The Revelation of “The New God Experience” Part 1

January 3, 2017
The Messenger’s #1 Afterglow recording of his experience receiving “The New God Experience.”
This is January 3, 2017.
I was awoken at 5:15 this morning, not just awoken but urged to get up—a powerful urge. It’s as if a light had been shone upon me, but the light was shone upon me on the inside, shining from within somewhere in the vastness of Creation. It woke me up, urged me to get up, urged me to wake my son and my wife to be with me as I began to realize that I was being called. And even when I woke, looking out into the dark room of my bedroom, the atmosphere was electric, as if infinitesimal little points of light were vibrating, having been activated by a greater force and power.
I got up and sat for about an hour to be with the Presence, and as I did so, I could feel the weight upon my head, the pressure of Heaven that I have come to recognize over these years. Then a great canopy began to descend, high above, higher than I could see or even imagine, to envelop me, to prepare me. Slowly this took place.
And once the three of us were assembled and the recording equipment set up and everything was ready, I prayed, I offered myself in submission, saying, “I will receive whatever must be received, whether I understand it or not, whether I believe it or not, whether it makes any sense to me or not, whatever it is, I am here to receive.”
And so I submitted myself in this way. Things became very, very still, and yet I was deeply immersed in the Presence. Then finally I heard, deep within my mind, “Let Us begin.” A message I have heard so many times before in receiving Revelation: “Let us begin.” And then it begins…and I am just a witness while this miracle happens through me.
Recalling, remembering very little, only tidbits here and there of what was said. And then it ends. And there is a benediction. And then the great enveloping Presence begins to ascend, slowly ascending, until I am left alone in a very quiet space. My mind is very quiet.
So I relish these moments of a quiet mind, a gift of Revelation before I become re-engaged with the world. Only when I listen to the Revelation will I really hear it for the first time.
God is with us. Let us be with God. For God is serving the world through a great Revelation. Let us be grateful that this is so and be responsive and responsible in receiving this great gift. I pray that many will do this.
J’écoute cette expérience vécue par Marshall avec la Présence dans une Révélation supplémentaire, et je suis émerveillé de l”Amour qu’il reçois dans cette divine et mystérieuse “communication”, qui exprime ainsi cette divine Présence constante qui nous enseigne avec un tel dévouement et amour. Merci Marshall de nous communiquer “ce vécu intérieur”
I prayed, I offered myself in submission, saying, “I will receive whatever must be received, whether I understand it or not, whether I believe it or not, whether it makes any sense to me or not, whatever it is, I am here to receive.” This moves me deeply.