The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda, Conference Talk

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak at a Conference in Santos, Brazil, July 20, 2019.

Note: Translation to and from Portuguese provided by Levy Carneiro.

Marshall: I would like to begin tonight by taking a moment of silence. Take a moment to just be with your experience of what has happened so far here today.

I would like to thank the people of Brazil and all of you here for giving me this opportunity to share myself with you and the gift that I have been given to give to others.

I know many of you have a deep connection with life in the universe. And this is both a gift and a burden to carry to know and feel something that others are not knowing or feeling. Sooner or later you have to honor your experience even if you cannot fully understand it.

You’ve been given a gift, but it’s a gift that has to grow with wisdom and strength. A simple answer will not answer your deeper questions. It is more of a journey to take.

I think for this deeper connection to grow, we have to see its relevance in the world and allow it to be a pure experience within us that goes beyond definition. It is like living with a mystery, the mystery of who you are and why you are here.

This evening I’m going to present something very big. And I’m glad I have the time to present it to you tonight. It is not simply awareness, but a kind of revelation.

I have been living with this revelation for 35 years. And it was only given to me one step at a time because at the beginning we’re not strong enough and reliable enough to carry greater wisdom in the world. We think wisdom is just ideas or beliefs instead of deeper awareness that we carry with us.

To learn about life in the universe is no small thing.

I began my journey as an instructor for the blind, but I was led away from that to seek a more mysterious journey, which would lead me to begin to teach about self Knowledge and inner guidance, which I did full time for seven years. And then as a result of this, I had an epiphany—something I really cannot describe in words, something that changed my life forever in one overwhelming experience.

After that, I wandered for nine months, knowing I would have to let go of all my students, all that I had been teaching, my relationship and my home to set out on a different kind of journey in life that led to the beginning of a Revelation experience for me when I returned from the desert and has begun my 35-year journey.

To take this journey, I’ve had to become humble, strong and reliable without the agreement of others.

This evening I’d like to share part of the Revelation with you. It comes from two sources. The first is the Allies of Humanity Briefings, and I will be speaking about who the Allies are and why they have given these Briefings to us.

The greater Revelation for me was given from an Angelic Source over a very long period of time, which is something that will cover every aspect of our lives and our future and destiny in a universe full of intelligent life.

So I’d like to begin tonight to talk about the reality of intelligent life in the universe. This is so very important because if we don’t know what’s out there, we cannot really understand who is in our world and why they are here. We can only give this our own definitions, our fears, and our desires, our preferences—what we want this to be.

For without knowing where these forces come from and the reality that they live in, we cannot really understand who they are and why they’re here.

So the Revelation had to give a picture of life in our local universe, not all the exciting things we’d like to know, but the things we must know, the things that really matter.

I’m going to refer to life in the universe as a Greater Community of life. And by that, I do not mean an organized community or a harmonious community, but more like planet Earth as a community of life—so huge that we cannot possibly comprehend it, so huge that no race in the universe can comprehend it—a billion, billion, billion races and more, in this galaxy and beyond.

So our understanding will always have limits. And it’s important to accept that, or we just fill it in with the things that we want, which is not reality.

Our local universe is the Greater Community in which we have always lived. It is our home, though it is new to us who have never ventured beyond. It is where we have always lived. But we are a young race living in an ancient universe. And now we stand at the threshold of space, a universe we know nothing about, except that life is plentiful and that we are not alone.

We live on a planet that’s exceptional, rich in biological resources that are rare in a universe of barren worlds. This makes our world important to those few races in the universe that are aware of us, who have been watching us for a very long time.

This is a non-human universe. And this is very important to understand because what we can expect out there are others not like us. So our human values and ideals and assumptions do not work in this universe. That’s also important to understand.

The universe beyond us represents nature on a vast scale, nature that we know and understand, but played out in a huge panorama of life. This is important to understand because we have the ability to understand certain aspects of this life.

So never think that the local universe is beyond our comprehension. We do not know its complexities, but we know what nature is. This will play an important role in our understanding I’m about to present to you tonight.

The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the New Message teaching reveal what life is like beyond our borders. It tells us we live in a well-inhabited part of the universe where war has been suppressed. This is not a Star Wars universe we’re going to be looking at. It is not a human universe, a Star Trek universe.

In our region of space, individual freedom is rare. Our region contains powerful economic forces and great networks of trade. I want you to take a moment just to imagine that if you will, and how much like our world that really is. But we don’t know what it looks like exactly out there.

The great networks of trade control most of the region we live in. There are no great empires that control the universe. In fact, most empires do not survive in the universe. But one nation can govern many different worlds.

The worlds that participate in these networks of trade are large technological societies. Individual freedom is largely unknown within them. Yet there are free nations, free worlds, in our region of space that stays out of these networks of trade. By freedom, I mean their populations are free within the limits of what any one of these worlds can provide.

The Allies of Humanity represents individuals representing certain free nations in our local region of space. They are here because they recognize we have the potential to be a free nation of a worldly race. We have kept Knowledge and spirituality alive in this world despite our many errors and tragedies.

We still have the potential to be a free race. We have not become entirely technological and secular, though we are certainly moving in that direction.
The Allies speak of the need for freedom. If you lose your freedom in this greater reality, you will probably never have it again.

They also provide what we’re going to need and do to have this possibility to be a free race in the universe, for it’s our destiny to emerge in this Greater Community as a free and sovereign race. But destiny is something you have to work for and to achieve. It does not happen all by itself or by having good thoughts or well wishes or making grand assumptions about life beyond our borders.

In the universe we have competitors and we have allies. We have competitors because the world is far too valuable in the universe to be despoiled by its native peoples. In this sense, our world is more important to those who come here than we are. But because they cannot live here and breathe our atmosphere, they see us as part of the resource of the world.

So the Allies of Humanity Briefings and the New Message present to us four fundamental questions. And I would like to spend some time addressing each one of them.

The first question is: What is happening? We’re all here because of what is happening. It’s okay that your friends and family aren’t here. But it is important that you are here.

After 70 years of UFO research, we know we’re not alone. Whoever is here is here. During this time, certain realities have been witnessed by those who have taken the time to look. We have millions of sightings, thousands of contacts.

We have an abduction phenomenon which represents experimentation upon people against their will. We have displays of power over our military installations. We have shock and awe, to try to impress and create…[unclear]

So those who are here are not revealing themselves to us, their purpose for being in the world or their activities in the world. This is why this is not a visitation. In a visitation, your guest arrives announcing themselves, asking permission to enter. And we grant or do not grant that permission.

But this is an intervention without our permission, without our awareness, without our agreement, as if this world was not even our own.

The Allies present four fundamental activities of this Intervention. The first is to establish a physical presence in the world, a physical presence mostly in our oceans and other large bodies of water. From here they can extend a pacification program on humanity to begin to acclimate us to their presence.

The second is the manipulation of our religious beliefs and spiritual impulses. I’ll give you an example. Perhaps you’ve heard people say, “Whatever happens to you is the right thing to happen because everything happens for a purpose.” You would never hear these things until very recently.

That means if Intervention’s happening, it’s for a purpose. And they define the purpose because we don’t define the purpose. “Whatever happens is the right thing to happen” is like we shouldn’t complain. “Just give yourself over. Surrender to it.”

If you read history, you will never see things like this. This is not ancient wisdom we’re talking about. This is a pacification program we’re talking about to disarm us so that we will acquiesce to a presence we do not even understand.

They will promise peace, prosperity, resolution to world problems, wealth, technology—depending on who they’re talking to. But they do not provide these things.

You know, in many parts of the world in history, when the Europeans arrived in the New World, native peoples saw the tall ships on the ocean and they thought it was their ancestors coming from the spirit world—this happened in many parts of the world, by the way—or they were representatives of God coming to bring blessings and wellbeing to the people.

You see this today as if we’re making the same error in judgment. The Intervention even claims that they’re our ancestors coming to reclaim us unto themselves.

Anyone with a notion of history will never accept this. Anyone to claim they’re our ancestors, that’s not good enough. This is affecting many people in the world today. So when I go to speak at conferences, UFO conferences, I see this influence very often. It’s very concerning to me.

And now we are the native peoples of the whole world facing intervention from forces we do not understand, and attributing to those forces meaning that we give them without assessing maybe why they’re really here.

The fourth area…actually, the third area is hybridization, a very unpleasant idea. You know, abduction is a very unsavory thing, but this is quite real.
And the people who are taken against their will are either used for experimentation or to become some kind of agent for the Intervention. This is the part of visitation we do not want to look at. We say, “Oh, it’s the government doing it to us.”

This is interesting to me because as of about 1990, we actually had real UFO research. But something changed in that decade and it all became about conspiracy. I’ve spoken at many different groups who were UFO study groups and all they talked about was a conspiracy of secret governments, secret leaders.

So what happened to the UFO research? This can only serve the Intervention, you know. Turn the people against their leaders and their institutions and they will seek guidance elsewhere.

Now leaders and institutions can be very corrupt and are an easy target for this, always. But it tells us nothing about who is here, why they’re here, what this means and what we must do. So it’s almost like UFO research has disappeared as if it’s been redirected.

The Intervention does not want us looking at it critically or objectively. It promises all these fantastic things. But other than keeping some of its captured individuals alive, it is not doing anything for us.
We see it. We feel it. We know we are not alone. And for those who are taken repeatedly, their will, their native wisdom, their sense of self-determination are taken from them. I have been with many abductees.

So…people will ask, Why is this happening now? Why not a hundred years ago or 30 years ago? Why now? Well, there are two answers to this. This is given by the Allies Briefings and the New Message Revelation. These are not my ideas.

First, we are despoiling the world that is valued by others, despoiling it at a rate that will make the natural value of this world decline. We all know this. We all see this. But the level of decline may be far greater or faster than we might realize.

And now we’ve changed the atmosphere of the planet. That will change everything. I’m not going to go into that realm tonight because it’s a big realm, but it’s the primary reason that we are being visited today.

There’s a second reason why today is the day. And that is we have created an infrastructure of communication and commerce that they can use. This was not possible 40 years ago.

Of course, we give this a much more enlightened meaning because that’s what we want this to be. We want it to validate our spiritual ideas and beliefs. We want to feel good about this.

I don’t want you to feel bad about this because this is not about love and fear. This is about seeing clearly. What am I looking at? What really matters?

This is the biggest event in human history. You should leave no stone unturned to understand it.

The Intervention is a small set of groups. They are not military. They are searching for resources and opportunities for greater powers in the universe, in our local universe. And they’re very persuasive. And they’re very seductive. And many people have been seduced.

Everything we have, everything that’s beneficial, everything that is good, all that we’ve created that is beneficial and worthy, is now at risk.

So what am I saying? According to the Allies Briefings and the New Message Revelation, we are facing long term colonization utilizing a divide-and-conquer strategy that we know all too well from our own experience in this world.

Humanity has the power to resist this. Seven and a half billion unruly humans cannot be managed by a handful of visitors. We are a spiritual people, not necessarily religious, but spiritual. That means we have a deeper spiritual intelligence within us that can know the truth beyond appearances. I will talk more about this shortly.

I’m going to ask Levy to read you the opening passages from the first set of Briefings from The Allies of Humanity.

[Levy reads in Portuguese.]

Thank you, Levy.

I want you to know the Allies are not visiting our world. This was delivered by an off-planet source who has been witnessing the Intervention for several years. They have come because humanity is not responding to the challenge it is facing. It emphasizes that we’re not ready for contact and that no foreign race should even be in our world. We do not have the species maturity. We do not have unity. We do not have stability. We’re still embroiled in religious and secular conflict and rampant competition with each other.

No one should be visiting our world. Our Allies abroad know this. But we do need wisdom about life beyond our borders and why others would come here. We need their wisdom and experience.

All the members of the Allies group came from worlds where their worlds were intervened with as we are intervened today. And they had to win back their freedom at great cost. So they know well what we are facing. They know how the influence can be cast upon a young, emerging race and how easy it is to succumb to these influences.

And when you read the Briefings, they’re so respectful of us as if they have more faith in us than we have in ourselves. But there are things we need to know that we’re not able to know within the surface of our world. And we need our own history to teach us about the reality of intervention because as above, so below.

The universe we’re entering is not some getaway from Earth. Everything that is happening here is happening there on a much larger scale with the exception of very advanced technology and the cessation of war.

Are you all with me? Okay.

You know, some people say, “Well, they’re not attacking us so they must be friends.” We don’t realize that advanced nations don’t use force the way we do. If the world’s more important than we are, they certainly don’t want to despoil it by attacking it. And they certainly don’t want to alienate us by attacking us.

We have not outgrown these tendencies yet ourselves.

I’d like to talk about power now in the universe. To us, power is still technology and physical resources; military might; gold mines; the latest thing that will sell; dominance over nations, peoples and tribes. But in the universe around us, according to the Allies Briefings and the New Message, everyone has equivalent technology, more or less.

Technology is easy to purchase, easy to copy and easy to steal. The real power is power in the mental environment, the power of mental persuasion. And that’s what they’re using on the people of Earth at this moment.

The people who are taken against their will cannot even think their own thoughts. They can only yield, even though no physical force is being placed upon them.

But we know all about this, how parents exert force on their children without physical harm. How do you get your kids to do what you want them to do? We offer them rewards. We take things away from them. We exert disapproval. This is the mental environment.

But in the universe, it’s been developed to a much higher level. If you think about it, your ultimate weapon is to make your adversary not want to fight. They’re exerting an influence upon us so we will not fight them.

The Allies Briefings reveal one other thing we would never know: that invasion is not allowed in our region of space. If you want to influence another nation, you have to gain contact with them to make them look like you want them to be with them. That’s a pathway to the same end, but a different kind of pathway.

That’s how native peoples have been run over in modern times: reward their leaders and give their people something else to pursue in life, take them away from their culture, their religion and [ _____ ?]
Okay, I’ve told you some of the bad news. I’m going to tell you now some good news. You see, the Intervention comes at a great time for us because it’s the only thing that can unite a fractured and conflicted humanity, for everyone faces the same outcome. And we will unite in our own defense. There’s nothing else I can think of that will push us that far.

We may fight each other over the declining resources of the world, and that will be a very great threat in our future. We must counter Intervention in our world. Everyone has an interest in this.

This is the opportunity. This is an opportunity to become a free race and will have to begin with people like you who have a connection to life in the universe. Do not fall prey to the persuasions of the Intervention to recognize that you are the forerunners of something greater than [ _____ ?]

This will require that we do all the things we know must be done in the world. We will have to take care of the health of this planet because it’s the only planet we’re going to have. Our solar system is our region of influence. Beyond that, all habitable planets are owned by others, far more powerful than we are.

Resources will have to be shared and managed. All then peoples of the world will have to be provided for. This is a unity and cooperation out of necessity. In a ship that’s sinking, everyone gets a bucket and starts bailing.

War will end.

Our problem now is with nature and with space, and it is a saving grace for us. For there’s nothing else you can think of that will achieve this goal. You can think people should do this and should do that. Nothing happens. There’s no emergency.

Our planet’s in a state of emergency right now. The seas will rise. The planet will dry out, far beyond what’s being predicted today. Damn.

But this is why we’re here, you see. If you want to talk about spirituality, let’s not talk about peace and ascension. Let’s talk about service in the world. We’ve all been sent into the world for these times, to face these circumstances at a higher spiritual level. That’s why we’re here.

And if we’re not doing that, we’re not at ease with ourselves. We may have many comforts, but we’re uncomfortable. We have many distractions, but we’re frustrated.

From my point of view, this is the right time to be here. And you are amongst the first to respond to the reality of contact in our world. It isn’t what we want. It won’t make you happy. But, boy, will it call from you power and strength you didn’t know you had.

It is a warning. It is a blessing. And it requires preparation.

I told you I’d tell you the good news. I’m going to tell you more good news. We do not know how to prepare for life in the universe. I don’t care what you think or believe. No one on Earth knows how to do this. And the Allies can only give us their wisdom.

So the New Message has been sent into the world that will reveal life in the universe and how we must prepare. And I’m attempting to make it free around the world because that’s how important it really is.

If we don’t do this, we will lose control of our world. The world can be taken without firing a shot.

Though we feel weak, we actually have the power. I want to talk about that now. I said earlier that persuasion in the mental environment is the greater power of the universe, greater than technology.

There is a power greater than this and lives within your right now. It’s not what you believe. It’s not what you think. It’s the greater strength that the Creator has put in you, no matter what your religion, or if you have no religion. God doesn’t care what religion you belong to as long as you can find this deeper Knowledge within yourself.

And I call this Knowledge because it has to do with our ability to know the truth. Step aside from what you want or what you fear to see something clearly. That’s what it means to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Knowledge is the greatest power in the universe. Why? Because it’s the only part of us that cannot be influenced. It’s the only part of us that cannot be influenced by any worldly or otherworldly power. You cannot be overtaken at this level as a person.

The Intervention does not use this Knowledge or they would not be here. It is practiced throughout the universe by individuals and small groups but now needs to be presented to a whole world. This is what spirituality means in the universe where appearances and customs and intelligences are different.

What holds the universe together is the power of this Knowledge because it is the part of you that is eternal. It’s who you were before you came into the world. It will be who you are after you leave this world, the part of you that is still connected to your source no matter what your religious beliefs are.

There are many things we have to do to prepare for the Greater Community, but taking the Steps to Knowledge will probably be the most important. Without this, we cannot overcome the persuasions that will be cast upon us over time. Our current Intervention can be overcome if we show disfavor with it if we reject it. But there will be other attempts at persuasion because this is a beautiful and rare world and valued by others.

They cannot take it by conquest. They must take it through persuasion. Just think if the leader of this country or my country would be tempted by that persuasion. This is the only part of us that cannot be seduced. The stronger we become with Knowledge, the more we know what to do, who to be with and where to go in life. It doesn’t happen all at once. It’s step by step. That’s why it took me 35 years to receive this Revelation.

Great truths do not happen all at once. They are not answers. They are a journey to take.

I’m going to open up to questions now. If you have a question, please try to make it simple so other people have a chance to ask as well. I will not be able to answer all the questions, but I will do my best.

We have a microphone that can go around if you would like to raise your hand. I’m sure I’ve raised questions here. Yes? We have a hand over here.

Q: Where does the Greater community come from? Who are the Allies and why do they want to help us?

MVS: The Allies want to help us because they want to see another free race in their vicinity of space. They don’t want to trade with us. They don’t want to own us. They say we’re not ready for contact.

Same questioner: Have they revealed their names?

MVS: They have not revealed their names because they must remain secret.

I’ll tell you a little story. After the first set of the Allies Briefings were published, the Intervention began to hunt down the Allies of Humanity, and they had to flee our solar system. The night before they left, or the time before they left, they brought forth the second set of the Allies Briefings. And the third set was given when they were far away in hiding.

Their attempt to assist us made them the enemies of the Intervention. And what do they ask in return? That we take responsibility for becoming a free race in the universe. No one is going to save us but ourselves. Any race that says they’re coming to save us is a deception. They would have to take over everyone and everything to do that.

Okay. Do you have another question?

[This questioner spoke to Levy in Portuguese. He responded in Portuguese. She passed the mic.]

Q2: I’d like to know when you spoke about Knowledge as being the weapon for us to use against the Intervention, what about the unity of all human races? Wouldn’t that be other support for the Allies?

MVS: The Allies want nothing from us but to share a gift that was given to them, for they were rescued from intervention themselves by a small force such as themselves. In the Allies Briefings, they talk about this.

Levy: She was asking about human unity, how important it is in addition to Knowledge itself.

MVS: Human unity is what you need to become a free race. It doesn’t mean we agree on everything or think just exactly alike. But we’re all committed to preserving our world and keeping it free. It’s a very different position from where we stand today.

And it might look hopeless; so easy to be hopeless; just give up. If it was hopeless, the Allies would not have come and there’d be no New Message for the world and our fate would be sealed.

Q2: [in English] Thank you so much.

Q3: So this increase in violent communication between people on social media, could this be an influence of the Intervention?.

MVS: I think violent behavior is largely our own product. But it can be enhanced because the Intervention wants us to oppose each other. If humanity becomes more united, the Intervention’s facing a much more difficult task.

I’m not saying it’s a perfect union. It has to be a functional union.

That’s a good question. Thank you.

Q3: Is there any power in the universe that can limit these events, the Intervention, things like that?

MVS: No, Intervention is part of life in the universe, just like Intervention has been part of our whole existence on Earth. It’s part of life. If you don’t protect your world, someone else will displace you.

Q3: Is there anyone controlling the Intervention, any federation?

MVS: No. It’s serving higher…there’s some larger nations that it’s serving because it’s looking for resources for them.

There’s no one power controlling everything in the universe, except God. And God is letting it all happen. Okay.
Q4: How can we stop this attempt of colonization?

MVS: It begins with education and awareness. We have to be able to see what is really happening. It’s not complex. Anyone intervening in our world is here to take the world. Otherwise, they would not invest the time, the energy, the expense that is being invested here.

I mean, once you put this together, the picture becomes much clearer. Otherwise, it’s endless human speculation about something that people are not recognizing.

Q4: How can we distinguish manifestations, if it’s a physical manifestation, technological, or a spiritual manifestation?

MVS: These are physical beings from other worlds interfering in our world. They’re not multidimensional, even though they might want you to think they’re multidimensional. They have no secret power other than their technology and their abilities of persuasion. Do not give them too much power.

Q5: There are other messages. There are other allies that are coming to save us. How can we know if this is reliable?

MVS: Don’t believe anyone that says they’re going to come and save you. That’s false. Humanity will have to save itself if it’s going to earn the right to be a free race in the universe. Anyone who claims to come and save us will turn it into something else. Every free race in the universe has had to earn its own freedom. But we do need wisdom from the universe. And for us right now the Allies Briefings and the New Message Revelation are very, very important.

I’ll take a few more, just you in line here, then I’d like to [unclear]. Everybody in line is fine. Okay.

Q6: Professor, the question is, because we are less developed than them in our intelligence, would it be the case that we are, perhaps, dominated by them in our collective conscience that is domination?

MVS: Okay, first of all, there’s no evidence they’re superior to us in intelligence. It’s just that they use a lot of strength in the mental environment. It’s really the only weapon they have. They’re very persuasive and they know our weaknesses. They know where we’re vulnerable. They know what we want to believe. So we’re easy to persuade.

But don’t think that they are more intelligent than we are. I would actually think the opposite because these beings are not spiritual in their orientation. They have no freedom and they’re totally controlled. Individual freedom is unknown to them. That’s why they’re not very creative. Okay, next question, please.

Q7: [in English] Goodnight. I was thinking about how we are almost [unclear]. How we can stop them? Let’s say we are almost winning the persuasion war and they can use their technology against ourselves. So how do you think we can stop this? Because they are not as smart as us ourselves. But how do you stop them from stealing what we have, our technology, and use it against ourselves? It’s more than persuasion. I think things will get ugly.

MVS: They have their own technology. They just utilize ours for their benefit. But they’re not really using it against us. They’re promoting human conflict that already exists within us and between us. They don’t have to exert force, except the force to persuade us. Upon the people they take, they exert a kind of force. But the stronger you become with Knowledge, the less you become a desirable subject. Very good. Thank you. Next question.

Q8: First question, governments, because they are so important in this plane of domination, how are they reacting? Are they responding in favor or against the Intervention? Yes, the governments.

MVS: Ah, that’s a big question. I don’t know about your government, but the Allies Briefings say that there are forces in our government that oppose Intervention and other forces that support it. I believe the Intervention is more focused on commercial forces, certain commercial leaders, because they have no public face and they are not accountable to the public.

For politicians, it’s who advises them that’s the problem. That’s another story. We have to go to the next question.

Q8: So, taken into consideration, does this awareness movement have to be initiated and maintained by individuals or civilians as such, or the governments?

MVS: This has to be taken to the people—individuals; it starts with individuals. And as you begin to gain a really clear understanding, you can share that with others.

We have published the first set of Briefings in Portuguese. This small book is filled with great wisdom. And it’s given in such a way that it can be translated easily into other languages because the truth is simple. How to use it may be complicated, but seeing, knowing and taking action are simple. It comes from deep within us.

Q9: Are there any hybrids that are being created to…for domination purposes?

MVS: That’s a good question. “Are there certain hybrids being created for domination purposes?” There are certain hybrids that are being created to advise leaders in religion, politics, and commerce. Their numbers are not great, but they are very persuasive. It takes several generations to create a hybrid that could do that.

Q9: [Seeks and receives further clarification from Levy.]

Q10: If they have this so advanced technology, wouldn’t it be easier to come and take us by force.

MVS: If they take us by force, they will ruin the planet and they not have us as a workforce. They’re relying upon our acquiescence. You have to think differently in the Greater Community. You don’t take things by force. You don’t need to.

So I’d like to stop there. Thank you for your questions, for being with me. This is not an easy thing to hear and to think about. And I want you to think about it. I’m not asking you to believe this. I’m not asking you to accept this. I encourage you to really think about this. Read the Allies Briefings and consider it, not just within your thoughts, but within your heart.

The truth becomes evident to those who seek it beyond other things.

[To Levy:] So I’d like you to share with people what we have on the websites.

I’m going to ask Levy to share with you what we have coming up on our schedule, things available online and materials we have on our table. And I’d like to thank you and bless you for hearing from me tonight. This is not an easy thing to hear. It is both challenging and confirming at the same time.

I give this to you in the spirit of love and respect. May the Presence be with all of us.

[Applause—standing ovation]

[Levy announces in Portuguese]

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  1. God’s messenger of our time and the times to come, his precious wife, his dedicated son and a truthful student of the New Message they visit the people of southamerica. What a gift to this continent. May this gift be recieved by enough people to turn the tides.This continent knows the meaning and cruel reality of intervention. The incas could not understand the arriving europeans, but they also had been warned by spiritual voices. But it was to late. They could only hide their wives and children in secret valleys high up in the mountains. This may not be the destiny of our beautiful world.

  2. What great and clear presentation to a non acquire public in this part of Brazil . Hearing and reading Marshall talk give me every time a consolidation of my own belief of new message and allies talks. God bless you Marshall . Nasi Novare Coram

  3. Thank for making the journey, Marshall, and for giving this unparalleled gift to these people in Brazil and to all of us: the gift of greater awareness, the gift of a challenge that is worthy of our lives.