The Spiritual Journey: A Shift and Awakening to a Greater Experience of Life

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Opening Broadcast, January 24, 2018.
I feel many can perhaps identify the signs of this journey and this awakening for themselves, a sense of shift that something has shifted at a deep level as if a switch has been thrown, and it’s changing how you view yourself and others in the world. And the things that you naturally did or, you know, all the hobbies and interests and conversations and casual relationships—something can’t go on at that level for you, perhaps. You can’t tolerate superficial conversation; can’t tolerate the noise of the world, the overstimulation of life on earth. This shift is underway and the switch has been thrown.
And it’s almost like at a deep level you’ve been turned 180 degrees and you’re facing a completely new landscape of life, but at the surface, you’re still facing in the same old direction—same life, same job, same circumstances. But down here the deeper part of you just turned. (chuckles) And you didn’t do it. Maybe you weren’t even looking for something. Maybe you were just trying to be happy and, you know, escape pain and embrace joy, and just live a good life. And yet something turned and now things aren’t the same at some level. And it’s remarkable that that’s happening for people, that that awakening is underway.
And slowly over time as we begin to slow down the mind and decrease the stimulation and listen more, we can come into contact with this mind within us, and experience life from this level. Ultimately it’s that that holds the promise for the awakening, that Knowledge can become our foundation, our ground of being, that Knowledge can speak through our mind—the surface mind, can move us in the world, move us people to people to place to purpose so that Knowledge can communicate through this life in this world at this time. Because Knowledge is connected to the greater evolution of the world.
Knowledge is fundamentally aligned to the evolutionary path our world is taking. But we are not yet aware of that path at the level of our thinking. We’re not yet in alignment. And so there feels like, at times, a battle, kind of a fork within us. Personally we want to go this way, but something within us deeper is pushing us this way. We’re saying “no” to this.
And so, as we engage more fully with Knowledge and begin the journey of steps toward Knowledge, we can resolve that schism within, that schism between the knowing and the thinking, between our greater destiny and all the ideas and hopes and wishes and fears that we may have about our life. And so because Knowledge is connected to the greater evolution of our world, it is fundamentally about movement.
And this is one of the things we really want you to remember today: that Knowledge, the spiritual mind within you, is about moving you, both physically, but also mentally and emotionally. It’s about getting you into position because in all likelihood you’re not yet living the life you know you must live. You’re not where you need to be yet. Perhaps you’re living a life that was created back when you knew nothing about any of this when you married the person who seemed to have the same interests as you. And you took the job that just kind of popped up and made itself available. And you just kind of followed the prompts of family and religion—society at large. And you find yourself in a life that actually isn’t the life you were meant to live.
And so the journey to a new life is a major component of the way of Knowledge. And we’ll be talking about that more. But remember that Knowledge is about moving, OK? Knowledge may stimulate realization so that it can move you, so that you can get where you need to be with the people you need to be with, doing what you need to be doing. And as we come back into contact with Knowledge, maybe we will feel that most essential and basic prompting, which is go or stop. Go that way. Don’t go that way. Very basic—no ideology, no cosmology, no religion, perhaps for some—very basic and essential to you.
And the beauty and the miracle of this is that this is God. This is God moving in your life. And it’s so elemental. And it is fully within you and your purview to be aware of and to respond to and to follow. You don’t need an intermediary or an institution or approval from an authority figure. This is God within you, moving you according to a greater plan and a Greater Coordination.
So you know, I’d like to share this with you Marshall said to us yesterday, Patricia and I. He said, “If you have Knowledge then you have purpose. If you have purpose then you have destiny—somewhere you are meant to go.”
So this Vigil is really a time of opening when we can see again, feel again, hear again that prompting of Knowledge at the most essential level, and remind ourselves that we do have a greater destiny. We have somewhere we need to be. And it is supporting that movement in our lives that Steps to Knowledge: the Book of Inner Knowing has been given, which is the pathway of preparation to bring the thinking mind into contact with the knowing mind. And the Steps are available. They’re being studied by people around the world.
And so we have this fork in the road, you know. We have two different ways we could go from here if this stirring and calling is happening in your life, if you have felt that sense of destiny throughout your life and the signs are there, then you can either recognize this awakening and support it and see what it means, take the Steps that it indicates and prepare yourself, take the journey out of the old life where you may find yourself today, or in the past, to the new life that represents a life of Knowledge. That’s one path. That’s one way to go.
Or this awakening can be denied and neglected. It can be disparaged, doubted. It can be called many things. It can be called insanity. It can be called self-righteousness. It can be called all sorts of things. And you may hear that, especially if you share this experience with people who cannot resonate with it or for whom it creates an experience of fear because they themselves are not having this occur in their life, or maybe they are, but they can’t accept it. And without this Knowledge and in the denial of this awakening, we will continue to live a haphazard life. We will continue to be vulnerable to all the influences and manipulative forces in the world, especially now as humanity encounters forms of intelligent life from beyond the world—very challenging new threshold.
And so, we have these two ways to go. And the consequence of our decision is real and it can’t be understated; it can’t be made anything other than what it is. And in all likelihood where we stand now is at the threshold of a realization. We are realizing some things incrementally.