re seeing nations trying to separate themselves from one another within a process that’s attempting to meld them out of necessity. Within a Greater Community context this is the struggle of a whole world of people trying to come to terms with ending Separation—wanting it, fighting against it, moving towards it, moving away from it, retrenching itself in the past and having to move forward again. There’s no nation in the world today that can survive without other nations. We’re way beyond that.
So this brings us to how God works in the universe. So some things here I want you to know that are very important: we’re using the term, Greater Coordination, because a Teaching very recently called, “The Greater Coordination,” which has not yet been prepared to release, has given a new way of understanding this, and it’s certainly tied to “The Great Alliance,” which is a Teaching that was given a year or two ago. But coordination is different than alliance because alliance bespeaks inherent relationship. But coordination bespeaks action, OK?
Things are coordinated so that things can happen, alright? So the alliance itself is inherent, but in time and space the coordination is what generates action. So here the purpose is not only understanding, but to come into action.
The event that’s happening in our world today, as I mentioned the other evening, is extremely rare because to present a New Message from God to a whole world is very rare. There are very few worlds that are free enough to ever allow that to happen. There are very few worlds that are educated enough and technologically advanced enough and free enough to allow that to happen.
And so when it does happen, it creates a Great Coordination which involves networks of the Wise, beyond our world, a coordination of those who work in physical life in alliance with the Angelic Assembly to bring about certain kinds of change in worlds that show promise. This world shows promise. Despite its tragedies and many errors and brutal past, it has promise. Why? Because Knowledge has been kept alive in our world. It is…the light has not gone out. There are many shadows. There is much corruption, but the light has not gone out.
And that I could broadcast, presenting the New Message from God, is a demonstration of the promise of this world. In almost all other places it would be given to a clandestine group or embodied in one individual who would have to gain a certain close association, very much in secrecy, only to be revealed to the adept, only to keep it alive.
The first priority is to keep Knowledge alive in the world. If that’s not possible, nothing else can follow. If that does not happen, humanity is on a predictable course.
So across the vastness of space there is a network of the Wise—not wise nations, because really, enlightened nations don’t really exist. But groups of people and individuals—that exists. And advanced nations that are free have such individuals leading them, guiding them, protecting them. I say this to dispel the notion that an advanced, an enlightened race is going to come and enlighten us. Any race that claims to be enlightened is not what it claims, for the Wise do not make such a claim.
So the Angelic Assembly works through those on the ground called the Networks of the Wise, and their network is vast and so far reaching that I could not possibly describe it or even understand it. It’s how God is working in the universe. And the New Message says that what God is doing in the universe is what God is doing here. So how would you ever know what God is doing here without that bigger context? And that is why the New Message, in part, is very focused on the Greater Community.
So in coordination with the New Message, the Allies are called here by the Network of the Wise. They were not sent by their governments. They do not represent their governments. But they are free enough within their own worlds to be connected to a greater network. And their governments know of this network and allow it to exist.
So the Coordination needs coordination from above and from below to generate real change. So our world is getting considerable attention through this local network, or the arenas of this network locally. But the networks exist beyond the physical throughout the physical universe.
Their first priority is to keep Knowledge alive. In you the first priority is to keep Knowledge alive, no matter what happens to you in your outer life, whether tragedy befalls you—misfortune, opportunity, riches, poverty—the most important thing is to keep Knowledge alive.
When I went to the Zoroastrian Temple in Shiraz, right? Yazd, in Yazd, Iran, they have a fire that is continually kept alive, and has been for centuries. This is a religion that predates Christianity and Judaism. And think of the Fire of Knowledge within us. Yes.
So the Allies have come here as part of this coordination, guided by the networks. We are becoming, as we advance and progress, part of that network. I am part of that network.
But I only know my part. There’s no possibility of trying to construct a model for this. It’s the pull of the Divine that is the attraction…pulling you in.
So the Greater Community Way of Knowledge is part of the New Message because this is the training in the way of Knowledge that has been developed for millennia in the Greater Community, translated into human language with human symbols by a coordination between the Angelic Assembly and the Networks. My experience of the Assembly is they do not speak perfect English. I know because I have to correct their bad grammar, which I do; I do. I’m granted that right. But the perfection of the word is, in part, due to the Networks of the Wise.
So when Steps to Knowledge is delivered, it is translated in the physical, but the Message is purely Divine. And it’s not translated here.
So within the New Message is the Greater Community Way of Knowledge, but the rest of the New Message is the Message for our world, for our time, for us, for the people of this time and the people to come. It addresses the problems of living in this world, the opportunities of living in this world, the meaning of human relationships—things that are not really part of the Greater Community Way of Knowledge which are more unique to us specifically. In fact, in the beginning this was called “The Greater Community Way of Knowledge” before it was fully revealed to me that this was the New Message and that I would have to take it into the world.
So part of my task is to call forth the greater Intelligence that lives within people because it’s that Intelligence that must be there sufficiently for people even to know their own experience. People could have a Greater Community connection and think it was like a movie, or creating their own understanding of it, which would not reflect reality.
So then within this, I ask of you to explore what your Greater Community connection is. If I ask you, “Do you have a Greater Community connection?”, and something stirs in you even if you don’t know if it’s a yes or a no, if something stirs in you I’m probably striking a chord somewhere down beneath the surface. I want to do that. That’s really important because I want people to know what I’m saying.
I want you to explore the Greater Community Teachings in the New Message, and more of them are about to come forth that have not been revealed before. But there’s already a great deal there. And this brings us to the opportunity because the Greater Community is not all about the Intervention and the threat to humanity and all things associated with that. It really represents new life for our world. We’ve [we’re?] focusing in the Revelation on new life for us individually as individuals, but how about new life for the whole world?
It’s hard to have a new life in a world that’s still en-mired in the old life, right? Can I have an Amen on that?
People are impacted by the dark edge of Life in the Universe, the Greater Community, but they do not realize it represents the promise of a new life for them, and for our race—the next chapter of humanity’s evolution and development. We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing. We’re going to degrade the planet so much that it will become uninhabitable. Only something from the outside can change that—the outside coming, the coming of the Greater Community. That is the only thing that can unite humanity. And that’s not guaranteed, but it is the only thing that can do it.
So be grateful there’s an Intervention because that is the only thing that can do it. I’m really not grateful there’s an Intervention, but I see how it fits because God does what works, though God is not the author of the Intervention. Intervention creates opportunity. Adversity creates opportunity. Much of our core learning has come through adversity because it creates opportunity, and it forces things to happen within us.
The Creator of all life through the New Message from God is bringing us to all life in the universe because our isolation is over; we now have to face the coming of the Greater Community. It is the perfect thing for our world, but it’s very dangerous, too. But all great change is dangerous. Even the path to Enlightenment is dangerous. Every great change has risks. Only the Greater Community can bring peace and balance to our world, because in the face of it nothing will be destroyed here. Everything will be preserved. Everything will be valued. Everything is a resource for now and into the future. Nothing would be wasted because if it was wasted it couldn’t be replaced. And if it couldn’t be replaced then our self-sufficiency would decline. And self-sufficiency is one of the three key elements that a free race in the universe must have along with unity and discretion.
I’d like you to consider this beautiful quote from Wisdom One, the chapter on Greater Community.
“Emergence into the Greater Community brings an expansion of love and intrinsic relationship…
Now I want you to hang out with this. This is not as easy as it looks. “Emergence into the Greater Community brings an expansion of love and intrinsic relationship…” Steps to Knowledge says I’m not only a citizen of this one world. That means you’ve been a citizen of other worlds. That means you have core relationships with other individuals in other worlds. Those relationships are unending. Once a core relationship has been established it is permanent. Even if you should part, even if…one of you passes away, it’s permanent. That’s the only thing permanent you can take from this world is the relationships that you have established here. And you have established relationships in other places. You’ve been to other places; you establish relationships in other places. And those relationships are part of who you are. And you cannot account for them all here.
So once they become reclaimed or you begin to consider them and to recall them, which is possible, you begin to experience the expansion of love and intrinsic relationship.
It goes on to say,
“We and members of your Spiritual Family account for life in numerous places. Although we bring a larger expanse of understanding, a greater appreciation of life in many forms and an awareness of the difficulties that face true spiritual development everywhere.”
Did I read that right?
The Creator of all life is trying to broaden our range of relationship because that is what the Return requires. You cannot return to your Ancient Home as a miserable, conflicted person who is self-absorbed and out of relationship with just about everything. So to bring you back into relationship that already exists within you, and to broaden your relationship here, new relationships represent the elements of the Return—the return to shared identity, the return to shared purpose, the return to shared intelligence, the return to resonance.
People around the world today are responding to the Greater Community. I hear about this, that the Greater Community is incredibly significant in China—visitation: huge. And the Chinese government allows it, or can’t control it. In other places, too, why is this? Why now? Just because of movies? Or are the movies because of something else?
Then all of a sudden the Greater Community memories begin to be stirred because of the presences that are here, and because of the evolutionary stage that we have entered now. Because who we are is not just what we think of on the surface. We are also part of the Greater Coordination, and things strike us that we have no way of understanding. You have bad days some days for reasons that have nothing to do with you, because you’re still connected, you see?
People around the world are responding to the Greater Community without knowing why, without understanding that humanity stands at the threshold of emerging into a Greater Community of life in the universe.
As Reed mentioned in the quote, the idea the Greater Community is something everyone knows. I know I’ve asked many people, in the moment, “You feel like there’s life in the universe?” “Oh, yeah!” How could it be otherwise, right? This is a natural attraction because it’s part of our journey home. Our journey home is through the Greater Community, through the path of relationship, growing relationship.
If God is the sum of all relationships, how can you go to God? You can’t even be with another person. You can’t even be with yourself; you’re gonna go be with God? Wow, I don’t think so.
There’s no bypass here. We’re going to traverse the mysteries of the universe and that is why God has spoken again because of where humanity stands, precipitously, but importantly, at the edge of the Greater Community.
Nasi Novare Coram.
highly recommend, another very interesting and important teaching on TGC. thank you Marshall.
Thank you so much for this teaching Marshall. I always remind myself during my studies and practice that all life in the universe is part of Gods creation and that whilst the intervention is a threat to us, it is also seeking return from separation. All the allied forces we are being supported with including the Networks of the Wise/ The Unseen Ones and our Spiritual families are in The Greater Community and Greater hierarchy of God. You always speak of home through the words you use and reignite each memory of relationships beyond this world. It is confirmation from you too of listening to the restlessness, being aware of the mental environment and always moving and being with Knowledge. The fire burns within and being part of the Greater Community Network is a new journey and stage of advancement in Living The Way of Knowledge. Joining with greater relationships and a homecoming to some. The presence of that deeper Knowing of what we carry from our other lives and ancient home. It is amazing to be moving with the mystery and an honor to serve humanity with the NMG at this time. Nasi Novare Coram