The Revelation Brings a Calling

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during Night 6 of the Messenger’s Vigil, Jan 27, 2016.
Full Broadcast
2016 Messenger’s Vigil Archive
Good evening everyone. I’d like to read to you a Secret from the Secrets of Heaven, which represents some of the early, very mystical teachings of the New Message. This is Secret #250:
“Just as little children cannot raise themselves, you cannot raise yourself. We could not raise ourselves. The return to God is a return to shared identity. Here, there is a great learning responsibility that the individual must assume. This certainly is a challenge in and of itself.”
Clearly, if there was a Calling for you and for the world, it means that you have come here to fulfill a destiny. Otherwise, you would just let God do everything for you—or think that God is doing everything for you, which is quite irresponsible, actually.
So my Calling tonight is for the world, which includes you. And I give it to you because you have a responsibility in being here that was given to you before you came, that lives within you now, that has been with you at every turn of your life, in every situation, in every relationship—waiting, watching, silently moving you into a position to receive something at a certain time and point in your life, when things could line up, for you.
Circumstances, other people, your own temperament—some kind of triangulation would take place where things would line up for you. Where what you want and what you know and what the world requires of you has a dramatic intersection—often very combustible intersection, since there’s inherent disharmony there.
So I will call to the world tonight, but I am calling to you to call to the world because God is not going to repair the world. You, we, I, have been sent to repair the world. And now for the first time in 1400 years, a new Revelation is being given, to repair the world at its most critical turning point.
So that is why, with a Revelation, there must be a Calling and the Messenger must call people to him or her. And the Calling is not simply a proclamation or a spoken word, but the ignition of a process that, if you respond, will begin to move your life, from the inside out—from a force you will not understand, a power that seems more complete than your intellect or your will, that over time will defy your attempts to control or deny or hide.
My Calling for the world is for the world, not for one nation, not for one tribe, not for one region or religion alone, but for every nation and everywhere in the world and every person at every station within that world, excuse me, within that nation, in every nation—who can respond. And not everyone can respond, certainly.
I bring with me the New Revelation that is here to save humanity from internal disintegration and collapse and from subjugation from other forces in the universe—converging forces and events that are occurring in our time, and that will accelerate in the times to come.
I bring this to you and for you at a critical turning point. But to see this you would have to know the need, which you cannot fully see. You would have to see the crisis emerging over the horizon and that you can begin to see if you have the courage to face it, the strength to recognize it and the humility to know that you have no answer for it.
So God must now give the world what it cannot see and cannot know: the shared identity. Here you do not give up your power for God, but you unite your power with God, which is a small power united with a great power because God needs your eyes and ears, your skills, your voice, your efforts, your creations, your relationships, your failures—everything—because you have been sent here to play your part in saving the world.
And when you begin to face this and accept this within yourself, you will see you have always felt this and that trivial pursuits and hopeless romances never had your heart and soul in it to begin with, because God is not speaking to your intellect, but into the deeper part of you, if you can feel that. So I call that from you.
Or you will either not respond or you will respond foolishly, thinking that God is here to give you what you want, to fulfill your desires and your ambitions, instead of to employ you in a Greater Service of great meaning and importance, not just for you, but for those you do not know and will never meet.
I bring the New Message to uplift and restore whoever can respond, who will take the Steps to Knowledge, who will listen, who will follow within themselves. For the God, you must honor is not simply above and beyond you, but working inside of you, in a place perhaps you’ve rarely experienced—which is the center of your power and integrity in this world, your ability to unite with others and to serve from a position of strength and compassion.
Because I am the Messenger, I will spark the Calling for certain people directly. I will not target them; they will just simply be the ones to respond, deeply, who have more than a mere interest in this or a curiosity, or a seeking an advantage in knowing me or knowing this.
Certain people will be ignited. Some of them will oppose me because they are ignited and cannot accept it. Others will take too much time to respond and miss their opportunity. And others will step forward and begin a preparation not of their own making, but which has been made for them and was made for them before they even came.
My life is a platform for the New Message—nothing more, nothing less. And for forty years, that has been the case. Though for the first 24 years I was instructed, taken into very unique preparation training, not knowing what it was for, what it was, where it would lead me, taking my young family with me, to places that I felt I must go…at times feeling quite lost and confused. But there was always a Presence there that made me know that I had to do this thing, which made no sense.
So I call upon you to take a mysterious journey, where you will do things that do not make sense and you cannot justify; you cannot see any advantage for yourself. And it will cost you things. For where you stand at this moment you cannot know a Higher Purpose. Something has to happen in you and I call for that. I call for it in the world.
I call upon the leaders of nations to begin to recognize the great challenge, the great change that is coming to the world that is moving relentlessly over the horizon. And the New Message has spoken about this in ever-increasing urgency—and yet, the nations and the people are barely responding.
Who has the vision? Who can see the great storm coming? Who can feel it in the earth, the ground, in their skin, in their feelings? Who are willing to live with the question, without the answer? Are you willing to live with questions without answers?
So the Revelation tells us what is coming and how to prepare. The Earth is changing now and when the Earth changes, civilizations die and have died before. There’s nowhere to hide. There’s no refuge, except the Truth and the Purpose and the Calling.
If you cannot respond, who can? You who have read a part of the Revelation, if you cannot respond, who can respond? Who will respond? I call for that, in the world and from you.
I call upon the religions of the world to end their ceaseless conflicts, for they were all initiated by God and they’ve all been changed by man. Now, with their divergent purposes and intentions, conflicting stories, systems of belief, in violation of their Messengers’ intention, purpose. They, who must now, with me and you and others in the world, prepare humanity for the great waves of change.
Failure to do this is utter neglect of their people and their social responsibility. But do they know? Are they aware? Or are they living in the past with their back to the future, thinking life will be as it always has been, for “nothing really changes”? Who will tell them and will they receive this, in humility, honesty?
Religion without Knowledge becomes delusional. Religion is Knowledge. Without Knowledge, it falls to the intentions of self-seeking power, prejudice and omission, just like everything else on Earth.
The New Message is here to prepare you for these two great things, each of which has the power to destroy human civilization: the great waves of change and our encounter with a universe of intelligent life.
But God’s Messages come also to restore the pure religion within people, which is evident in all the great faith traditions, but either hidden or overlaid with so much other things. We live at a time now when people can act in their societies, which was not true in the ancient world. We live at a time where people can change their circumstances, which was not true in the ancient world. People can affect outcomes, which was not true in the ancient world.
So that is why God’s New Revelation is a Call for human responsa-ability, and for the power of Knowledge in the individual. For without this Knowledge, the will and the determination will not be there to do what must be done. No one will take enough responsibility or not enough people will take responsibility, for what must be done and take the steps to resolution, which are many, for it will take a thousand solutions to keep our planet from becoming uninhabitable and we only have a few.
Can you live with that? This is why the Revelation is necessary, for without it, people would fight or succumb, thinking God is punishing them now, for their sins and errors, when in truth, all they’ve done is ruin the world that they depend upon for everything here in life, except for Heaven.
It will be shared intention, shared identity, that will bring you to what God has put within you and will reconnect you with your Source. And with this, you have the strength that surpasses belief and ideology, fear, hatred, ambivalence. And I call this for the world, and I will call this from religious leaders and civic leaders, and they will hate to hear it. But they must hear it. And from people religious, some of whom will hate to hear this, but they must hear it. And when they hear it, they will not forget it—and though they may oppose it, I have still planted the seed within them, which in time they must accept.
Let us then accept that we are called here for a Greater Purpose beyond our own needs, desires and will for happiness. And that this purpose will reshape our experience of being in the world, freeing you from unworthiness, freeing you from doubt and self-repudiation, condemnation of others—cleansing your mind, bringing you into the wholeness with which God created you and sent you into this world to serve.
May the Power and the Presence be with us. And may the Calling continue through us, between us, through you to others and from them to others.
Nasi Novare Coram.