The Process of Revelation— Revealing the Book “God Has Spoken Again”

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the 2015 Fireside Broadcast, October 10, 2015

I want you to know that I am a member of the Assembly, sent to this world for one purpose: to receive the Revelation for this time and for the times to come, to prepare it in my lifetime and present it in my lifetime so there could be no disassociation between the Message and the Messenger as has happened before. In light of that, my task is not merely to receive Revelation, but to compile it and to make it available.

This has been a remarkable process, of course, and often confounding. The early Teachings were very rough. The Teachers’ Voice is not what you hear today—similar but different, hard to understand, hard to hear. The Assembly’s command of English isn’t what it is today. In some cases, I had to just make sense of it, closely listening, as closely as possible with the assistance of our main scribe Darlene, who was very adept at understanding this Voice.

So we’re now in the process of bringing forth the Revelation that began in 1983, organized now in a coherent manner according to the main domains of the New Message and what it emphasizes between Proclamation, world change, studenthood and personal revelation. Therefore, books are coming into being now that didn’t exist before. Older books will be brought forth. Chapters may be moved or renamed because in general, in many cases, we have to provide the names for chapters. Particularly for the older books, chapters had no names.

I’ve been charged with clarifying the text to remove ambiguities to the best of my ability and to make it more readable as text because this is a spoken-word Revelation. My instructions were to make it readable without changing the meaning of any sentence and to carefully do that so as not to alter the spirit or the feeling of the Revelation.

It’s very important to understand because religion as we know it today—its many difficulties and problems, its great divisions—is in part created because the original texts were not established by the Messengers themselves. Often they were put together at least a century later or soon after by other people who were not necessarily aligned with the Messenger, who did not know the Messenger, did not live at the time of Revelation, people who often had other motives and intentions to use what the Messenger had provided for their own purposes.

Though the New Message will be corrupted in the world and misused and aligned with other things, I and you have a task together to maintain the pure Revelation, to be guardians of it so no matter what happens to this as it goes out into the world, no matter how it is redefined or corrupted or misused, we have the pure Revelation.

No religion in the world today can make this claim with utter accuracy. So this is very important entering a turbulent new world reality where so much will be lost and confused, so much will be stolen, so much will be corrupted and misused. And that is why we have a Society to protect the Revelation going forward and those amongst the Worldwide Community who support that and are part of maintaining the clarity and purpose of this so that future generations, as well as people around the world today, can have access to the pure Revelation as it was revealed, as it was compiled by the Messenger.

Take a moment and think about the importance of this. The New Message gives people tremendous power and responsibility, but people aren’t used to having power and responsibility at this level, and so it’s very easy for people to misuse this Revelation.

And this is why you should never change it, never alter its words, never align it with other things directly or it will lose its power and efficacy for you and for those who you share it with.

Do not make a personalized version of this. This is the Word of Revelation. This is as pure and as powerful as it gets. Adapt yourself to it. Do not adapt it to you. Very important. If you find mistakes, errors, let us know. We will correct them so we can maintain that clarity and that purity of Revelation, which is so important to maintain its essential focus and meaning.

The Society does not make corrections. Certain people only have been given authority to look for grammatical errors or contradictions in the misuse of words or terms, the tense of verbs, conjunctions and things like this and to bring it to our attention. But the meaning of the text will only be touched by me in the end. And I pray I may live long enough to do this, for this is a huge task.

If people do not have the pure Revelation in the future, it will be a real tragedy. And all that has been given for this, the lives that have been spent bringing this into the world and supporting it, the lives studying it will be compromised and their gift will not be recognized for what it truly is.

I now give this to you, the first Book of the One Book of the New Message from God, as an introduction and as a Proclamation. Within itself, it’s enough to change lives, to have a tremendous impact on people’s thinking and experience, to provoke reconsideration of things that have been long held, which may not be correct or relevant anymore.

What you hold in your hand is the exact rendering of pure Revelation given to me as I received it and prepared it for the world.

I then call to the world and to you to read this, to hear this, to study this, to live with the questions that it provides, to not use it as only a personal resource, but as a gift of Revelation that can pass through you to others. For all of you are here today because of what someone else did for you.

May you become a vehicle of transmission, then, in this regard, a conduit through which Revelation as it has been given can pass through you to others. You were designed for this. If it does not meet people’s approval or expectations or former beliefs, it is because God is not bound by these things. God does what works even if it is incomprehensible to those of us who receive the gifts of Revelation.

This is the beginning of a vast New Revelation for the world, a Revelation given not only to instruct us, to give us strength, courage and purpose and balance in our lives, but to prepare us for a new reality in the world and the greater reality of life in the universe that stands now at our doorstep. And therefore, the Revelation brings a whole new reality to humanity and not merely a correction or a basic Teaching, but an entire new reality and panorama of life.

May the Presence be with you and with us together. I pray you will assist me in this, and you will assist The Society in this, and you will be a part of the Worldwide Community that can maintain the pure Revelation, and be the recipient of its great gifts, and be a conduit through which it can pass to others so they may have this great opportunity.

For so many today are waiting and hoping and praying for this.

Nasi Novare Coram

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  1. An important moment in the story of the Message and the Messenger. Thank you @patricia-summers for bringing this forward.

    And this is so important for all of us going into the future:
    “Do not make a personalized version of this. This is the Word of Revelation. This is as pure and as powerful as it gets. Adapt yourself to it. Do not adapt it to you. Very important.“