The Reformation | Revelation Broadcast Event

The Reformation
Revelation Broadcast Events
Full Session Transcript
Thank you all for joining me for this first time release of the revelation, The Reformation. I’m really glad you’re here. And I can only imagine the journey you’ve taken to intersect with this revelation being released to the world. I would love to know someday what has compelled you to actually have gotten to this place. I know my journey, and I can only imagine for you the turns in the road, the uphills, the downhills, the rough spots. But you’re here and I’m here and we’re here and this is amazing. So we get to do this together.
A contemplation: Before you listen to The Reformation, and hear what this Voice of Revelation is calling for in you and in the world, take a moment to consider again: My name is Patricia Summers and it’s an honor and a privilege to be here with you to be experiencing this release of this newest revelation from this enormous body of Revelation, which calls itself the New Message from God. This is a Divine Communication. It’s being received by an individual by the name of Marshall Vian Summers. This process has been occurring over the last 39 years, much of it in a deep obscurity. And it officially, say, began, looking back as I did recently, to January of 1983. And having undertaken a mysterious journey of my own, I had the great good fortune of encountering Marshall in 1983 just after this process of Revelation had begun. And so that’s a story, and that story will probably come forward at some point in time. There’s a lot to say and there’s a lot that has occurred. But I’ve had the privilege along the way of witnessing this process of Revelation at times in different places in the world where Marshall was called, called to these places because this Revelation was seeking to be received there to be within proximity of the people there and the history of these places. It was very, very moving, actually; so very humbling, actually, as well. I’ve had the privilege and also, I guess, the forbearance to see what this has taken of Marshall to do this, to submit himself to this process. So perhaps I’ll say more about that in a bit, but…Before we begin, I’d like to say a little bit more about the Revelation itself, the New Message from God. Let me take a moment to gather myself. These words are powerful. These are original communications from a Divine Source spoken through Marshall in a state of revelation, translated into ideas and teachings by the Angelic Assembly. That’s a lot to take in: Original communications from a Divine source spoken through Marshall Vian Summers in a state of revelation, translated into ideas and teachings by the Angelic Assembly. If you go to, there is a revelation entitled The Assembly. So if you’d like to know more about this intermediary called the Angelic Assembly, there’s more said there. So what this communication represents then, is a Divine Source utilizing the collective Angelic Assembly as an intermediary. The Angelic Assembly, described as “the many speaking as one” establish communication with Marshall Vian Summers, and utilize him as an intermediary in order to communicate to humanity. So what you are about to experience is a tremendous process of communication across several realities, with the goal of stirring Knowledge—the greater Intelligence within—and thus stimulate realization and much needed action in people across the world. Really remarkable. So this New Message from God now at this point in time is over 700 revelations have been received by Marshall. Some of these revelations have resulted in whole books being given in a matter of a day or days, and some of those books have been produced—thankfully by New Knowledge Library and The Society for the New Message—and they’re available as a gift to the world. Others of these revelations have been compiled into books within volumes. And you can see all this on—beautiful, accessible communication speaking to the heart of our experience and to the Mystery beyond our experience. The largest body of revelation we’ve…as far as we know…the New Message says of itself, it’s the largest body of Revelation ever to be communicated to humanity. It’s being found by people worldwide in over 100 countries and you are one of them. It’s been through the grace and the contribution of students and readers, this Revelation is being translated in greater than 48 languages. These are people who just stepped forward just because they knew it was theirs to do, translating this enormous revelation into these languages so that people around the world have access. It’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful thing. These revelations are…they guide us in both mysterious and practical ways. I don’t know how to hold those two together, but it’s true. It’s very true and it’s for you to experience yourself. So, we welcome you. Marshall has very movingly said with regard to this, this is a spontaneous communication. This happens when it happens for him; it can happen almost at any time. But he may say, More often than not, it’s a spontaneous communication. He says, It’s really something. To witness the process is very moving. And at the same time to see what it has taken of Marshall to receive these revelations is striking. He’s usually exhausted following this experience where he’s completely captivated. If not, he’s often described himself as standing aside and witnessing the process as well, but undergoing it at the same time. He’s often said that at the conclusion of these experiences of communication, it feels as if he’s in an empty symphony hall after everyone has left. So yeah, it’s very moving. So it’s taken Marshall his entire life to receive what he has so far of the New Message. And he’s extremely pleased that he can share this with the world, which was always the intention to give this Revelation to the world. So at this point in time, as I said, well, leading up to The Reformation, which was received January 18th, 2014, Marshall had had 657 Revelation encounters up to that point. So this man has endurance. He’s fragile, but strong. I’ll just say that. That’s kind of how he’s constructed. So here we are. And with that said, I’d like to take a moment to be with Marshall, and we have an image of him to display. I’d like to definitely encourage you to take some time to consider your relationship with him as a recipient of this Revelation. That’s an exercise of relationship right there. And so, there he is. He’s with us today, and there’s also an entire book of revelation that’s been given called The New Messenger. You can also find that on So I’d like to take some time to prepare ourselves to listen to this revelation and to read, to both see it, to experience, to hear it. And Marshall encouraged me, prior to that, to consider highlighting a few things, one of which is a word, and the word is “reformation”, which is the title of the revelation, okay? It can be pronounced in different ways: reformation, re-formation. But we’d like to display a definition of this term here. You’ll hear this many times in the revelation, of course: [An Important Term:] “Reformation” So to be with this word, reformation or re-formation, however you’d like to engage with that word…And another thing Marshall encouraged us to do is, as we read and listen to this revelation, is to note what strikes you, what words strike you, references strike you, phrases. I’d just like to share that when I went back and looked through the revelation, this word must was expressed 18 times, 18 times. So I’d like to just read this here with you, must: It is a series of great decisions, you see, that must be made in the hearts and minds of enough people…Therefore, the great reformation must start with you and with others like you… Therefore, do not demand or expect peace, but seek to be engaged in living the authentic life that you were sent here to live. This is the reformation. It must happen within you and around you.” So there’s an example, for me at least, of a word that struck me, and struck me again and again,as I listened and engaged with this revelation in preparation for our time here together. So as we prepare to listen to and read and be with this spoken communication, we’d love to see your impressions on chat from whatever platform you are joining us on. So feel free to share you thoughts and experience there. We’re here together from around the world to listen, to be with this and experience this together. We’ll spend time afterwards considering what’s being said here. So thank you. This revelation is approximately 28 minutes long, so we’ll prepare now to hear. Thank you. [The Reformation plays.] It’s wonderful to be here together to hear this and to see this and experience this. Yeah. So I just posted this here in one of the chat flows. What does it mean for us that, quote: You came for this, this greater purpose, this greater rendering of your life. You came for the reformation. Everyone has come for the reformation.” I mean, my God, Everyone has come for the reformation. You came. I came. So you know, walk down the streets of the world in the context of our lives, the people we’re looking at came here for The Reformation. And God knows, this Reformation is needed, now, right? I think we’re all looking at this. This is being demonstrated in the condition of our world, this beautiful world, and this amazing, emerging race, humanity—us, you know? Amazing emerging world and race. We came for these times. It’s amazing. I know we have to reach within ourselves to begin to comprehend on some level what I just said. Yeah. So let’s see what some of you are saying here. There’s a conversation here about Steps to Knowledge–the Book of Inner Knowing among some of you. And for those of you who do not know what Steps to Knowledge is, Steps to Knowledge is a book of Revelation. It’s a pathway. It’s a book of practice, but it’s a journey. It’s a sequence of 365 Steps that is attempting to bring forward that greater aspect of our intelligence, which is referred to in the New Message as Knowledge or inner knowing, to marry the mind we think with with the mind we know with. So this is…so Steps to Knowledge is almost like a midwife of sorts, attempting to birth out of us this indigenous inherent intelligence. Steps to Knowledge can be found on and elsewhere. It’s an incredible gift to the world received by Marshall Vian Summers. So thank you all for your conversation here about Steps to Knowledge. Oh, my God. So here, Ellen says: Message received, Ellen. Yes, message received. Maureen says: That’s great. That’s good. In this revelation we hear these two terms and we’d like to display the first of these. It’s this point of view of the outer reformation that’s being called for. Clearly, there is great reformation that must happen in the world if it is to prepare for the great change that is coming—the great environmental change, the great economic and social change, and all of the hazards and opportunities that this will involve. Clearly, there must be a great reformation if humanity is to avoid the risk of ongoing war and conflict over who will have access to the remaining resources in a depleted world. Clearly, there is so much that must change and be renewed and redone and restored.” The Reformation is calling for outer reformation—or re-formation—within the world around us and for us to participate in that process as we know to, as we feel compelled to and as we are prepared to; which is part of the reason for our preparation is to contribute to this outer reformation. And the other perspective contributed here in this revelation: inner reformation, which I think we all know and feel so much. And we’ll display this particular passage to you here. “Inner reformation,” I don’t know if you’re able to see this… But this outer reformation must accompany an inner reformation—a change of heart, a change of focus and direction. It must happen in the minds and hearts of many—not everyone, for that is not possible, but for many…For God works in the world through individuals, working from the inside out.” So this inner re-formation is what this revelation and the Source of this revelation is calling for, and it’s very palpable. It’s right there. It’s very intimate with us in our lives. And you know as said in the revelation, also there’s tremendous…within the entire New Message, there is an immense calling going out. A calling. And we have a passage here to reflect this calling: To be called means to be prepared. To be prepared means a great reformation, not only in your outer life but in your experience of your own nature and destiny; a great shift from living a life of fear and greed, ambition and constant aggravation, to one of a deeper purpose…” So this calling…Feeling compelled, quietly sometimes; sometimes not so quietly…This pull, this pull almost from childhood… You can probably look back in your life and almost identify this kind of pull that you may have been feeling. You probably would not even be here if it weren’t for this, this sense of being compelled. This is the process of Inner Reformation that has been taking place in you. And I know we haven’t arrived necessarily, but we can give along the way as we see to and as we know to. So that’s what the New Message is calling for. And you can imagine on a scale, on a larger scale than just us in our lives what this can yield. Amazing, it could be amazing—not to paint a picture here that’s out of keeping with reality, either, because that’s why there’s a calling because more of this is needed: more contribution, more presence of mind, more presence from one to another. So that’s it. So let me just see here again, see, check our…to see what you all are experiencing and saying. So Victor says: Thank you Victor for being able to actually express that, to live it. So that’s good. I think—I don’t know how you feel, but—I’m very consoled to know that there are others out there that are taking this on. I, you know, go about my daily activities and in the way back of my mind—and sometimes not so far back—I feel, I can feel you and others out there beginning to inch your way through the morass of our own minds and emotions to the world, to a presence of mind, to being here and to giving. So I just want you to know that that contributes to my sense of personal health. Another important passage from this rev that speaks to decisions, the importance of our decisions…and this is important. I know I can be very challenged in decision making myself. And if anything, if ever there’s a time for the need for Knowledge, it’s around decisions, correct? What do I really know about something? What’s the best way to go? For example, this is what this revelation says: It is a series of great decisions, you see, that must be made in the minds and hearts of enough people. The need is so great. The urgency is building. You can feel it. It is your restlessness. It is that which calls you to a greater service. It is your impatience with little and foolish things, for your time is precious, your decisions are consequential, and Heaven is calling upon you… “ Thank you for your contributions. This is our time to be together right now. Others will find this revelation and some of our comments in the future, so know you’re making a contribution even here. Oh, Ilhun writes—this is on another platform: And Douglas writes on another platform here that I’m seeing: And I do think in history there was a Reformation that occurred in early Christianity. Reformation, re-formation, recasting: it’s powerful; needs to happen. If you look at how each of us came together in early development, some of it was very haphazard, some of it was very native to us and our fundamental nature, and some of it…or else some of this occurred as a result of outside influences. And so we need, in a sense, to recast ourselves—recast ourselves. And in the process of recasting ourselves, we will be faced with decisions, decisions along the way, you know, as we have made them and how they have laid the groundwork for where we are today in life. You know in this passage from the revelation, “Knowledge must inform our decisions”: This is the reformation, you see. You cannot do this to yourself, for you need the power of Knowledge. It will give you the strength, the direction and the clarity to make the many decisions you must make that will enable you to turn a real corner in your life.” It’s wonderful how intimate these revelations are and how they speak to next, real corner we must turn. Will we turn that corner or will we shoot right past it? Intimate. These revelations were given with just the humble individual in mind. It’s wonderful. It’s beautiful. It’s very reassuring. So we’re needed. We’re needed. This process that we are engaged with is important. And I know in stepping back, we can’t fully even see the intention for our existence, let alone the full greater intention, even though the New Message does speak to this greater intention for humanity. So it’s a big stretch for us to consider not just our existence, but the human race. So in this passage from the revelation: Why our Reformation is needed: God is now calling all of humanity to prepare for the great change that is coming to the world and for its encounter with intelligent life in the universe—the two greatest events in all of human history, the two most consequential events in human history, either of which has the power to destroy human civilization, each of which has the power to generate a greater commitment and a greater future for the human family.” [as published] And this greater future that we are in a position to contribute to is revealed further in the New Message. I encourage you in your explorations to keep this in mind, to keep this larger dimension. Because somehow we’re attuned to that. We’re calibrated, each of us in a way…maybe I’m speaking out of turn, but we’re calibrated to a larger reality I think natively, and that accounts for sometimes our discomfort, you know? Because life isn’t all about just us. We’re connected to something bigger. And on the largest, greatest, most profound level it’s connected to God and that entire reality. So, wonderful. So let me just take one more look and see what we’re saying to each other. Diane writes: So she’s responding to that passage. And Ezequiel: Yeah. It’s wonderful that we can be here together to take this all in. It’s a stretch. It’s a stretch. And so we’d love to send, to take home with all of ourselves here now a question, me as well. And this question with regard to the Reformation and our life and mine: Yeah. Part of you almost has to act like a scout and go out ahead of yourself and down the road aways to look a little bit further than the circumstances that you’re living in and then come back, and then come back with a perspective. But we can be with this question. It’s good to be with questions like this. Periodically over a cup of tea under a beautiful tree, sit down and just see where you’re at with this question: Good. So, wonderful. It’s a sense of relief now. I feel a sense of relief around this revelation that it’s being communicated and released to the world. It’s wonderful. And you were the first to be here to hear it, to read it, to experience it. It’s very good. And this revelation The Reformation is actually the title of a forthcoming book of Revelation in the future that The Society for the New Message is in the process of compiling, and this revelation The Reformation is part of this book. And it’s got some very powerful revelations in it to accompany this: The Age of Women; Restoring the World; The [God’s] New Message for Political Leaders, if you can imagine; The New Message for Religious Leaders—can you imagine, I wonder, oh my God, what is that going to be? What kind of message is that? Real Change; The New Message for the Impoverished and the Oppressed. Very powerful. So thank you for your support of this endeavor of The Society in terms of giving this Revelation to the world, so that as it interacts with real lives, real people, our lives and others just beyond us, a step beyond us who we may have the opportunity perhaps to share the New Message with, let’s say. And definitely consider this particular platform as a resource for you to go back and be with some of these revelations just as they were released. You can hear what was said before and after each of these, which were very recently released for the first time: Marriage and Higher Purpose, The Battleground, Raising Children. Beautiful revelations, powerful revelations now moving in the world. So they’re here. And we appreciate your support in visiting this particular platform to hear these revelations. We’ll be gathering again in two weeks’ time to continue this process of bringing forward the New Message from God. There are hundreds of revelations and we need to walk down this road and carry this Revelation with us on our shoulders and give this to the world, extend this to the world to those who need it, to those to whom it would help, and to whatever end on a larger level, meeting the intention for which this Revelation was given. So it’s wonderful being here with you. And I’ll take time, and I hope you will too, to read the comments and to be with what each of us have said and are communicating. Feel free to continue the conversation online. And it’s wonderful to have this. Maybe we’ll meet one day, who’s to say? In person. Can you imagine? So… In two weeks, we’ll be gathering here. And the next revelation to be released is What God Wills for You. What God Wills…can you imagine? This may be a big gangbuster revelation, so we’ll have to see. We’ll have to see. So… Thank you so much for being present, for taking this revelation in, to be the first to receive it. So thank you. And until we meet again, hopefully in two weeks or in whatever way, on whatever platform.
What compelled you to be here? What are the next steps you need to take in your life? And consider this bigger question: What has been calling to you the whole way?
Oh, I feel something coming about something.
Every time I have received one of these revelations, of which there are many hundreds, it is an experience of overpowering presence and grace for me.
To use the wasted years of your life and turn them into the makings of a greater wisdom, and therefore a greater gift to others…
This revelation has redirected my mind away from complaining and given it a positive direction for a contribution to the future.
Benevolent and non-judgmental in character is my true God assigned responsibility and divine life purpose. Compassion and action and being of service to others is my God given duties.
What a wonderful moment to hear the Voice spoken to Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad, and many other great teachers with the Messenger Marshall, and for many of us.
Many Christians think of the word Reformation as “the exposure and dismantling of a racket designed to exploit people’s true religious impulses.”
For you to do something for the world every time you recognize and follow Knowledge…
For this is a mountain to climb. Though the philosophers may be gathered at the base of this mountain, it is only those who climb it who will understand what it really requires and means.
What does reformation mean for you in your life? Given what this Revelation is calling for, what does reformation mean for you and your life?
Given what this Revelation is calling for, what does reformation mean for you and your life? Or me and my life?
In some tiny way, as the spoken revelation draws to an end I think can glimpse, maybe what it must be like for Marshal as the presence withdraws. Left with the stirring of those words in silence but suddenly you realise that it is not silent, the sounds of the world are all around but somehow they were absent for a time. May the teachers be with all of us.
This revelation again brings to attention that to even begin to make the changes in the world (this reformation calls for), an inner reformation must come first. So what I hope to take with me from this is what is necessary for that. Learning to receive Knowledge and learning to respond to it. Otherwise we’ll be drowning ourselves in an endless pile of -other things-, things that will not bring forward our true gifts for the world. So yes please, it seems key to first rediscover that package from Heaven, and to learn to deliver -that- to the world.
Also it was encouraging to learn that the world will already begin to benefit from every bit and piece of Knowledge we can receive.
Again, thank you very much for everything.