The Power of Revelation: Expanding Our Regard for the World and Ourselves

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Closing Broadcast of the Messenger’s Vigil, Jan 28, 2015.
First I want to say that I’m very honored by this Vigil and your gratitude and recognition. I think within this room and for those who are watching there is a tremendous force of purpose and commitment; it’s growing; I feel that. I could feel it when I was half-way around the world.
The Society and their commitment here maintain an ever-growing work that has to be done and maintained. We’re going to see how many people we can put in this room. But I also realize that your gratitude really has to be shared, because it has to extend to those who sent me, for without them I would have nothing to offer you; my hands would be empty, like a person waiting at a train station for the train that will never come. So, for all the years that I spent alone, nurtured by the few people who were with me, to see you here tonight and to watch you from afar in the Vigil, your testimonies, is very, very meaningful to me. But I’m only the tip of the pen touching the paper; the well of ink is beyond me. And though they may not need the gratitude, I still extend it to them and I sense it may please them that their work in the world is beginning to take form and have momentum. The journey that we’ve just completed is still very much with me and I’ve been thinking about it all day today; I’m sure I’ll be thinking about it for days and weeks to come and perhaps months as well. I’m still thinking about the trip I took to Iran in 2009 and our journeys in Syria and other places. And I was taken out there to really see the condition of the world, which is very hard to see if you live in an affluent nation; we naturally assume that the rest of the world is like that; maybe not quite as affluent, but life is the same. But that is not the case and so for me to understand and for you to understand the gravity of the Revelation when it speaks about the great waves of change, when it speaks about the risk of ongoing conflict and war over who will have the remaining resources, when it speaks about the danger of intervention in our world, it is so important that you can see this and feel this and know this. We visited countries that are on the brink. Should they fail, the nations around them will fail and the only thing that can help them is the people of the wealthy nations; that’s you. It says in one of the Revelations that we received, that this threshold will cost all the wealth of the modern wealthy nations and all the wealth of the people who live there, to take care of those who have nothing and are driven away. Think about this: all the wealth of the wealthy nations and all the wealth, the personal wealth, of the people who live there, will have to be spent to take care of the people of the world driven away by war, famine, destitution. The arid regions of the world could become uninhabitable and who will take these people who have nowhere to go? The nations around them will be facing the same calamity. So while I was there, seeing these places in their current state, I was informed by the Revelation about what is coming over the horizon. This is the burden of vision. This is why people do not want to see and do not want to know, because they do not want to have to carry the burden and the responsibility that comes with that vision. God’s New Revelation for the world gives us something very precious; it shows us how God considers us. It shows us how we are regarded by the Angelic Assembly. I want you to take a moment to think about this. Without judgment, without anger, without revenge, without the intent to punish, knowing that without the Knowledge that has been placed within us, we will be prone to error, we will make mistakes and we will treat ourselves and other cruelly. And until we find that Knowledge, that will be our plight. No matter how sweet our disposition or how positive our attitude, underneath we are suffering at that level—and why would God condemn us for that? It’s like punishing a child for being a child or punishing a fool for being a fool. How God regards you is so very different from how you regard yourself and others and throughout the Revelation is this regard for you, that you’re really worth something, that you are important, that your life is a meaningful event, with a purpose and a destiny—not your purpose and destiny—a purpose and a destiny, that you’re not a biological accident or a creature who’s just occupying the landscape. And we hold this in contrast then, to how we regard ourselves and others. If we are to know our Source and those who sent us and watch over us, we must begin to build this regard, not just once in a while when people upset us, but actually on a daily basis. For within your mind you are distinguishing yourself constantly from others and taking sides in conflicts and being partisan in that way. The New Message says, “Do no harm and will no harm—Do no harm; will no harm.” That’s a practice. Wherever you go, seeing the condition of people and the forces that are affecting their life, I had to practice this continuously everywhere I went: be neutral, see, listen, take this in, listen to these people, consider the forces that are governing their minds and their circumstances; these are not free nations. So how you are regarded in The Revelation; the value given to your life and the meaning of your destiny is something for you to adopt. In Steps to Knowledge, there is a Step that says, “I want to be separate to be unique.” It’s early; one of the early Steps. Step # 13 And of course, we want our religions to be separate to be unique and our cultures to be separate to be unique, our nations to be separate to be unique, our beliefs to be separate to be unique. This is the force of separation that governs everything we think and do, seeking to be separate to be unique. It is the consequence of living in separation. So to turn the tide, we begin to practice doing no harm, seeking no harm, being compassionate, not disregarding people, listening to people, knowing why they suffer, why they make mistakes, why they do cruel things to themselves and others because this is how Heaven thinks and looks and listens and Heaven is listening to you. Whether it is comforting or not—I find it comforting, but—whether it’s comforting or not, those who begin to respond are watched over at all times, for their safety. If you were strangers I would not say that, but I will say that because you are not strangers. So, revenge has to stop somewhere; counteracting violence with violence has to stop somewhere; counteracting fear with fear has to stop somewhere. There has to be a break in this chain, which seems endless, perpetuating itself endlessly through individuals and cultures and nations. It has to stop somewhere and the only place it can stop is within individuals and it must stop within you. And if you can practice this—and this is not easy, believe me; there are situations where this is very hard to do—then you will begin to establish the regard for you that Heaven has for you and you will have this regard for others, this patience, this tolerance, this sensitivity, yet always knowing at the same moment, that you have to assess people through their self-awareness and self-honesty and their circumstances in life, very objectively—those two things together. And I hope that the regard that you are giving to me, to Reed and Patricia, to The Society, will be that regard you give to one another and to yourself, that you’ll take a chance on who you are because Heaven is investing a lot in your redemption. May the Presence be with you and the blessing, always. Thank you.
Thank you.