The Way Out of a Hopeless Dilemma
Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Broadcast, Apr 18, 2020.
Full Broadcast
Knowledge is really the most important part of us. It represents who we were before we came into this world, who we’ll be after we leave this world. And this Knowledge that we’ve brought with us holds for us our greater purpose and destiny in the world. But of course, we all become overlaid with culture, family, sensations, trauma, fear, desire, preferences, until that great light within us becomes hidden, like under a bush or under a shade. And you know, this Knowledge we have is amazing. It’s so much more than what we think of as intuition, for example. Intuition, real intuition, does emerge from it.
But what Knowledge really is is who you are, who you always were and always will be. And in the world, you take on a form and a shape and identity and a role. And the world shapes you and the world changes you. The world distorts you; the world pains you; it pleases you, but it takes away a lot. So in normal life with a normal level of busyness and work and family and relationships and interests, there’s no time, there’s no space to really discover what this is. And so people are functioning blind, just working on assumptions and beliefs, following other people, waiting for experts to tell them what reality is, or to explain everything that seems confusing or complicated.
But we have this great gift. It’s a Divine gift to us because God is not going to micromanage your life for you. God has put the perfect guiding Intelligence within you. And that is why it is the most important resource we have ultimately. Knowledge is fearless. It cannot be corrupted by the world. It cannot be dissuaded by the world. It’s only limited by the limitations we place upon it, by our fears and preferences, by our obsessions, our condemnation of others—the things that dominate our minds, the things that haunt us, the things that drive us. But beneath that is a great still water called Knowledge. It’s not like our personal mind at all.
And so we want to offer you this great resource. It is the greatest gift that God can give you because it’s the way out of a hopeless dilemma living a haphazard life, a life of pleasure and pain, fear and desire, feeling manipulated by the world around you, losing faith in institutions and leaders, driving ever more into despair or hopelessness, particularly in the face of something like we’re facing now. It’s a downward spiral, and many people are lost in that downward spiral.
So Knowledge then becomes what real spirituality is at it’s very, very foundation. You could be a Christian, could be a Muslim, could be a Jew, a Buddhist, traditional religion, native religion. But at the core of them all is your relationship with the Divine. And your relationship with the Divine is connected to Knowledge within you. It’s not a belief system. It’s not a church or a synagogue or a temple that you go to. It is a fundamental relationship that is already real within you, deep beneath the surface of your mind.
Now it’s the most practical thing in the world because only it knows how to get you out of situations that seem almost impossible to escape. Not that you have just an answer, it’s a series of steps that you will have to take. To make any big changes in your life, your relationships, your career, that’s a series of steps to take; each one leads to the next one. You don’t just have a theory or a plan or a conclusion. You begin to take steps, steps towards your new life.
‘Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.’ (Dan Brown)
Marshall improves on this with a little realism, “the nearly impossible.”