The Shared Pursuit of Destiny

Watch Marshall Summers speak on Day Two of the Messenger’s Vigil, Feb 19, 2022.

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Simply said, your destiny is a fulfillment of your purpose, your real purpose, not the purpose you invented for yourself. But it’s really deeper than that because, for instance, if you’re beginning the study of the New Message or Steps to Knowledge, it is your purpose to do that. That is the stage, that’s the Steps that you are in.

And that may take a lot of time because Steps to Knowledge will help you to consider your life and how it might need to be reorganized, clarified, what elements in it might need to be changed or released. And that’s all personal change that can take quite a bit of time, and just the determination to do those things can take time. 

So Steps to Knowledge is happening at many different levels. On one hand, it’s teaching your mind to think in alignment with Knowledge so your mind is not some errant force that is completely unaligned and can’t align with the Teaching and Knowledge itself. You begin to think in alignment with Knowledge, which enables you to begin to bridge that gap between your personal self and the deeper Self of Knowledge within you.

But destiny is something way out there. And you may have a destiny to be here, but that’s pointing a direction; that’s not a conclusion. And the New Message says in the teaching on Walking with the Messenger, from The New Messenger book. I’ll read this to you:

For you see, destiny is everything, for everyone was sent into the world for a higher purpose. If their purpose can be discovered and fulfilled sufficiently, then someone is fulfilling their greater destiny.

I’ll read it to you again.

For you see, destiny is everything, for everyone was sent into the world for a higher purpose. If their purpose can be discovered and fulfilled sufficiently, then someone is fulfilling their greater destiny.

So what is fulfilling your purpose sufficiently? I don’t think we can determine what that is. And there’s another caveat to this; and that is that to carry forth your destiny, to carry forth your purpose to fulfill your destiny, there are other people that are going to be intrinsically involved that will be part of your activity in the world, or maybe pivotal, critically important, to be part of your activity in the world, part of your purpose because your purpose is shared by nature. Part of the reason that you have a purpose is to unite you with other people, certain people, in engaging in something very important in life beyond your own personal interests or orientation. This is what helps to begin to unravel Separation within your mind and within your life and circumstances. 

So I’ll read to you now this Step, from Steps to Knowledge. This is Step 232: My calling in life requires the development of others.

For your calling to emerge in your life, it is not merely your own development that is essential, but the development of others with whom you will be directly engaged. Because your purpose in life involves your engagement with others, it is not a singular pursuit. It is not an individual fulfillment. In reality, there is no individual who is completely separate from other individuals because individuality has meaning only in terms of expressing that which binds and joins all life.

So the caveat here is that others who are destined to be a part of your destiny have to make the rendezvous, and you have to make the rendezvous. Because your destiny is something that is really planned beyond you in your life. You just need to know—and you find out as you discover Knowledge—that it’s setting a direction for you, and the direction, in part, is to engage you with certain individuals who may or may not make that rendezvous. If they don’t make that rendezvous, then you may not be able to fulfill the purpose as it was originally designed.

But it does not mean that you will fail in life. Because as I understand it…This is a very difficult thing to understand, by the way. I don’t think we can see, we can’t see the whole picture of it. But if engaging with your purpose towards your destiny leads you to a place where you become fully engaged with that in your most authentic way—and you still have a personality and you still have personal desires and needs but they’re no longer dominating your attention—then you may reach a point where your destiny, which wasn’t just to accomplish something, but to reach a point of development in the process of accomplishing something.

The New Message wants to engage you in the world, not to separate yourself from the world to seek enlightenment, but fulfill something that needs to be done in coordination with certain people. And the extent to which you can do that and the amount of development that occurs by doing that, will fulfill your destiny. So you don’t need to come here anymore. 

What that means is that you become a beginner at the next stage of evolution. It doesn’t mean you go to Heaven to live in bliss forevermore. You just enter another level of participation and coordination in life, now beyond the visible range. But even that is not your ultimate destiny.

So when you graduate from this world finally, you’re given other tasks, mostly to assist those who remain behind. So the Presence you may feel from time to time may be the Presence of those who remain behind who are assigned to help you. 

So the training and development continues. But the service continues because your development apart from service is not going to fulfill your destiny. A destiny means you’re here in the world to do something in concert with certain individuals to make a difference here in the world of Separation.

It’s different from the traditional teachings of enlightenment because we live in an age where there’s enough freedom in the world to actually change things, which really wasn’t the case in times of antiquity. You really couldn’t change anything. So it was really about ascension, basically. Or you had to touch the lives of certain people, yes. You had to engage with certain people, yes. So that’s still true. But the emphasis on achieving certain things for the world wasn’t at the same degree of emphasis as it is now. I hope you can understand that. That’s why we’re sent into the world at this time to be in the world to serve these times.

It is your service and the development that occurs in the process of discovering and fulfilling that service that together fulfills your destiny. So it has more components to it than just my saying that your destiny is the fulfillment of your purpose. And clearly your purpose is not the one you invent for yourself, but the one that Knowledge holds for you that will reveal itself to you as you become prepared to recognize it and receive it and learn how to give over the reins of certain parts of your life to Knowledge. Not all your life. Because Knowledge wants you to be in the driver’s seat to navigate traffic, to take care of all the details that you will have to take care of. 

There’s no giving yourself over to God. When you do that, God gives you right back to yourself. “Not my job! Take your life. You have Knowledge, within you to guide you. That will be enough.” It’s a very different emphasis than perhaps what you may have learned before or what has been taught in earlier times.

So I wanted to give this caveat of the importance of the development of others to fulfillment of your destiny because this is not a singular pursuit. And you yourself personally will not be able to tell who those individuals are. You may be enamored with someone. You may fall in love with them. You may think they’re just the most ultimate person, but they’re not it. When you reach someone with whom you share destiny, that’s something else. And that’s at a juncture where you have made enough progress within yourself that you can actually deal with a relationship like that and accept it in your life.

So, such things are coordinated at levels beyond our awareness and understanding. So welcome to the big time.

Open Session Transcript

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